three.js: Limiting camera's rotation - three.js

I'm working with three.js, attempting to model a real world camera. As such, I'd like to limit its axis of rotation to 90 degrees along x and y axises.
Is there a simply way to do this? My current code isn't working particularly well (and goes crazy when you attempt to move the camera past the X and Y boundaries simultaneously)
if(xRot != null && xRot != undefined){
if(yRot != null && yRot != undefined){
if(camera.rotation.x < minCameraRotX){
camera.rotation.x = minCameraRotX;
}else if (camera.rotation.x > maxCameraRotX){
camera.rotation.x = maxCameraRotX;
if(camera.rotation.y < minCameraRotY){
camera.rotation.y = minCameraRotY;
}else if(camera.rotation.y > maxCameraRotY){
camera.rotation.y = maxCameraRotY;
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

I actually managed to find a solution by checking some of the existing code in a Three.js demo for a library called PointerLock. The idea is to actually stack multiple objects inside each other: start with an object that moves horizontally (the yaw object), place another object inside the yaw object that moves vertically (the pitch object), and then place the actual camera inside the pitch object.
Then, you only rotate the outside objects (yaw and pitch) along their respective axises, so if you rotate both, they'll self-correct. For example, if you rotate the yaw 45 degrees along the y-axis (making it turn to the right) and then rotate the pitch 45 degrees (making it turn downward), the pitch will go 45 degrees downward from the yaw's already rotated position.
Given that the camera is inside both, it just points wherever the yaw and pitch direct it.
Here is the code
* Root object is a Yaw object (which controls horizontal movements)
* Yaw object contains a Pitch object (which controls vertical movement)
* Pitch object contains camera (which allows scene to be viewed)
* Entire setup works like an airplane with a
* camera embedded in the propellor...
// Yaw Object
var yawObject = new THREE.Object3D();
// Pitch Object
var pitchObject = new THREE.Object3D();
// Camera Object
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fov, aspect, near, far);
// Max Camera angles (in radians)
var minCameraRotX = 0.5;
var maxCameraRotX = 0.5;
var minCameraRotY = 1;
var maxCameraRotY = 1;
// Setup
yawObject.add( pitchObject );
pitchObject.add( camera );
var rotateCamera = function(xRot, yRot, zRot){
yawObject.rotation.y += yRot;
pitchObject.rotation.x += xRot;
// Enforce X-axis boundaries (rotates around y-axis)
yawObject.rotation.y = Math.max( minCameraRotY, Math.min( maxCameraRotY, yawObject.rotation.y ) );
// Enforce Y-axis boundaries (rotates around x-axis)
pitchObject.rotation.x = Math.max( minCameraRotX, Math.min( maxCameraRotX, pitchObject.rotation.x ) );
Here is the source code I referenced:
Also, this is sort of cheesy, but this little plane cartoon helped me visual exactly what was going on in my setup


threejs rotate the object gradually to where camera is looking using orbit control

I'm planning to use Orbit Control to do a simple 3rd person camera view,
But I cant seem to figure out how to do it.
when I rotate the camera around an object, and press say “W” key to move forward, I want the object “look” to gradually rotate and move to the new direction the camera is facing.
How can I do that?
It's possible to do exactly that by gradually rotating the object to the camera direction.
Made a codepen here which uses a generic replacement to orbit controls for simplicity:
// Get the X-Z plane in which camera is looking to move the player
const cameraDirection = tempCameraVector.setY(0).normalize();
// Get the X-Z plane in which player is looking to compare with camera
const playerDirection = tempModelVector.setY(0).normalize();
// Get the angle to x-axis. z component is used to compare if the angle is clockwise or anticlockwise since angleTo returns a positive value
const cameraAngle = cameraDirection.angleTo(xAxis) * (cameraDirection.z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
const playerAngle = playerDirection.angleTo(xAxis) * (playerDirection.z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
// Get the angle to rotate the player to face the camera. Clockwise positive
const angleToRotate = playerAngle - cameraAngle;
// Get the shortest angle from clockwise angle to ensure the player always rotates the shortest angle
let sanitisedAngle = angleToRotate;
if(angleToRotate > Math.PI) {
sanitisedAngle = angleToRotate - 2 * Math.PI
if(angleToRotate < -Math.PI) {
sanitisedAngle = angleToRotate + 2 * Math.PI
// Rotate the model by a tiny value towards the camera direction
Math.max(-0.05, Math.min(sanitisedAngle, 0.05))

How to convert world rotation to screen rotation?

I need to convert the position and rotation on a 3d object to screen position and rotation. I can convert the position easily but not the rotation. I've attempted to convert the rotation of the camera but it does not match up.
Attached is an example plunkr & conversion code.
The white facebook button should line up with the red plane.
function toScreenPosition(position, camera, width, height) {
var p = new THREE.Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
var vector = p.project(camera);
vector.x = (vector.x + 1) / 2 * width;
vector.y = -(vector.y - 1) / 2 * height;
return vector;
function updateScreenElements() {
var btn = document.querySelector('#btn-share')
var pos = plane.getWorldPosition();
var vec = toScreenPosition(pos, camera, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var translate = "translate3d("+vec.x+"px,"+vec.y+"px,"+vec.z+"px)";
var euler = camera.getWorldRotation();
var rotate = "rotateX("+euler.x+"rad)"+
" rotateY("+(euler.y)+"rad)"+
" rotateY("+(euler.z)+"rad)"; translate+ " "+rotate;
... And a screenshot of the issue.
I would highly recommend not trying to match this to the camera space, but instead to apply the image as a texture map to the red plane, and then use a raycast to see whether a click goes over the plane. You'll save yourself headache in translating and rotating and then hiding the symbol when it's behind the cube, etc
check out the THREEjs examples to see how to use the Raycaster. It's a lot more flexible and easier than trying to do rotations and matching. Then whatever the 'btn' onclick function is, you just call when you detect a raycast collision with the plane

three.js pointerlock multiplayer enemies rotation not working properly

I am creating a little multiplayer game basing on this three.js pointerlock example
I need to rotate the enemies avatars on the actual player screen, so he can see the direction they are looking at, but I cannot figure out how to properly do it
At the moment each enemy is sending an object with his position and rotation to the server
position: controls.getObject().position,
rotation: controls.getDirection(new THREE.Vector3())
the server receives it and sends to the actual player who with a function selects the respective enemy mesh (avatar) in the map and applies the position/rotation to it
var object = scene.getObjectByName(data.player);
object.position.x = data.position.x;
object.position.y = data.position.y;
object.position.z = data.position.z;
object.rotation.x = data.rotation.y;
object.rotation.y = data.rotation.x;
object.rotation.z = data.rotation.z;
But only the position works, the rotation is not working properly: the resulting rotation axes seem to be inverted and they also vary depending on the direction the actual player is looking at
I tried also to "clone" it into another camera with different rotation.order as described here
var camera2 = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000);
camera2.rotation.order = 'YXZ';
var yawObject = controls.getObject();
var pitchObject = yawObject.children[0];
camera2.rotation.set(pitchObject.rotation.x, yawObject.rotation.y, 0);
and making enemies send
position: controls.getObject().position,
rotation: camera2.rotation
but rotation is still wrong
I realised that I can rotate objects into pointerlock direction in this way:
var dir = controls.getDirection(new THREE.Vector3());
var dis = 100;
mesh.lookAt({x:d.x * dis, y:d.y * dis, z:d.z * dis});
so I can make enemies send their direction instead of rotation, then make them look at a small distance in that direction.

Why isn't my raycast intersecting anything?

I have this code, designed to find the mesh the user is clicking on:
// scene and camera are defined outside of this code
var mousePoint = new THREE.Vector2();
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
var intersections;
function onClick(event) {
mousePoint.x = event.clientX;
mousePoint.y = event.clientY;
raycaster.setFromCamera(mousePoint, camera);
intersections = raycaster.intersectObjects(
Yet every time I click, intersections comes back as an empty array, with nothing getting intersected. What am I doing wrong?
From the three.js documentation for Raycaster (emphasis mine):
.setFromCamera ( coords, camera )
coords — 2D coordinates of the mouse, in normalized device coordinates (NDC)---X and Y components should be between -1 and 1.
camera — camera from which the ray should originate
Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.
Therefore, when setting the coordinates of mousePoint, instead of setting x and y directly to event.clientX and event.clientY, they should be converted to this coordinate space:
// calculate mouse position in normalized device coordinates
// (-1 to +1) for both components
mousePoint.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mousePoint.y = (event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * -2 + 1;

three.js - Set the rotation of an object in relation to its own axes

I'm trying to make a static 3D prism out of point clouds with specific numbers of particles in each. I've got the the corner coordinates of each side of the prism based on the angle of turn, and tried spawning the particles in the area bound by these coordinates. Instead, the resulting point clouds have kept only the bottom left coordinate.
I've tried to set the rotation of each cloud object such that their edges meet, but they will rotate only around the world centre. I gather this is something to do with rotation matrices and Euler angles, but, having been trying to work them out for 3 solid days, I've despaired. (I'm a sociologist, not a dev, and haven't touched graphics before this project.)
Please help? How do I set the rotation on each face of the prism? Or maybe there is a more sensible way to get the particles to spawn in the correct area in the first place?
The code:
// draw the particles
var n = 0;
do {
var geom = new THREE.Geometry();
var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial({size: 1, vertexColors: true, color: 0xffffff});
for (i = 0; i < group[n]; i++) {
if (geom.vertices.length < group[n]){
var particle = new THREE.Vector3(
Math.random() * screens[n].bottomrightback.x + screens[n].bottomleftfront.x,
Math.random() * screens[n].toprightback.y + screens[n].bottomleftfront.y,
Math.random() * screens[n].bottomrightfront.z + screens[n].bottomleftfront.z);
geom.colors.push(new THREE.Color(Math.random() * 0x00ffff));
var system = new THREE.PointCloud(geom, material);
**// something something matrix Euler something?**
while (n < numGroups);
I've tried to set the rotation of each cloud object such that their
edges meet, but they will rotate only around the world centre.
It is true they only rotate around 0,0,0. The simple solution then is to move the object to the center, rotate it, and then move it back to its original position.
For example (Code not tested so might take a bit of tweaking):
var m = new THREE.Matrix4();
var movetocenter = new THREE.Matrix4();
movetocenter.makeTranslation(-x, -y, -z);
var rotate = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotate.makeRotationFromEuler(); //Build your rotation here
var moveback = new THREE.Matrix4();
moveback .makeTranslation(x, y, z);
//Now you can use geometry.applyMatrix(m)
