I am badly stuck with using DropDown for Edit/Insert in RadGrid. So far I have been successful in displaying data in dropDown inside RadGrid, but not being able to Update to database. While trying to update, I keep getting error:
Telerik.web.UI.GridException "Cannot find a cell bound to a columns name 'XXXX'
Also we cannot use sqldatasource for security purposes. I searched a lot but can't find solution. If someone could provide me with a working code it will be very helpful.
Im trying out Telerik and the application I am working on requires me to have a different create and edit screen. In Mvc you of course had your create and edit page and you could edit those how you like. In Telerik you don't get those, but I was made aware you could create your own edit profile
I then proceeded to do that with the following code
.Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).TemplateName("editClient"))
Good news is that you get a different page for the edit, and the bad news is that, this is also now the create page.
I'm grateful for assistance in getting this done.
I'm completely new to the Dynamics CRM environment.
Within our current implementation, there is a grid which displays a list of current sales opportunities. Within this grid, there is a column for the user which is a link to another part of Dynamics. We want to instead be able to open a new window to another system. How can I customize how that link gets rendered out so that the client "onclick" function can link to a javascript function which will open a new window with the URL we need?
Please see attached:
Snapshot of Dynamics grid
Im afraid that this is not possible with supported customization.
My understanding is that you will keep URL to external system on entity and you would like to be able to open with single click from grid displaying this record?
However, Im not sure if you add this fields as single line of text with format option URL won`t work as expected. If this does not work, you would need a custom grid to display this data.
You can store url in text field with format URL, click on such field will open link in new window/tab.
I am just trying to use keno ui into my project. But Kendo is new to me. So I am not sure how to proper use it. Some of the widgets like dialog window, datepicker, timepicker etc. are easy to use but I am having problem with datagird. Could anybody let me know how can we use datagrid widget server databound and xml as datatype. Please give me little bit give me an example. If possible. Let me know how xml file will look. How can we get page number, number of rows on the server side. I am using asp.net with c# as server side language.
Is there a reason why you want to bind to an xml file? Generally speaking you should be using JSON for the dataSource. For an example of using an xml datasource have you looked at this:
Binding to xml DataSource
If you haven't used these before and have access to the MVC Wrappers then I would suggest looking at this demo as a good starting place for the Grid:
Kendo Grid bound to local data
Kendo Grid bound to remote data
If you use the demo from the first example and apply it to the "local data" example this should get you going. If you get stuck please provide some code showing what you have tried and any issues you are faced with.
I am getting the following error when building an rdlc report using MS ReportViewer: The data set name is missing in the data region 'DataSetName'.
Basically in my dataset I have a tableadapter which links to a stored procedure and a datatable, which does not link to the database. The purpose of the datatable is to allow me to hold the users parameters used in the report so they can be displayed in the report. The RDLC works without the datatable, but I get this error when added in.
I have added the datatable to the report through datasources and have been able to add the fields into the RDLC.
The process I am following is as per the link I have found:
So, have I missed something here, or is it something else?
The way its explained on the link attached is little blurry to catch if yoy are a newbie, Follow this code project link everything explained in detail and code is attached to test locally.
Bind RDLC to report viewer
I want to implement a treeview in my project using vb.net and ajax.
im using a gridview to fetch and show the data. and i want to implement the treeview inside the grid.
its like the name of a person is shown in the gridview and when i click the plus sign or anything next to it it expands with its details. im using sql for retriving the datas.
can anyone provide me any examples? or suggest any sites where i can download any sample code for this?
thanks in advance.
A tree view is normally "folder view" which can be found here
But my suggestion is you use accordion. You can find accordion example here..
Jquery Accordion
Sandbox Accordion
I shall recommend Jquery. You can customize it and write code to load the content on expanding the item, event to write your code is , change event of the Jquery Accordion.