ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask vs ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable - reactiveui

I've seen some discussion going on around using Observables instead of tasks with async/await. I currently make use of CreateFromTask almost exclusively. I've been trying to understand the reasoning behind using CreateFromObservable instead of CreateFromTask.
And if so, what would be the best way to convert a CreateFromTask to a CreateFromObservable.

CreateFromTask is really only there as a helper because we live in a predominantly Task based world :-) In a perfectly reactive world all the libraries you use would just expose Observables. Then you can just be end to end Observables. But seeing as how this isn't the case RxUI includes some helpers to easily pull Tasks into the Commands.
If you look here
You'll see there's even a discussion to just get rid of these helpers.
if you look at the code for "CreateFromTask" all it does is call ToObservble() on the task to convert it to an Observable and then the code calls CreateFromObservable
So to that question I would just say calling ToObservable on the Task is the best way to convert it. You'll need to include this using statement
using System.Reactive.Threading.Tasks
What I normally do is just wrap all my Task based libraries with a facade and expose them using ToObervable. If you're going with a reactive solutions it will just make life easier to work in the land of Observables opposed to mixing and matching.
The reasoning behind CreateFromObservable over CreateFromTask is that the library assumes your solution is primarily reactive so that's going to be the primary way it is going to expect things. All the other ways to create those Commands are really just helpers that eventually make there way to CreateFromObservable


howto struct a code? e.g. at the top all variables, then all methods and last all event handlers

i'm currently working on a big projekt and i loose many time searching the right thing in the code. i need to get e.g. a method which makes someting special. so i scroll the whole code.
are there any common and effective methods to struct a file of code? e.g.
1. all global variables
2. constructor etc.
3. all methods
4. all event handlers
do you know common methods to do this??
It's more usual to break large projects into several source files, with logically related functionality. This helps with speeding up compilation and reducing coupling in your design as well as helping you navigate the code.
An example might be to have separate files for
UI functionality
helper classes (such as geometric/maths stuff)
file I/O
core functionality that connects the rest together
Design is a large topic, the book Code Complete by Steve McConnell might be a good starting point for you.
You shouldnt use global variables :)
Try spreading things out over different classes and files. Maks sure each class has only one purpose, instead of 1 class that manages a whole lot of different tasks.
That sounds like a sensible enough structure to me, what would really benefit you though is learning to use the tools you have available — whatever editor you're using it will have a search function, you can use that to quickly find what you're looking for.
Some editors will also include bookmarks too, and most offer a way to move back and forward through recent positions in the file.
Seen this sort of things started, never seen it kept on under the pressure to turn out code though.
Basically my rule of thumb is, if I feel the need to do this, break the code file up.

translating using a global function in OO environment (Zend Framework)

I am working on a project build on the Zend Framework. I'm using Zend_Translate to do my translations, but I want to keep the amount of extra code in the front of my application (views) as minimal as possible. Translation of a text should look like this:
echo __("Text to translate");
Using a view helper isn't doing it, because then I get:
echo $this->__("Text to translate");
This would mean I have to declare a global function somewhere, that calls for Zend_Translate to do the rest of the magic. Because I want the project to stay as clean as possible I'd like some suggestions on where to put this function.
I have considered including a file with my global function inside of the _initLocale() in the bootstrap.
Basically my question is: am I now violating all the holy MVC principles, or is this the right way to go?
This is actually not an easy question to answer. Of course you're violating some principles of OOP because you're basically punctuating your objects with hundreds of little wholes where there should be just one. You should be injecting the translation object into your controllers and views once and then call $this->__(). This is also easily done by creating an intermediate layer between Zend_Controller_Action and your own controllers. BUT... translation is a very specific case and I don't see much potential harm coming from your solution. The Translation method is not likely to change its logics and if you need to rename it, finding and replacing two underscores followed by a bracket will most probably not yield anything else than translated strings... then again that use of 'most probably' is a smell already.
Summary: It seems more or less ok but I still wouldn't do it, especially if it's a software of some meaning with an expected life span of some years.

Typing similar code

I've occasionally found myself in situations where I have to type out redundant code... where only one variable or two will change in each block of code. Usually I'll copy and paste this block and make the necessary changes on each block of code... but is there a better way to handle this?
Heavy use of cut and paste usually means there's something not quite right in the design of the code. Think about how you could refactor such as breaking out the cut/paste functionality into commonly called methods.
Yes. There is always a better way to do it than copy-and-paste. You should always get a little uneasy (kind of like you feel when you're about to give a speech in front of a huge crowd) when you're about to hit "Ctrl-V."
In almost any introductory class you're likely to be using a language that has functions, methods, or sub procedures. (What they're called and what they do depends on the language in question). Any variable that changes needs to be a parameter to that function/method/subprocedure.
When you do that (and the method/function/sub is accessible) you can replace the HUGE chunks of code with a single call to your new m-f-s.
There are a lot of other ways to do this, but when you're just getting started this is probably the way to go.
you have a lot of approaches to this situation. I don't know if you're working with OO or structured programming but you can build methods or functions and give them cohesion and unique responsibilities. I think it's an easy way of thinking...
In the OO paradigm we use some therms on how to avoid this situation: cohesion and low decoupling (you could search for them over the Internet). If you can apply both of them in your code, it will be easier to read and maintain.
That's all

How to structure a large Ruby application?

I'm considering writing a (large) desktop application in Ruby (actually a game, think something like Angband or Nethack using Gtk+ for the GUI). I'm coming from a C#/.NET background, so I'm a little at a lost for how to structure things.
In C#, I'd create many namespaces, like Application.Core, Application.Gui, etc). Parts of the application that didn't need the Gui wouldn't reference it with a using statement. From what I understand, in Ruby, the require statement basically does a textual insert that avoids duplicated code. What I'm concerned about, through the use of require statements, every file/class will have access everything else, because the ordering of the require statements.
I've read some ruby code that uses modules as namespaces. How does that work and how does it help?
Not sure what I'm getting at here... Does anyone have any good pointers on how to structure a large Ruby application? How about some non-trivial (and non-Rails) apps that use Ruby?
Ruby is no different from any other language when it comes to structuring your code. Do what feels right and it will probably work. I'm not entirely sure what problem you are anticipating. Are you worried about name clashes?
Modules are a good way to get pseudo namespaces, eg.
module Core
class Blah
self.def method
Some of your problem isn't particular to Ruby, it's just about circular dependencies. Does Core depend on Gui or does Gui depend on Core? Or both?
A good way around some of this problem is with a very small "runner" component that depends on the core, the data access components, the gui, and so on, and ties these all together.

How do I extend scala.swing?

In response to a previous question on how to achieve a certain effect with Swing, I was directed to JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame. Unfortunately, scala.swing doesn't seem to have any wrapper for either class, so I'm left with extending it.
What do I have to know and do to make minimally usable wrappers for these classes, to be used with and by scala.swing, and what would be the additional steps to make most of them?
As suggested by someone, let me explain the effect I intend to achieve. My program controls (personal) lottery bets. So I have a number of different tickets, each of which can have a number of different bets, and varying validities.
The idea is displaying each of these tickets in a separate "space", and the JInternalFrames seems to be just what I want, and letting people create new tickets, load them from files, save them to files, and generally checking or editing the information in each.
Besides that, there needs to be a space to display the lottery results, and I intend to evolve the program to be able to control collective bets -- who contributed with how much, and how any winning should be split. I haven't considered the interface for that yet.
Please note that:
I can't "just use" the Java classes, and still take full advantage of Scala swing features. The answers in the previous question already tell me how to do what I want with the Java classes, and that is not what I'm asking here.
Reading the source code of existing scala.swing classes to learn how to do it is the work I'm trying to avoid with this question.
You might consider Scala's "implicit conversions" mechanism. You could do something like this:
implicit def enrichJInternalFrame(ji : JInternalFrame) =
new RichJInternalFrame(ji)
You now define a class RichJInternalFrame() which takes a JInternalFrame, and has whatever methods you'd like to extend JInternalFrame with, eg:
class RichJInternalFrame(wrapped : JInternalFrame) {
def showThis = {
This creates a new method showThis which just calls show on the JInternalFrame. You could now call this method on a JInternalFrame:
val jif = new JInternalFrame()
Scala will automatically convert jif into a RichJInternalFrame and let you call this method on it.
You can import all java libraries directly into your scala code.
Try the scala tutorial section: "interaction with Java".
Java in scala
You might be be able to use the scala.swing source as reference e.g.
What sort of scala features are you trying to use with it? That might help in coming up with with an answer. I.e. - what is it you're trying to do with it, potentially in Java? Then we can try to come up with a nicer way to do it with Scala and/or create a wrapper for the classes which would make what you're trying to do even easier.
In JRuby, you could mix in one (or more) traits into JDesktopPane or JInternalFrame instead of extending them. This way you wouldn't have to wrap the classes but just use the existing objects. As far as I know, this is not possible with Scala traits.
Luckily, there is a solution, almost as flexible as Ruby's: lexically open classes. This blog article gives an excellent introduction, IMHO.
