Algorithm to give a value to a 5 card Poker hand - algorithm

I am developing a poker game as college project and our current assignment is to write an algorithm to score a hand of 5 cards, so that the scores of two hands can be compared to each other to determine which is the better hand. The score of a hand has nothing to do with the probability of what hands could be made upon the draw being dealt with random cards, etc. - The score of a hand is based solely on the 5 cards in the hand, and no other cards in the deck.
The example solution we were given was to give a default score for each type of Poker hand, with the score reflecting how good the hand is - like this for instance:
ROYAL_FLUSH = 900000
TWO_PAIR = 200000
ONE_PAR = 100000
Then if two hands of the same type are compared, the values of the cards in the hands should be factored into the hand's score.
So for example, the following formula could be used to score a hand:
HAND_TYPE + (each card value in the hand)^(the number of occurences of that value)
So, for a Full House of three Queens and two 7s, the score would be:
600000 + 12^3 + 7^2
This formula works for the most part, but I have determined that in some instances, two similar hands can return the exact same score, when one should actually beat the other. An example of this is:
hand1 = 4C, 6C, 6H, JS, KC
hand2 = 3H, 4H, 7C, 7D, 8H
These two hands both have one pair, so their respective scores are:
100000 + 4^1 + 6^2 + 11^1 + 13^1 = 100064
100000 + 3^1 + 4^1 + 7^2 + 8^1 = 100064
This results in a draw, when clearly a pair of 7s trumps a pair of 6s.
How can I improve this formula, or even, what is a better formula I can use?
By the way, in my code, hands are stored in an array of each card's value in ascending order, for example:
[2H, 6D, 10C, KS, AS]
Here is my final solution thanks to the answers below:
* Sorts cards by putting the "most important" cards first, and the rest in decreasing order.
* e.g. High Hand: KS, 9S, 8C, 4D, 2H
* One Pair: 3S, 3D, AH, 7S, 2C
* Full House: 6D, 6C, 6S, JC, JH
* Flush: KH, 9H, 7H, 6H, 3H
private void sort() {
Arrays.sort(hand, Collections.reverseOrder()); // Initially sorts cards in descending order of game value
if (isFourOfAKind()) { // Then adjusts for hands where the "most important" cards
sortFourOfAKind(); // must come first
} else if (isFullHouse()) {
} else if (isThreeOfAKind()) {
} else if (isTwoPair()) {
} else if (isOnePair()){
private void sortFourOfAKind() {
if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue()) { // If the four of a kind are the last four cards
swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 1); // swap the first and last cards
} // e.g. AS, 9D, 9H, 9S, 9C => 9C, 9D, 9H, 9S, AS
private void sortFullHouse() {
if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) { // If the 3 of a kind cards are the last three
swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 2); // swap cards 1 and 4, 2 and 5
swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 4, HAND_SIZE - 1); // e.g. 10D, 10C, 6H, 6S, 6D => 6S, 6D, 6H, 10D, 10C
private void sortThreeOfAKind() { // If the 3 of a kind cards are the middle 3 cards
if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue() && hand[HAND_SIZE - 1].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) { // swap cards 1 and 4
swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 2); // e.g. AH, 8D, 8S, 8C, 7D => 8C, 8D, 8S, AH, 7D
} else if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue() && hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) {
Arrays.sort(hand); // If the 3 of a kind cards are the last 3,
swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 1, HAND_SIZE - 2); // reverse the order (smallest game value to largest)
} // then swap the last two cards (maintain the large to small ordering)
} // e.g. KS, 9D, 3C, 3S, 3H => 3H, 3S, 3C, 9D, KS => 3H, 3S, 3C, KS, 9D
private void sortTwoPair() {
if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue()) { // If the two pairs are the last 4 cards
for (int i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE - 1; i++) { // "bubble" the first card to the end
swapCardsByIndex(i, i + 1); // e.g. AH, 7D, 7S, 6H, 6C => 7D, 7S, 6H, 6C, AH
} else if (hand[0].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue() && hand[HAND_SIZE - 2].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 1].getGameValue()) { // If the two pairs are the first and last two cards
swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 3, HAND_SIZE - 1); // swap the middle and last card
} // e.g. JS, JC, 8D, 4H, 4S => JS, JC, 4S, 4H, 8D
private void sortOnePair() { // If the pair are cards 2 and 3, swap cards 1 and 3
if (hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) { // e.g QD, 8H, 8C, 6S, 4J => 8C, 8H, QD, 6S, 4J
swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 3);
} else if (hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 2].getGameValue()) { // If the pair are cards 3 and 4, swap 1 and 3, 2 and 4
swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 3); // e.g. 10S, 8D, 4C, 4H, 2H => 4C, 4H, 10S, 8D, 2H
swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 4, HAND_SIZE - 2);
} else if (hand[HAND_SIZE - 2].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 1].getGameValue()) { // If the pair are the last 2 cards, reverse the order
Arrays.sort(hand); // and then swap cards 3 and 5
swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 3, HAND_SIZE - 1); // e.g. 9H, 7D, 6C, 3D, 3S => 3S, 3D, 6C, 7D, 9H => 3S, 3D, 9H, 7D, 6C
* Swaps the two cards of the hand at the indexes taken as parameters
* #param index1
* #param index2
private void swapCardsByIndex(int index1, int index2) {
PlayingCard temp = hand[index1];
hand[index1] = hand[index2];
hand[index2] = temp;
* Gives a unique value of any hand, based firstly on the type of hand, and then on the cards it contains
* #return The Game Value of this hand
* Firstly, a 24 bit binary string is created where the most significant 4 bits represent the value of the type of hand
* (defined as constants private to this class), the last 20 bits represent the values of the 5 cards in the hand, where
* the "most important" cards are at greater significant places. Finally, the binary string is converter to an integer.
public int getGameValue() {
String handValue = addPaddingToBinaryString(Integer.toBinaryString(getHandValue()));
for (int i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE; i++) {
handValue += addPaddingToBinaryString(Integer.toBinaryString(getCardValue(hand[i])));
return Integer.parseInt(handValue, 2);
* #param binary
* #return the same binary string padded to 4 bits long
private String addPaddingToBinaryString(String binary) {
switch (binary.length()) {
case 1: return "000" + binary;
case 2: return "00" + binary;
case 3: return "0" + binary;
default: return binary;
* #return Default value for the type of hand
private int getHandValue() {
if (isRoyalFlush()) { return ROYAL_FLUSH_VALUE; }
if (isStraightFlush()) { return STRAIGHT_FLUSH_VALUE; }
if (isFourOfAKind()) { return FOUR_OF_A_KIND_VALUE; }
if (isFullHouse()) { return FULL_HOUSE_VALUE; }
if (isFlush()) { return FLUSH_VALUE; }
if (isStraight()) { return STRAIGHT_VALUE; }
if (isThreeOfAKind()) { return THREE_OF_A_KIND_VALUE; }
if (isTwoPair()) { return TWO_PAIR_VALUE; }
if (isOnePair()) { return ONE_PAIR_VALUE; }
return 0;
* #param card
* #return the value for a given card type, used to calculate the Hand's Game Value
* 2H = 0, 3D = 1, 4S = 2, ... , KC = 11, AH = 12
private int getCardValue(PlayingCard card) {
return card.getGameValue() - 2;

There are 10 recognized poker hands:
9 - Royal flush
8 - Straight flush (special case of royal flush, really)
7 - Four of a kind
6 - Full house
5 - Flush
4 - Straight
3 - Three of a kind
2 - Two pair
1 - Pair
0 - High card
If you don't count suit, there are only 13 possible card values. The card values are:
2 - 0
3 - 1
4 - 2
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 5
8 - 6
9 - 7
10 - 8
J - 9
Q - 10
K - 11
A - 12
It takes 4 bits to code the hand, and 4 bits each to code the cards. You can code an entire hand in 24 bits.
A royal flush would be 1001 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 (0x9CBA98)
A 7-high straight would be 0100 0101 0100 0011 0010 0001 (0x454321)
Two pair, 10s and 5s (and an ace) would be 0010 1000 1000 0011 0011 1100 (0x28833C)
I assume you have logic that will figure out what hand you have. In that, you've probably written code to arrange the cards in left-to-right order. So a royal flush would be arranged as [A,K,Q,J,10]. You can then construct the number that represents the hand using the following logic:
int handValue = HandType; (i.e. 0 for high card, 7 for Four of a kind, etc.)
for each card
handValue = (handValue << 4) + cardValue (i.e. 0 for 2, 9 for Jack, etc.)
The result will be a unique value for each hand, and you're sure that a Flush will always beat a Straight and a king-high Full House will beat a 7-high Full House, etc.
Normalizing the hand
The above algorithm depends on the poker hand being normalized, with the most important cards first. So, for example, the hand [K,A,10,J,Q] (all of the same suit) is a royal flush. It's normalized to [A,K,Q,J,10]. If you're given the hand [10,Q,K,A,J], it also would be normalized to [A,K,Q,J,10]. The hand [7,4,3,2,4] is a pair of 4's. It will be normalized to [4,4,7,3,2].
Without normalization, it's very difficult to create a unique integer value for every hand and guarantee that a pair of 4's will always beat a pair of 3's.
Fortunately, sorting the hand is part of figuring out what the hand is. You could do that without sorting, but sorting five items takes a trivial amount of time and it makes lots of things much easier. Not only does it make determining straights easier, it groups common cards together, which makes finding pairs, triples, and quadruples easier.
For straights, flushes, and high card hands, all you need to do is sort. For the others, you have to do a second ordering pass that orders by grouping. For example a full house would be xxxyy, a pair would be xxabc, (with a, b, and c in order), etc. That work is mostly done for you anyway, by the sort. All you have to do is move the stragglers to the end.

As you have found, if you add together the values of the cards in the way you have proposed then you can get ambiguities.
100000 + 4^1 + 6^2 + 11^1 + 13^1 = 100064
100000 + 3^1 + 4^1 + 7^2 + 8^1 = 100064
However, addition is not quite the right tool here. You are already using ^ which means you're partway there. Use multiplication instead and you can avoid ambiguities. Consider:
100000 + (4^1 * 6^2 * 11^1 * 13^1)
100000 + (3^1 * 4^1 * 7^2 * 8^1)
This is nearly correct, but there are still ambiguities (for example 2^4 = 4^2). So, reassign new (prime!) values to each card:
Ace => 2
3 => 3
4 => 5
5 => 7
6 => 11
Then, you can multiply the special prime values of each card together to produce a unique value for every possible hand. Add in your value for type of hand (pair, full house, flush, etc) and use that. You may need to increase the magnitude of your hand type values so they stay out of the way of the card value composite.

The highest value for a card will be 14, assuming you let non-face cards keep their value (2..10), then J=11, QK, A=14.
The purpose of the scoring would be to differentiate between hands in a tie-breaking scenario. That is, "pair" vs. "pair." If you detect a different hand configuration ("two pair"), that puts the scores into separate groups.
You should carefully consult your requirements. I suspect that at least for some hands, the participating cards are more important than non-participating cards. For example, does a pair of 4's with a 7-high beat a pair of 3's with a queen-high? (Is 4,4,7,3,2 > 3,3,Q,6,5?) The answer to this should determine an ordering for the cards in the hand.
Given you have 5 cards, and the values are < 16, convert each card to a hexadecimal digit: 2..10,JQKA => 2..ABCDE. Put the cards in order, as determined above. For example, 4,4,7,3,2 will probably become 4,4,7,3,2. Map those values to hex, and then to an integer value: "0x44732" -> 0x44732.
Let your combo scores be multiples of 0x100000, to ensure that no card configuration can promote a hand into a higher class, then add them up.


Generating number within range with equal probability with dice

I've been thinking about this but can't seem to figure it out. I need to pick a random integer between 1 to 50 (inclusive) in such a way that each of the integer in it would be equally likely. I will have to do this using a 8 sided dice and a 15 sided dice.
I've read somewhat similar questions related to random number generators with dices but I am still confused. I think it is somewhere along the line of partitioning the numbers into sets. Then, I would roll a die, and then, depending on the outcome, decide which die to roll again.
Can someone help me with this?
As a simple - not necessarily "optimal" solution, roll the 8 sided die, then the 15 sided:
8 sided 15 sided 1..50 result
1 or 2 1..15 1..15
3 or 4 1..15 16..30 (add 15 to 15-sided roll)
5 or 6 1..15 31..45 (add 30 to 15-sided roll)
7 or 8 1..5 46..50 (add 45 to 15-sided roll)
7 or 8 6..15 start again / reroll both dice
lets say you have two functions: d8(), which returns a number from 0 to 7, and d15(), which returns a number from 0 to 14. You want to write a d50() that returns a number from 0 to 49.
Of all the simple ways, this one is probably the most efficient in terms of how many dice you have to roll, and something like this will work for all combinations of dice you have and dice you want:
int d50()
int result;
result = d8()*8+d8(); //random from 0 to 63
} while(result >=50);
return result;
If you want really constant time, you can do this:
int d50()
int result = d15();
int result = result*15+d15(); //0 to 225
int result = result*8+d8(); //0 to 1799
return result/36; //integer division rounds down
This way combines dice until the number of possibilities (1800) is evenly divisible by 50, so the same number of possibilities correspond to each result. This works OK in this case, but doesn't work if the prime factors of the dice you have (2, 3, and 5 in this case), don't cover the factors of the dice you want (2, 5)
I think that you can consider each dice result as a subdivision of a bigger interval. So throwing one 8 sided dice you choose one out the 8 major interval that divide your range of value. Throwing a 15 sided dice means selecting one out the 15 sub-interval and so on.
Considering that 15 = 3*5, 8 = 2*2*2 and 50 = 2*5*5 you can choose 36 = 3*3*2*2 as an handy multiple of 50 so that:
15*15*8 = 50*36 = 1800
You can even think of expressing the numbers from 0 to 1799 in base 15 and choose ramdomly the three digits:
choice = [0-7]*15^2 + [0-14]*15^1 + [0-14]*15^0
So my proposal, with a test of the distribution, is (in the c++ language):
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <map>
int main() {
std::map<int, int> hist;
int result;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // initialiaze the random generator
std::uniform_int_distribution<> d8(0, 7); // istantiate the dices
std::uniform_int_distribution<> d15(0, 14);
for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i) { // make a lot of throws...
result = d8(gen) * 225;
result += d15(gen) * 15; // add to result
result += d15(gen);
++hist[ result / 36 + 1]; // count each result
for (auto p : hist) { // show the occurences of each result
std::cout << p.first << " : " << p.second << '\n';
return 0;
The output should be something like this:
1 : 387
2 : 360
3 : 377
4 : 393
5 : 402
48 : 379
49 : 378
50 : 420

Permutations excluding repeated characters

I'm working on a Free Code Camp problem -
The problem description is as follows -
Return the number of total permutations of the provided string that
don't have repeated consecutive letters. For example, 'aab' should
return 2 because it has 6 total permutations, but only 2 of them don't
have the same letter (in this case 'a') repeating.
I know I can solve this by writing a program that creates every permutation and then filters out the ones with repeated characters.
But I have this gnawing feeling that I can solve this mathematically.
First question then - Can I?
Second question - If yes, what formula could I use?
To elaborate further -
The example given in the problem is "aab" which the site says has six possible permutations, with only two meeting the non-repeated character criteria:
aab aba baa aab aba baa
The problem sees each character as unique so maybe "aab" could better be described as "a1a2b"
The tests for this problem are as follows (returning the number of permutations that meet the criteria)-
"aab" should return 2
"aaa" should return 0
"abcdefa" should return 3600
"abfdefa" should return 2640
"zzzzzzzz" should return 0
I have read through a lot of post about Combinatorics and Permutations and just seem to be digging a deeper hole for myself. But I really want to try to resolve this problem efficiently rather than brute force through an array of all possible permutations.
I posted this question on math.stackexchange -
The maths to resolve the case where only one character is repeated is pretty trivial - Factorial of total number of characters minus number of spaces available multiplied by repeated characters.
"aab" = 3! - 2! * 2! = 2
"abcdefa" = 7! - 6! * 2! = 3600
But trying to figure out the formula for the instances where more than one character is repeated has eluded me. e.g. "abfdefa"
This is a mathematical approach, that doesn't need to check all the possible strings.
Let's start with this string:
To find the solution we have to calculate the total number of permutations (without restrictions), and then subtract the invalid ones.
We have to fill a number of positions, that is equal to the length of the original string. Let's consider each position a small box.
So, if we have
which has 7 characters, there are seven boxes to fill. We can fill the first with any of the 7 characters, the second with any of the remaining 6, and so on. So the total number of permutations, without restrictions, is:
7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 7! (= 5,040)
Any permutation with two equal characters side by side is not valid. Let's see how many of those we have.
To calculate them, we'll consider that any character that has the same character side by side, will be in the same box. As they have to be together, why don't consider them something like a "compound" character?
Our example string has two repeated characters: the 'a' appears twice, and the 'f' also appears twice.
Number of permutations with 'aa'
Now we have only six boxes, as one of them will be filled with 'aa':
6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 6!
We also have to consider that the two 'a' can be themselves permuted in 2! (as we have two 'a') ways.
So, the total number of permutations with two 'a' together is:
6! * 2! (= 1,440)
Number of permutations with 'ff'
Of course, as we also have two 'f', the number of permutations with 'ff' will be the same as the ones with 'aa':
6! * 2! (= 1,440)
If we had only one character repeated, the problem is finished, and the final result would be TOTAL - INVALID permutations.
But, if we have more than one repeated character, we have counted some of the invalid strings twice or more times.
We have to notice that some of the permutations with two 'a' together, will also have two 'f' together, and vice versa, so we need to add those back.
How do we count them?
As we have two repeated characters, we will consider two "compound" boxes: one for occurrences of 'aa' and other for 'ff' (both at the same time).
So now we have to fill 5 boxes: one with 'aa', other with 'ff', and 3 with the remaining 'b', 'd' and 'e'.
Also, each of those 'aa' and 'bb' can be permuted in 2! ways. So the total number of overlaps is:
5! * 2! * 2! (= 480)
The final solution to this problem will be:
And that's:
7! - (2 * 6! * 2!) + (5! * 2! * 2!) = 5,040 - 2 * 1,440 + 480 = 2,640
It seemed like a straightforward enough problem, but I spent hours on the wrong track before finally figuring out the correct logic. To find all permutations of a string with one or multiple repeated characters, while keeping identical characters seperated:
Start with a string like:
Seperate the first occurances from the repeats:
firsts: abcd
repeats: abc
Find all permutations of the firsts:
abcd abdc adbc adcb ...
Then, one by one, insert the repeats into each permutation, following these rules:
Start with the repeated character whose original comes first in the firsts
e.g. when inserting abc into dbac, use b first
Put the repeat two places or more after the first occurance
e.g. when inserting b into dbac, results are dbabc and dbacb
Then recurse for each result with the remaining repeated characters
I've seen this question with one repeated character, where the number of permutations of abcdefa where the two a's are kept seperate is given as 3600. However, this way of counting considers abcdefa and abcdefa to be two distinct permutations, "because the a's are swapped". In my opinion, this is just one permutation and its double, and the correct answer is 1800; the algorithm below will return both results.
function seperatedPermutations(str) {
var total = 0, firsts = "", repeats = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
char = str.charAt(i);
if (str.indexOf(char) == i) firsts += char; else repeats += char;
var firsts = stringPermutator(firsts);
for (var i = 0; i < firsts.length; i++) {
insertRepeats(firsts[i], repeats);
alert("Permutations of \"" + str + "\"\ntotal: " + (Math.pow(2, repeats.length) * total) + ", unique: " + total);
function insertRepeats(firsts, repeats) {
var pos = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < firsts.length, pos < 0; i++) {
pos = repeats.indexOf(firsts.charAt(i));
var char = repeats.charAt(pos);
for (var i = firsts.indexOf(char) + 2; i <= firsts.length; i++) {
var combi = firsts.slice(0, i) + char + firsts.slice(i);
if (repeats.length > 1) {
insertRepeats(combi, repeats.slice(0, pos) + repeats.slice(pos + 1));
} else {
document.write(combi + "<BR>");
// STRING PERMUTATOR (after Filip Nguyen)
function stringPermutator(str) {
var fact = [1], permutations = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= str.length; i++) fact[i] = i * fact[i - 1];
for (var i = 0; i < fact[str.length]; i++) {
var perm = "", temp = str, code = i;
for (var pos = str.length; pos > 0; pos--) {
var sel = code / fact[pos - 1];
perm += temp.charAt(sel);
code = code % fact[pos - 1];
temp = temp.substring(0, sel) + temp.substring(sel + 1);
return permutations;
A calculation based on this logic of the number of results for a string like abfdefa, with 5 "first" characters and 2 repeated characters (A and F) , would be:
The 5 "first" characters create 5! = 120 permutations
Each character can be in 5 positions, with 24 permutations each:
A**** (24)
*A*** (24)
**A** (24)
***A* (24)
****A (24)
For each of these positions, the repeat character has to come at least 2 places after its "first", so that makes 4, 3, 2 and 1 places respectively (for the last position, a repeat is impossible). With the repeated character inserted, this makes 240 permutations:
A***** (24 * 4)
*A**** (24 * 3)
**A*** (24 * 2)
***A** (24 * 1)
In each of these cases, the second character that will be repeated could be in 6 places, and the repeat character would have 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 place to go. However, the second (F) character cannot be in the same place as the first (A) character, so one of the combinations is always impossible:
A****** (24 * 4 * (0+4+3+2+1)) = 24 * 4 * 10 = 960
*A***** (24 * 3 * (5+0+3+2+1)) = 24 * 3 * 11 = 792
**A**** (24 * 2 * (5+4+0+2+1)) = 24 * 2 * 12 = 576
***A*** (24 * 1 * (5+4+3+0+1)) = 24 * 1 * 13 = 312
And 960 + 792 + 576 + 312 = 2640, the expected result.
Or, for any string like abfdefa with 2 repeats:
where F is the number of "firsts".
To calculate the total without identical permutations (which I think makes more sense) you'd divide this number by 2^R, where R is the number or repeats.
Here's one way to think about it, which still seems a bit complicated to me: subtract the count of possibilities with disallowed neighbors.
For example abfdefa:
There are 6 ways to place "aa" or "ff" between the 5! ways to arrange the other five
letters, so altogether 5! * 6 * 2, multiplied by their number of permutations (2).
Based on the inclusion-exclusion principle, we subtract those possibilities that include
both "aa" and "ff" from the count above: 3! * (2 + 4 - 1) choose 2 ways to place both
"aa" and "ff" around the other three letters, and we must multiply by the permutation
counts within (2 * 2) and between (2).
So altogether,
7! - (5! * 6 * 2 * 2 - 3! * (2 + 4 - 1) choose 2 * 2 * 2 * 2) = 2640
I used the formula for multiset combinations for the count of ways to place the letter pairs between the rest.
A generalizable way that might achieve some improvement over the brute force solution is to enumerate the ways to interleave the letters with repeats and then multiply by the ways to partition the rest around them, taking into account the spaces that must be filled. The example, abfdefa, might look something like this:
afaf / fafa => (5 + 3 - 1) choose 3 // all ways to partition the rest
affa / faaf => 1 + 4 + (4 + 2 - 1) choose 2 // all three in the middle; two in the middle, one anywhere else; one in the middle, two anywhere else
aaff / ffaa => 3 + 1 + 1 // one in each required space, the other anywhere else; two in one required space, one in the other (x2)
Finally, multiply by the permutation counts, so altogether:
2 * 2! * 2! * 3! * ((5 + 3 - 1) choose 3 + 1 + 4 + (4 + 2 - 1) choose 2 + 3 + 1 + 1) = 2640
Well I won't have any mathematical solution for you here.
I guess you know backtracking as I percieved from your answer.So you can use Backtracking to generate all permutations and skipping a particular permutation whenever a repeat is encountered. This method is called Backtracking and Pruning.
Let n be the the length of the solution string, say(a1,a2,
So during backtracking when only partial solution was formed, say (a1,a2,....ak) compare the values at ak and a(k-1).
Obviously you need to maintaion a reference to a previous letter(here a(k-1))
If both are same then break out from the partial solution, without reaching to the end and start creating another permutation from a1.
Thanks Lurai for great suggestion. It took a while and is a bit lengthy but here's my solution (it passes all test cases at FreeCodeCamp after converting to JavaScript of course) - apologies for crappy variables names (learning how to be a bad programmer too ;)) :D
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class PermAlone {
public static int permAlone(String str) {
int length = str.length();
int total = 0;
int invalid = 0;
int overlap = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Character, Integer> chars = new HashMap<>();
// obtain individual characters and their frequencies from the string
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char key = str.charAt(i);
if (!chars.containsKey(key)) {
chars.put(key, 1);
else {
chars.put(key, chars.get(key) + 1);
// if one character repeated set total to 0
if (chars.size() == 1 && length > 1) {
total = 0;
// otherwise calculate total, invalid permutations and overlap
else {
// calculate total
total = factorial(length);
// calculate invalid permutations
for (char key : chars.keySet()) {
int len = 0;
int lenPerm = 0;
int charPerm = 0;
int val = chars.get(key);
int check = 1;
// if val > 0 there will be more invalid permutations to calculate
if (val > 1) {
check = val;
while (check > 1) {
len = length - check + 1;
lenPerm = factorial(len);
charPerm = factorial(check);
invalid = lenPerm * charPerm;
total -= invalid;
// calculate overlaps
if (vals.size() > 1) {
overlap = factorial(chars.size());
for (int val : vals) {
overlap *= factorial(val);
total += overlap;
return total;
// helper function to calculate factorials - not recursive as I was running out of memory on the platform :?
private static int factorial(int num) {
int result = 1;
if (num == 0 || num == 1) {
result = num;
else {
for (int i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aab", permAlone("aab")); // expected 2
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aaa", permAlone("aaa")); // expected 0
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aabb", permAlone("aabb")); // expected 8
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "abcdefa", permAlone("abcdefa")); // expected 3600
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "abfdefa", permAlone("abfdefa")); // expected 2640
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "zzzzzzzz", permAlone("zzzzzzzz")); // expected 0
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "a", permAlone("a")); // expected 1
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aaab", permAlone("aaab")); // expected 0
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aaabb", permAlone("aaabb")); // expected 12
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "abbc", permAlone("abbc")); //expected 12

Scheduling Algorithm with limitations

Thanks to user3125280, D.W. and Evgeny Kluev the question is updated.
I have a list of webpages and I must download them frequently, each webpage got a different download frequency. Based on this frequency we group the webpages in 5 groups:
Items in group 1 are downloaded once per 1 hour
items in group 2 once per 2 hours
items in group 3 once per 4 hours
items in group 4 once per 12 hours
items in group 5 once per 24 hours
This means, we must download all the group 1 webpages in 1 hour, all the group 2 in 2 hours etc.
I am trying to make an algorithm. As input, I have:
a) DATA_ARR = one array with 5 numbers. Each number represents the number of items in this group.
b) TIME_ARR = one array with 5 numbers (1, 2, 4, 12, 24) representing how often the items will be downloaded.
b) X = the total number of webpages to download per hour. This is calculated using items_in_group/download_frequently and rounded upwards. If we have 15 items in group 5, and 3 items in group 4, this will be 15/24 + 3/12 = 0.875 and rounded is 1.
Every hour my program must download at max X sites. I expect the algorithm to output something like:
Hour 1: A1 B0 C4 D5
Hour 2: A2 B1 C2 D2
A1 = 2nd item of 1st group
C0 = 1st item of 3rd group
My algorithm must be as efficient as possible. This means:
a) the pattern must be extendable to at least 200+ hours
b) no need to create a repeatable pattern
c) spaces are needed when possible in order to use the absolute minimum bandwidth
d) never ever download an item more often than the update frequency, no exceptions
group 1: 0 items | once per 1 hour
group 2: 3 items | once per 2 hours
group 3: 4 items | once per 4 hours
group 4: 0 items | once per 12 hours
group 5: 0 items | once per 24 hours
We calculate the number of items we can take per hour: 3/2+4/4 = 2.5. We round this upwards and it's 3.
Using pencil and paper, we can found the following solution:
Hour 1: B0 C0 B1
Hour 2: B2 C1 c2
Hour 3: B0 C3 B1
Hour 4: B2
Hour 5: B0 C0 B1
Hour 6: B2 C1 c2
Hour 7: B0 C3 B1
Hour 8: B2
Hour 9: B0 C0 B1
Hour 10: B2 C1 c2
Hour 11: B0 C3 B1
Hour 12: B2
Hour 13: B0 C0 B1
Hour 14: B2 C1 c2
and continue the above.
We take C0, C1 C2, and C3 once every 4 hours. We also take B0, B1 and B2 once every 2 hours.
Question: Please, explain to me, how to design an algorithm able to download the items, while using the absolute minimum number of downloads? Brute force is NOT a solution and the algorithm must be efficient CPU wise because the number of elements can be huge.
You may read the answer posted here: as well as the answer posted bellow by user3125280.
You problem is a typical scheduling problem. These kinds of problems are well studied in computer science so there is a huge array of literature to consult.
The code is kind of like Deficit round robin, but with a few simplifications. First, we feed the queues ourself by adding to the data_to_process variable. Secondly, the queues just iterate through a list of values.
One difference is that this solution will get the optimal value you want, barring mathematical error.
Rough sketch: have not compiled (c++11) unix based, to spec code
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <unistd.h>
//#include <cmath> //for ceil
#define TIME_SCALE ((double)60.0) //1 for realtime speed
//Assuming you are not refreshing ints in the real case
template<typename T>
struct queue
const std::vector<T> data; //this will be filled with numbers
int position;
double refresh_rate; //must be refreshed ever ~ hours
double data_rate; //this many refreshes per hour
double credit; //amount of refreshes owed
queue(std::initializer_list<T> v, int r ) :
data(v), position(0), refresh_rate(r), credit(0) {
data_rate = data.size() / (double) refresh_rate;
int getNext() {
return data[position++ % data.size()];
double time_passed(){
static double total;
//if(total < 20){ //stop early
usleep(60000000 / TIME_SCALE); //sleep for a minute
total += 1.0 / 60.0; //add a minute
std::cout << "Time: " << total << std::endl;
return 1.0; //change to 1.0 / 60.0 for real time speed
//} else return 0;
int main()
//keep a list of the queues
std::vector<queue<int> > queues{
{{1, 2, 3}, 2},
{{1, 2, 3, 4}, 3}};
double total_data_rate = 0;
for(auto q : queues) total_data_rate += q.data_rate;
double data_to_process = 0; //how many refreshes we have to do
int queue_number = 0; //which queue we are processing
auto current_queue = &queues[0];
while(1) {
data_to_process += time_passed() * total_data_rate;
//data_to_process = ceil(data_to_process) //optional
while(data_to_process >= 1){
//data_to_process >= 0 will make the the scheduler more
//eager in the first time period (ie. everything will updated correctly
//in the first period and and following periods
if(current_queue->credit >= 1){
//don't change here though, since credit determines the weighting only,
//not how many refreshes are made
std::cout << "From queue " << queue_number << " refreshed " <<
current_queue->getNext() << std::endl;
current_queue->credit -= 1;
data_to_process -= 1;
} else {
queue_number = (queue_number + 1) % queues.size();
current_queue = &queues[queue_number];
current_queue->credit += current_queue->data_rate;
return 0;
The example should now compile on gcc with --std=c++11 and give you what you want.
and here is test case output: (for non-time scaled earlier code)
Time: 0
From queue 1 refreshed 1
From queue 0 refreshed 1
From queue 1 refreshed 2
Time: 1
From queue 0 refreshed 2
From queue 0 refreshed 3
From queue 1 refreshed 3
Time: 2
From queue 0 refreshed 1
From queue 1 refreshed 4
From queue 1 refreshed 1
Time: 3
From queue 0 refreshed 2
From queue 0 refreshed 3
From queue 1 refreshed 2
Time: 4
From queue 0 refreshed 1
From queue 1 refreshed 3
From queue 0 refreshed 2
Time: 5
From queue 0 refreshed 3
From queue 1 refreshed 4
From queue 1 refreshed 1
As an extension, to answer the repeating pattern problem by allowing this scheduler to complete only the first lcm(update_rate * lcm(...refresh rates...), ceil(update_rate)) steps, and then repeating the pattern.
ALSO: this will, indeed, be unsolvable sometimes because of the requirement on hour boundaries. When I use your unsolvable example, and modify time_passed to return 0.1, the schedule is solved with updates every 1.1 hours (just not at the hour boundaries!).
It seems your constraints are all over the place. To quickly summarise my other answer:
It meets the refresh rates only on average
It does the least number of downloads at hour intervals required to fulfil the above
It was based on these (sometimes unfulfillable) constraints
Update at discrete, 1 hour intervals
Update the fewest items each time
Update each item at fixed intervals
and broke 3.
Since both the hourly interval and least-each-time constraints are not really necessary, I will give a simpler, better answer here, which breaks 2.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <unistd.h>
#define TIME_SCALE ((double)60.0)
//Assuming you are not refreshing ints in the real case
template<typename T>
struct queue
const std::vector<T> data; //this is the data to refresh
int position; //this is the data we are up to
double refresh_rate; //must be refreshed every this many hours
double data_rate; //this many refreshes per hour
double credit; //is owed this many refreshes
const char* name;//a name for each queue
queue(std::initializer_list<T> v, int r, const char* n ) :
data(v), position(0), refresh_rate(r), credit(0), name(n) {
data_rate = data.size() / (double) refresh_rate;
void refresh() {
std::cout << "From queue " << name << " refreshed " << data[position++ % data.size()] << "\n";
double time_passed(){
static double total;
usleep(60000000 / TIME_SCALE); //sleep for a minute
total += 1.0; //add a minute
std::cout << "Time: " << total << std::endl;
return 1.0; //change to 1.0 / 60.0 for real time speed
int main()
//keep a list of the queues
std::vector<queue<int> > queues{
{{1}, 1, "A"},
{{1}, 2, "B"}};
while(1) {
auto t = time_passed();
for(queue<int>& q : queues) { += q.data_rate * t;
while( >= 1){
q.refresh(); -= 1.0;
return 0;
It has the potential, however, to schedule many refreshes on the same hour. There is a third option as well, which breaks the hour-interval rule and updates only one at a time.
I think this is the easiest and requires the minimal number of updates (like the previous answer) but doesn't break rule 3.

Bowling algorithm to randomly knock down pins and some with double chance

The problem is a bowling system which the wording of the question says:
The application will randomly choose the number of pins knocked down,
with a double chance to numbers 7,8,9 and 10.
The way I implemented is something like
So I came up with something like this:
pins = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] // (1 for pin knocked down / 0 for pin standing)
for(i=0; i<pins.length; i++)
if(pins[i]==0): //pin isn't already down
if(random(0~100) < 50):
pins[i] = 1 //knock down
if(random(0~100) < 66):
pins[i] = 1 //knock down
ex: [0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1] // 6 pins knocked down.
So I was just doing a probability of 1/2 to the pins 0-6 and 2/3 to pins 7-9
and I just sum all elements off the array to know home many pins have been dropped.
But I realized that I never get a strike nor a zero, so I start to wondering if I'm doing this wrong.
Let's say that that all pins have equal chance, and I could just do pinsDropped = random(0,10) and I would eventually get strikes (10) 9% chance and 0 pins dropped as well. But I have 4 pins that have double the chance of being dropped, I should have getting strikes more often.
What I'm doing wrong?
Yes, I suck at probability. After talking to a other people, one pointed to me that I also suck reading questions wording. I completely misinterpreted the problem. When it says randomly choose the number of pins knocked down and double the chance to numbers 7,8,9,10.
It means that I'm more likely to knock down 10 pins than 6 pins.
7 pins, 8 pins, 9 pins and 10 pins.
Not pin 7, pin 8, pin 9 and pin 10.
I'm totally frustrated about my stupidness.
So I overcomplicated this a lot,
function try(pins, prob) {
if (prob > pins)
prob = pins;
aleat = mt_rand(0, pins+prob);
if (aleat > pins)
aleat -= prob;
return aleat;
The application will randomly choose the number of pins knocked down,
with a double chance to the pins 7,8,9 and 10.
Problem Description:
We have 10 pins in total.
pins 7,8,9 and 10 have double chance.
we've (6 * 1) + (4 * 2) = 6 + 8 = 14 chances in total.
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } ; a is in A
B = { 7, 8, 9, 10 } ; b is in B
P(a) = 1/14
P(b) = 2P(a) = 2/14 = 1/7
Proposed Solution (Java):
ArrayList<byte> pins = new ArrayList<byte>();
while (pins.size() > 0)
/** pre-trial **/
/** post-trial **/
class PinsExperiment
public static byte getChances(ArrayList<byte> pins)
byte c = 0;
for (byte b : pins)
if (b <= 6) c += 1;
else c += 2;
return c;
public static void trial(ArrayList<byte> pins)
byte chances = getChances(pins);
byte r = Math.ceil(Math.random(0,chances));
byte n = 0;
for (byte b : pins) if (b <= 6) n++;
if (r <= n) pins.remove(pins.get(r-1));
else pins.remove(pins.get(((r-n)/2)-1)+n);
Simple answer:
def randomChoose():
x = randint(1,14);
if x<=7:
return x;
return 6+ (x-5)/2;

How can I fairly choose an item from a list?

Let's say that I have a list of prizes:
And, for each of them, I want to draw a winner from a list of my attendees.
Give that my attendee list is as follows:
user1, user2, user3, user4, user5
What is an unbiased way to choose a user from that list?
Clearly, I will be using a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator, but how do I avoid a bias towards the front of the list? I assume I will not be using modulus?
So, here is what I came up with:
class SecureRandom
private RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
private ulong NextUlong()
byte[] data = new byte[8];
return BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, 0);
public int Next()
return (int)(NextUlong() % (ulong)int.MaxValue);
public int Next(int maxValue)
if (maxValue < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxValue");
if (maxValue == 0)
return 0;
ulong chop = ulong.MaxValue - (ulong.MaxValue % (ulong)maxValue);
ulong rand;
rand = NextUlong();
} while (rand >= chop);
return (int)(rand % (ulong)maxValue);
Next() Returns an int in the range [0, int.MaxValue]
Next(int.MaxValue) Returns an int in the range [0, int.MaxValue)
Pseudocode for special random number generator:
rng is random number generator produces uniform integers from [0, max)
compute m = max modulo length of attendee list
do {
draw a random number r from rng
} while(r >= max - m)
return r modulo length of attendee list
This eliminates the bias to the front part of the list. Then
put the attendees in some data structure indexable by integers
for every prize in the prize list
draw a random number r using above
compute index = r modulo length of attendee list
return the attendee at index
In C#:
public NextUnbiased(Random rg, int max) {
do {
int r = rg.Next();
} while(r >= Int32.MaxValue - (Int32.MaxValue % max));
return r % max;
public Attendee SelectWinner(IList<Attendee> attendees, Random rg) {
int winningAttendeeIndex = NextUnbiased(rg, attendees.Length)
return attendees[winningAttendeeIndex];
// attendees is list of attendees
// rg is Random
foreach(Prize prize in prizes) {
Attendee winner = SelectWinner(attendees, rg);
Console.WriteLine("Prize {0} won by {1}", prize.ToString(), winner.ToString());
Assuming a fairly distributed random number generator...
do {
i = rand();
} while (i >= RAND_MAX / 5 * 5);
i /= 5;
This gives each of 5 slots
[ 0 .. RAND_MAX / 5 )
[ RAND_MAX / 5 .. RAND_MAX / 5 * 2 )
[ RAND_MAX / 5 * 2 .. RAND_MAX / 5 * 3 )
[ RAND_MAX / 5 * 3 .. RAND_MAX / 5 * 4 )
[ RAND_MAX / 5 * 4 .. RAND_MAX / 5 * 5 )
and discards a roll which falls out of range.
You have already seem several perfectly good answers that depend on knowing the length of the list in advance.
To fairly select a single item from a list without needing to know the length of the list in the first place do this:
if (list.empty()) error_out_somehow
r=list.first() // r is a reference or pointer
s=list.first() // so is s
i = 2
while ( is not NULL)
if (random(i)==0) s=r // random() returns a uniformly
// drawn integer between 0 and i
return s
(Useful if you list is stored as a linked list)
To distribute prizes in this scenario, just walk down the list of prizes selecting a random winner for each one. (If you want to prevent double winning you then remove the winner from the participant list.)
Why does it work?
You start with the first item at 1/1
On the next pass, you select the second item half the time (1/2), which means that the first item has probability 1 * (2-1)/2 = 1/2
on further iteration, you select the nth item with probability 1/n, and the chance for each previous item is reduced by a factor of (n-1)/n
which means that when you come to the end, the chance of having the mth item in the list (of n items) is
1/m * m/(m+1) * (m+1)/(m+2) * ... * (n-2)/(n-1) * (n-1)/n = 1/n
and is the same for every item.
If you are paying attention, you'll note that this means walking the whole list every time you want to select an item from the list, so this is not maximally efficient for (say) reordering the whole list (though it does that fairly).
I suppose one answer would be to assign each item a random value, and take the largest or smallest, drilling down as necessary.
I'm not sure if this is the most efficient, tho...
If you're using a good number generator, even with a modulus your bias will be miniscule. If, for instance, you're using a random number generator with 64 bits of entropy and five users, your bias toward the front of the array should be on the order of 3x10^-19 (my numbers may be off, by I don't think by much). That's an extra 3-in-10-quintillion likelihood of the first user winning compared to the later users. That should be good enough to be fair in anyone's book.
You can buy truly random bits from a provider, or use a mechanical device.
Here you will find Oleg Kiselyov's discussion of purely functional random shuffling.
A description of the linked content (quoted from the beginning of that article):
This article will give two pure functional programs that perfectly,
randomly and uniformly shuffle a sequence of arbitrary elements. We
prove that the algorithms are correct. The algorithms are implemented
in Haskell and can trivially be re-written into other (functional)
languages. We also discuss why a commonly used sort-based shuffle
algorithm falls short of perfect shuffling.
You could use that to shuffle your list and then pick the first item of the shuffled result (or maybe you'd prefer not to give two prizes two the same person -- then use n initial positions of the result, for n = number of prizes); or you could simplify the algorithm to just produce the first item; or you could take a look around that site, because I could have sworn there's an article on picking one random element from an arbitrary tree-like structure with uniform distribution, in a purely functional way, proof of correctness provided, but my search-fu is failing me and I can't seem to find it.
Without truly random bits, you will always have some bias. The number of ways to assign prizes to guests is much larger than any common PRNG's period for even a fairly low number of guests and prizes. As suggested by lpthnc, buy some truly random bits, or buy some random-bit-generating hardware.
As for the algorithm, just do a random shuffle of the guest list. Be careful, as naive shuffling algorithms do have a bias:
You can 100% reliably pick a random item from any arbitrary list with a single pass and without knowing how many items are in the list ahead of time.
Psuedo Code:
count = 0.0;
item_selected = none;
foreach item in list
count = count + 1.0;
chance = 1.0 / count;
if ( random( 1.0 ) <= chance ) then item_selected = item;
Test program comparing results of a single rand() % N vs iterating as above:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
static inline float frand01()
return (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
static const int NUM_ITEMS = 50;
int resultRand[NUM_ITEMS];
int resultIterate[NUM_ITEMS];
memset( resultRand, 0, NUM_ITEMS * sizeof(int) );
memset( resultIterate, 0, NUM_ITEMS * sizeof(int) );
for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
int choiceRand = rand() % NUM_ITEMS;
int choiceIterate = 0;
float count = 0.0;
for ( int item = 0; item < NUM_ITEMS; item++ )
count = count + 1.0f;
float chance = 1.0f / count;
if ( frand01() <= chance )
choiceIterate = item;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; i++ )
printf( "%02d - %5d %5d\n", i, resultRand[i], resultIterate[i] );
return 0;
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