How to fix warning openerp.wizard on openerp 6 - python-2.6

openerp.wizard: The wizard base_report_creator.report_filter.fields uses the deprecated openerp.wizard.interface class.
It must use the openerp.osv.TransientModel class instead.
What is the correct way to fix this warning?


Xamarin Android Binding referencing Org.Apache.Xml.Security.Algorithms

I am trying to create a Xamarin Android binding library which is referencing , Org.Apache.Xml.Security.Algorithms
Which reference I have to add to make sure it is working fine?
Sample errors
1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8900: Type FxDG naming violation: Type name 'Transforms' matches namespace part 'Transforms'.
\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Xml.Security.Algorithms.Implementations.IntegrityHmac.cs(150,20,150,31): warning CS0108: 'IntegrityHmac.IntegrityHmacRIPEMD160.GetDHandler()' hides inherited member 'IntegrityHmac.GetDHandler()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
These are not errors, but rather the binding generator giving you a couple of fair warnings.
1>BINDINGSGENERATOR : warning BG8900: Type FxDG naming violation: Type name 'Transforms' matches namespace part 'Transforms'.
This is simply a warning telling you that the name Transforms matches part of the previous namespace Again this isn't a big issue unless these classes are not generating.
\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Xml.Security.Algorithms.Implementations.IntegrityHmac.cs(150,20,150,31): warning CS0108: 'IntegrityHmac.IntegrityHmacRIPEMD160.GetDHandler()' hides inherited member 'IntegrityHmac.GetDHandler()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
This warning is saying that the GetDHandler() implementation of IntegrityHmac.IntegrityHmacRIPEMD160 is being hidden. Typically this is an issue of obfuscation.
I do have a general binding guide that has most of these aspects covered once you know what you're looking for:
However after looking over your source, it seems that everything compiles just fine. There are a few notes here:
Ensure you are compiling with the correct JDK. I used JDK 1.8 in testing yours, but the documentation of the SDK you are binding to might use a different one.
Make sure you are using the correct Build Action for your JARs. You can find a recommended use case in our documentation: (InputJar does not embed into the .dll and must be found at runtime. Thus you should use EmbeddedJar)

How can I suppress the Xcode 7.3 warning "String literal is not a valid Objective-C selector"

I am working on a project with some of use on Xcode 7.2 and some on 7.3 (including myself). We don't want to force everyone to upgrade to 7.3 (most would also have to update their OS and we are closing in on release date).
If I use #selector() as advised by Xcode for the new syntax anyone running 7.2 is unable to compile the project as they get an error. Using Selector("…") allows the project to compile on all versions but it creates a warning that I would love to suppress (with a TODO next to it for removal once everyone has upgraded).
Is there any way to suppress this warning, or should I just live with it for now as a price of being fast to upgrade?
Update: By adding #objc before the function in question the original warning changes to Use '#selector' instead of explicitly constructing a 'Selector', and it is willing to make the change for me making the code un-compilable on Xcode 7.2 or earlier.
As the issue isn't a deprecated method neither of the two existing answers work in this case (I would use the #avaliable option to continue getting warnings about any other deprecated methods and make case-by-case decisions on each though).
There is a workaround:
#available(iOS, deprecated=10.0)
func _Selector(str: String) -> Selector {
return Selector(str)
But you have to use _Selector instead of Selector in your code, And I'm not sure if Apple approves of this, so before submitting to AppStore, I Suggest remove #available(iOS, deprecated=10.0).
Credit of using #available goes to Daniel Thorpe for his answer here
Isn't this working?
On your target Build settings: All
Apple LLVM Warnings - Deprecated fonctions -> NO

Where is the AMPathPopUpButton class declared?

I stumbled upon the AMPathPopUpButton control in the Interface Builder, but every time I try to use it, the compiler notified me
Use of undeclared type 'AMPathPopUpButton'.
According to some search, it should be in the Automator framework. But after I import the framework, I still have no luck.
I suspect that this control may have been deprecated, however, it is still available in Interface Builder, and I couldn't find any information about its retirement.
Is it still usable in code? If yes, what should I import or do?
You should link against the Automator framework, and use a forward class declaration for the button type:
Go to your target's Build Phases and add Automator.framework to the Link Binary with Libraries build phase.
In your interface/implementation file that declares or references the AMPathPopUpButton type, use a forward class declaration instead of trying to import a header file:
#class AMPathPopUpButton;

phpDocumentor 2 web interface error "Strict standards: declaration of xxx should be compatible..."

I'm attempting to use the phpDocumentor web interface to generate documentation for a CodeIgniter project. When I attempt to parse the directory, I get a long list of "Strict standards" errors that all look like this
"Strict standards: Declaration of parserTag::getString() should be compatible with parserStringWithInlineTags::getString($trim = true) in D:\wamp\www\phpdoc\phpDocumentor\ on line 185"
"Strict standards: Declaration of phpDocumentorTParser::packageTagHandler() should be compatible with Parser::packageTagHandler($word) in D:\wamp\www\phpdoc\phpDocumentor\ on line 2945"
"Strict standards: Declaration of phpDocumentor_TutorialHighlightParser::setupStates() should be compatible with Parser::setupStates() in D:\wamp\www\phpdoc\phpDocumentor\ on line 527"
Can anyone tell me what would cause this, or whether it's related to the phpdoc installation or something else?
phpDocumentor 1.x is php4 code, and so running it on newer versions (especially 5.3+) triggers many such notices and warnings. You can lower your error reporting threshold to hide them, but a better option for newer PHP code is to try phpDocumentor 2.x, which is in beta right now.
As for these notices having a negative effect on the docs you generate using 1.x, your docs should be fine. Those particular notices are not failures of any kind.

OS X 10.5 SDK deprecated getAttributeNS; what should I use instead?

I'm upgrading a project to use the 10.5 SDK. I'm getting warnings of this form:
warning: 'getAttributeNS::' is
deprecated (declared at
...for getAttributeNS, hasAttributeNS, removeAttributeNS, replaceChild, and getElementsByTagNameNS.
I've looked at the header referenced, and I see that they are indeed marked deprecated via some Macro Magic. I also found some "documentation" on Apple's developer site, but it just lists the interfaces. It doesn't give any guidance on how to use them or what to use instead.
So, any advice on (a) how to figure out what to use instead, and (b) what I should actually use instead, would be very much appreciated.
According to the 10.5 WebKit changes, there are now methods called getAttributeNS:localName: and so on, and a replaceChild:oldChild: method of DOMNode.
