Can prolog answer undetermined instead of just yes or no? - prolog

Suppose I have the knowledge base
If we ask prolog whether
|?- likes(mary,john)
It will answer no because we did not assert that. Is there any way to make prolog answer unknown unless we explicitly state.
\+ likes(mary,john)
In other words can we ask prolog to treat unbound expressions as possible rather than false. I've been using IDP system which permits existential quantification and treats non asserted relations as if unbound rather than false, but I would like to use something more mainstream.
For example in IDP you can make the statement
vocabulary V{
type Person
theory T: V{
//Everyone might like someone and disallow narcisiscm
!x : ?y: Likes(x,y) & ~Likes(x,x).
//some instance without special meaning
structure S:V{
procedure main(){
//Print all possible solutions
Which yields
Number of models: 27
Model 1
structure : V {
Person = { "A"; "B"; "C" }
Likes = { "A","B"; "A","C"; "B","A"; "B","C"; "C","A"; "C","B" }

As stated, Prolog is using the closed-world assumption, i.e. asking if a fact is true means that we ask if we know it's true - a no means that we don't know if it's true, not that it's false. Of course, being a Turing-complete language you can simulate an open world - something like:
like(true, mary, john).
like(false, mary, nick).
like(unknown, X, Y).
Probably best to have some extra wrappers to deal with edge cases (e.g. having both true and false for a pair), and possibly use some higher-order predicate trick to avoid writing lots of boilerplate - but the core of the implementation is that you explicitly declare what's false, what's true and the rest is unknown.

What has been said so far is quite right: Prolog operates under the so-called Closed World Assumption (CWA). Still, I would like to offer a complementary perspective in addition to what has been posted already.
First, a Prolog program may not even terminate, and so we may never receive either of the possible answers you mention.
But even if the program does terminate, we may still obtain answers that are neither equivalent to true nor to false.
For example, using GNU Prolog:
| ?- X #\= 3.
X = _#2(0..2:4..127#)
Here, the answer is a pending constraint, a goal that is said to flounder because its truth is not definitely decided.
Such answers may or may not describe solutions.
For example:
| ?- fd_all_different([X,Y,Z]), fd_domain([X,Y,Z], 0, 1).
X = _#2(0..1)
Y = _#20(0..1)
Z = _#50(0..1)
In this case, no solutions exist! To see this, we need to explicitly search for them:
| ?- fd_all_different([X,Y,Z]), fd_domain([X,Y,Z], 0, 1),
Thus, in the example above, it may really be more advisable to answer with maybe instead of yes.
Moreover, we know from fundamental logical theorems that such issues are unavoidable when reasoning over integers.
In this sense, Prolog systems can really give answers whose truth not only isn't, but moreover cannot be determined.


What am I missing about equality and unification in Prolog?

I'm working through Clocksin and Mellish to try and finally go beyond just dabbling in Prolog. FWIW, I'm running SWI-Prolog:
SWI-Prolog version 7.2.3 for x86_64-linux
Anyway, I implemented a diff/2 predicate as part of exercise 1.4. The predicate is very simple:
diff(X,Y) :- X \== Y.
And it works when used in the sister_of predicate, like this:
sister_of(X,Y) :-
parents(X, Mum, Dad ),
parents(Y, Mum, Dad ).
in that, assuming the necessary additional facts, doing this:
?- sister_of(alice,alice).
returns false as expected. But here's the rub. If I do this instead:
?- sister_of(alice, Who).
(again, given the additional facts necessary)
I get
Who = edward ;
Who = alice;
Even though, as already shown, the sister_of predicate does not treat alice as her own sister.
On the other hand, if I use the SWI provided dif/2 predicate, then everything works the way I would naively expect.
Can anyone explain why this is happening this way, and why my diff implementation doesn't work the way I'm expecting, in the case where I ask for additional unifications from that query?
The entire source file I'm working with can be found here
Any help is much appreciated.
As you note, the problem stems from the interplay between equality (or rather, inequality) and unification. Observe that in your definition of sister_of, you first find a candidate value for X, then try to constrain Y to be different, but Y is still an uninstantiated logic variable and the check is always going to succeed, like diff(alice, Y) will. The following constraints, including the last one that gives a concrete value to Y, come too late.
In general, what you need to do is ensure that by the time you get to the inequality check all variables are instantiated. Negation is a non-logical feature of Prolog and therefore potentially dangerous, but checking whether two ground terms are not equal is safe.

Determining successor in prolog using recursion

I'm trying (failing) to understand an exercise where I'm given the following clauses;
pterm(f0(X)) :- pterm(X).
pterm(f1(X)) :- pterm(X).
They represent a number in binary, eg. f0(null) is equivalent to 0, f1(null) is equivalent to 1, etc.
The objective is to define a predicate over pterm such that one is the successor of the other when true. It seems like a relatively simple exercise but I'm struggling to get my head around it.
Here is the code I've written so far;
incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(X)), pterm(f1(Y)).
incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(f1(X))), pterm(f1(f1(Y))).
Having tested this I know it's very much incorrect. How might I go about inspecting the top level arguments of each pterm?
I've made minimal progress in the last 4 hours so any hints/help would be appreciated.
I'll start with the "how to inspect" question, as I think it will be the most useful. If you're using swi-prolog with xpce, run the guitracer:
?- consult('pterm'). % my input file
% pterm compiled 0.00 sec, 5 clauses
?- guitracer.
% The graphical front-end will be used for subsequent tracing
?- trace. % debugs step by step
[trace] ?- pterm(f0(f1(null))). % an example query to trace
A graphical interface will come up. Press the down arrow to unify things step by step. What's going on should make sense fairly quickly.
(use notrace. and nodebug. appropriately to exit trace and debug modes afterwards).
2) You seem to misunderstand how predicates work. A predicate is a logical statement, i.e. it will always return either true or false. You can think of them as classical boolean functions of the type "iseven(X)" (testing if X is even) or "ismemberof(A,B)" (testing if A is a member of B) etc. When you have a rule like "pred1 :- pred2, pred3." this is similar to saying "pred1 will return true if pred2 returns true, and pred3 returns true (otherwise pred1 returns false)".
When your predicates are called using constants, checking its truth value is a matter of checking your facts database to see if that predicate with those constants can be satisfied. But when you call using variables, prolog goes through a wild goose chase, trying to unify that variable with all the allowable stuff it can link it to, to see if it can try to make that predicate true. If it can't, it gives up and says it's false.
A predicate like incr(X,Y) is still something that needs to return true or false, but, if by design, this only becomes true when Y is the incremented version of X, where X is expected to be given at query time as input, then we have tricked prolog into making a "function" that is given X as input, and "returns" Y as output, because prolog will try to find an appropriate Y that makes the predicate true.
Therefore, with your example, incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(X)), pterm(f1(Y)). makes no sense, because you're telling it that incr(X,Y) will return true for any X,Y, as long as prolog can use X to find in the fact database any pterm(f0(X)) that will lead to a known fact, and also use Y to find a pterm(f1(Y)) term. You haven't made Y dependent on X in any way. This query will succeed for X = null, and Y = null, for instance.
Your first clause should be something like this.
incr(X,Y) :- X = pterm(f0(Z)), Y = pterm(f1(Z)).
where = performs unification. I.e. "find a value for Z such that X is pterm(f0(Z)), and for the same value of Z it also applies that Y = pterm(f1(Z))."
In fact, this could be more concisely rewritten as a fact:
incr( pterm(f0(Z)), pterm(f1(Z)) ).
Your second clause can be adapted similarly. However, I'm not sure if this is correct in terms of the logic of what you're trying to achieve (i.e. binary arithmetic). But I may have misunderstood the problem you're trying to solve.
My assumption is that if you have (0)111, then the successor should be 1000, not 1111. For this, I would guess you need to create a predicate that recursively checks if the incrementation of the digits below the currently processed one results in a 'carried' digit.
(since the actual logic is what your assignment is about, I won't offer a solution here. but hope this helps get you into grips with what's going on. feel free to have a go at the recursive version and ask another question based on that code!)

Binary logic in prolog

I want to solve following problem using inference making power of prolog.
One day, 3 persons, a, b, c were caught by police at the crime spot. When police settled interrogating them:
i) a says I am innocent
ii) b says a is criminal
iii) c says I am innocent.
Its known that
i) Exactly one person speaks true.
ii) Exactly one criminal is there.
Who is criminal?
To model above problem in First Order logic:
Consider c/1 is a predicate returns true when argument is Criminal
we can write:
(not(c(a)),c(c)) ; (c(c),c(a)).
c(a); c(b); c(c).
(not(c(a)),not(c(b))) ; (not(c(a)),not(c(c))) ; (not(c(b)),not(c(c))).
After modelling above statements in prolog, I will query:
it should return:
But error I got:
"No permission to modify static procedure `(;)/2'"
Since PROLOG does indeed work with Horn clauses, you'll need things of form head :- tail, reading :- as "if."
solve(Solution) :- ...
%With a Solution looking something like:
% solve(a(truth,innocent),b(false,criminal),c(false,innocent)).
To use the generate and test method, which is a common and reasonable way to solve this, you'd do something like this:
solve(Solution) :-
Solution = [a(_,_),b(_,_),c(_,_)],
generate should give you a well-formed Solution, that is, one having all the variables filled in with values that make some kind of sense (that is, false, true, criminal, innocent).
validate should ensure that the Solution matches the constraints you gave.
solve only completes when one of generate's solutions makes it past validate's constraints.
For an introduction to the generate and test method, see this tutorial.
But if you're writing code that isn't Horn clauses, you might need a tutorial on writing PROLOG functions (OK, relations), like this one.

Converting logical puzzle into predicate calculus and prolog/dlv

The question is : The salt has been stolen! Well, it was found that the culprit was either the Caterpillar,
Bill the Lizard or the Cheshire Cat. The three were tried and made the following
statements in court:
CATERPILLAR: Bill the Lizard ate the salt.
BILL THE LIZARD: That is true!
CHESHIRE CAT: I never ate the salt.
As it happened, at least one of them lied and at least one told the truth. Who ate the
I know for sure if bill is true, than all statements are true, and if cheshire is true, then all are false, so it must be the caterpillar.
Looking at in predicate calculus and programming it, it would be something like this right:
:- suspect(cat), suspect(lizard).
:- suspect(cat), suspect(caterpillar).
:- suspect(lizard), suspect(caterpillar).
%where these imply not more than one of these can be true or returned in our set
But then further describing this in predicate logic I don't how I would describe the descriptions or plea's they have made. And how that if one statement is true can imply that others may be falses.
One nice thing about this puzzle is that you do not even need first-order predicate logic to model it: It suffices to use propositional logic, because whether a suspect lies or tells the truth can be indicated with a Boolean variable, and the statements themselves are also only statements over Boolean variables.
Thus, consider using a constraint solver over Boolean variables when solving this task with Prolog. See clpb for more information about this.
Here is a sample solution, using SICStus Prolog or SWI:
:- use_module(library(clpb)).
solution(Pairs) :-
Suspects = [_Caterpillar,Lizard,Cat],
pairs_keys_values(Pairs, [caterpillar,lizard,cat], Suspects),
Truths = [CaterpillarTrue,LizardTrue,CatTrue],
% exactly one of them ate the salt
sat(card([1], Suspects)),
% the statements
sat(CaterpillarTrue =:= Lizard),
sat(LizardTrue =:= Lizard),
sat(CatTrue =:= ~Cat),
% at least one of them tells the truth:
sat(card([1,2,3], Truths)),
% at least one of them lies:
sat(card([1,2,3], [~CaterpillarTrue,~LizardTrue,~CatTrue])).
And from this the unique solution is readily determined without search:
?- solution(Pairs).
Pairs = [caterpillar-1, lizard-0, cat-0].

Making "deterministic success" of Prolog goals explicit

The matter of deterministic success of some Prolog goal has turned up time and again in—at least—the following questions:
Reification of term equality/inequality
Intersection and union of 2 lists
Remove duplicates in list (Prolog)
Prolog: How can I implement the sum of squares of two largest numbers out of three?
Ordering lists with constraint logic programming)
Different methods were used (e.g., provoking certain resource errors, or looking closely at the exact answers given by the Prolog toplevel), but they all appear somewhat ad-hack to me.
I'm looking for a generic, portable, and ISO-conformant way to find out if the execution of some Prolog goal (which succeeded) left some choice-point(s) behind. Some meta predicate, maybe?
Could you please hint me in the right direction? Thank you in advance!
Good news everyone: setup_call_cleanup/3 (currently a draft proposal for ISO) lets you do that in a quite portable and beautiful way.
See the example:
setup_call_cleanup(true, (X=1;X=2), Det=yes)
succeeds with Det == yes when there are no more choice points left.
EDIT: Let me illustrate the awesomeness of this construct, or rather of the very closely related predicate call_cleanup/2, with a simple example:
In the excellent CLP(B) documentation of SICStus Prolog, we find in the description of labeling/1 a very strong guarantee:
Enumerates all solutions by backtracking, but creates choicepoints only if necessary.
This is really a strong guarantee, and at first it may be hard to believe that it always holds. Luckily for us, it is extremely easy to formulate and generate systematic test cases in Prolog to verify such properties, in essence using the Prolog system to test itself.
We start with systematically describing what a Boolean expression looks like in CLP(B):
:- use_module(library(clpb)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
sat(_) --> [].
sat(a) --> [].
sat(~_) --> [].
sat(X+Y) --> [_], sat(X), sat(Y).
sat(X#Y) --> [_], sat(X), sat(Y).
There are in fact many more cases, but let us restrict ourselves to the above subset of CLP(B) expressions for now.
Why am I using a DCG for this? Because it lets me conveniently describe (a subset of) all Boolean expressions of specific depth, and thus fairly enumerate them all. For example:
?- length(Ls, _), phrase(sat(Sat), Ls).
Ls = [] ;
Ls = [],
Sat = a ;
Ls = [],
Sat = ~_G475 ;
Ls = [_G475],
Sat = _G478+_G479 .
Thus, I am using the DCG only to denote how many available "tokens" have already been consumed when generating expressions, limiting the total depth of the resulting expressions.
Next, we need a small auxiliary predicate labeling_nondet/1, which acts exactly as labeling/1, but is only true if a choice-point still remains. This is where call_cleanup/2 comes in:
labeling_nondet(Vs) :-
dif(Det, true),
call_cleanup(labeling(Vs), Det=true).
Our test case (and by this, we actually mean an infinite sequence of small test cases, which we can very conveniently describe with Prolog) now aims to verify the above property, i.e.:
If there is a choice-point, then there is a further solution.
In other words:
The set of solutions of labeling_nondet/1 is a proper subset of that of labeling/1.
Let us thus describe what a counterexample of the above property looks like:
counterexample(Sat) :-
length(Ls, _),
phrase(sat(Sat), Ls),
term_variables(Sat, Vs),
setof(Vs, labeling_nondet(Vs), Sols),
setof(Vs, labeling(Vs), Sols).
And now we use this executable specification in order to find such a counterexample. If the solver works as documented, then we will never find a counterexample. But in this case, we immediately get:
| ?- counterexample(Sat).
Sat = a+ ~_A,
sat(_A=:=_B*a) ? ;
So in fact the property does not hold. Broken down to the essence, although no more solutions remain in the following query, Det is not unified with true:
| ?- sat(a + ~X), call_cleanup(labeling([X]), Det=true).
X = 0 ? ;
In SWI-Prolog, the superfluous choice-point is obvious:
?- sat(a + ~X), labeling([X]).
X = 0 ;
I am not giving this example to criticize the behaviour of either SICStus Prolog or SWI: Nobody really cares whether or not a superfluous choice-point is left in labeling/1, least of all in an artificial example that involves universally quantified variables (which is atypical for tasks in which one uses labeling/1).
I am giving this example to show how nicely and conveniently guarantees that are documented and intended can be tested with such powerful inspection predicates...
... assuming that implementors are interested to standardize their efforts, so that these predicates actually work the same way across different implementations! The attentive reader will have noticed that the search for counterexamples produces quite different results when used in SWI-Prolog.
In an unexpected turn of events, the above test case has found a discrepancy in the call_cleanup/2 implementations of SWI-Prolog and SICStus. In SWI-Prolog (7.3.11):
?- dif(Det, true), call_cleanup(true, Det=true).
dif(Det, true).
?- call_cleanup(true, Det=true), dif(Det, true).
whereas both queries fail in SICStus Prolog (4.3.2).
This is the quite typical case: Once you are interested in testing a specific property, you find many obstacles that are in the way of testing the actual property.
In the ISO draft proposal, we see:
Failure of [the cleanup goal] is ignored.
In the SICStus documentation of call_cleanup/2, we see:
Cleanup succeeds determinately after performing some side-effect; otherwise, unexpected behavior may result.
And in the SWI variant, we see:
Success or failure of Cleanup is ignored
Thus, for portability, we should actually write labeling_nondet/1 as:
labeling_nondet(Vs) :-
call_cleanup(labeling(Vs), Det=true),
dif(Det, true).
There is no guarantee in setup_call_cleanup/3 that it detects determinism, i.e. missing choice points in the success of a goal. The Description draft proposal only says:
c) The cleanup handler is called exactly once; no later than
upon failure of G. Earlier moments are:
If G is true or false, C is called at an implementation
dependent moment after the last solution and after the last
observable effect of G.
So there is currently no requirement that:
setup_call_cleanup(true, true, Det=true)
Returns Det=true in the first place. This is also reflected in the test cases Examples that the draf proposal gives, we find one test case which says:
setup_call_cleanup(true, true, X = 2).
Either: Succeeds, unifying X = 2.
Or: Succeeds.
So its both a valid implementation, to detect determinism and not to detect determinism.
