run shell script in one line from applescript and provide input - macos

I'm trying to automate the installation of a program that needs to be run from the Terminal on MacOS. This seems simple enough but the installation script expects needs to run as root (or sudo) and find files from the root directory that it's running from and then looks for the user to provide a password as terminal input before it completes. I don't mind providing the password in a readable format as we will only be using it internally and the password will be changed soon after we're finished with this project.
I have the following so far and it's not working because it doesn't seem to accept my input from the response file. I'm using the sleep to wait the few moments that it takes to execute that first step.
do shell script "cd ~/Desktop/; ./setup; /bin/sleep 5; ~/Desktop/MyApp/Tools/RunThis_WithVarialbles -s -someOtherVaiable -u < ~/Desktop/sccm/Tools/response.txt" password "passwdIDCisVisible`enter code here`" with administrator privileges
The error I get from Script Editor is:
error "/bin/sh: ./setup: No such file or directory
ERROR 2 when mkdir in CreateDirectory - No such file or directoryERROR 2 when mkdir in CreateDirectory - No such file or directory
Please enter your password.
(null)(null)(null)(null)(null)" number 8
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a total Noob! Thanks for your patience!

Ok, so I can see a couple of wrongs in your command already. And it still seems pretty unclear what you are trying to achieve. Yet, instead of asking a lot of questions and causing confusion, let's just stick to the first step.
The first part of your error message reads: error "/bin/sh: ./setup: No such file or directory. So this could indicate that:
~/Desktop/setup does not exist. (Check if it does).
~/Desktop/setup is not properly specified and you need to add a file extensions (e.g. like ~/Desktop/
You do not have the proper rights to execute the file. So you should execute something like chmod u+x to give execution rights to your current user. (And sudo chmod u+x for root).
See if you can get passed that first. Learning to code usually means taking baby steps at first.
Good luck.


Terminal says there is no file

enter image description here
PLEASE HELP! I can't seem to run my file. I've compiled it so it should run shouldn't it?
It also happens to my other files and I can't seem to fix it.
Ok, so a quick point of notice:
It is usually appreciated if you post your code directly in your question and use the code markup for that. It makes it easier to answer your question and prevents the image from turning into a dead-link at one point in time.
Then, regarding your code: it seems your Topic3ex1.c still has some errors, it always helps to fix them first. Maybe the errors are preventing Topic3ex1 (which I believe you have selected as the output file with the -o option? I am not familiar with gcc's syntax.) from being formed. Check if the file exist first by executing ls -a from the command line.
If you get a message saying "No such file or directory" while it is indeed there, this is usually caused by a lack of user rights. Try executing chmod u+x Topic3ex1.c and then run your command again. This will give your current user the right to execute the file (read up on chmod if you do not know it already, you will need it often).
Final question: is Topic3ex1 supposed to be a file or a folder? For if it is a file, then executing it like ./Topic3ex1 will only work if it is a shellscript (in that case, best rename your file to, its best to always mention the extension of the file). If it is a folder the ./ command won't do anything and the cd Topic3ex1 (cq. change directory-)command you where experiencing with will activate it as your working directory. If it is a file however, then the change directory command will, of course, be useless.

Execute shell script when the file is opened

I want to make a shell script, which is executed when it is clicked on. I know you can do this with the Terminal command chmod u+x (filename) but I want to be able to send the file let's say by email or scp, and it should still be executed when clicked on by the new user.
I don't really think that is possible. The executability of the file is not an attribute within the file which tells the system to execute it. Its something you tell the system to do. I guess it is a security measure, regarding running maybe a risky command, lets say, rm -rf an important system folder.

Why do my setuid root bash shell scripts not work?

I created this simple script to allow the user to remove files created by the web server in his home directory without giving him "su". Both scripts are set with "chmod 4750".
The craziest thing is that they DID work and now they don't. Here's the scripts:
# Ask for directory to delete
echo "Enter the file or directory you would like to delete, the assumed path is /home/user"
rm -rf /home/user/"$DIRECTORY"
echo "Deleting /home/user/$DIRECTORY ..."
exit 0
# Reset permissions
echo "Resetting the ownership of the contents of /home/user to user."
chown -R user /home/user
exit 0
I will make them a little more advanced and work for multiple users but right now I cannot even get the simple version to work. It works when run as root of course. It used to work when run as user 'user' but now it doesn't. I get this:
Enter the file or directory you would like to delete, the assumed path is /home/user/[your input]
rm: cannot remove ‘/home/user/test-dir/test-file’: Permission denied
Deleting /home/user/test-dir ...
chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/user/test-dir’: Operation not permitted
What can possibly be the problem?
-rwsr-x--- 1 root user 291 Nov 6 05:23
-rwsr-x--- 1 root user 177 Nov 6 05:45
There is a pretty comprehansive answer at
Bottom line is that there are two main points against it:
A race condition between when the Kernel opens the file to find which interpreter it should execute and when the interpreter opens the file to read the script.
Shell scripts which execute many external programs without proper checks can be fooled into executing the wrong program (e.g. using malicious PATH), or expand variables in a broken way (e.g. having white space in variable values), and generally it has less control on how well the external programs it executes handle the input.
Historically, there was a famous bug in the original Bourne shell (at least on 4.2BSD, which is where I saw this in action) which allowed anyone to get interactive root shell by creating a symlink called -i to a suid shell script. That's possibly the original trigger for this being prohibited.
EDIT: To answer "How do I fix it" - configure sudo to allow users to execute only these scripts as user root, and perhaps use a trick like in to find the original user's name and force operation on their own home directory, instead of letting them pass in any arbitrary input (i.e. in their current state, nothing in the scripts you include in your question prevents user1 from executing the scripts and passing them users2's directory, or any directory for that matter)

install4j: Executing bash file

I am trying to run a bash file from install4j6. install4j does indeed try to run the bash file but it just returns an error at the end of the installation. The error is very generic and has no code reference or anything that will help me determine a solution - just a message that says "Error while executing file."
The only thing I can provide is how I have it setup in install4j6 since I am pretty sure that's my issue.
The bash file is defined in the root of my installation directory distribution tree and is named For the sake of eliminating permissions being a cause, the file permission mode is set to 777 (both in install4j and on the file system).
I believe the issue is related to what I have set as my "working directory". I currently have it set to just ".". Is there a way to debug this further? Maybe get an actual error as to why it's not executing?
Ok, first a few things to check:
make sure that you're running the batch file after the install files step (you mention it being at the root of your install)
best to have the wait for termination checked and a variable for the return code.
redirect stderr to the log file (just in case)
As for working directory, . should work, but you can change it to ${installer:sys.installationDir} to make sure that it references the installation directory chosen by the user. You can also set the executable in the form of ${installer:sys.installationDir}\
Also, try and run just your shell script to make sure that it works :)

Cd in shell script not working

First off I am very very new to shell scripting. I am trying to write a script that takes in one parameter and then copies a folder in a different directory naming it using the parameter. This is the current code that I have:
cd /var/www/html/fbplugin/chrome
sudo mkdir temp/$1
sudo cp -rf "/var/www/html/fbplugin/chrome/fbplugin" "/var/www/html/fbplugin/chrome/temp/$1"
When I run this code it says can't cd to /var/www/html/fbplugin/chrome. I'm not sure why it is saying this because I know the directory exists. I have copied the line directly and it works in terminal. If anyone could help me out that would be great.
If it matters in order to run the script I am typing "sh"
If that directory really exists, then you must have executed that script with a different user (cron, webserver, etc).
Check the rights for that directory.
I don't know why you're getting the error about cd, but it looks like you could just use absolute paths throughout. That would solve the larger problem of the script working correctly.
