CouchDB 2.0 - How to autoincrement keys in a View? - view

In CouchDB 2.0, I'm trying to create an ordered list as the keys from a View, but it doesn't work.
My code for the View document:
var i = 0;
function (doc) {
if (doc.type === "comment") {
emit(i++, doc.webpages);
The result is that all keys are equal to 0. How can I make it so that each document gets an autoincremented key?

A sequential ID probably isn't the best choice for most real applications. For example, if you were to build a commenting system I would approach it like this (there's a similar example in the couch docs):
Comments would be docs with a structure like this:
"_id": "comment_id",
"parent":"comment_id, or article_id if a top level comment"
"timestamp" : "iso datetime populated by the server",
"user_id": "the person who wrote the comment",
"content": "content of the comment"
To display all the top level comments of a given parent (either article or parent comment), you could use a view like this:
def function(doc){
emit([doc.parent, doc.timestamp, doc.user_id], doc._id)
To query this efficiently, you'd could use the following query options to grab the first twenty:
"startkey": ["parent_id"],
"endkey": ["parent_id", {}],
"limit": 20,
"skip": 0,
"include_docs": true
The comments will automatically be sorted by the date they were posted because the view is ordered by [parent, datetime, and then user]. You don't have the pass a value for anything other than parent with your key for benefit from this.
Another thing of note is by not passing the content of the comment to the view and instead using include_docs, your index will remain as slim as possible.
To expand on this:
If you want to show replies to a base comment, you can just change
the start and end keys to that comment's id.
If you want to show the next 20 comments, just change skip to 20.
If you want more comments shown initially, just up the limit value.
In answer to your comment, if you had an array or parents in your document like:
"parents" : ["a100", "a101", "a102"]
Everything else would remain the same, except you would emit a row for each parent.
def function(doc){ function (parent){
emit([doc.parent, doc.timestamp, doc.user_id], doc._id)


Proper Upsert (Atomic Update Counter Field or Insert Document) with RethinkDB

After looking at some SO questions and issues on RethinkDB github, I failed to come to a clear conclusion if atomic Upsert is possible?
Essentially I would like to perform the same operation as ZINCRBY using Redis.
If member does not exist in the sorted set, it is added with increment
as its score (as if its previous score was 0.0). If key does not
exist, a new sorted set with the specified member as its sole member
is created.
The current implementation appears to differ from almost all databases that I have used. With the data being replaced or inserted not updated. This is a simple use case, like update the last visit, update the number of clicks, update a product quantity. So I must be missing something very obvious, because I cannot see a simple way to do this.
Yes, it is possible. After get on the key, perform an atomic replace. Something like this might work:
function set_or_increment_score(player, points){
return r.table('scores').get(player).replace(
row =>
{ id: player,
score: r.branch(
It has the following behaviour:
> set_or_increment_score("alice", 1).run(conn)
{ inserted: 1 }
> set_or_increment_score("alice", 2).run(conn)
{ replaced: 1 }
It works because get returns null when the document doesn't exist, and a replace on a non-existing document tuns into an insert. See the documentation for replace
So I end up using the following code to go around the no Update issue.
{id:"A", type:"player", species:"warrior", score:0, xp:0, armor:0},
{conflict: function(id, oldDoc, newDoc) {
return newDoc.merge(oldDoc).merge(
{armor: oldDoc("armor").add(1)});
Do you think this is more readable/elegant or do you see any issues with the code compared to your sample?

MailChimp v3 API - Adding to Groups

Is there a way to manage a subscribers' group preference for lists in the v3 API? MailChimp documentation is a little light on the subject.
Yes, by assigning the member to an interest.
You have to find out the ID of the group (called 'interests') that you are wanting to add to. Unfortunately this cannot be found anywhere on the MailChimp dashboard.
The easiest way to find out the 'interest' ID (rather than creating a script) is to go to the MailChimp playground and then, after entering in your API key, route to...
lists > the list in question > members (in the sub-resources dropdown)
load (in the actions dropdown) for any member
Create Members (button)
The page will load the member's details. Scroll down until you see the 'interests' array/object. There you will see the IDs. Notice they can be set to true or false.
You will have to figure out which ID relates to what 'group'/'interest' by making the call, and then looking at the member's details via your MailChimp dashboard.
So when it comes to actually making the POST call ('member' create), you would want something on the lines of...
"interests": {
"b8a9d7cbf6": true
"FNAME": "foo bar",
"LNAME": "foo bar",
"MERGE3": "foo bar",
"MERGE4": "foo bar"
A PUT call ('member' edit) example...
"interests": {
"b8a9d7cbf6": false,
"5998e44916": true
For PUT requests, it seems that you must declare every 'interest' and state whether it is true or false.
I think this is what you are looking for: Lists Interest Categories Collection
In that endpoint you can get and create new groups for lists. And here Lists Interests Collection you can get interests or create new ones.
Coca Cola
Pepsi Max
Lemonades represents category or better a group name. Cola, pepsi and fanta represents interests or better group items in that spesific group/category.
Hope this helps :)

How to set same meta data across collections?

Am trying to set a product category on different collections but only the last collection defined in actually sets it when trying it like so
firstCollection: ->
#getCollection("html").findAllLive().on "add", (model) ->
model.setMeta({category: 'first'})
secondCollection: ->
#getCollection("html").findAllLive().on "add", (model) ->
model.setMeta({category: 'second'})
document.categorywill be 'second' for all documents of each collection.
How to set the same meta data individually per doc in a collection?
What problem are you trying to solve? Because your approach is not going to work. If you share what you're trying to do, we may be able to suggest an alternative approach.
Your current approach won't work because you are setting a metadata property named "category" that is a string. That metadata property lives on the documents in the collection and not on the collection itself.
Both collections are pointing at the same set of documents. Each individual document can only have a single value for that property. It can't be both 'first' and 'second'. The last one to set it wins, and in this case, the event that sets it to 'second' is happening last and so all of the documents have 'second' as the value for that metadata property.
Update: I found a better way to do this: model.setMetaDefaults({foo:'bar'})
For example, to create a blog collection with a default cssClass of post:
collections: {
blog: function() {
return this.getCollection("documents")
.findAllLive({relativeOutDirPath:'blog'}, [{filename:-1}])
.on("add", function (model) {
model.setMetaDefaults({'cssClass': 'post'})
This would go in your file or, in my case, docpad.js.
See a working example with full context at (collection is called "techblog", starts around like 72).

Couchdb view filtering by date

I have a simple document named Order structure with the fields id, name,
userId and timeScheduled.
What I would like to do is create a view where I can find the for those who's userId is some value and timeScheduledis
after a given date.
My view:
"by_users_after_time": {
"map": "function(doc) { if (doc.userId && doc.timeScheduled) {
emit([doc.timeScheduled, doc.userId], doc._id); }}"
If I do
I get every result back. Is there a way to access key[1] to do an if
doc.userId == key[1] or something along those lines and simply emit on the
This would be the SQL equivalent of
select id from Order where userId =
"f98ba9a518650a6c15c566fc6f00c157" and timeScheduled >
I did quite a few Google searches but I can't seem to find a good tutorial
on working with multiple keys. It's also possible that my approach is
entirely flawed so any guidance would be appreciated.
You only need to reverse the key, because username is known:
function (doc) {
if (doc.userId && doc.timeScheduled) {
emit([doc.userId, doc.timeScheduled], 1);
Then query with:
the query parameter is startkey, not startKey;
the value of startkey is an array, not a string. Then the double quotes go around the username and date values, not around the array.
I emit 1 as value, instead of doc._id, to save disk-space. Every row of the result has an id field with the doc._id, then there's no need to repeat it.
don't forget to set an endkey=["f98ba9a518650a6c15c566fc6f00c157",{}], otherwise you get the data of all users > "f98ba9a518650a6c15c566fc6f00c157"
The answer actually came from the couchdb mailing list:
Essentially, the Date.parse() doesn't like the +0000 on the timestamps. By
doing a substring and removing the +0000, everything worked.
For the record,
document.write(new Date("2012-02-13T16:18:19.565+0000")); //Outputs Invalid
document.write(Date.parse("2012-02-13T16:18:19.565+0000")); //Outputs NaN
But if you remove the +0000, both lines of code work perfectly.

CouchDB Views: remove duplicates *and* order by time

Based on a great answer to my previous question, I've partially solved a problem I'm having with CouchDB.
This resulted in a new view.
Now, the next thing I need to do is remove duplicates from this view while ordering by date.
For example, here is how I might query that view:
Resulting in this:
HTTP 200 > $_.json.rows
[ { id: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be067295'
, key:
[ 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be05ec54'
, '2010-11-26T17:00:00.000Z'
, 'clementine'
, value:
{ _id: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be062ee8'
, owner: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be05f67d'
, { id: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be068278'
, key:
[ 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be05ec54'
, '2010-11-26T15:00:00.000Z'
, 'durian'
, value:
{ _id: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be065115'
, owner: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be060bb4'
, { id: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be068026'
, key:
[ 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be05ec54'
, '2010-11-26T14:00:00.000Z'
, 'clementine'
, value:
{ _id: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be063b6d'
, owner: 'c988a29740241c7d20fc7974be05ff71'
As you can see, "clementine" shows up twice.
If I change the view to emit the fruit/asset name as the second key (instead of the time), I can change the grouping depth to collapse these, but that doesn't solve my order-by-time requirement. Similarly, with the above setup, I can order by time, but I can't collapse duplicate asset names into single rows (to allow e.g. 10 assets per page).
Unfortunately, this is not a simple question to explain. Maybe this chat transcript will help a little.
Please help. I'm afraid that what I need to do is still not possible.
You can do this using list function. Here is an example to generate a really simple list containing all the owner fields without dupes. You can easily modify it to produce json or xml or anything you want.
Put it into your assets design doc inside the lists.nodupes and use like this:
function(head, req) {
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/html"
var row;
var dupes = [];
while(row = getRow()) {
if (dupes.indexOf(row.key[2]) == -1) {
Ordering by one field and uniquing on another isn't something the basic map reduce can do. All it can do is sort your data, and apply reduce rollups to dynamic key-ranges.
To find the latest entry for each type of fruit, you'd need to query once per fruit.
There are some ways to do this that are kinda sane.
You'll want a view with keys like [fruit_type, date], and then you can query like this:
for fruit in fruits
GET /db/_design/foo/_view/bar?startkey=["apples"]&limit=1&descending=true
This will give you the latest entry for each fruit.
The list operation could be used to do this, it would just echo the first row from each fruit's block. This would be efficient enough as long as each fruit has a small number of entries. Once there are many entries per fruit, you'll be discarding more data than you echo, so the multi-query approach actually scales better than the list approach, when you get to a large data set. Luckily they can both work on the same view index, so when you have to switch it won't be a big deal.
