How to increment my Var2 after Var1 reaches some value on Jmeter? - jmeter

I need to Increment my Var2 after Var1 reaches some value, how to do that in Jmeter.
I tried with JSR223 with JavaScript but no luck (I am new to JS).
Var1 = FirstName
Var2 = LastName
My Usecase:
I tried the JS as below and and after that I am calling the FirstName from JS like ${__javaScript(‘${FirstName}’)}.
FirstName = 1;
function k()
if (${LastName} == 5)
return FirstName;
return FirstName;

I would recommend switching to Groovy language, in case when you need to do this calculation multiple times with multiple threads Groovy will work much faster than JavaScript.
Example Groovy code would look like:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
int FirstName = 1;
String lastName = vars.get("LastName");
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(lastName);
if (m.find()) {
int LastName = Integer.parseInt(;
if (LastName >= 5) {
return "FirstName" + FirstName;
See Groovy Is the New Black article for more detailed explanation, benchmarks and scripting best practices.


Replacing for loops for searching list in kotlin

I am trying to convert my code as clean as possible using the Kotlin's built-in functions. I have done some part of the code using for loops. But I want to know the efficient built-in functions to be used for this application
I have two array lists accounts and cards.
My goal is to search a specific card with the help of its card-number, in the array list named cards.
Then I have to validate the pin. If the pin is correct, by getting that gift card's customerId I have to search the account in the array list named accounts. Then I have to update the balance of the account.
These are the class which I have used
class Account{
constructor( )
var id : String = generateAccountNumber()
var name: String? = null
set(name) = if (name != null) field = name.toUpperCase() else { field = "Unknown User"; println("invalid details\nAccount is not Created");}
var balance : Double = 0.0
set(balance) = if (balance >= 0) field = balance else { field = 0.0 }
constructor(id: String = generateAccountNumber(), name: String?,balance: Double) { = id
this.balance = balance = name
class GiftCard {
constructor( )
var cardNumber : String = generateCardNumber()
var pin: String? = null
set(pin) = if (pin != null) field = pin else { field = "Unknown User"; println("Please set the pin\nCard is not Created");}
var customerId : String = ""
set(customerId) = if (customerId != "") field = customerId else { field = "" }
var cardBalance : Double = 0.0
set(cardBalance) = if (cardBalance > 0) field = cardBalance else { field = 0.0; println("Card is created with zero balance\nPlease deposit") }
var status = Status.ACTIVE
constructor(cardNumber: String = generateCardNumber(),
pin: String,
customerId: String,
cardBalance: Double = 0.0,
status: Status = Status.ACTIVE){
this.cardNumber = cardNumber = pin
this.customerId = customerId
this.cardBalance = cardBalance
this.status = status
This is the part of code, I have to be changed :
override fun closeCard(cardNumber: String, pin: String): Pair<Boolean, Boolean> {
for (giftcard in giftcards) {
if (giftcard.cardNumber == cardNumber) {
if ( == pin) {
giftcard.status = Status.CLOSED
for (account in accounts)
account.balance = account.balance + giftcard.cardBalance
giftcard.cardBalance = 0.0
return Pair(true,true)
\\invalid pin
return Pair(true,false)
\\card is not present
return Pair(false,false)
Both classes are not very idiomatic. The primary constructor of a Kotlin class is implicit and does not need to be defined, however, you explicitly define a constructor and thus you add another one that is empty.
// good
class C
// bad
class C {
Going further, Kotlin has named arguments and default values, so make use of them.
class Account(
val id: String = generateAccountNumber(),
val name: String = "Unknown User",
val balance: Double = 0.0
Double is a very bad choice for basically anything due to its shortcomings, see for instance Choosing Int, Long, heck even BigDecimal would be better. It also seems that you don’t want the balance to ever go beneath zero, in that case consider UInt and ULong.
Last but not least is the mutability of your class. This can make sense but it also might be dangerous. It is up to you to decide upon your needs and requirements.
enum class Status {
class Account(private var _balance: UInt) {
val balance get() = _balance
operator fun plusAssign(other: UInt) {
_balance += other
class GiftCard(
val number: String,
val pin: String,
private var _status: Status,
private var _balance: UInt
) {
val status get() = _status
val balance get() = _balance
fun close() {
_status = Status.CLOSED
_balance = 0u
class Main(val accounts: List<Account>, val giftCards: List<GiftCard>) {
fun closeCard(cardNumber: String, pin: String) =
giftCards.find { it.number == cardNumber }?.let {
( == pin).andAlso {
accounts.forEach { a -> a += it.balance }
inline fun Boolean.andAlso(action: () -> Unit): Boolean {
if (this) action()
return this
We change the return type from Pair<Boolean, Boolean> to a more idiomatic Boolean? where Null means that we did not find anything (literally the true meaning of Null), false that the PIN did not match, and true that the gift card was closed. We are not creating a pair anymore and thus avoid the additional object allocation.
The Boolean.andAlso() is a handy extension function that I generally keep handy, it is like Any.also() from Kotlin’s STD but only executes the action if the Boolean is actually true.
There's probably a million different ways to do this, but here's one that at least has some language features I feel are worthy to share:
fun closeCard(cardNumber: String, pin: String): Pair<Boolean, Boolean> {
val giftCard = giftcards.find { it.cardNumber == cardNumber }
?: return Pair(false, false)
return if ( == pin) {
giftCard.status = Status.CLOSED
accounts.forEach {
it.balance += giftCard.cardBalance
Pair(true, true)
} else
Pair(true, false)
The first thing to notice if the Elvis operator - ?: - which evaluates the right side of the expression if the left side is null. In this case, if find returns null, which is equivalent to not finding a card number that matches the desired one, we'll immediately return Pair(false, false). This is the last step in your code.
From there one it's pretty straight forward. If the pins match, you loop through the accounts list with a forEach and close the card. If the pins don't match, then we'll go straight to the else branch. In kotlin, if can be used as an expression, therefore we can simply put the return statement before the if and let it return the result of the last expression on each branch.
PS: I won't say this is more efficient than your way. It's just one way that uses built-in functions - find and forEach - like you asked, as well as other language features.
PPS: I would highly recommend to try and find another way to update the lists without mutating the objects. I don't know your use cases, but this doesn't feel too thread-safe. I didn't post any solution for this, because it's outside the scope of this question.

ToString does not work

Why toString doesn´t work in my code? The output should be all elements that are in the idChild[].
public String[] onePointCrossover(int father, int mother) {
String linha1 = individualID.get(father);
idFather = linha1.split(" ");
String linha2 = individualDep.get(father);
depenFather= linha2.split(" ");
String linha3 = individualHour.get(father);
hourFather = linha3.split(" ");
String linhaA = individualID.get(mother);
idMother = linha1.split(" ");
String linhaB = individualDep.get(mother);
depenMother= linha2.split(" ");
String linhaC = individualHour.get(mother);
hourMother = linha3.split(" ");
String [] idChild = new String [idFather.length];
int crossPoint = (int) (Math.random()*idFather.length);
for(int i=0; i<idFather.length; i++)
if (i<crossPoint)
idChild[i] = idFather[i];
idChild [i] = idMother[i];
System.out.println("child" + idChild.toString());
return idChild;
If you want to loop through all childs in your array, then you need to loop through it, other wise you are attempting to read an array of objects as a string!
foreach (string s in idChild)
This is the way toString() works (documentation here): the default implementation of the Object class (and of all arrays) shows the class name, the # symbol and the hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object:
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "#" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
The documentation says:
Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object.
So it's really up to the programmer to choose what "textually represents" means.
If you want to print the String representation of all the items in an array you have to iterate over it.

Jqgrid search results pagination with Spring 3.0

I have several jqgrids running and all are functioning fine. However, when I do a search, I am only displaying ten search results per page. Whenever there are more than ten results, clicking on page two has no effect on the grid. Here is one of my controller actions, pay particular attention to the if satatement where search is true....
I think I may have found a clue as to what may be causing my issue. You see I have several subgrids under the main grid. In terms of my java code I have object-A which has a list of object-B
, thus A has a subgrid of B. The way i am building up the json string to feed to the grid is by iterating over the list of B contained in A. I did not write a query of some kind to say order by, and limit the results etc.
So i guess the real question should be how to build a finder on a collection so that the contents can be arranged and ordered as i wish?
Here is the action I am calling for one of my entities described as B above. Pay particular attention to where i said person.getContacts()
#RequestMapping(value = "contactjsondata/{pId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody String contactjsondata(#PathVariable("pId") Long personId, Model uiModel, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
Person person = Person.findPerson(personId);
String column = "id";
if(httpServletRequest.getParameter("sidx") != null){
column = httpServletRequest.getParameter("sidx");
String orderType = "DESC";
if(httpServletRequest.getParameter("sord") != null){
orderType = httpServletRequest.getParameter("sord").toUpperCase();
int page = 1;
if(Integer.parseInt(httpServletRequest.getParameter("page")) >= 1){
page = Integer.parseInt(httpServletRequest.getParameter("page"));
int limitAmount = 10;
int limitStart = limitAmount*page - limitAmount;
List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>(person.getContacts());
double tally = Math.ceil(contacts.size()/10.0d);
int totalPages = (int)tally;
int records = contacts.size();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("{\"page\":\"").append(page).append("\", \"records\":\"").append(records).append("\", \"total\":\"").append(totalPages).append("\", \"rows\":[");
boolean first = true;
for (Contact c: contacts) {
sb.append(first ? "" : ",");
if (first) {
first = false;
sb.append(String.format("{\"id\":\"%s\", \"cell\":[\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"]}",c.getId(), c.getId(), c.getContactType().getName() ,c.getContactValue()));
return sb.toString();
To fix the issue with pagination you need to replace the following block of code
for (Contact c: contacts) {
sb.append(first ? "" : ",");
if (first) {
first = false;
sb.append(String.format("{\"id\":\"%s\", \"cell\":[\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"]}",c.getId(), c.getId(), c.getContactType().getName() ,c.getContactValue()));
for (int i=limitStart; i<Math.min(records, limitStart+limitAmount); i++){
Contact c = contacts[i];
sb.append(first ? "" : ",");
if (first) {
first = false;
sb.append(String.format("{\"id\":\"%s\", \"cell\":[\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"]}",c.getId(), c.getId(), c.getContactType().getName() ,c.getContactValue()));
Another option is using loadonce:true to let the jqGrid handle pagination and sorting. In this case you don't need to make changes described above

How to search on multiple strings entered in single text box in mvc3

i have a single textbox named Keywords.
User can enter multiple strings for search.
How this is possible in mvc3?
I am using nhibernate as ORM.
Can i create criteria for this?
Edited Scenario
I have partial view to search job based on following values:
Keywords(multiple strings), Industry(cascading dropdown with functional area )//working well ,FunctionalArea//working well
Loaction(multiple locations), Experience//working well
In Controller i am retrieving these values from form collection.
What datatype should i use for keywords and location (string or string[] )?
public ActionResult SearchResult(FormCollection formCollection)
IList<Jobs> JobsSearchResultList = new List<Jobs>();
//string[] keywords = null;
string location = null;
int? industry = 0;
int? functionaArea = 0;
int? experience = 0;
string keywords = null;
if (formCollection["txtKeyword"] != "")
keywords = formCollection["txtKeyword"];
//if (formCollection["txtKeyword"] != "")
// keywordAry = formCollection["txtKeyword"].Split(' ');
// foreach (string keyword in keywordAry)
// {
// string value = keyword;
// }
......retrieving other values from formcollection
//Now passing these values to Service method where i have criteria for job search
JobsSearchResultList = oEasyJobsService.GetJobsOnSearchExists(keywords,industry,functionaArea,location,experience);
return View(JobsSearchResultList);
In Services i have done like:
public IList<EASYJobs> GetJobsOnSearchExists(string keywords, int? industryId, int? functionalAreaId, string location, int? experience)
IList<JobLocation> locationlist = new List<JobLocation>();
IList<Jobs> JobsList = null;
var disjunction = Expression.Disjunction();
ICriteria query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Jobs), "EJobs");
if (keywords != null)
foreach (string keyword in keywords)
string pattern = String.Format("%{0}%", keyword);
.Add(Restrictions.InsensitiveLike("Jobs.keywords", pattern,MatchMode.Anywhere))
.Add(Expression.Eq("EASYJobs.Industry.IndustryId", industryId))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Jobs.FunctionalArea.FunctionalAreaId", functionalAreaId))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Jobs.RequiredExperience", experience)));
JobsList = criteria.List<Jobs>();
Problems i am facing are:
In controller if i use string[],then Split(',') does not split the string with specified separator.It passes string as it is to Service.
2.In services i am trying to replace string with %{0}% ,strings with spaces are replaced/concat() here with given delimeter.
But the problem here is It always return the whole job list means not giving the required output.
Pleas help ...
As long as you have a delimiter you can break the input into pieces on you should be able to create an or expression with the parts. You can use a disjunction to combine an arbitrary number of criteria using OR's.
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria<TestObject>();
Junction disjunction = Restrictions.Disjunction();
var input = "key words";
foreach (var keyword in input.Split(" "))
ICriterion criterion = Restrictions.Eq("PropertyName", keyword);
Multiple keywords with special characters or extra spaces are replaced with single space with Regex expressions.
And then keywords are separated with Split("").
Its working as required....
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
keywords = keywords.Trim();
keywords = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(keywords, #"[^0-9a-zA-Z\._\s]", " ");
keywords = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(keywords, #"[\s]+", " ");
if (keywords.IndexOf(" ") > 0)
string[] arr = keywords.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[i]))
.Add(Expression.Like("EASYJobs.keywords", arr[i], MatchMode.Anywhere)));
.Add(Expression.Like("EASYJobs.keywords", keywords, MatchMode.Anywhere)));

string replace using Linq in c#

public class Abbreviation
public string ShortName { get; set; }
public string LongName { get; set; }
I have a list of Abbreviation objects like this:
List abbreviations = new List();
abbreviations.add(new Abbreviation() {ShortName = "exp.", LongName = "expression"});
abbreviations.add(new Abbreviation() {ShortName = "para.", LongName = "paragraph"});
abbreviations.add(new Abbreviation() {ShortName = "ans.", LongName = "answer"});
string test = "this is a test exp. in a para. contains ans. for a question";
string result = test.Replace("exp.", "expression")
I expect the result to be:
"this is a test expression in a paragraph contains answer for a question"
Currently I am doing:
foreach (Abbreviation abbreviation in abbreviations)
test = test.Replace(abbreviation.ShortName, abbreviation.LongName);
result = test;
Wondering if there is a better way using a combination of Linq and Regex.
If you really wanted to shorten your code, you could use the ForEach extension method on the List:
abbreviations.ForEach(x=> test=test.Replace(x.ShortName, x.LongName));
You could use the ForEach method. Also, a StringBuilder should make the operations on your string more efficient:
var test = new StringBuilder("this is a test exp. in a para. contains ans. for a question");
abbreviations.ForEach(abb => test = test.Replace(abb.ShortName, abb.LongName));
return test.ToString();
Try this one
TestList.ForEach(x => x.TestType.Replace("", "DataNotAvailable"));
or the one below
foreach (TestModel item in TestList.Where(x => x.ID == ""))
item.ID = "NoDataAvailable";
