How to delete local directory with ansible - ansible

I have to make delete some directory and create them on local before copy to the remote. Is there anyway to delete and create locally?
Currently I'm using 'command'
command: rm -r directory
But warning shows as
Consider using file module with state=absent rather than running rm
Is there any options we can use for local folder changes?

You can use diffrent delegation methods or use the local_action:
- local_action: file path=directory state=absent

If you're running this in a playbook, you can use a section of the playbook that uses a local connection to make changes on the command machine, then copies files to the remote:
- hosts:
connection: local
- name: Delete local directory
file: path=/directory state=absent
- hosts: myhosts
copy: src=/directory dest=/foo/directory

Current Ansible (2.10) does not like - local_action: , instead use delegate_to:
- name: Remove directory 'dir1'
path: "path/to/dir1"
state: absent
delegate_to: localhost


Ansible - Best way to perform a local copy (in pre_tasks)?

I have a playbook that requires to copy some files from a local directory into another local directory (on the ansible host). What is the correct way to achieve this?
I found the copy module but it seems it is only for copying files to a remote host. I also found local_action but I'am very unsure how to use it.
The playbook looks something like:
- hosts: all
proprietary_files: "/some/files/not/managed/by/vcs"
filesToWorkOnLater: "config_files"
- name "Copy from {{proprietary_files}} to {{filesToWorkOnLater}}"
# What to enter here to perform the local copy?
Ansible now supports import_role so pre_tasks aren't needed anymore.
Something like this should fix you issue:
- hosts: all
- command: cp file1 file2
- import_role:
name: ...
Have you tried delegate_to localhost? PLease try as below. (I have not tested)
- name: copying to local
src: {{proprietary_files}}
dest: {{filesToWorkOnLater}}
delegate_to: localhost

Ansible archive remove option is not woking

I have to archive a directory on remote host and remove the directory once .tgz file is successfully created. I have the following in my playbook:
- hosts: remote_hostName
path: /test/folderA
dest: /test/tmp/folderA.tgz
remove: True
register: result
I can see my /test/tmp/folderA.tgz being created. However, /test/folderA is still there even I set remove option as True. I am using Ansible 2.3.
give become: True a try. So you have no problems with rights.

Ansible win_file module register results

I am using the win_file Ansible module to create directories and files on Windows 2012 R2 servers. I want to register the results of the win_file task but I can't get it to work.
For example this playbook...
- hosts: windows_server
gather_facts: no
- name: create directory on remote windows server
path: 'c:\temp}'
state: directory
register: task_results
debug: var=task_results
...does not print the results of the task.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your playbook syntax is flawed... Try this:
- hosts: windows_server
gather_facts: no
- name: create directory on remote windows server
path: 'c:\temp'
state: directory
register: task_results
- debug: var=task_results
register is a part of task not module's parameter, so it should be with the same indentation.
debug is a new task, so it should be another item in a list.
Also there is not tasks keyword in your example.

last modified files only moved ansible?

my requirement is moving files to remote host using ansible playbook.
my ansible script
- hosts: webservers
remote_user: root
- copy: src=/home/bu/Bilal/site dest=/tmp owner=root group=root mode=777
when run playbook it has moved the file to remote.
when I have ran playbook again it will overwrite the whole folder again. I am looking, what are the files I have modified that files only get overwrite because my folder size is too large its taking so much time even single file change.
Take a look at the Synchronize module:
Uses rsync to make synchronizing file paths in your playbooks quick and easy.
- name: Sync files
src: "{{ conf.dev_path }}/"
dest: "{{ conf.host_path }}"
delete: yes
- "--exclude=.*"

template task: write to root owned directory

I want to copy a template generated file to /etc/init.d folder. But template task doesn't seem to support sudo parameter.
What is the recommended way to handle this? should I copy it to temporary directory and then move file with with sudo?
The playbook task looks like as shown below. Ansible version 1.8.2
- name: copy init script
template: src=template/ dest=/etc/init.d/optimus-api mode=0755 force=yes owner=root group=root
I have tested the following playbook and it works.
My setup:
The User vagrant on the machine vm is allowed to execute commands password-free with sudo.
I created a simple template and installed it with the following playbook:
- name: Test template
hosts: vm
gather_facts: no
remote_user: vagrant
bla: blub # some variable used in the template
- name: copy init script
sudo: yes # << you have to activate sudo
sudo_user: root # << and provide the user
template: src=template/test.j2 dest=/opt/test mode=0755 force=yes owner=root group=root
