Authentication redirection in codeigniter - codeigniter

I am new to codeigniter framework. I am trying to build a authentication system.
Authentication is working fine. My problem is that after successfully logging, when I click the back button in the browser it is directed to login page again. I want to redirect it to the home page itself. i want to reload the home page not the index page(index page is the login page, after successful login goes to home page)
How can I do it

In your login page check that login session is started or not, if it is started than redirect to home page :
If you have any confusion please let me inform.

on the home page controller check whether the session exists or not. if it exists then redirect to home page otherwise login page.
In your home_model.php do something like below:
class Home_model extends CI_Model
function __construct()
function check_session()
$session_login = $this->session->userdata("MYLOGIN");
if($session_login == '')
if($session_login == 1 && $session_login == TRUE)
Load home_model in home controller.


How To check if a url in laravel was acceded through a view or through the browser?

I have a URL with a defined route which can be accessed through the browser by entering the url or through a view. I need to check if that URL was accessed using a browser(entering a url) or through a view triggered by an action of the user.
Is that a way to do that in Laravel ?
You can check for the existence of a previous url
Route::get('test', function () {
if (url()->previous() === config('app.url')) {
dd('accessed from browser');
} else {
dd('accessed from view');
Hope this helps

How to logout code igniter session without form

I have a login and logout view but I do not want a form to logout. How can I use a button to logout my session?
You can use a link because without form you cannot use button otherwise you have to use ajax
function logout() {
You can target the controller logout method through html a tag, and in your controller method you can destroy the session of codeigniter then redirect to home page or login page.
public static function logout()

what is the Best way to logout from page in codeigniter?

I make a link for logout in my view page.When I clicked it goes to another page but when I click the back button of browser it comes back to last page I log outed from it.what should I do to prevent this action?
function logout(){
thanks for your help.
You can check before the function calls that whether a session is there are not.If the session is empty then you need to redirect to login page again.Better you can check at __construct function in your class.It will called prior to your function call so,for each page the page will be redirect to login whenever your session is empty.
function __construct() {
if($this->session->userdata('iUserId') == '') {
// Redirect to Login page
you can check the session into controller construct method
public function __construct()
// Initialization of class
$this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'Please login first');
/* if user is not login then
redirect back to login page and show error

Codeigniter Passing parameters from view to controller

view has this anchor:
echo anchor('login', 'Login or Register');
how do i send the current url to my controller login? and then use it on another function called login_validation?
all i want is, login and back to the last url, however nothing works. so i thought saving the current url when i click "Login or Register" and then after login, on function login_validation, i should redirect to that url saved...
controller index
public function index(){
public function main_login(){
// on view i will call the next function login_validation
public function login_validation(){
if ($this->form_validation->run()){
// i should redirect the saved url here, instead of home
i appreciate any help
You can do this simply by using $this->agent->referrer() in your controller class main_login().
Save the referrer url into your session, and once the user is validated (or if they are), then you pull that string from session:
in main_login():
// grabs url where you clicked login
$this->session->set_userdata('referrer_url', $this->agent->referrer());
in login_validation():
// pull url from session and redirect, make sure to account for not having url too
redirect( $referrer_url );
I apologize for the delay, i was really busy with the end of the semester,
So i will explain how i did to solve this problem, all i wanted was back to the current page after the login.. so, everytime i open my view login i will save the last page url, with this code:
$refering_url = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '' ;
and then i should save it in my session, so i can access from my controller and redirect the user to the last page, but look, i can’t simple save the url every time i access the view login, beucase every time i miss the password, i will be redirected to the login page, and so the last url, will the login and not the last one, and of course its wrong, So we have to save it on session, but only in the first time we access the view login, to do that, i compare the variable above ($refering_url) to the view login and view login validation, if its not the same, i can confirm that the previous page is the one i was before the login, and then i can save it to my session,
here the comparison, and the last url saved in my session:
if (($refering_url != ‘URL TO VIEW LOGIN‘) &&
($refering_url != ‘URL TO LOGIN VALIDATION){
$this->session->set_userdata('url', $refering_url);
after login is validated, on the controller, i should redirect the user , to the last page he was (the url saved on the session), to do that i used this code:
redirect($url, 'refresh');

How to implement a secured login/logout in Codeigniter?

I am making a secured login for the system I am creating with CI since there should be an admin control of the system.
My approach was that I made a file on the application/core directory named MY_System.php where I got this line of code:
class MY_System extends CI_Controller
function __construct()
Then I also have Admin_Controller.php where I got this code :
class Admin_Controller extends MY_System
function __construct()
function is_logged_in()
$is_logged_in = $this->session->userdata('is_logged_in');
if(!isset($is_logged_in) || $is_logged_in != true)
redirect(base_url(). 'login');
The 2 files above are saved inside the core folder of the framework.
While on the controllers directory of the system, I got several controllers let's say Person in instance where I have this code:
class Person extends Admin_Controller
function __construct()
I believe that in this way, whenever the are pages of the system that shall be restricted I would use the Admin_Controller as the parent of the classes so that the users can't directly access the pages.
Now, my problem is that as I would click logout, the session will be destroyed and the user's data are emptied thus, the user must be redirected to the login page but it doesn't go that way because whenever I would click the back button of the browser right after I click logout, the previous page where the user was would still show up but when I click the links on those page, that's the time when the user will be redirected to the login page. What I want is that, after clicking logout and if he/she attempts and clicks the back button of the browser, he/she must be redirected to the login page.
Does anyone know the solution for my problem? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Try adding the follwing HTTP Header to your pages:
Cache-Control no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
This will force your browser to redownload the page (= re-execute your controller which should check the is_logged_in variable and redirect to the login page)
Try doing this instead:
redirect(site_url('login'), 'refresh');
