Creating Oracle sequences with Liquibase - oracle

Im wanting to create an auto incrementing number sequence for the primary id of the tables Im working with on Oracle.
With Liquibase I can see that autoincrement for the column is not supported for Oracle in Add Auto Increment. So how can I go about adding a sequencing for a particular table.
Below is what I currently have.
<property name="now" value="now()" dbms="mysql,h2"/>
<property name="now" value="current_timestamp" dbms="postgresql"/>
<property name="now" value="sysdate" dbms="oracle"/>
<property name="now" value="GETDATE()" dbms="mssql"/>
<property name="autoIncrement" value="true" dbms="mysql,h2,postgresql,mssql"/>
<property name="floatType" value="float4" dbms="postgresql, h2"/>
<property name="floatType" value="float" dbms="mysql, oracle, mssql"/>
<changeSet id="20170122022905-1" author="test">
<createTable tableName="certificate_metadata">
<column name="id" type="bigint" autoIncrement="${autoIncrement}">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>
<column name="org_id" type="bigint">
<constraints unique="true" nullable="false"/>
<column name="certificate_id" type="uuid">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="type" type="varchar(30)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="expiry_date" type="timestamp">
<constraints nullable="true"/>
<column name="created_date" type="timestamp">
<constraints nullable="true"/>
<column name="updated_date" type="timestamp">
<constraints nullable="true"/>
<dropDefaultValue tableName="certificate_metadata" columnName="created_date" columnDataType="datetime"/>
<dropDefaultValue tableName="certificate_metadata" columnName="updated_date" columnDataType="datetime"/>

Oracle 12c does support Auto Increment. So you either need to have Liquibase provide support for it, or just create the table(s) "natively", perhaps using a script in sqlplus


java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

In this method I am getting error java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist I have gone through posts and I m not getting any Idea to fix it
public void saveOrUpdateProcessRun(ProcessRun argProcessRun) {;
This is Mapping I have XML Based Configurations Generator class is not Working(PROC_RUN_ID_SEQ)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="com.uhg.esbdb.common.beans">
<class name="ProcessRun" table="PROC_RUN">
<id name="processRunID" type="integer" column="PROC_RUN_ID">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">PROC_RUN_ID_SEQ</param>
<property name="processID" type="integer" column="PROC_ID" />
<property name="processRunStartDatetime" type="timestamp"
column="PROC_RUN_STRT_DTTM" />
<property name="processRunEndDatetime" type="timestamp"
column="PROC_RUN_END_DTTM" />
<property name="processRunStatusCode" type="integer" column="PROC_RUN_STS_CD" />
<property name="createdByID" type="string" column="CRE_BY_ID" />
<property name="createdDatetime" type="timestamp" column="CRE_DTTM" />
<property name="modifiedByID" type="string" column="MOD_BY_ID" />
<property name="modifiedDatetime" type="timestamp" column="MOD_DTTM" />
<class name="FileLoad" table="FL_LOAD">
<id name="fileLoadID" type="integer" column="FL_LOAD_ID">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">FL_LOAD_ID_SEQ</param>
<property name="dataFileName" type="string" column="DATA_FL_NM" />
<property name="dataFileSizeByteNumber" type="integer"
column="DATA_FL_SZ_BYTE_NBR" />
<property name="fileLoadStatusCode" type="integer" column="FL_LOAD_STS_CD" />
<property name="loadStartDatetime" type="timestamp" column="LOAD_STRT_DTM" />
<property name="loadEndDatetime" type="timestamp" column="LOAD_END_DTM" />
<property name="createdByID" type="string" column="CRE_BY_ID" />
<property name="createdDatetime" type="timestamp" column="CRE_DTTM" />
<property name="modifiedByID" type="string" column="MOD_BY_ID" />
<property name="modifiedDatetime" type="timestamp" column="MOD_DTTM" />
<many-to-one name="processRun" class="ProcessRun" column="PROC_RUN_ID" />
<class name="ControlTotal" table="CTL_TOT">
<composite-id name="id" class="ControlTotalID">
<key-many-to-one name="fileLoad" class="FileLoad"
column="FL_LOAD_ID" />
<key-property name="controlTotalTypeCode" type="integer"
column="CTL_TOT_TYP_CD" />
<property name="controlTotal" type="string" column="CTL_TOT" />
<property name="createdByID" type="string" column="CRE_BY_ID" />
<property name="createdDatetime" type="timestamp" column="CRE_DTTM" />
<property name="modifiedByID" type="string" column="MOD_BY_ID" />
<property name="modifiedDatetime" type="timestamp" column="MOD_DTTM" />
<!-- Added for loading wfg transaction ids from BE017 and BNKACH feeds to the EDB table EDBREF.WFG_ACH_PAYMENTS-->
<class name="WfgTransactionIdBean" table="EDBREF.WFG_ACH_PAYMENTS">
<id name="traceNumber" type="string" column="TRACE_NUMBER"></id>
<property name="sourceSystem" type="string" column="SOURCE_SYSTEM" />
<property name="transactionDate" type="timestamp" column="TRANSACTION_DATE" />
<property name="processed" type="string" column="PROCESSED" />
Instead of PROC_RUN_ID_SEQ I am getting-> DEBUG main SQL logStatement:92 - select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
The causes can be different:
The name of the sequence you have mapped in your pojo is different
You have no permission to use sequence
You have no defined a sequence on your database
Fix the sequence name on your pojo
Grant the sequence for your database user
Add the sequence on your database
Try as follow:
<id name="propName" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
<column name="columnName" not-null="true" unique="true"
index="pkName" />
<param name="optimizer">none</param>
<param name="increment_size">1</param>
<param name="sequence_name">PROC_RUN_ID_SEQ</param>

Liquibase SYSDATE with loadData

I am trying to load in a CSV file using loadData, two of my columns are date times. I don't want to have to put the date time into the csv file, but have the current system time used --> SYSDATA (using Oracle).
I tried a couple things detailed below which didn't work:
3590~MobileCloudWallet~SYSTEM_PROPERTIES~VTS.Wallet.Provider.Type~XX,UGO,APPLE~26-SEP-16 AM~SYSTEM~
3591~MobileCloudWallet~SYSTEM_PROPERTIES~VTS.Wallet.Provider.Type.UGO.IneligibleCardList~4085869-4085869,4085868-4085868,4085860-4085860~26-SEP-16 AM~SYSTEM~
3592~MobileCloudWallet~SYSTEM_PROPERTIES~VTS.Credentials.Purpose.Type~Payment~26-SEP-16 AM~SYSTEM~
What I tried
<loadData encoding="UTF-8"
file="src/main/resources/data/configuration.tsv" quotchar=""
separator="~" tableName="CONFIGURATION">
<column name="CONFIGURATION_ID" type="NUMERIC" />
<column name="SERVICE_NAME" type="STRING" />
<column name="CATEGORY" type="STRING" />
<column name="CONFIGURATION_KEY" type="STRING" />
<column name="CONFIGURATION_VALUE" type="STRING" />
<column name="CREATE_TS" type="DATETIME" valueDate="SYSDATE" />
<column name="CREATED_BY" type="STRING" />
<column name="UPDATED_TS" type="DATE" valueDate="SYSDATE"/>
<column name="UPDATED_BY" type="STRING" />
<property name="now" value="sysdate" dbms="oracle" />
<loadData encoding="UTF-8"
file="src/main/resources/data/configuration.tsv" quotchar=""
separator="~" tableName="CONFIGURATION">
<column name="CONFIGURATION_ID" type="NUMERIC" />
<column name="SERVICE_NAME" type="STRING" />
<column name="CATEGORY" type="STRING" />
<column name="CONFIGURATION_KEY" type="STRING" />
<column name="CONFIGURATION_VALUE" type="STRING" />
<column name="CREATE_TS" type="DATETIME" defaultValueComputed="${now}" />
<column name="CREATED_BY" type="STRING" />
<column name="UPDATED_TS" type="DATE" defaultValueComputed="${now}"/>
<column name="UPDATED_BY" type="STRING" />
I was over-thinking things. I set the value of the data column in my CSV to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, keep the column def in loadUpdateData as date and get rid of defaultValueComputed/valueDate. Worked great.

Foreign Key Lookup in WaveMaker 6.7

I'm currently evaluating WaveMaker for a project at work and am experiencing trouble performing a foreign key lookup. I'm running WaveMaker 6.7 and connecting to an Oracle Database 10g instance.
My project involves designing a pretty simple "Project Approval" screen. In WaveMaker's implementation, it should consist of a DojoGrid associated with the RequestApproval table and a LiveForm associated with the selected element in the table providing CRUD operations on that element.
Each row in the RequestApproval table represents a task in a project. The table includes a nullable StaffAssigned column that indicates which staff member is assigned to a task. To validate new entries and preserve data integrity, the StaffAssigned column is a foreign key into the Respinit table, the primary key of which defines all staff members. The foreign key is defined in the database, and on import WaveMaker assigns it a cardinality of "to-zero-or-one" (because, I think, the StaffAssigned column is nullable).
My problem is that not all the conveniences WaveMaker should provide me now that Hibernate has a mapping of the relationship are available to me. As long as that foreign key is defined on the StaffAssigned column, the column will not appear in the DojoGrid. None of the associated columns from the Respinit table appear as selectable in the "Edit columns" dialog of the DojoGrid either. (Perhaps this is because WaveMaker wouldn't know what to display when StaffAssigned is null?) No Lookup editor appears by default in the LiveForm, but when I drag one over from the Pallete the new editor is automatically associated with the foreign key and will auto-populate with values from the Respinit table when I run my app.
Here's the defintion of the RequestApproval table in Hibernate:
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "">
<class name="" table="REQUEST_APPROVAL" schema="VRT" dynamic-insert="false" dynamic-update="false">
<id name="requestApprovalId" type="integer">
<column name="REQUEST_APPROVAL_ID" precision="9"/>
<generator class="assigned"/>
<property name="REQUESTNUM" type="integer">
<column name="REQUESTNUM" precision="8" not-null="true"/>
<property name="taskDescription" type="string">
<column name="TASK_DESCRIPTION" length="2000"/>
<property name="whoRequestedApproval" type="string">
<column name="WHO_REQUESTED_APPROVAL" length="6"/>
<property name="dateRequested" type="date">
<column name="DATE_REQUESTED" length="7"/>
<property name="dateApproved" type="date">
<column name="DATE_APPROVED" length="7"/>
<property name="WHO_APPROVED" type="string">
<column name="WHO_APPROVED" length="6"/>
<many-to-one name="respinitByStaffAssigned" class="" cascade="none">
<column name="STAFF_ASSIGNED" length="6"/>
And here's the definition of the Respinit table:
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "">
<class name="" table="RESPINIT" schema="VRT" dynamic-insert="false" dynamic-update="false">
<id name="respinit" type="string">
<column name="RESPINIT" length="6"/>
<generator class="assigned"/>
<property name="rname" type="string">
<column name="RNAME" length="40"/>
<property name="rnameaddr" type="string">
<column name="RNAMEADDR" length="40"/>
<property name="raddr1" type="string">
<column name="RADDR1" length="40"/>
<property name="raddr2" type="string">
<column name="RADDR2" length="40"/>
<property name="rcity" type="string">
<column name="RCITY" length="40"/>
<property name="rstate" type="string">
<column name="RSTATE" length="20"/>
<property name="rzip" type="string">
<column name="RZIP" length="20"/>
<property name="homephone" type="string">
<column name="HOMEPHONE" length="20"/>
<property name="extension" type="string">
<column name="EXTENSION" length="5"/>
<property name="department" type="string">
<column name="DEPARTMENT" length="20"/>
<property name="cgroup" type="string">
<column name="CGROUP" length="10"/>
<property name="emailaddress" type="string">
<column name="EMAILADDRESS" length="1024"/>
<set name="requestApprovalsForStaffAssigned" inverse="true" cascade="">
<column name="STAFF_ASSIGNED" length="6"/>
<one-to-many class=""/>
I would really like my StaffAssigned column to show up in my DojoGrid, and I'm not sure why it's not. Other foreign key lookups I've done with Wavemaker work as expected. Can anyone tell if I've done something wrong in my configuration? Is my approach non-standard in some way? Any help will be greatly appreciated and I will happily provide any additional information on request.
I found the answer buried in their documentation. If one needs to view/edit related data, you have to use a LiveView instead of a LiveTable. Here's a link to the Wayback Machine's archive of the documentation in question since their website has been down all week.

Hibernate select batch-size

i have simple J2EE application that shows first 100 Employee records from db (Oracle DB) with Hibernate (version 3). All of the tables have about 10000 records. There are Country(id, name), City(id, name, country_id), Address(id, address, city_id), Company(id, name), Office(id, company_id, address_id), Employee(id, name, address_id), Position(id, name) and Employee_Position_Office(employee_id, position_id, office_id) in db. And i have some problems with batch-size. I need to do it in 4 sql-request (generated by Hibernate). Let's show you what i have:
In my class-mappings i set batch-size=100 and Hibernate creates 3 sql-request for Employee, OfficePosition and Address loading, look:
select * from ( select employee0_.ID as ID6_, employee0_.NAME as NAME6_, employee0_.ADDRESS as ADDRESS6_ from EMPLOYEE employee0_ ) where rownum <= ?
select officeposi0_.EMPLOYEE_ID as EMPLOYEE1_6_1_, officeposi0_.POSITION_ID as POSITION2_1_, officeposi0_.OFFICE_ID as OFFICE3_1_, position1_.ID as ID5_0_, position1_.NAME as NAME5_0_ from EMPLOYEE_POSITION_OFFICE officeposi0_ inner join POSITION position1_ on officeposi0_.POSITION_ID=position1_.ID where officeposi0_.EMPLOYEE_ID in (100x ?)
select address0_.ID as ID2_2_, address0_.ADDRESS as ADDRESS2_2_, address0_.CITY_ID as CITY3_2_2_, city1_.ID as ID1_0_, city1_.NAME as NAME1_0_, city1_.COUNTRY_ID as COUNTRY3_1_0_, country2_.ID as ID0_1_, country2_.NAME as NAME0_1_ from ADDRESS address0_ left outer join CITY city1_ on address0_.CITY_ID=city1_.ID left outer join COUNTRY country2_ on city1_.COUNTRY_ID=country2_.ID where address0_.ID in (100x ?)
And if i change batch-size to number more than 100 nothing changes - this is good.
But then (after these requests) Hibernate generates request(s) for Office loading, and i have some problems with it, let's show you:
My 100 first Employees work in 397 offices (randomly generated) and Hibernate should loads they with 1 request when batch-size is more than 397, when i set batch-size to 397 it works fine (in 1 sql-request),
select office0_.ID as ID4_4_, office0_.COMPANY_ID as COMPANY2_4_4_, office0_.ADDRESS_ID as ADDRESS3_4_4_, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMPLOYEE_POSITION_OFFICE
as formula0_4_, company1_.ID as ID3_0_, company1_.NAME as NAME3_0_, address2_.ID as ID2_1_, address2_.ADDRESS as ADDRESS2_1_, address2_.CITY_ID as CITY3_2_1_, city3_.ID as ID1_2_, city3_.NAME as NAME1_2_, city3_.COUNTRY_ID as COUNTRY3_1_2_, country4_.ID as ID0_3_, country4_.NAME as NAME0_3_ from OFFICE office0_ left outer join COMPANY company1_ on office0_.COMPANY_ID=company1_.ID left outer join ADDRESS address2_ on office0_.ADDRESS_ID=address2_.ID left outer join CITY city3_ on address2_.CITY_ID=city3_.ID left outer join COUNTRY country4_ on city3_.COUNTRY_ID=country4_.ID where office0_.ID in (397x ?)
but when i set any another number (less or more than 397) Hibernate generates several sql-requests with same "body" but others "tails".
For example, there are results when batch-size = 400. (200x ?) (100x ?) (50x ?) (25x ?) (12x ?) (10x ?)
Tell, please, what i do wrong and can it be fixed. Thx.
My mappings:
<class name="---.Address" table="ADDRESS"
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="address" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="ADDRESS" />
<many-to-one name="city" class="---.City"
<column name="CITY_ID" />
<class name="---.City" table="CITY">
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="name" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="NAME" />
<many-to-one name="country" class="---.Country"
<column name="COUNTRY_ID" />
<class name="---.Company" table="COMPANY">
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="name" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="NAME" />
<class name="---.Country" table="COUNTRY">
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="name" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="NAME" />
<class name="---.Employee" table="EMPLOYEE"
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="name" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="NAME" />
<many-to-one name="address" class="---.Address"
<column name="ADDRESS" unique="true" />
<map name="officePositions" table="EMPLOYEE_POSITION_OFFICE" lazy="false"
fetch="join" batch-size="100">
<column name="EMPLOYEE_ID"></column>
<map-key-many-to-many class="---.Office">
<column name="OFFICE_ID">
<many-to-many column="POSITION_ID"
class="---.Position" />
<class name="---.Office" table="OFFICE"
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<many-to-one name="company" class=---.Company"
<column name="COMPANY_ID" />
<many-to-one name="address" class="---.Address"
<column name="ADDRESS_ID" />
<property name="collegues">
<class name="---.Position" table="POSITION">
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="ID" />
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="name" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="NAME" />
Hibernate cfg:
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:xe</property>
<property name="connection.driver_class">oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</property>
<property name="connection.username">---</property>
<property name="connection.password">----</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">10</property>
<property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect</property>
<property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments">false</property>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql">false</property>
<property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>
<mapping resource="---/Country.hbm.xml" />
<mapping resource="---/City.hbm.xml" />
<mapping resource="---/Address.hbm.xml" />
<mapping resource="---/Company.hbm.xml" />
<mapping resource="---/Office.hbm.xml" />
<mapping resource="---/Position.hbm.xml" />
<mapping resource="---/Employee.hbm.xml" />

NHibernate sluggish performance in FindAll(criteria) query

I have a very simple mapping file (se below) and a simple class.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="Domain"
namespace="Domain" default-access="field.camelcase-underscore"
<class name="PricePropStateView" table="V_PRICE_PROP_STATES">
<id name="PriceId" column="PRICE_ID" type="long" />
<property name="DetailId" column="DETAILS_ID" type="long" />
<property name="Moe" column="MOE" type="string" />
<property name="PropId" column="PROP_ID" type="long" />
<property name="PoQteId" column="PO_QTE_ID" type="string" />
<property name="PoLineItemId" column="LINE_ITEM_ID" type="string" />
<property name="PropState" column="PROP_STATE" type="string" />
The class represents a data set returned by a View in Oracle. The performance is very slow. When executed in Toad for Oracle, the result set is returned in less than a second. When using
DetachedCriteria criteria =
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("PoQteId", aQuoteName));
return FindAll(criteria).ToList();
It is very slow...almost 29 seconds. Any ideas> Thanks
