Uipath connection to MySQL - uipath

Has anyone ever connected to a MySQL remote server using uipath? Is this possible. I've tried using the standard activities but am unable. I understand that I may need to install the odbc driver, then create a connection. Is it possible to then send sql from uipath to the linked server.

Thanks for the information. I followed the steps and able to solve the problem.
Install mysql
Install Mysql odbc driver
create USER DSN
While creating connection use the ODBC DATA SOURCE option
In next window select the DSN created in third step under system or user Data source name
Thanks for help

You can use connect to MYSQL database using UIPath, by installing Mysql-ODBC connector of 32-bit(x86) and creating a system/user DSN.
I have tried and it is working fine.
Please revert for any clarifications.

You can connect to the remote server and pass the SQL queries to fetch the data.
Which version of UiPath you using now (Community or Enterprise)?


Export Database connection to Oracle Developer

I have a database Connection established in odbcad and Microsoft Access (aswell as working in Excel) via ODBC and want to also get it working in Oracle SQL developer.
It is a Windows SQL Server as far as i know and I have tried several Settings, of which None works. I have also installed Driver for ODBC. I would like to Import Settings into SQL developer as applied in MS Access, is there any possibility?
No, SQL Developer is a Java application and uses a JDBC driver.
But if you look at the odbc properties for your connection, those should largely translate to what you need to define a basic connection.
Server name or IP address of the DB, port # for the listener, and the name of the SID or Service, plus a valid username and password is all you need to connect to Oracle.
What error do you get when you try to connect?
Show us what you're trying.
You're trying to connect to SQL Server but you're getting"
Native SSPI library not loaded
You're trying to use OS Authentication for your connection. For this to work with the jTDS driver, you need to copy a DLL file named ntlmauth.dll (which is for NT authentication) under the jtds-x.x.x-dist\x86\SSO\ or jtds-x.x.x-dist\x64\SSO\, to any directories in the PATH environment.
Please update your question such that's it's clear you're connecting to SQL Server and share the error message so others can find it.
I imagine this question is a duplicate of many previous iterations of the same challenge.

Cant create local connections in SQL Developer [duplicate]

I am new to Programming. I am learning JAVA and for DB i wanted to learn Oracle so I downloaded sqldeveloper from Oracle website. It was a zip file so I didnot have to install anything, simply extracted it. When I open the sqldeveloper and try to make a new connection, it shows error.
Test failed: IO Error: The network adapter could not establish the connection.
I am not sure what to put in username and pwd. and i am also not sure if i have to connect this to jdk or jre or set classpath for database.
Can anyone help me?? I have uploaded the snapshot of the error too.
You downloaded a client.
You did NOT download the server component though - the actual database.
SQL Developer just allows you to work with an existing database.
No worries, you're not that far away. You have several options.
Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) - it's completely free.
We also have a VirtualBox appliance you can use for personal learning purposes, also completely free.
I talk about this and give step by step instructions here.
Check if oracle service, TNSListener service is up and running before trying to make any new connection from sql developer.
Even if TNS Service is down , connection can not be established with oracle instance.

Cannot create a new connection is sqldeveloepr

I am new to Programming. I am learning JAVA and for DB i wanted to learn Oracle so I downloaded sqldeveloper from Oracle website. It was a zip file so I didnot have to install anything, simply extracted it. When I open the sqldeveloper and try to make a new connection, it shows error.
Test failed: IO Error: The network adapter could not establish the connection.
I am not sure what to put in username and pwd. and i am also not sure if i have to connect this to jdk or jre or set classpath for database.
Can anyone help me?? I have uploaded the snapshot of the error too.
You downloaded a client.
You did NOT download the server component though - the actual database.
SQL Developer just allows you to work with an existing database.
No worries, you're not that far away. You have several options.
Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) - it's completely free.
We also have a VirtualBox appliance you can use for personal learning purposes, also completely free.
I talk about this and give step by step instructions here.
Check if oracle service, TNSListener service is up and running before trying to make any new connection from sql developer.
Even if TNS Service is down , connection can not be established with oracle instance.

How to create local connection in SQL Developer

I only have SQL Developer installed. What other programs do I need to install to create a local database. Please provide links.
SQL Developer is a client that access to a database server to extract data.
You need a database server.
If you operate with SQLDeveloper probably you like to install Oracle. There is a simplified version of Oracle that is called Oracle-XE. Search it over google and download the right version for your operating system.
Give the username and password of the user you created. You can specify localhost in Host name. If you haven't modified the port on which Oracle works then give 1521. If you haven't changed SID as well then give XE. You might be able to connect with DB.

How do I connect to Oracle with SSIS? I am getting the error: "tns listener was not given the service_name in connect_data"

I am trying to connect to an Oracle DB through the Oracle Provider for OLE DB in SSIS, but am getting the following error when testing the connection: "tns listener was not given the service_name in connect_data". I am not too familiar with Oracle, so could someone provide me some direction for how to fix this error?
You can add the service name after the host name with a forward slash between them. This has worked in both the Microsoft and Oracle OLE DB providers.
IP/Service_Name also works, ""
First of all, always use Oracle driver. Not the Microsoft one.
Then, when connecting, supply the TNSNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD to a OLEDB Connection.
That's all!
Ok ok, been here, and this is what works:
You need oracle data access components http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/utilsoft-086879.html
Download the one that applies to you (11g, 12c...)
It installs an OLE DB provider which is FAST and also .NET connectors (wich also work really well), so I recommend using OLEDB (also, attunity connector works wonders aswell after you installed ODAC).
Then just connect using ip/service name + credentials, for example
You need to type "Servername/ServiceName" to Server Name Field .
