Xamarin Auth plugin Oauth2 and Google sign in - xamarin

So I've found a bunch of great tutorials on how to use the Xamarin auth component to authenticate using Oauth2 via Facebook and Google. It seems straightforward and I have no problems getting it working with Facebook. However, using Google always produces this screen:
I set up the credential at the google developer site per the tutorial and I've tried multiple tutorials / git hub projects and they all produce the same result, no login. Does / will Xamarin.auth work with Google authentication?
Here's one I worked through but there's a bunch of them:


Google console trouble with outh

I have a google application. Right now all my auth in nodejs working well. But when I'm trying to login using google I have an error that "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app"
I've tried to find where I can enable auth, but no solution.
I think that it is a problem with google console settings.
How should it work? - I need to log in with my google account
Have you checked if the google+ API is enabled?

Okta social authentication with angular and spring

I have downloaded that example:
it works fine but I have no clue how to to authenticate with facebook or microsoft account? Is there any working example with that identity providers or can someone tell me what to do?
I have found example at okta website how to configure that in dashboard and at microsoft developer account but I don't know how to redirect from my webpage to site where I can sign in using microsoft account not okta account.
Thanks in advance
Once you configure IDP using this. At the end, they give you options for integration. For example, if you are looking to integrate Facebook, at the end of the guide they give you an html button you integrate with your apps or if you are using Okta's sign-in widget. It shows how to do so.

How to make a 'log in with Spotify' authentication system using Firebase?

I have a web page which I want to make it only available to users after they log-in using their Spotify account. I am using Firebase for backend.
I haven't implemented any social authentication before, so an in-depth answer will be much appreciated.
There is a great exemple to implement Firebase auth with Instagram Oauth. It will be exactly the same for Spotify.
Read it here : Authenticate your Firebase users with Instagram
edit: And now there is also a sample for auth with Spotify + Firebase functions

How should I go about adding social login with facebook and google plus in my Jhipster generated app?

I have a Jhipster generated code and I am using Mongodb as database. I want to implement login with Facebook and google plus. This should work over rest apis on mobile as well. Can anybody help please?
Take a look at this thread comment for discussion about social sign on with jhipster and a sample app. https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/issues/1649#issuecomment-118714100

How can I access Google Drive API as a domain administrator or as a Marketplace App?

I have a marketplace app that I'd like to use to access the Google Drive API. I'm currently using the gdata API using 2-legged OAuth. My understanding is that the new Google APIs, including Google Drive API do not support 2-legged OAuth.
How can I access the Google Drive API for my customers' domain without asking each of my customers's users for individual permission?
On my Google Apps Marketplace Vendor page, there is a link to the Google APIs Console, with a project linked to my Marketplace App, but there is no option to create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID. I can only create a Simple API key.
Apparently, you used to be able to use the two-legged OAuth credentials along with the server api key to authenticate, but it looks like that's no longer the case. I tried to authenticate using this method with an old Google API .net sdk, but got a 401. I downloaded the newest sdk, and two-legged OAuth is completely missing. I checked out a copy of the Ruby sdk, because it was used in the video "Google Drive SDK: Using the Drive API with the Google Apps Marketplace", but it looks like (I don't know Ruby) it explicitly forbids two-legged OAuth:
case authorization
when :oauth_1
STDERR.puts('OAuth 1 is deprecated. Please reauthorize with OAuth 2.')
I feel like Google is intentionally ignoring my questions about this topic.
You can use domain-wide delegation to access users' data without asking each user. Details are explained on https://developers.google.com/drive/delegation
