Setting default arguments / parameters for bash commands - bash

I am looking for a way to have a bash command be passed default arguments in place of 0 arguments. For example when passing $ls to the command line the user would actually be passing $ls --color to the command line.

You can use functions or aliases.
If you want to prefix all ls invocations with your additional option, you can define an alias like this :
alias ls="ls --color"
This would be like implicitly using the option each time you use ls. When invoked, an alias is replaced by its assigned value. Aliases must be used at the beginning of a command, and the expanded alias will become part of the final statement that will be interpreted. In other words, aliases are a form of automatic text replacement and are quite limited in what they can do.
As suggested by Barmar, you can also use a function, which will allow you to use your default arguments (or some of them) only when no argument at all follows :
(( $# )) # True if at least one argument present
command ls "$#"
command ls --color
One thing aliases allow that functions cannot is they execute in the same context as their calling context (they are a form of text replacement, not a function call at all), so they can interact with positional parameters. As an example, you could have an alias like this :
alias shift_and_echo="shift ; echo"
That would actually shift the positional parameters as active where the alias is used, contrary to a function call which would only shift its own arguments and leave the calling context positional parameters unaffected. The echo would have as its arguments whatever follows the alias invocation (which may be nothing at all).
To me, this is the main reason for using aliases in scripts for some specific purposes, as otherwise functions are generally better, being able to receive arguments, contain local variables...


Meaning of single character commands preceded by a hyphen [duplicate]

What are the differences between these terms: "option", "argument", and "parameter"? In man pages these terms often seem to be used interchangeably.
A command is split into an array of strings named arguments. Argument 0 is (normally) the command name, argument 1, the first element following the command, and so on. These arguments are sometimes called positional parameters.
$ ls -la /tmp /var/tmp
arg0 = ls
arg1 = -la
arg2 = /tmp
arg3 = /var/tmp
An option is a documented1 type of argument modifying the behavior of a command, e.g. -l commonly means "long", -v verbose. -lv are two options combined in a single argument. There are also long options like --verbose (see also Using getopts to process long and short command line options). As their name suggests, options are usually optional. There are however some commands with paradoxical "mandatory options".
$ ls -la /tmp /var/tmp
option1= -l
option2= -a
A parameter is an argument that provides information to either the command or one of its options, e.g. in -o file, file is the parameter of the -o option. Unlike options, whose possible values are hard coded in programs, parameters are usually not, so the user is free to use whatever string suits his/her needs. Should you need to pass a parameter that looks like an option but shouldn't be interpreted as such, you can separate it from the beginning of the command line with a double dash: --2.
$ ls -la /tmp /var/tmp
parameter1= /tmp
parameter2= /var/tmp
$ ls -l -- -a
option1 = -l
parameter1 = -a
A shell parameter is anything that store a value in the context of the shell. This includes positional parameters (e.g. $1, $2...), variables (e.g. $foo, $bar...) and special character ones (e.g. $#)
Finally, there are subcommands, also known as functions / (low-level) commands, which are used with "metacommands" that embed multiple separate commands, like busybox, git, apt-get, openssl, and the likes. With them, you might have global options preceeding the subcommand, and subcommand specific options that follow the subcommand. Unlike parameters, the list of possible subcommands is hardcoded in the command itself. e.g.:
$ busybox ls -l
command = busybox
subcommand = ls
subcommand option1 = -l
$ git --git-dir=a.git --work-tree=b -C c status -s
command = git
command option1 = --git-dir=a.git
command option2 = --work-tree=b
command option3 = -C c
subcommand = status
subcommand option1 = -s
Note that some commands like test, tar, dd and find have more complex argument parsing syntax than the ones described previously and can have some or all of their arguments parsed as expressions, operands, keys and similar command specific components.
Note also that optional variable assignments and redirections, despite being processed by the shell for tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal like other command line parameters are not taken into account in my reply because they have disappeared when the command is actually called and passed its arguments.
1 I should have written usually documented because of course, undocumented options are still options.
2 The double dash feature need to be implemented by the program though.
The man page for a typical Unix command often uses the terms argument, option and parameter. At the lowest level, we have argument and everything is an argument, including the (filesystem path to the) command itself.
In a shell script you access arguments using the special variables $0 .. $n. Other languages have similar ways to access them (commonly through an array with a name like argv).
Arguments may be interpreted as options if you wish. How this is done is implementation-specific. You can either roll your own, for exampe a shell (such as bash) script can use provided getopts or getopt commands.
These typically define an option as an argument beginning with a hyphen (-) and some options may use proceeding arguments as its parameters. More capable parsers (e.g getopt) support mixing short-form (-h) and long-form (--help) options.
Typically, most options take zero or one parameter. Such parameters are also sometimes called values.
The supported options are coded in the program code (e.g in the invocation of getopts within a shell script). Any remaining arguments after the options have been consumed are commonly called positional parameters when the order in which they are given is significant (this is in contrast to options which usually can be given in any order).
Again, the script defines what the positional parameters are by how it consumes and uses them.
So a typical command
$ ls -I README -l foo 'bar car' baz
has seven arguments: /usr/bin/ls, -I, README, -l, foo, bar car, and baz accessible as $0 thru $6. The -l and -I are interpreted as options, the latter having a parameter (or value) of README. What remains are positional parameters (foo, bar car and baz).
Option parsing may alter the argument list by removing those it consumes (e.g using shift or set) so that only the positional parameters remain and are thereafter accessible as $1 .. $n.
Since the question is tagged "bash", I looked for relevant sections in the Bash manual. I list these as quoted passages below together with my own one sentence summaries.
Everything following the command is an argument.
A simple shell command such as echo a b c consists of the command itself followed by arguments, separated by spaces.
A simple command is the kind of command encountered most often. It’s just a sequence of words separated by blanks, terminated by one of the shell’s control operators (see Definitions). The first word generally specifies a command to be executed, with the rest of the words being that command’s arguments.
Arguments are referred to as parameters during function execution.
When a function is executed, the arguments to the function become the positional parameters during its execution
A parameter is an entity that stores values. It can be a name, a number, or one of the special characters listed below. A variable is a parameter denoted by a name.
A positional parameter is a parameter denoted by one or more digits, other than the single digit 0. Positional parameters are assigned from the shell’s arguments when it is invoked, and may be reassigned using the set builtin command. Positional parameter N may be referenced as ${N}, or as $N when N consists of a single digit.
There is no dedicated section to defining what an option is, but they are referred to as hyphen-prefixed characters throughout the manual.
The -p option changes the output format to that specified by POSIX

Bash what bash alias actually is? [duplicate]

I'm surprised hasn't been asked before, but…
What is the difference between
alias ⇢ alias EXPORT='alias'
function ⇢ function exporter() { echo $EXPORT }
export ⇢ export ALIAS='export'
and for that matter...
alias export=$(function) (j/k)
in bash (zsh, et al.)
Specifically, I'd be most interested in knowing the lexical/practical difference between
alias this=that
export that=this
I have both forms... all over the place - and would prefer to stop arbitrarily choosing one, over the other. 😂
I'm sure there is a great reference to a "scopes and use-cases for unix shells", somewhere... but thought I'd post the question here, in the name of righteous-canonicalicism.
You're asking about two very different categories of things: aliases and functions define things that act like commands; export marks a variable to be exported to child processes. Let me go through the command-like things first:
An alias (alias ll='ls -l') defines a shorthand for a command. They're intended for interactive use (they're actually disabled by default in shell scripts), and are simple but inflexible. For example, any arguments you specify after the alias simply get tacked onto the end of the command; if you wanted something like alias findservice='grep "$1" /etc/services', you can't do it, because $1 doesn't do anything useful here.
A function is like a more flexible, more powerful version of an alias. Functions can take & process arguments, contain loops, conditionals, here-documents, etc... Basically, anything you could do with a shell script can be done in a function. Note that the standard way to define a function doesn't actually use the keyword function, just parentheses after the name. For example: findservice() { grep "$1" /etc/services; }
Ok, now on to shell variables. Before I get to export, I need to talk about unexported variables. Basically, you can define a variable to have some (text) value, and then if you refer to the variable by $variablename it'll be substituted into the command. This differs from an alias or function in two ways: an alias or function can only occur as the first word in the command (e.g. ll filename will use the alias ll, but echo ll will not), and variables must be explicitly invoked with $ (echo $foo will use the variable foo, but echo foo will not). More fundamentally, aliases and functions are intended to contain executable code (commands, shell syntax, etc), while variables are intended to store non-executable data.
(BTW, you should almost always put variable references inside double-quotes -- that is, use echo "$foo" instead of just echo $foo. Without double-quotes the variable's contents get parsed in a somewhat weird way that tends to cause bugs.)
There are also some "special" shell variables, that are automatically set by the shell (e.g. $HOME), or influence how the shell behaves (e.g. $PATH controls where it looks for executable commands), or both.
An exported variable is available both in the current shell, and also passed to any subprocesses (subshells, other commands, whatever). For example, if I do LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8, that tells my current shell use the "en_US.UTF-8" locale settings. On the other hand, if I did export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 that would tell the current shell and all subprocesses and commands it executes to use that locale setting.
Note that a shell variable can be marked as exported separately from defining it, and once exported it stays exported. For example, $PATH is (as far as I know) always exported, so PATH=/foo:/bar has the same effect as export PATH=/foo:/bar (although the latter may be preferred just in case $PATH somehow wasn't already exported).
It's also possible to export a variable to a particular command without defining it in the current shell, by using the assignment as a prefix for the command. For example LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort filename will tell the sort command to use the "en_US.UTF-8" locale settings, but not apply that to the current shell (or any other commands).
The shell evaluation order (per POSIX) for the entities in your question is:
aliases --> variables --> command substitutions --> special built-ins --> functions --> regular built-ins
Aliases do not persist across subshells, but variables (and in Bash, functions) can be made to do so with the export command.
Regular built-ins can be overridden by writing functions that have the same name as the regular built-in (since functions expand before regular built-ins). (NOTE: If you're trying to add functionality to the regular built-in, call the built-in with command in your function definition so you don't accidentally create a recursive function.)
Variables can be made readonly with the (special built-in) readonly command, but aliases cannot.
Export a variable if you need to use a variable across subshells.
Make a variable readonly if you don't want it changed for the life of the parent shell (once performed, this cannot be undone with unset; you must restart the parent shell).
If you want to override or add functionality to a regular built-in, use a function.
NOTE: If you want to be sure that you're using a special or regular built-in and not someone else's function, use builtin the_builtin, or if the shell doesn't support the builtin command, use the POSIX comand command -p the_builtin, where the -p switch tells command to use the $PATH that ships with the shell by default (in case the user has overriden path).
NOTE: A variable can be made to act like an alias that also persists across subshells and cannot be changed. For example,
#! /bin/sh
my_cmd='ls -al'
export my_cmd
readonly my_cmd
will act like
#! /bin/sh
alias my_cmd='ls -al'
so long as
my_cmd is used without double-quotes (i.e. ${my_cmd}, NOT "${my_cmd}") so it isn't treated as a single string, and
IFS is the standard space-tab-newline and not switched to something else so that the elements of my_cmd are globbed and each part separated by a space is evaluated as a single token (otherwise it will be evaluated as a single string).
Each shell (e.g. bash, zsh, ksh, yash, etc.) is a bit different, so be sure to review the reference manual for it (they each implement POSIX in a unique way, or sometimes not at all).

Difference between terms: "option", "argument", and "parameter"?

What are the differences between these terms: "option", "argument", and "parameter"? In man pages these terms often seem to be used interchangeably.
A command is split into an array of strings named arguments. Argument 0 is (normally) the command name, argument 1, the first element following the command, and so on. These arguments are sometimes called positional parameters.
$ ls -la /tmp /var/tmp
arg0 = ls
arg1 = -la
arg2 = /tmp
arg3 = /var/tmp
An option is a documented1 type of argument modifying the behavior of a command, e.g. -l commonly means "long", -v verbose. -lv are two options combined in a single argument. There are also long options like --verbose (see also Using getopts to process long and short command line options). As their name suggests, options are usually optional. There are however some commands with paradoxical "mandatory options".
$ ls -la /tmp /var/tmp
option1= -l
option2= -a
A parameter is an argument that provides information to either the command or one of its options, e.g. in -o file, file is the parameter of the -o option. Unlike options, whose possible values are hard coded in programs, parameters are usually not, so the user is free to use whatever string suits his/her needs. Should you need to pass a parameter that looks like an option but shouldn't be interpreted as such, you can separate it from the beginning of the command line with a double dash: --2.
$ ls -la /tmp /var/tmp
parameter1= /tmp
parameter2= /var/tmp
$ ls -l -- -a
option1 = -l
parameter1 = -a
A shell parameter is anything that store a value in the context of the shell. This includes positional parameters (e.g. $1, $2...), variables (e.g. $foo, $bar...) and special character ones (e.g. $#)
Finally, there are subcommands, also known as functions / (low-level) commands, which are used with "metacommands" that embed multiple separate commands, like busybox, git, apt-get, openssl, and the likes. With them, you might have global options preceeding the subcommand, and subcommand specific options that follow the subcommand. Unlike parameters, the list of possible subcommands is hardcoded in the command itself. e.g.:
$ busybox ls -l
command = busybox
subcommand = ls
subcommand option1 = -l
$ git --git-dir=a.git --work-tree=b -C c status -s
command = git
command option1 = --git-dir=a.git
command option2 = --work-tree=b
command option3 = -C c
subcommand = status
subcommand option1 = -s
Note that some commands like test, tar, dd and find have more complex argument parsing syntax than the ones described previously and can have some or all of their arguments parsed as expressions, operands, keys and similar command specific components.
Note also that optional variable assignments and redirections, despite being processed by the shell for tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal like other command line parameters are not taken into account in my reply because they have disappeared when the command is actually called and passed its arguments.
1 I should have written usually documented because of course, undocumented options are still options.
2 The double dash feature need to be implemented by the program though.
The man page for a typical Unix command often uses the terms argument, option and parameter. At the lowest level, we have argument and everything is an argument, including the (filesystem path to the) command itself.
In a shell script you access arguments using the special variables $0 .. $n. Other languages have similar ways to access them (commonly through an array with a name like argv).
Arguments may be interpreted as options if you wish. How this is done is implementation-specific. You can either roll your own, for exampe a shell (such as bash) script can use provided getopts or getopt commands.
These typically define an option as an argument beginning with a hyphen (-) and some options may use proceeding arguments as its parameters. More capable parsers (e.g getopt) support mixing short-form (-h) and long-form (--help) options.
Typically, most options take zero or one parameter. Such parameters are also sometimes called values.
The supported options are coded in the program code (e.g in the invocation of getopts within a shell script). Any remaining arguments after the options have been consumed are commonly called positional parameters when the order in which they are given is significant (this is in contrast to options which usually can be given in any order).
Again, the script defines what the positional parameters are by how it consumes and uses them.
So a typical command
$ ls -I README -l foo 'bar car' baz
has seven arguments: /usr/bin/ls, -I, README, -l, foo, bar car, and baz accessible as $0 thru $6. The -l and -I are interpreted as options, the latter having a parameter (or value) of README. What remains are positional parameters (foo, bar car and baz).
Option parsing may alter the argument list by removing those it consumes (e.g using shift or set) so that only the positional parameters remain and are thereafter accessible as $1 .. $n.
Since the question is tagged "bash", I looked for relevant sections in the Bash manual. I list these as quoted passages below together with my own one sentence summaries.
Everything following the command is an argument.
A simple shell command such as echo a b c consists of the command itself followed by arguments, separated by spaces.
A simple command is the kind of command encountered most often. It’s just a sequence of words separated by blanks, terminated by one of the shell’s control operators (see Definitions). The first word generally specifies a command to be executed, with the rest of the words being that command’s arguments.
Arguments are referred to as parameters during function execution.
When a function is executed, the arguments to the function become the positional parameters during its execution
A parameter is an entity that stores values. It can be a name, a number, or one of the special characters listed below. A variable is a parameter denoted by a name.
A positional parameter is a parameter denoted by one or more digits, other than the single digit 0. Positional parameters are assigned from the shell’s arguments when it is invoked, and may be reassigned using the set builtin command. Positional parameter N may be referenced as ${N}, or as $N when N consists of a single digit.
There is no dedicated section to defining what an option is, but they are referred to as hyphen-prefixed characters throughout the manual.
The -p option changes the output format to that specified by POSIX

Bash variable space in directory path

How can I remove a white space when I use a variable in a directory path.
For example, I'm trying to do
alias test='echo /david/$1'
and when I try
test hhh
this produces
/david/ hhh
with a white space before the variable. It seems very simple but I can't find a solution.
alias doesn't do parameter expansion. At all. Use a function instead.
test (){
echo "/david/$1"
man bash:
There is no mechanism for using arguments in the replacement text. If arguments are needed, a shell function should be used (see FUNCTIONS below). [...] For almost every purpose, aliases are superseded by shell functions.
As a part of alias expansion a space is added at the end of the expanded string (otherwise no argument could be added, like alias ll='ls -l'. So ll -a would be expanded to ls -l-a which would be wrong). So I see no solution to this problem anything else then to use function as Ignacio proposed.
Anyway using test as function or alias is not the best thing to do as it is a bash built-in command (if no aliased or named a function). You can check how a mnemonic will be interpreted using the type bash built-in.
I defined an alias and a function called test:
$ type test
type test
test is aliased to `echo /xxx/'
$ type -a test
type -a test
test is aliased to `echo /xxx/'
test is a function
test ()
echo "/yyy/$1"
test is a shell builtin
test is /usr/bin/test

Execute a passed alias inside a function?

I'm trying make a function that runs commands on a set interval because I don't have access to a "watch" program. Simplified to it's most basic from, the function I'm trying to write is runit() { $1; }.
What works:
This works fine and dandy when I pass it things that aren't aliases. For example, runit "ls -l" works fine. I get the full output from the ls -l command.
What doesn't work:
The problem starts when I pass it an alias. For example, setting alias ll="ls -l" then calling runit "ll" will result in -bash: ll: command not found.
Things I have tried:
When I hard-code the alias runit() { ll; }, it works fine and gives me what I expect.
I feel like I might be overlooking something, but I can't quite place my finger on it.
Why would hard-coding the alias work fine, but passing it into the function fail?
Is there a way to accomplish what I'm attempting to do?
From the bash man page discussion of aliases (emphases mine):
Aliases are expanded when a command is read, not when it is executed.
Therefore, an
alias definition appearing on the same line as another command does not take effect until the next line of input is read. The
following the alias definition on that line are not affected by the new alias. This behavior is also an issue when functions are
executed. Aliases are expanded when a function definition is read, not when the function is executed, because a function
definition is
itself a compound command. As a consequence, aliases defined in a function are not available until after that function is executed.
be safe, always put alias definitions on a separate line, and do not use alias in compound commands.
You can observe this effect in functions by using the type command:
$ run_it () { ll; }
$ type run_it
You should see that the body of the function contains a call to ls -l, not ll.
The last sentence of the section on aliases:
For almost every purpose, aliases are superseded by shell functions.
My interpretation of that line is: if you think you want to use an alias, try writing a function first. Don't use an alias unless the function demonstrably fails to do what you need.
You can use eval like this:
$ runit() { eval $1; }
$ alias ll="ls -l"
$ runit "ll"
eval will expand any alias in $1 before the execution.
One way to solve this problem is to define a shell function rather than an alias.
ll () {
ls -l "$#"
The alias is expanded as a macro on command input, whereas the shell function is matched when the command is executed. This is a perfect example of how the shell's macro processor language is good for interactive grace but rather complicates actual programming.
