Visual Studio - Terminate program execution? - visual-studio

If I run a program using Start Without Debugging, I want to be able to terminate that process. I am looking for a key combination or option in the menu to be able to do this. How can this be done?
I am not talking about terminating the program while debugging.

I believe that there is no 'yes' answer for this question. When you start without debugging it just launches a new, separate process and as such, it couldn't be terminated from within a Visual Studio.
The only different scenario I could find here, is when you are working on a web project, for which VS is launching a hosting process (a HTTP server, like IIS Express). If you kill your VS then, it will kill the process hosting a web application, so it is a kind of dependent process.
But still there's no shortcut for that. So that means there's no such way from VS.


Debugging Spawns A Non Terminable Process, and CLI not launching

I've been fighting this little problem for a while now, so I'm really hoping I can get some help. I've been looking for a solution to this, and I found this SO question: Debugging doesn't start.
My issue is somewhat similar to the issue discussed here, except that my issue is a two-parter.
Part 1: Similar to the issue discussed on the other question. (Debug Window Doesn't show up)
When I attempt to launch my Windows 32 console application project (The simple kind that opens in the windows CLI). The CLI (or CMD) window doesn't open, and windows idles giving me a spinning cursor wheel. Visual Studio IDE (I'm using VS 2013 Community) becomes unresponsive and I cannot access any menus, or use any hotkey to "Stop Debugging". One difference from the provided SO question though, is that when I try to launch "MyProject.exe" from my project's "Debug" folder I get the same result as attempting to debug in the IDE.
Part 2: Unkillable Process
When I try to close my debug application in the windows task manager, it is not listed as an ongoing process. However, whenever I try to manipulate, delete, or otherwise modify my Project.exe application (in my Project's "Debug" folder), windows informs me that the application is in use. Confused by this, I downloaded two applications. The first was Process explorer, which showed me that I did in fact have 2 instances of "MyProject.exe" running. The second was Process Hacker, which also showed me 2 instances of "MyProject.exe". However, neither of these programs were able to terminate either of the "MyProject.exe" processes.
I am capable of terminating the processes for visual studio and restarting the IDE, however, because the "MyProject.exe" processes are still running. Building always fails with the error
"Error 1 error LNK1168: cannot open C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\MyProject\Debug\MyProject.exe for writing"
Whenever I restart my computer, the lock files (as expected) are removed, and the "MyProject.exe" processes disappear. I can restart VS and everything works, but if I try to Debug (pressing "Start Debugging" or F5) the same issue occurs.
A process of my program is started ("MyProject.exe"), but the CLI window where my program's text should appear doesn't show up. Visual studio locks up, and "MyProject.exe" persists until the next restart because "MyProcess.exe" cannot be terminated.
My solution configuration is set to "Debug", Solution Platforms = Win32.
I have tried creating a new blank console project in VS 2013 and I get the same result: code builds fine, but I have the same debugging issue. I get an identical result with a quickly assembled "Hello World" project.
Sorry for being a noob, but honestly. I really don't know what's going on, so any help is greatly appreciated.
(Note: Running Windows 10 with VS2013)
So, I'm having the same problem with several programs in Windows 10 (most notably Allegorithmic's Substance Painter). So it looks like this may actually be an OS problem. Several of my programs whenever I try to launch them do the same thing...the program acts like it's going to launch, but then no usable window appears. Looking at my processes I can see that the process has been started, but it is once again unkillable. For reference, I am using Windows 10 Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.17).
I believe your problem might be Avast, if you are running it. I had exactly the same issues until I uninstalled it. Had upgraded to Win10 and VS2013 just froze, same as you described.

How to run a test while attached to a process in Visual Studio

I'm trying to debug some web services. I have a number of integration tests setup. I want to attach the debugger to my web process and then execute one of my tests. The problem is Visual Studio doesn't seem to allow me to run a test while I'm already attached to a process. Is there any way around this? The only way I've been able to do it is set a breakpoint in the test prior to calling the webservice, debug the unit test, and then once it hits the breakpoint attach the debugger to my webservice process. That's too many steps.
No I don't believe you could. You can however start up a second instance of visual studio and attach it to your web process with the appropriate breakpoints.
I know this is late but it's still relevant, at least up to VS2019.
What I do to work around this is this:
Attach the debugger to my web service
Detach the debugger
Take note of the 'Reattach to process' shortcut. I think the default is Shift+Alt+P
Run the unit test
Immediately hit the reattach shortcut
Unless your test starts up exceptionally quickly, this method will reattach the debugger before the tests start running.
Allen's answer is better if your machine can handle 2 instances of VS.

Visual studio process Unable to copy file

i have a visual studio 2010 , when i run project normal runs, and when i close window then make some changes and run, they says
"Error 5 Unable to copy file "obj\x86\Debug\Passport.exe" to "bin\Debug\Passport.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\Passport.exe' because it is being used by another process. Passport"
as i see in Passport.exe still in task manager. why?
(when i end that process again i can build project)
NOTE for my other projects no that problem, only for this.
Many thanks who can help :)
There are many reasons why this could happen, but basically it boils down to your passport process or a child process of it, not closing as soon as you "close the window".
Things to check:
1. Extra threads not being terminated (worker threads not complete etc.)
2. Debug, breakpoints causing closure process to hang.
First I would remove all breakpoints and then look at what processes you may be running that could be holding up process closure e.g. worker threads, file writing, hardware access.
Sometimes it's best to kill processes using the stop button in Visual Studio.

What's the advantage for 'attach to process' compared with 'Start Debugging'?

I am new to programming.
I know only Start debug before. Maybe start debug suit for some small application develop better.
I found Visual studio IDE provide another method of attach to process for using.
When & Why must I use the attach debugging?
Such as multi-threading application debugging. Client/Service application debugging. etc. Thank you.
Sometimes you need to debug a process started by another program.
For example you need a reliable solution and in order to protect against access violations, memory leaks and other barely recoverable stuff, you have a master program and several worker programs. The master program starts the worker program and passes parameters to it. How do you debug a worker program which is not intended to be started by anything except the master program?
You use "attach to process for that".
Typically you do it this way: insert a statement that blocks the worker program for some time - for example, call Sleep() for 15 seconds. Then you kindly ask the master program to start the worker program. When the worker program is started it blocks and you now have 15 seconds to attach to it.
This way you can debug almost any issues - problems at early startup stages, wrong parameters, etc, which you wouldn't reliably reproduce with "run with debugging".
Attaching to a process is useful if you don't want to debug right from starting the process. For example, debugging usually slows down execution, so it can be quicker to start the app, get it to a state where a bug appears, and then attach a debugger.
It's also useful if you already have an external means of launching the process that you don't want or can't to import into the IDE.
Start debugging from VS launches an instance of the VS webserver and attaches the debugger to it.
Attach to process allows you to attach to any process and debug it, usually you'd do this to your instance of w3wp.exe running your code in IIS
Attach to process is mostly used when you can't run the application from Visual Studio.
For example, if it's a service or if it is a process that has run for a long time and now you want to start debugging it.
Sometimes you also want to debug a remote process, not on your machine - and you can do that using attach to process.

Stop VB application from running in background

I have a console application (written in VB6 ) which is behaving strangely on my machine. I kick it off from the command line and what should be a two minute job drops straight back to the prompt - if I run this on another machine the executable will sit and wait until the job finishes before returning control back to the prompt. If I check process explorer I can see that the executable is running as a background process and other than this strange background-ness is running as expected.
Any thoughts on why this could be happening? (Running on 32-bit Windows XP Pro SP3.)
It's totally unclear whether this is an application you wrote and have the source code for. If that's the case, you need to get in and start debugging. At the least, use OutputDebugString to send information about what's going on to any number of potential viewers. Taking that a step further, consider rewiring the app using the Console module I wrote, along with vbAdvance to recompile. This combination will allow you the full power of the VB6 IDE to debug within. No more guessing about what's going on.
Then again, if it's not your app, I'm not sure what VB6 has to do with it and wish you the best of luck trying to figure out what's up.
It sounds to me as though the app isn't being recognised as a console app on one of your machines. Console apps weren't officially supported in VB6, although there are some well-known hacks for creating them (particularly the free add-in vbAdvance). Possibly your console app is a bit unreliable? If Windows thinks your app is a GUI rather than a console app, it won't wait for it to finish.
As a pragmatic workaround: try launching with start /wait rather than just using the exename. That forces the command prompt to wait for the program to finish, whether it's a GUI app or a console app.
Sounds like an error is occurring that is being 'swallowed' by the application. Do you have the source code?
Errors in VB6 apps are often due to some COM component not installed and/or registered.
Download SysInternals Process Monitor and this will show up accesses to ProgIDs that fail (uninstalled/unregistered COM components).
Check out: Process Monitor - Hands-On Labs and Examples.
Have you checked permissions? Is the application accessing any network based resources?
