Adding Channel Telegram to BotFramework not working - botframework

I'm trying to add a channel to my Bot at but when I try to submit the access token of telegram, I'm getting a Runtime Error.
I tryed a new Access token and an old one from a previous bot, but it don't work.
Is that an error in my bot or on the Website / at telegram? I can use the bot with the webchat without any Problems.

This was already fixed per this thread.


Bot Framework Composer Sending Direct Messages

I have a lot of questions about getting started. I currently have a sample bot I built in Composer that works for my teams/slack channels and works in the testing Bot Framework Emulator without issue.
I am not sure how to make the bot send a direct message/private message to a user in a channel instead of it replying directly in the channel itself. Any one have any ideas of how to accomplish this?
You can send messages from the bot to any user (or channel) by using the Azure Bot Service REST API (using the Send an HTTP Request action in Composer as described here. As you'll see in the documentation, the main limitation is that the recipient must have had a previous conversation with your bot from which you've recorded the conversationID (and activityID if you want to reply to a thread).

Microsoft Teams Bot - Writing to a bot returns error message

I've created a bot based on the following sample:
Everything looks well so far and worked in my first bot. But with my second bot I've created when I start a conversation with the bot, I get a "Failed to send" error in Microsoft Teams on my desktop.
When I use teams in the web I can see in the dev tools the following error message for the request:
One or more of the user ids provided are not valid.
I'm lost on what could be wrong. Any hint would be highly appreciated.
I was seeing the same error after creating a second bot for testing and realized I had forgotten to setup the Teams channel in Azure configuration.
So double-check that the Microsoft Teams channel is running:

Sending messages to my bot via Slack gets no response

I have a bot deployed to our Azure subscription. Using the webchat channel, I can interact with the bot using the url:
We have added the bot to Slack as an app. We followed all the instructions given by the documentation on how to add a bot into Slack -
When I send a message to the bot in the Slack channel we have created, I get no response. There is not error message, or in fact anything, returned.
Whereabouts can I start looking to see what the problem could be? Suggestions for error logs, traces, etc would be appreciated. I enabled App insights for the Azure Web App which the bot runs under, but nothing comes up as an error, or warning, or anything. I'm a bit lost here, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Note that I was made aware that, for Slack, I may need to tailor the responses in order for Slack to render them e.g. FormFlow define options for string field
I'm not sure how to do that, or even if this is a case that my bot simply isn't working in Slack regardless of how I'd format the responses.

microsoft bot framework - skype for business - error

I am using Microsoft Botframework to publish a bot (Channel Registration). When I try enabling the channels , I see the bot to be working in Slack , Skype, MS Teams & Web chat . However (despite following the steps to enable bot in SFB) I could not get the bot working in Skype for Business. I keep getting the error.
"Sorry, we ran into a problem at our end."
Neither do I see any log to debug.
Waited more than 24 hrs to ensure it is not the sync issue. But issue still remains. Any help appreciated !!
I am not clear with the error as to from which end it is being thrown.
I need you to follow the below steps:
Publish Bot in azure as an app service, through VS if you are coding through c#.
Create a "Bot channel registration" in azure and connect the above app service and Bot channel registration(simple use the URL of the app service append it with /api/messages and insert the same as messaging endpoint in Bot channel registration).
use the app id and app secret in bot solution and republish the app service.
Inside Bot channel registration click on channel and enable it for Skype for business(you will find your BOT in SFB using the credentials you have used to create the bot channel registration).
Finally got it working. What i noticed is the following
I faced the issue when I used the SIP URI as to register the bot in my tenant.
And i got it working when I used the SIP URI as
Unsure on the reasoning though :)
And btw thanks #Tanmoy for your answer aswell !!

Can not add DirectLine channel to my bots on BotFramework website

Following the guide, clicking Done, got alert:
The endpoint is configured properly and is working fine for the WebChat channel (recieves messages and replies to them).
What I'm doing wrong?
