Save multiple images with one function - AS3 ADOBE AIR - image

I've got an Array with 17 web links of images
var products:Array;
// Ouput :
If I do products[10].movieimage; the output will be the 9th link (something like : "")
I'm looking for downloading every images without a dialog box.
I manage to do so for 1 image with the specific link, like that :
function saveImage (event:Event):void {
var stream:URLStream = new URLStream();
var image1:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("test.jpg");
var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
stream.load(new URLRequest(""));
stream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, writeComplete);
function writeComplete(evt:Event):void  {
                var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                fileStream.openAsync(image1, FileMode.UPDATE);
Question : Is there a way to download all the images with the web links of my products array ? (and if images already exist, replace them. I could use if (image1.exists){ if (image2.exists){ ..etc for each image. But maybe there is a simplier solution)
If you could show me how, with a bit of code, I could that.
Also, note that I'd like to load the images then in Uiloader, like that :
function loadImages():void {
uiloader1.source = image1.url;
uiloader2.source = image2.url;

Don't over think it. You have your array of images. You have your tested routine for saving one image. Now put it together:
Some function initializes things and kicks it off.
Either splice out (or pop out) an item on the array – OR use a index var to access an item in the array
Pass that to your download function.
When the download completes either pop another item off the array OR increment your index. But first you would test if array.length== 0 OR `index > array.length. If either is true (depending on which method you use), then you are done.
If you want to get fancy you can show a progress bar and update it each time your download completes.


GSAP Scrolltrigger Parallax Sections

I'm kind of newbie and and I'm starting to be very fascinated by GSAP animations...
I found this with the code and everything:
My problem is that in this animation I have some random pictures, but I want to use some local images that I have instead. Any suggestion of what to change?
I'm using Vue 2 and I put already the JS in the mounted :)
Thanks in advance!
I know that I should change this part but I don't know how = `url(${i})`;
I tried to duplicate this = section.querySelector(".bg");
with: = section.querySelector(".bg"); = section.querySelector(".bg2") = section.querySelector(".bg3");
and then here : = "url('myImagePath')"; = "url('myImagePath')"; = "url('myImagePath')";
Nothing happens...if I put the imagepath inline style on the html I lose the animation.
First, your Q not related to vue.
Next inspect your code (For errors -- your main mistake is item inside a forEach loop - the path should be related to each iteration).
One way (DRY) to change the images from random images is to get the data-attribute of each bg item inside the forEach "section" loop.
One way to solve this.
Change the path from random path: = `url(${i})`;
To specific one for each iteration:
/*#### NEW CODE ####*/
let image_path =;
// Get images path from data attribute = `url(${image_path})`;
Read more:
GSAP UtilityMethods:

How do I insert a slide into another PowerPoint slide using OpenXML?

I would like to take a PowerPoint slide (the "source"), and insert it into another PowerPoint slide (the "target") that already contains some content, at a specific position in the source PowerPoint slide.
I've tried several ways to research code that does this, but I keep getting results for merging slides into PowerPoint presentations, which is not what I want. I want to take an existing slide and insert it into another, much like one would insert a picture into an existing slide.
I have code that another coworker wrote that clones all of the elements from the source slide, but it is convoluted and uses different code variations for different element types. Here is a representative sample of that code:
foreach (OpenXmlElement element in sourceSlide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.ChildElements.ToList())
string elementTypeName = element.GetType().ToString();
if (elementTypeName.EndsWith(".Picture"))
// Deep clone the element.
elementClone = element.CloneNode(true);
// Adjust the offsets so it is positioned correctly.
((Picture)elementClone).ShapeProperties.Transform2D.Offset.X += (Int64)shapeStruct.OffsetX;
((Picture)elementClone).ShapeProperties.Transform2D.Offset.Y += (Int64)shapeStruct.OffsetY;
// Get the shape tree that we're adding the clone to and append to it.
ShapeTree shapeTree = slideCard.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree;
string rId = ((Picture)element).BlipFill.Blip.Embed.Value;
ImagePart imagePart = (ImagePart)slideInstProc.SlidePart.GetPartById(rId);
string contentType = imagePart.ContentType;
// Locate the same object we cloned over to the slide.
var blip = ((Picture)elementClone).BlipFill.Blip;
slidePart = slideCard.SlidePart;
ImagePart imagePart1 = slidePart.AddImagePart(contentType, rId);
catch (XmlException)
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate rId (" + rId + ")");
if (elementTypeName.EndsWith(".GroupShape"))
... etc
The code continues with an else-if ladder containing blocks of code for element type names ending with .GroupShape, .GraphicFrame, .Shape, and .ConnectionShape, concluding with a catchall else at the bottom.
The problem is this code doesn't process some types of objects properly. For one thing, it doesn't process drawings at all (perhaps because some of them originated from an older version of PowerPoint), and when it does, it does things like change the color of the drawing.
What I was hoping is that there was a more fundamental way (i.e. simpler, generic code) to embed a source PowerPoint slide into another, treating it like a single object, without looking at element types within the source PowerPoint specifically.
Alternatively, what would be the way to process drawings or images in ordinary "shapes" that don't identify themselves specifically as images?
This is the code that solved the specific problem I was describing above:
using A = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
foreach(A.BlipFill blipFill in shape.Descendants<A.BlipFill>())
string rId = blipFill.Blip.Embed.Value;
ImagePart imagePart = (ImagePart)slideInstProc.SlidePart.GetPartById(rId);
string contentType = imagePart.ContentType;
ImagePart imagePart1 = slidePart.AddImagePart(contentType, rId);
catch (XmlException)
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate rId (" + rId + ")");
Which, when applied to elementTypeName.EndsWith(".shape"); produces exactly the result I want.
For composing complete slides into a presentation (which doesn't require some of the generation mechanics that we do), OpenXmlPowerTools is a much better approach.

How do I show only 1 scaled image in fineuploader

I want to upload 2 scaled images and I do not want to upload the original image. To do this, I set sendOriginal to false. If I set hideScaled to true, no files show in the uploader. If set set hideScaled to false, both scaled images show up in the list. I realize that the documentation says not to use both options this way. Is there another way to achieve what I want? How do I make fineuploader show only 1 file on the file list no matter how many scaled images it has?
I ran into this exact same problem. I also wanted to rename the larger scale to match the original filename and to pass a custom parameter so the server script could sort the images into the db based on scale size.
I used this method as a hackish substitute for an onScaled event. If anyone is still interested.
// Must be onSubmitted, not onSubmit or the DOM element won't be rendered yet.
onSubmitted : function(id, name) {
// = 'thumb'
if (name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(' (thumb).jpg') !== -1) {
// Hide the element displaying the thumbnail.
// Good place to include any custom parameters based on scale size.
this.setParams({gpsize : 'thumb'}, id);
// = 'large'
else if (name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(' (large).jpg') !== -1) {
this.setParams({gpsize : 'large'}, id);
// If needed rename file in this event, not before, since filename
// is the hackish hook needed to connect scale size to file id.
var newName = name.slice(0, name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(' (large).jpg')) + '.jpg';
this.setName(id, newName);
return true;
It's not perfect, but it gets the job done without bushwhacking through the script files.

Code is not executing after window.load (Javascript)

(sorry for my bad english)
I have a big problem with which I've been beating me for several days but to which I do not find any solution, even while going to excavate very far in subjects on known forums (and less known).
I develop a small application in Javascript which must recover an array of links. I open these links one by one in the same page, and I click on a button (which posts a name), then I check after a small lapse of time that the name is well posted and corresponds to that present on the page (in a fixed div). At this time, I turn over on the basic page, then I start the script again with the second link contained in the array.
The problem is that the code is not carried out anymore after the window.load() function.
I test the code on Google Chrome (in the Javascript console) and it turns over me an error: “Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined … onload ".
I hope that you will be able to help me to find how to once carry out the code with the launching of the page it is launched since each bond opens a page in the relationship page.
Before, I had tested in a popup with the function () (without “_parent”) and I wanted to close it thanks to window.close () function, but the code did not include/understand where to act since the remainder of the code was to now deal with the popup and not of the page on which the code was carried out at the beginning.
Here's the code :
//Here i get the links in an array
function recupHref(){
var lesHref = new Array();
var lesLiens = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i = 0; i < lesLiens.length; i ++)
if(lesLiens[i].parentNode.getAttribute("class") == "pubrhead-text-right")
return lesHref;
var resultat = recupHref(); //I store them in a variable
//The main function which open the links one by one
//The while loop allows us to know if were subscribed or not
var o = function openLinks(){
for(var leIndex = 0; leIndex < resultat.length; leIndex ++){[leIndex], "_parent");
//Do i use window.load instead of DOMContentLoaded ?
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var pseudo = document.getElementById("nameho").innerHTML;
var pseudok = document.getElementsByClassName("pname")[0].textContent;
while (pseudo === pseudok) {
!("http://page-with-links.html", "_parent"));
I thank you in advance, and I hope that you will include/understand my problem.
Here is a little draw to explain better than words :
In other words, just what i need is that : store links (done) --> Open the link --> Click on the button (done) --> Check if the 2 names are the same --> Came back to the first page/close popup/ (or go directly to the seconde link in the array) --> do this for the 2nd link, etc, etc.
Good day/evening.

Displaying BLOBs dynamically

Recently i've been working on a rather modest application, which lists contacts. When a detail-link was clicked, a popup would come up with more details and an image of that contact.
The table this was based on contained a column photo_reference, which held a path to a folder under /i/. With this setup, it was easy to get the images working for each contact.
The popup i showed was a bunch of htmlcode i put in the region footer, and hid.
<div id="contact_popup" class="contact_pop">
<div class="contact_pop_imgcontainer">
<img id="id_photo" class="contact_pop" />
When the detail was clicked, i retrieved data via an application process, and showed a modal dialog of this container.
Now the scope has changed: users need to be able to upload their own images. So, i went to work and made it so the images get uploaded into wwv_flow_files, and then i move them to a new contact_image table. So far so good. But now i want to display these pictures, and here i'm kind of stuck.
* I could include a column in my IR, and put a blob format mask on it with image. I've got this working, but annoyingly. My image table has as primary key the field 'ID'. My contacts table also has 'ID' as PK.
Since IMAGE:APXT_CONTACTS_IMG:SMALL_PHOTO:ID::::::inline: specifies ID as the PK, it uses ID from my contacts table.
The way i might make it work is to rename my id field in the image table to contact_image_id. (why couldnt the format mask just take the column it's based on as the value :().
I then could hide the column, and take the image with javascript to show in my popup. However, this preloads all images for the amount of selected rows, which isn't entirely bad, but i'm looking for an alternative first.
get_blob_file_src also seems no use to me because of the limited use of the parameters (file browse item, id field), and even then, could i use this through an ajax callback?
I'd much rather be able to get the image blob via ajax to then display in my popup, but i have no clue as to how to do this. I've made a stored procedure which gets the file to download and call this from an application process (ajax callback), and with firebug i can see the post/response, but i wouldn't know how to get this displayed as an image.
function cimg(){
var get = new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID., "APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_img", &APP_PAGE_ID.);
get.addParam('x01', 25);
var greturn = get.get();
var pic = new Image();
pic.onload = function(){
pic.src = greturn;
Page process:
Stored Procedure:
create or replace procedure "SHOW_SMALL_PHOTO"
(p_contact_image_id IN NUMBER)
v_mime apxt_contacts_img.mime_type%type;
v_length NUMBER;
v_filename apxt_contacts_img.filename%type;
v_lob BLOB;
SELECT mime_type, lengthb(small_photo), filename, small_photo
INTO v_mime, v_length, v_filename, v_lob
FROM apxt_contacts_img
WHERE id = p_contact_image_id;
OWA_UTIL.mime_header (NVL (v_mime, 'application/octet'), FALSE);
HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || v_length);
-- needed?
--HTP.p ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||v_filename||'"');
wpg_docload.download_file (v_lob);
(I'd rather not have to grant execute to public and call the stored procedure via a link.)
This way i'd only have to load the pictures of links clicked. Though this code doesn't work. I get the alert and see a bunch of those weird chars, so i presume that is the blob talking. But i'm not getting an image anywhere.
Am i missing something? Doing something wrong? I'm totally out of clues.
Instead of my existing code, i might make this work through creating another page, and juggle page items and their values around to try and get the same layout going, and then get that page through ajax?
I'm mainly trying to minimize impact (=work) on the existing app, so i wouldn't have to yet again change pages.
TL;DR: is it possible to retrieve and display an image blob from a table not in the report query, preferably through ajax?
This is Apex 4.02 on an 11g db
To whom it may concern, here is how i solved/worked around it:
I went with the fetch-another-page route. Maybe i was too technical or too difficult about it in my op, but in hindsight i think i could've boiled it down to:
"retrieve an image blob via ajax and display it".
So if that rings any bells for anyone, let me know.
Some rectifying too:
my images table is a child of the contacts table, as such my FK between those is images.contact_id ->
I've created a new page in my application, and put a form in based on my images table. I only display 2 items of the type 'display image' (a thumbnail and original size), and 2 hidden items, 'ID' and 'CONTACT_ID'. I've removed all that was not necessary: no buttons, no DML-process, no labels, no templates.
The automated row fetch process takes as 'primary key' my contact id, so i can call the page with contact_id in the url (so that i won't have to do an extra select to retrieve the correct id in the image table).
On the page i need the pictures, i then get the page with the photos on it when required (ie: when the detail icon is clicked and i show my popup).
Following piece of code is called within this function
(only code 'missing' here is where i call another page process to fetch me contact details in a json format)
//page 120 only holds the 2 images for a contact. Due to images being in
//blobs and no easy way to dynamically fetch them, i made a small
//form with the 2 photos on, and id + contact_id
//(contact_id made PK for the ARF-process, since this is what is worked with)
//The page is pulled in, and the photos retrieved
//htmldb_get does not do the job! It only pulls the page from cache, which isnt what i want
// arrays with the arguments and their values for the post
var vArgs = new Array();
var vVals = new Array();
{"p_request" : "NULL",
"p_flow_id" : $v('pFlowId'),
"p_flow_step_id" : "120",
"p_instance" : $v('pInstance'),
"p_arg_names" : vArgs,
"p_arg_values" : vVals},
var oContainerSmall = $("#id_photo_container").empty(),
oSmallPhoto = $(data).find("#P120_SMALL_PHOTO").attr({"id":"id_photo",
"alt":oContact.lastname + " " + oContact.firstname}),
oLargePhoto = $(data).find("#P120_LARGE_PHOTO").attr("alt",oContact.lastname + " " + oContact.firstname);
$("#large_photo_container").css({"display": "block", "visibility": "hidden"});
//Why remove and remake the container?
//for some reason i couldn't find out, the image width and height get reset to 0 after
// an initial display of the enlarged picture and closing its dialogbox.
//I assume it is an apex+css+javascript issue.
//The only fix i was able to find was to remove the div and remake a new one.
// There have to be some properties set on the div and/or its children through
// the closing of the popup dialog (for the larger picture),
// which then prevents subsequent calls to get the correct values.
var oContainerLarge = $("<div></div>").attr("id","large_photo_container").css({"display":"block", "visibility":"hidden"});
//Hardcoded value here! Adapt when necessary
if($("#id_contact_type").val() == "Conference Room"){
var oLink = $("<a/>").attr("href", "#")
explode_headshot(event, this);
} else {
$("#contact_popup").dialog({modal: true,
width: 750,
resizable: false,
title: oContact.lastname + " " + oContact.firstname,
close: function(event, ui){
$("#id_photo").attr({"src": "", "alt": ""});
I wouldn't call it ideal, but it works, and that's all i need at this time :)
I made a very similar application for showing contact details including photos a few months ago in apex.
I found this web page very useful:
Displaying an image can be as easy as creating an item of type: "display Image". Settings: " Blob column returned by sql statement".
And then an sql statement selecting the correct row:
select blob_content
from my_bitmap_table
where ID = ...
