Change Spring form tag path value - spring

I need to convert "lastModified" to millisecond.Normally it is Date() format.But i must send it as a millisecond.How I can change path variable from jsp or my controller ? Or you can suggest other way.

You can add a transient long field and use it like below inside your Organization entity class.
public class Organization {
private long lastModifiedMili;
public long getLastModifiedMili() {
return lastModified.getTime();
public void setLastModifiedMili(long lastModifiedMili) {
this.lastModifiedMili = lastModifiedMili;
this.lastModified = new Date(lastModifiedMili);
public Organization(Long id, String name, String address, long lastModifiedMili) { = id;;
this.address = address;
this.lastModifiedMili = lastModifiedMili;
this.lastModified = new Date(lastModifiedMili);
And inside your form use this:
<form:hidden path="lastModifiedMili" />


Problem when attempting a saveAndFlush commit (JPA ) when primary key is auto-generated from postGres trigger

I am using spring JPA to attempt to write records to a postGres DB. At the time of the commit, I am getting the following error:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "col_id" violates not-null constraint
Detail: Failing row contains (null, null, null, null, null)
I have the following repository interface:
public interface MyRepo extends JpaRepository <MyModel, String> {
, the following model class:
#Table(name = "my_table", schema="common")
public class MyModel {
#Column(name = "col_id")
private String id;
#Column(name = "second_col")
private String secCol;
#Column(name = "third_col")
private String thirdCol;
#Column(name = "fourth_col")
private String fourthCol;
#Column(name = "fifth_col")
private String fifthCol;
public MyModel() {
public MyModel(String id, String secCol, String thirdCol, String fourthCol, String fifthCol) { = id;
this.secCol = secCol;
this.thirdCol = thirdCol;
this.fourthCol = fourthCol;
this.fifthCol = fifthCol;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getSecCol() {
return secCol;
public void setSecCol(String secCol) {
this.secCol = secCol;
public String getThirdCol() {
return thirdCol;
public void setThirdCol(String thirdCol) {
this.thirdCol = thirdCol;
public String getFourthCol() {
return fourthCol;
public void setFourthCol(String fourthCol) {
this.fourthCol = fourthCol;
public String getFifthCol() {
return fifthCol;
public void setFifthCol(String fifthCol) {
this.fifthCol = fifthCol;
, and the relevant part of the service class:
public MyModel myModel (MyModel myModel) {
MyModel mm = null;
try {
mm = myRepo.saveAndFlush(myModel);
} catch ( Exception e) {
return mm;
I finally realized that my problem is due to a database trigger that auto-generates primary key against a complex business rule. Also, I assume I might need to use a custom save method rather than the default repo.saveAndFlush? I would be grateful for any ideas given new information. Thanks!
I reproduced the exact same code in a test project with Postgres and it worked well for me. You are absolutely correct that the values of the model class are not populated. You must share your controller also. It may really help me to help you if I can get a look where your service is being called from. Only that will help me to deduce why your model values are being passed as null in the service call.

Spring Data JPA JpaRepository only uses No Arg Constructor

I have this simple REST API that i created with Spring Boot.
In this app, I have a a POJO called Expense with 4 fields. I have a no Argument constructor and another constructor that takes only two inputs. One String value "item" and one Integer value "amount". The date is set using the method and the id is set automatically in a MySql db running in the server.
Here's my Entity class
public class Expense {
#GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
private String date;
private String item;
private Integer amount;
//No Arg Construction required by JPA
public Expense() {
public Expense(String item, Integer amount) { =;
this.item = item;
this.amount = amount;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
public String getDate() {
return date;
public void setDate(String date) { = date;
public String getItem() {
return item;
public void setItem(String item) {
this.item = item;
public Integer getAmount() {
return amount;
public void setAmount(Integer amount) {
this.amount = amount;
I have another class with RestController annotation where i have set a method to post Expense object with a post method using Request Mapping annotation.
public class ExpController {
private ExpService expService;
private ExpenseRepo expenseRepo;
public ExpController(ExpService expService, ExpenseRepo expenseRepo) {
this.expService = expService;
this.expenseRepo = expenseRepo;
#RequestMapping(path = "/addExp", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void addExp(Expense expense){;
Now finally i am using PostMan to make the HTTP Post Request. I have made a simple Json Format text to send Item and Amount
"amount": 75
After I make the post request, all i can see is that a new Entry is created but all values are set to null.
I have done some experimentation and found out that the method is only using the default no Arg constructor to save the data. But it's not using the second constructor that takes the two parameters that I am passing through Postman
How to solve this issue. Please help
Change your controller method like this
#RequestMapping(path = "/addExp", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void addExp(#RequestBody Expense expense){;
You need to use #RequestBody

Relationship Exists in neo4j but not in Spring #NodeEntity

I have a class in my domain called Activity that looks like the following
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator=ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class, property="id")
public class Activity {
private Long id;
private String title;
private String description;
#Relationship(type = "RELATED_TO", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
private List<Activity> relatedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
public Activity() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public Collection<Activity> getRelatedActivities() {
System.out.println("getting relatedActivities");
return relatedActivities;
public void addRelatedActivity(Activity activity) {
I create relationships using the following repository class:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "relationships", path = "relationships")
public interface RelationshipRepository extends GraphRepository<Relationship> {
#Query("MATCH (a1:Activity), (a2:Activity) " +
"WHERE a1.title = {0} AND a2.title = {1}" +
"CREATE (a1)-[:RELATED_TO]->(a2)")
void addRelationship(String a1Title, String a2Title);
I have verified that this code works using the neo4j browser, which lets me see existing nodes and relationships between them. However, when I access getRelatedActivities() on an Activity object, it's always an empty array, even if that Activity has other Activity nodes related to it, clearly visible in neo4j.
How can I get the relatedActivites on an Activity to automatically populate based on its relationships correctly?
The problem in your code is that you define the "target" as an Activity here
#Relationship(type = "RELATED_TO", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
private List<Activity> relatedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
but you also have a RelationshipEntity class in your code base: Relationship with the same type RELATED_TO.
When OGM gets the result it tries to match every field but since it converts the relationship type RELATED_TO to the RelationshipEntity and not an Activity object, it does not fill the list in the Activity class.

org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException: Required int parameter

Hi i am new for WebServices and In my My-Sql Database I have student table with some columns those are "user_id", and "name" and "marks"
I want to update one row based on userId for this i wrote below code but i am getting exception like below can some one help me please
Controller [com.ensis.sample.controller.SampleController]
Method [public com.ensis.sample.model.StatusObject com.ensis.sample.controller.SampleController.updateStudentListById(int)]
org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException: Required int parameter 'userId' is not present
public StatusObject updateStudentListById(#RequestParam int userId){
return userService.updateStudentDetailsById(userId);
public StatusObject updateStudentDetailsById(int id){
Users users = usersdao.updateStudentDetailsById(id);
StatusObject statusObject = new StatusObject();
boolean status = usersdao.updateUser(users);
return statusObject;
return statusObject;
public Users updateStudentDetailsById(int userId){
System.out.println("UserId is=====>"+userId);
String hql = "FROM Users s WHERE " + "s.user_id = :userId";
Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
query.setParameter("user_id", userId);
List<?>list = query.list();
Iterator<?>itr = list.iterator();
Users users = (Users);
return users;
return null;
#Table(name = "student")
public class Users {
private int user_id;
private String name;
private int rank;
private double marks;
public int getUser_id() {
return user_id;
public void setUser_id(int user_id) {
this.user_id = user_id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public int getRank() {
return rank;
public void setRank(int rank) {
this.rank = rank;
public double getMarks() {
return marks;
public void setMarks(double marks) {
this.marks = marks;
#Krish, when you are posting something, you usually use Spring's #RequestBodyas seen below:
public StatusObject updateStudentListById(#RequestBody User user){
return userService.updateStudentDetailsById(userId);
You need to pass the JSON object to this controller method. Spring will deserialize the JSON for you.
When you say #RequestParam, it expects to find the request parameters like
PS: It is not good practice to send just the ID to update a resource.
Are you using it as a RestController.The excecption is coming from the controller as it expects a parameter from the client.Please verify if you are passing the userID in the pathParam.

Store enum name, not value in database using EBean

I have this enum :
public enum DocumentTypes {
PDF("PDF Document"), JPG("Image files (JPG)"), DOC("Microsoft Word documents");
private final String displayName;
DocumentTypes(final String display) {
this.displayName = display;
public String toString() {
return this.displayName;
And a model like this :
#Table(name = "documents")
public class Document extends Model {
public Long id;
#Column(length=20, nullable=false)
public DocumentTypes type;
public String document;
I match the enum using this in my controller :
DynamicForm form = form().bindFromRequest();
// ...
Document doc = new Document();
doc.type = DocumentTypes.valueOf(form.field("type").value());;
The problem is that in database, it's stored as "Microsoft Word documents", but I would prefer to store it as DOC.
How can I do that?
You can define it very fine granular with the Anotation EnumMapping or EnumValue. This works with the old version org.avaje.ebean.
It seems that there was a complete rewrite of the code. In the actual version there is a different approach.
