POST request elasticsearch with no body - elasticsearch

I am not allowed request bodies. Post requests have to be done using just the url
Is it possible for me to use elasticsearch in this scenario?
I'm looking for something along the lines of
POST host/doublepull/run?data='{"dsl":0,"fnl":0.75}'
POST host/doublepull/run?dsl=0&fnl=0.75
POST host/doublepull/run?'{"dsl":0,"fnl":0.75}'
but nothing appears to fit (always get IllegalArgumentException). Could not find any documentation on trying to use POST for it in this way


How to send a post from twillio webhook using the body instead the params in the request?

There is a way to config the Twilio webhooks in the conversation product to send a post request to an endpoint and in the body send the information instead in the params?
You would pass a payload of the JSON you want to send in your post body and then pass in a header called x-www-form-urlencoded which tells Twilio that you want the parameters to be sent in the body as form data. I'm not sure if it's limited to only a few parameters or not but I know that it works with \"To\" and \"From\" (as they need to be URL encoded). It would definitely work with MessageSid.
You could also use the \"Bulk\" post body format, which is just JSON. This would allow you to pass more parameters since it's just JSON. (You don't need to url encode them if you do this, so no need to have x-www-form-urlencoded header.)
\"To\": \"+15551235555\",
\"From\": \"+15551234567\",
\"Body\": \"A text message\",
...: ...
You should be able to send the information you want, along with the headers, from your endpoint and have it pass through Twilio.
Looks like this:
curl -X POST{AccountSid}/Messages -d 'From=%2B15551234567&To=%2B15551235555&Body=Test' -u '{AccountSid}:{AuthToken}'
You can pass any JSON you want as a body using this option but make sure you've set your \"Content-Type\" header to \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\". This is pretty straightforward and makes it easy to pass in whatever parameters you want.
This isn't limited to text messages! This is exactly how I push data back into a Conversation or Action resource too so it'll work for things like card pushes too! You can use this to programmatically create a response that Twilio will process and then act on in your Conversation or Action instance.
And yeah … if you're going to support a webhook that takes form data then I would suggest adding some basic security checks since anyone could just post random stuff as form data if they wanted and get access to your endpoint. I'd recommend checking the Request Method as well to make sure it's POST.
If you're worried about someone passing in a bad value then you can just check the request body against some regex. I'd recommend checking the Twilio-To and Twilio-From params as well. You could also use the request header too, which is passed along with all webhooks:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: xxx');

Passing request_body with GET request?

Like at this elastic get query I see below example where per my understanding query_string is passed under request body in GET request . Is n't it ? But I believe we can't pass request body with GET request then how come this example is true ?
GET /_search
"query": {
"query_string" : {
"default_field" : "content",
"query" : "this AND that OR thus"
In fact when I used the option COPY as CURL from the stated link I see below copied text
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"query_string" : {
"default_field" : "content",
"query" : "this AND that OR thus"
Am I missing anything here or something wrong in example? In fact I do not see the way to send the request body under Postman tool.
The fact is that you can send a GET request with a body. The current HTTP standard rfc7231 (obsoletes rfc2616 and updates rfc2817) does not strictly define what must happen to a GET request with a body. The previous versions were different in this regard. For that reason, some HTTP servers allow it, but some others don't, I'm afraid. This case is mentioned in the latest standard as follows:
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics;
sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing
implementations to reject the request.
In terms of Elasticsearch, using using GET for a search request is a design decision. They feel it makes more sense semantically. Because it represents a data retrieving action better than the POST verb.
On the other hand, as mentioned above, a GET request with a body is not supported universally. That's why Postman does not allow you to do so, although Kibana > Dev Tool does it by using cURL. Therefore, the Elasticsearch search API also supports POST requests to search and retrieve information. So, when you cannot make a GET request with a body, you can obtain exactly the same result by making a POST request.
This is actually very interested question. In fact, a lot of HTTP clients aren’t supporting GET requests with body (i just recently face, that iOS client in Cocoa isn’t able to do so).
I also had a lot of discussions with my colleagues - to me after using Elasticsearch for a long time GET with a body sounds like a perfectly fine HTTP request, however some may argue, that GET shouldn’t go with body at all according to HTTP standard. However, I will leave this discussion out of this answer.
In general this leads to a situation, that if you’re using client which not supporting GET, you could either change it to POST or switch to something else - I used to use cURL all the time or Kibana Dev Tools if I needed to construct complex query on the fly

Google Api Ruby Client to return the actual HTTP response, not the helper object

Is there an easy way to ask the google api ruby client to just give you back the stock HTTP response, rather than to perform the lovely, but slightly limiting translation into one of their ruby representable objects?
response = Gmail.client.get_user_message("me", id)
=> #<Google::Apis::GmailV1::Message
response = Gmail.client.list_user_messages("me")
=> #<Google::Apis::GmailV1::ListMessagesResponse
response = Gmail.client.delete_user_message("me", id)
=>nil #successfully deleted
Now that's all fine and dandy, except that sometimes I just want to know what sort of response is going to come back. i.e. an HTTP response with maybe some JSON in the body. And then I'll worry about what I do with it...
I can take the response and use the
to get the body of the json that would have come back (though I still won't have the response code, and I need to KNOW that it's one of those objects first).
The client library is definitely getting that, it's just converting it into these objects before it lets me see it. And if I don't know that it's a google object (and not nil) I can't run that to_json consistently....
Any ideas other than second guess what google is going to send me back?
(I should note that this has come about when trying to move a library from dealing with their 0.8 api to their 0.9 api, so call me a cynic if you must but my faith that google won't make breaking changes to those objects returned is at a low ebb...
As far as I know, it is possible to ask the server to send only the fields you really need and get a partial response instead of the default full response as mentioned in Performance Tips.
However, I suggest that you please check the documentation for the specific API you are using to see if the field you're looking for is currently supported. For the Gmail API, you may go through Working with partial resources.
Here are the two types of partial requests that you can use:
Partial response: A request where you specify which fields to include in the response (use the fields request parameter).
Patch: An update request where you send only the fields you want to change (use the PATCH HTTP verb).
Hope that helps!

Does Elasticsearch support POST over GET only for the _search endpoint or all?

The official reference states that one can send _search requests also through POST instead of GET because not all clients support sending bodys with GET (see You can then insert the query parameters from the URL also as JSON directly in the body.
Now I wonder: is this true for all GET requests that Elasticsearch offers that need query parameters?
For example, the _stat endpoint ( is documented as a GET request (which makes sense), but supports URI parameters. Is it safe to use POST in this case as well and pass the parameters in the body using JSON?
No, the _search endpoint is one of a few special cases. If you look at the source code for the _stats endpoint in, you can see that only the GET HTTP method is supported.
Using the POST method usually makes sense only when the payload to be sent can be substantially big, which is not the case for the few parameters such as the ones accepted by the _stats endpoint. In that case, sending those parameters in the query string is usually more than sufficient.

Firefox HTTP resource test post parameter

I'm using HTTP Resource Test on Firefox and want to simulate a POST request. However I didn't find where to write the post parameters. There are only URI, Representation and Headers, is there any way that I can pass with some post parameter? (In Json format?)
The payload of the post should go in the body of the request. It's shown here:
For example, if you were posting a JSON document you could just paste the JSON in the "Body" text area.
The payload of the post should go in 'Client Request' / 'Representation'.
It's shown on this screenshot.
As an aside, this answer describes an excellent test server to use as a sanity-check.
