Search in every field with a fixed parameter - elasticsearch

Perhaps it's a basic question; by the way, I need to search in every indexed field and to have a specific fixed value for another field.
How can I do it?
Currently I have a simple: query( "aValue", array_of_models )
I tried many options without success, for example:
"query": {
"bool": {
"query": "aValue",
"filter": {
"term": {
"published": "true"
I would prefer to avoid to specify the fields to search in because I use the same search params for different models.

I found a solution, perhaps it's not optimized but works:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"_all": "aValue"
"filter": {
"term": {
"published": true

Not sure if I understood correctly your intention.
The _all field is as default enabled. So if you have no special mapping every indexed field value is added as text string to the _all field.
You can use the
Query String Query,
Simple Query String Query,
With a simple query like this, that should work for you.
GET my_index/_search
"query": {
"simple_query_string": {
"query": "aValue",
"fields": []
Both query types contains parameters, that should suffice your use case IMHO.


Elastic Search 7.9: exact on multiple fields

I am using the latest version of Elastic Search (7.9) and i'm trying to find a good way to do a multiple term query as an AND.
Essentially what i want do is:
select * where field1 === 'word' AND field2 === 'different word'
I am currently using term to do an exact keyword match on field1. But adding in the second field is causing me some jip.
"query": {
"term": {
"field1": {
"value": "word"
This is my current query, i have tried using BOOL. I came across answers in previous versions where i could maybe use a filtered query. But i cant seem to get that to work either.
Can someone help me please. It's really doing my nut.
Here is what i've tried with a bool / must with multiple terms. But i get no results even though i know in this case this query should return data
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"field1": {
"value": "word"
"term": {
"field2": {
"value": "other word"
Ok, so, fun fact. You can do the bool / match as i have tried. What you should remember is that keyword matches (which is what i'm using) are case sensitive. ES doesnt do any analyzing or filtering of the data when you set the type of a field to keyword.
It's also possible to use a bool with a filter to get the same results (when you factor in a type)
"query": {
"bool": {
"term": {
"field1": {
"value": "word"
"term": {
"field2": {
"value": "other word"

Elastic search query using python list

How do I pass a list as query string to match_phrase query?
This works:
{"match_phrase": {"requestParameters.bucketName": {"query": "xxx"}}},
This does not:
"match_phrase": {
"requestParameters.bucketName": {
"query": [
match_phrase simply does not support multiple values.
You can either use a should query:
GET _search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match_phrase": {
"requestParameters.bucketName": {
"value": "auditloggingnew2232"
"match_phrase": {
"requestParameters.bucketName": {
"value": "config-bucket-123"
or, as #Val pointed out, a terms query:
"query": {
"terms": {
"requestParameters.bucketName": [
that functions like an OR on exact terms.
I'm assuming that 1) the bucket names in question are unique and 2) that you're not looking for partial matches. If that's the case, plus if there are barely any analyzers set on the field bucketName, match_phrase may not even be needed! terms will do just fine. The difference between term and match_phrase queries is nicely explained here.

Elasticsearch terms query on array of values

I have data on ElasticSearch index that looks like this
"title": "cubilia",
"people": [
"Ling Deponte",
"Dana Madin",
"Shameka Woodard",
"Bennie Craddock",
"Sandie Bakker"
Is there a way for me to do a search for all the people whos name starts with
"ling" (should be case insensitive) and get distinct terms properly cased "Ling Deponte" not "ling deponte"?
I am find with changing mappings on the index in any way.
Edit does what I want but is really bad query:
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"person": {
"filter": {
"people.raw":"(.* )?[lL][iI][nN][gG].*"
"aggs": {
"top-colors": {
"terms": {
"field": "people.raw",
"pattern": ["(.* )?[lL][iI][nN][gG].*"]
people.raw is not_analyzed
Yes, and you can do it without a regular expression by taking advantage of Elasticsearch's full text capabilities.
GET /test/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"people": "Ling"
Note: This could also be match or match_phrase_prefix in this case. The match_phrase* queries imply an order of the values in the text. match simply looks for any of the values. Since you only have one value, it's pretty much irrelevant.
The problem is that you cannot limit the document responses to just that name because the search API returns documents. With that said, you can use nested documents and get the desired behavior via inner_hits.
You do not want to do wildcard prefixing whenever possible because it simply does not work at scale. To put it in SQL terms, that's like doing a full table scan; you effectively lose the benefit of the inverted index because it has to walk it entirely to find the actual start.
Combining the two should work pretty well though. Here, I use the query to widdle down results to what you are interested in, then I use your inner aggregation to only include based on the value.
"size": 0,
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"people": "Ling"
"aggs": {
"person": {
"terms": {
"field": "people.raw",
"include": {
"pattern": ["(.* )?[lL][iI][nN][gG].*"]
Hi Please find the query it may help for your request
GET skills/skill/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"wildcard": {
"skillNames.raw": "jav*"
My intention is to find documents starting with the "jav"

elastic search where clause with constant rank?How to do this?

I'm new to elastic search. How to generate elastic search equivalent query for
select * from response where pnrno='sampleid'
I know we have to use 'filter' option in elastic search.but we do not need any ranking. (ranking can be constant) so how can I generate query for achieve this
you are correct , you can use filtered query with query clause empty and filters.Filtering a set of documents is to filter the sets upon which query acts to furthur filter/match and calculate relevance.Filters are like bool either match or reject(1/0).
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"term": {
The usual way of achieving this is by using the constant_score query with an embedded term filter, like this:
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"pnrno": "sampleid"

Elasticsearch query to search two word combination with space

I have a elasticsearch query to search the data based on name.
My query is
$,{ "filter": { "and": [{ "term": { "Name": "allan" } } ] } })
The above query works fine for single word search but when I give two words with space it doesn't picks any data for it.
My query is not working for below scenario.
{ "filter": { "and": [{ "term": { "Name": "allan edward" } } ] } }
I dont know what keyword should I have to append to satisfy my search scenario.
Thanks in advance
Phrase match query is what you are looking for.
A query like below should work fine -
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"title": "allan edward"
