Java Version migration and compitibity with JDK version - java-7

I am planning to upgrade JDk version from 1.6(Java6) to 1.7 (Java 7)for our CORBA Services. Can someone suggest if there would be any compatibility issue with latest java version or any known limitations using old CORBA applications with new java versions? Thanks.


Possible to use jdk1.7 in websphere 8.0?

Is there any plugins available to use jdk 1.7 in websphere 8.0. Am aware that it won't support jdk1.7. But still want to use. Any help would be appreciated.
No, you must use Java 1.6 with WebSphere Application Server 8.0. If you need to use Java 1.7, simply upgrade the application server to version 8.5 where the use of jdk 1.7 is supported.

Will lastest websphere liberty full platform run oracle java 8?

I am looking at the latest websphere liberty full platform ( and I wonder if it can run oracle java 8? I see on the download page that ibms java 8 only supports the web profile but I don't care if i run a jdk from oracle or ibm as long as it is version 8.
Historically websphere has demanded ibms jdk on linux and solaris.
I have search ibms site but not found any answer.
Yes we support running Liberty on non-IBM JVMs, including those from Oracle. As for the downloads from IBM that come bundled with Java 8 you can use that with more than the web profile (you can use the installUtility to download and install the full Java EE 7 platform onto the web profile install).

Is Jahia 7 compatible with Oracle JDK 8

Since Oracle JDK 7 is no longer maintained for public, I want to run Jahia DigitalFactory 7.0.0 (Community/Entreprise) with Oracle JDK 8.
In Jahia's prerequise and requirement there is only "JDK 1.6, 1.7" but noted as minimum. I know from experience that it we should run Jahia with an Oracle JDK (and not openJDK), but I was wondering if Jahia 7 runs on Oracle JDK 8 without any problem.
Jahia Enterprise edition and more recent are compatible with JDK 8 but the current community edition ( is not.
However we are planning to release the new 7.1 version soon, in both community and enterprise edition, that will support JDK 8.
Best regards,
Serge Huber

Is JDK8 a supported platform for JBoss 6 AS

We are upgrading our application java platform to latest stable one and we are using Jboss 6 AS.
Is Oracle JDK8 a supported platform for JBoss 6 AS ?
No. Its not going to work. JBoss AS 6 and 7 are not compatible with Oracle JDK 1.8. You need to download WildFly 10 in order to work with JDK 1.8.
WildFly is formerly knows as JBoss AS
i think no
JBoss AS7 Supported with JDK8 | JBoss Developer
check this

What Sun equivalent JRE does websphere 7 has

We are upgrading our application and if we use Sun JDK on local it works and its failing on DEV box. we have IBM jdk on our DEV box. What is the SUN equivalent JDK that Websphere 7 has?
WebSphere 7 supports Java6 and JEE5.
However, it requires Java versions shipped with WebSphere itself. (Most are IBM's own Java SDKs, although I think the Solaris version of WebSphere might ship with Oracle's Java.)
