Visual Studio Cloud how to view errors and warnings that happen when my load test is running in the cloud? - visual-studio

using Visual Studio cloud for performance testing application against SQL Server Database. How do I view errors and warnings that happen when my load test is running in the cloud?

When the cloud load test completes, down load the results and view them, including the error messages, in the results.
For more on how to download the results see step "5. When the test is done, download the report to view the results." within the "Run and analyze your load test" part of this page.
Errors can be seen by clicking error count at the top of the results (the blue "2000 errors" in the next step of the page. You can also access the errors via the "Tables" in the results (next to the orange-circled "Details" in the step 6 image), then select the "Errors" table. Click through to find the errors or results of interest. Expect the rightmost column, labelled "Details", of the results to have "Test log" entries for failing tests. Note that the default is that logs are only kept the first 200 failijng tests.


there is an error When switching between documents' tab in Spago BI reports

In Spago BI , I have created some documents in a folder.
when I run more than one document (report) together in the folder, for every documents(reports) is opened one tab (It's normal). But when I switch from one tab to another one in order to see documents' (reports) detail, I see this message "An error has occurred. Retry later.
If the problems persists, contact the system administrator."
this error appears only for documents that include charts. namely, instead of every charts which are in the (document) report, the error is appeared.
Are there any solution to solve this problem???

Visual Studio Load Test View Raw Results

I am running a Coded UI test using Visual Studio load testing capabilities.
My test runs successfully, but I am trying to get a better understanding of results. My results are stored as "All Individual Details" and are stored in a local database. However, I'd like to extract raw results for each individual transaction. All I can really see in the results is the number of times each transaction ran, the average response time and the min and max etc. I'd like to get hold of the raw results for each individual transaction however. Is this possible?
I'm using VS2012.
Visual Studio stores load test results in an SQL database, provided the "run settings" specify so. The contents of the database for Visual Studio 2010 is defined here. A few changes have been made for later versions but much remains the same.
Much of the contents of the database is derived from Web Performance tests but the question asks about load tests running Coded UI tests. Transactions and pages are features of Web Performance tests, whilst the author of a Coded UI test may think of transactions and pages, Coded UI has no inbuilt items that provide that data. Hence various parts of the database will be empty.
To find the connection string for the SQL load test database, open any load test file then from toolbar (or context menu) select "Manage Test Controllers". The connection string will be shown within the window.
to get the raw data do the following, the results
2. select the graph tab
3. Select the drop down, e.g. transaction response time
4. In the top right corner, select Export graph data to excel

User cannot see TFS2010 test results in VS2010

I have a few lists of tests that I setup for a project that builds to a website. I have a bunch of unit tests and integration tests that runs before deploying the site. I have one user that clicks on the failed build in Build explorer but the Test results(that I can see-all test) that appears below that is empty.
If I click on it I can see a complete list of tests that passed as well as the test that failed. In the "Test Results" window at the bottom there is a drop down list to choose the(it looks like environment??) and when they choose "System#SERVERNAME SERVERTIME" it does not show the list that I can see if I am logged in. It seems to be a permission issue but where?
Thank you

Query runs fast but report renders slow: how to debug this?

I'm running SSRS 08. My query has four parameters (all varchars). I can run the query through management studio and it runs in under 10sec. I get the same performance if I run the query in Visual Studio's query designer.
However...if I try to preview the report or actually run the report once it's deployed the actual report sometimes takes more than 5 minutes. I ran a trace and the query seems to be in/out of the SQL server side quickly. How can I find where/why I'm loosing this performance? I've tried/checked so far the following:
No images are referenced in the report
No grouping/sorting outside of the stored procedure
Since it's a straight forward report I rebuilt it with same result (to check if it's not an issue of a corrupted report).
ran SQL trace when I executed the report to make sure the query did not have issues
Based on some suggestions before I rewrote the query to use variables instead of parameters like so
-- ...
-- Note: #Parameter is a varchar(40)
-- ...
declare #Var as varchar(40)
set #var=#parameter
select * from table where fieldvalue=#var
Ran the trace and it's not an issue on the query side.
I had the report html output trouble on report retrieving 32000 lines. In my case I had to activate “Interactive Paging” to allow user see first page and able to generate Excel file. The pro is that first page appears fast and user can generate export to Excel or PDF, the cons is that user can scroll only current page. If user wants to see more content he\she must use navigation buttons above the grid. In my case user accepted this behavior because the export to Excel was more important.
To activate “Interactive Paging” you must click on the free area in the report pane and change property “InteractiveSize”\ “Height” on the report level in Properties pane. Set this property to different from 0. I set to 8.5 inches in my case. Also ensure that you unchecked “Keep together on one page if possible” property on the Tablix level (right click on the Tablix, then “Tablix Properties”, then “General”\ “Page Break Options”).
I was troubleshooting a similar issue a while ago and it turned out to be related to the browser I was using to view the report. If the report returns a lot of data to the screen consider splitting it into multiple pages if it is not already configured that way.
Why Does Business Intelligence Studio Load Reports Faster than the Report Server
I think I may have found my answer on a thread
I unchecked the "Keep together" setting and it now actually previews coming from the server and I can export the report. Much improvement

No data in the Test Plan Progress Report in TFS

I'm having some problems with the Test Plan Progress Report in TFS. It is not showing any data in there, even when i have several test cases and in different states, and also have assigned a Configuration (Windows 7 and IE9) to each test case. Do you know what else could be causing this annoying issue with the report?
The Test Case Readiness Report is working fine, but only this one is not working.
I met the same problem. After taking a lot of time in google or microsoft's website , there is still no answer be found. I decide to research the report design. It still take a lot of time since this is my first time to use SQL Server Report Builder.
I found the solution to this problem.
Open this report in report builder
go to DataSet > dsTestData
right click mouse > dataset properties
select field in left column
click 'fx' button of Passed_Cumulative_Count
change expression's variable :
change OutcomeCaption.Value="Passed" to Outcome_Id.Value="2"
change other fields as step 6
Outcome_Id :
1 Other
2 Passed
3 Failed
7 Blocked
255 Never Run
Save your report
You should see test plan progress data now .
My TFS is in Traditional Chinese OS , the OutcomeCaption will be chinese word. This is why the orginal report has no data.
Hope this gives others some help.
I had a similar issue and it turned out it was because I didn't have Test Plans defined. Since I wasn't using a version of Visual Studio that had Microsoft Test Manager licensed, I wasn't able to define a Test Plan for my Test Cases.
