How to generate random numbers with GoogleRefine or OpenRefine in GREL? - random

I'd like to generate random numbers in GREL. Is there any way to do this? I'd like to use a GREL phrase like:
"" + random + ".html"

GREL has not random function, but you can use Python/Jython instead :
import random
# return a random integer between 0 and 1000
return value + str(random.randint(0, 1000)) + ".html"
Example :


Why does my "random key code" creates a same key every once in a while?

I`m having the following code from which I extract randomPW for my db.
I need this string of random characters in order to use it a primary key in my Db. The problem is that I`m getting quite a lot of duplicates when I execute this code more than once or if I get a Loop in order to extract (for example) 100 keys at once.
If I try to reload the page in order to insert one by one key the same problem occurs... every 50-80 reloads there is a duplicate. What's wrong with my code?
Function RandomPW(myLength)
Const minLength = 6
Const maxLength = 20
Dim X, Y, strPW
If myLength = 0 Then
myLength = Int((maxLength * Rnd) + minLength)
End If
For X = 1 To myLength
Y = Int((3 * Rnd) + 1) '(1) Numeric, (2) Uppercase, (3) Lowercase
Select Case Y
Case 1
'Numeric character
strPW = strPW & CHR(Int((9 * Rnd) + 48))
Case 2
'Uppercase character
strPW = strPW & CHR(Int((25 * Rnd) + 65))
Case 3
'Lowercase character
strPW = strPW & CHR(Int((25 * Rnd) + 97))
End Select
RandomPW = strPW
End Function
I expect my code to extract a string that will not duplicate every now and then.
I need this string of random characters in order to use it a primary key in my Db.
In this case I would recommend to use Scriptlet.TypeLib :
Function RandomPW(myLength)
Set TypeLib = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
If myLength < Len(TypeLib.Guid)
RandomPW = Left(TypeLib.Guid, myLength)
RandomPW = TypeLib.Guid
End If
End Function
Randomize is not supposed to be used more than once, unless you want to make sure you are creating fake, repeatable randomness. Per docs, helpfully linked by Lankymart (emphasis mine):
Randomize uses number to initialize the Rnd function's random-number generator, giving it a new seed value. If you omit number, the value returned by the system timer is used as the new seed value.
The system timer referred to above is in seconds; which means, successive calls to Randomize in short succession will make sure the following Rnd is yielding the same value.
It would likely help you immensely to remove all calls to Randomize.

How do I convert a spreadsheet "letternamed" column coordinate to an integer?

In spreadsheets I have cells named like "F14", "BE5" or "ALL1". I have the first part, the column coordinate, in a variable and I want to convert it to a 0-based integer column index.
How do I do it, preferably in an elegant way, in Ruby?
I can do it using a brute-force method: I can imagine loopping through all letters, converting them to ASCII and adding to a result, but I feel there should be something more elegant/straightforward.
Edit: Example: To simplify I do only speak about the column coordinate (letters). Therefore in the first case (F14) I have "F" as the input and I expect the result to be 5. In the second case I have "BE" as input and I expect getting 56, for "ALL" I want to get 999.
Not sure if this is any clearer than the code you already have, but it does have the advantage of handling an arbitrary number of letters:
class String
def upcase_letters
module Enumerable
def reverse_with_index
def sum
self.reduce(0, :+)
def indexFromColumnName(column_str)
start = 'A'.ord - 1 do |c|
c.ord - start do |value, digit_position|
value * (26 ** digit_position)
end.sum - 1
I've added some methods to String and Enumerable because I thought it made the code more readable, but you could inline these or define them elsewhere if you don't like that sort of thing.
We can use modulo and the length of the input. The last character will
be used to calculate the exact "position", and the remainders to count
how many "laps" we did in the alphabet, e.g.
def column_to_integer(column_name)
letters = /[A-Z]+/.match(column_name).to_s.split("")
laps = (letters.length - 1) * 26
position = ((letters.last.ord - 'A'.ord) % 26)
laps + position
Using decimal representation (ord) and the math tricks seems a neat
solution at first, but it has some pain points regarding the
implementation. We have magic numbers, 26, and constants 'A'.ord all
One solution is to give our code better knowlegde about our domain, i.e.
the alphabet. In that case, we can switch the modulo with the position of
the last character in the alphabet (because it's already sorted in a zero-based array), e.g.
ALPHABET = ('A'..'Z').to_a
def column_to_integer(column_name)
letters = /[A-Z]+/.match(column_name).to_s.split("")
laps = (letters.length - 1) * ALPHABET.size
position = ALPHABET.index(letters.last)
laps + position
The final result:
> column_to_integer('F5')
=> 5
> column_to_integer('AK14')
=> 36
HTH. Best!
I have found particularly neat way to do this conversion:
def index_from_column_name(colname)
Explanation why it works
(warning spoiler ;) ahead). Basically we are doing this
which in plain English means, that we are interpreting colname as 26-base number. Before we can do it we need to interpret all A's as 1, B's as 2 etc. If only this is needed than it would be even simpler, namely
(colname.to_i(36) - '9'*colname.size).to_i(36)).to_s(36).to_i(26)-1
unfortunately there are Z characters present which would need to be interpreted as 10(base 26) so we need a little trick. We shift every digit 1 more then needed and than add it at the end (to every digit in original colname)

How do I implement atof (ascii to float) method in ruby?

I am trying to make an RPN calculator. I have to implement my own .to_i and .to_f method. I cannot use send, eval, Float(str) or String(str) method. The assignment is done, but I still want to know how to implement it.
The input: atof("255.25") as string type
Output: 255.55 as float type
Here is my code for atoi
ASCII_NUM_START = 48 # start of ascii code for 0
def ascii_to_i(int_as_str)
array_ascii = int_as_str.bytes
converted_arr = {|ascii| ascii - ASCII_NUM_START }
converted_arr.inject { |sum, n| sum * 10 + n }
def ascii_to_f(float_as_str)
I got it working doing the following (and utilizing your ascii_to_i function).
ASCII_NUM_START = 48 # start of ascii code for 0
def ascii_to_i(int_as_str)
array_ascii = int_as_str.bytes
converted_arr = {|ascii| ascii - ASCII_NUM_START }
converted_arr.inject { |sum, n| sum * 10 + n }
def ascii_to_f(float_as_str)
int_split = float_as_str.split(".")
results = []
int_split.each { |val| results << ascii_to_i(val) }
results[0] + (results[1] / (10.0 ** int_split.last.length))
I can see you have made a reasonable effort at ascii_to_i.
The code for ascii_to_f can be similar, and in addition you will need to divide the result by the number of decimal places that you have processed.
Probably the easiest adaptation is:
find the position of the . character (ASCII code 46) in the String, save that as a variable
remove the . character (ASCII code 46) from your array of bytes
calculate the Integer value from the array of bytes as before
divide by 10.0 (must be a Float) to the power of (the length of the remaining array minus the position you found the . in).
I am not giving code, because it is an assignment. See if you can figure out the correct syntax, looking at documentation for the Array class for finding the position of a specific value, for deleting a specific value, and for getting length of the array.

Compound Expressions in a Function in Mathematica

I wanted to calculate the power sum S_p(x) = 1^p + 2^p + 3^p + ... + x^p using the code
but it seems to output 0 every time. Why does it do that?
As written, Mathematica is parsing your expression like this:
powersum[x_,p_]:=sum=0; (*Definition ended here*)
You need to use to wrap your expression in parenthesis to make them all part of the function definition.
Often it is preferable to use Module[]:
this is essentially the same as wrapping in () except sum is protected in a local context.
of course for this example you could as well use :
powersum[x_, p_] := Range[x - 1]^p // Total

Recursively counting the number of characters in a string. (Ruby)

I need to write a recursive function that utilizes just two string methods, .empty? and .chop.
No, I can't use .length (Can you tell it's homework yet?)
So far I'm stuck on writing the function itself, I passed it the string, but I am unsure on how to recursively go through the characters with the .chop string method. Would I just have a counter? Syntax for this thing seems tricky to me.
def stringLength(string)
if string.empty?
return 0
I wish I could put more down, but this is what I'm stuck at.
return 1 + stringLength(string.chop)
Thats your missing line. Here is an example of how this will work:
stringLength("Hello") = 1 + stringLength("Hell")
stringLength("Hell") = 1 + stringLength("Hel")
stringLength("Hel") = 1 + stringLength("He")
stringLength("He") = 1 + stringLength("H")
stringLength("H") = 1 + stringLength("")
stringLength("") = 0
