Adding pem key to jenkins box - amazon-ec2

I have a jenkins box, I have ssh in to it and from there I want to access one of the Ec2 instance in AWS, I tried ssh -i "mykeyname.pem" ec2-user#DNSname but It throws me an error "Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)".
I have the PEM file of the EC2 instance I want to connect. But is there any way I can ssh in to the instance..?

There are two possible reasons.
Default user name is not "ec2-user"
Please check your using image "jenkins box".
If it doesn't use "ec2-user", change user name for ssh commands
Your key-pair is incorrect
Once you created EC2 instance with correct key-pair, you could access EC2 instance with such commands
Please check your using key-pair name
Connecting to Your Linux Instance Using SSH


How to connect to a Windows EC2 instance using Ansible?

From reading the Connect to your Windows instance AWS EC2 docs page, my understanding is that it is not possible to SSH to Windows EC2 instances.
The typical procedure to connect to a Windows EC2 instance manually is to download the remote desktop file, get the password for the instance, and then use the Remote Desktop Connection tool to RDP to the instance (more detail is in the docs page above).
If I am correct that Windows EC2 instances do not support connecting via SSH, how can you connect to a Windows EC2 in an Ansible playbook?
I would prefer to be able to do this without installing any software on the Windows EC2 instance beforehand, but if that is necessary, I can do that.
I have found you need to do the following to connect to a Windows EC2 instance using Ansible:
You need to configure the EC2 to allow connections from Ansible using the ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 script. This can be done either by setting this as the user data when you create the EC2, or by running this script after the EC2 is created.
You need add a security group, or configure a security group already added to the EC2 to allow the following incoming requests to the EC2 from the host(s) that the Ansible playbook will be running on:
TCP requests to whatever you configure as the Ansible port
You need to install pywinrm>=0.3.0 so Ansible can use WinRM to connect to the EC2.
You need to run the Ansible playbook with ansible_connection variable set to winrm, and the ansible_winrm_scheme variable set to http. This can be done with --extra-args or any other way that variables are set.
You need to provide the public IP address of the Windows EC2 host, either under hosts in the playbook, or in a host file passed to ansible-playbook with -i.
You need to get or set the EC2's Administrator password, and then provide this password with the ansible_password variable for the EC2.

How to build Ansible Playbook without username/password

I am new to Ansible and started learning and working on Ansible Playboks especially on network automation. Part of our hosting infra, inorder to login to any device we have default script runs to ssh into the device, something like goto . Hence no need to give any username and password, it directly logs into the device.
How we can include this customization in Ansible playbook without using any username or password.
Ansible supports using ssh keys.
Confirm that you can connect using SSH to all the nodes in your inventory using the same username. If necessary, add your public SSH key to the authorized_keys file on those systems.
Refer to documentation here
Also, it is a good idea to read the 'getting started' page
You will still need to supply a Username, that the SSH Key belongs to:
Guide on Setting up an SSH key for a Linux User: Here
Once SSH Key is configured and Copied over to your Ansible Server:
Edit the Sudoers File on the Slave Node and set NOPASSWD for the user, that way your user won't be prompted for a password when you are duing Sudo Commands: Reference Here

aws ec2 instance - permission denied to write to ~/.aws/credentials

When ssh into a aws ec2 linux instance, the user is ec2-user by default. Then I need to set aws credentials by writing to ~/.aws/credentials, but got permission denied. I feel that if I use sudo then the credentials file would be owned by root user, as a result my api server can't read from it.
What's the correct approach to set up aws credentials there?
The 'correct' way to setup the credentials, is to assign a role to the ec2 instance when you create it (or assign them after you create it). That role can be created and assigned to the EC2 instance via the AWS console - there is no need to ssh in and create the credentials there.
See: Easily Replace or Attach an IAM Role to an Existing EC2 Instance by Using the EC2 Console | AWS Security Blog
You can create the credentials file locally, then upload to your ec2 instance.
create the credentials file locally
$ vim credentials
upload to your ec2 instance
$ scp /path/credentials username#servername:/path

Unable to connect to AWS instance even after manually adding in public key to authorized_keys

I am unable to run an ansible-playbook or use ansible ping on a AWS instance. However, I can ssh into the instance with no problem. My hosts file is this:
[instance] ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/josh/Ansible/Amazon/AWS.pem
Should I not use a direct path. I am trying to use ansible to install apache onto the server. In my security group in the AWS console, I allowed all incoming ssh traffic in port 22, and ansi
service: name=apache2 state=started`ble tries to ssh through port 22 so that should not be the problem. Is there some crucial idea behind sshing into instances that I didn't catch onto to. I tried following this post: Ansible AWS: Unable to connect to EC2 instance but to no avail.
make sure inside ansible.cfg ***
private_key_file = path of private key(server-private-key)
and in host machine don't change default authorized_keys file ,better way is create one user, for that user create .ssh directory and then inside create a file called authorized_keys & paste your server-public key
try: ansible-playbook yourplaybookname.yml --connection=local
ansible defaults to ssh

Passwordless SSH not establishing

I am trying to install Hadoop on Amazon EC2 Instance CentOS 6.5.I am connected to the instance but want to make the session passwordless SSH. To do this I used the following commands:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ node01
I get an error saying : Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
I tried logging in as "root" as well as "ec2-user" but it shows the same error.
Could anyone help on this.
I have created a simple scriptlet to ease this process on EC2 - Ubuntu instances.
You can check it out here.
Just give the machine names and key path, you are done!
