PrimeNG DataTable Row Selection - Change Color - datatable

Whats the best way to style the row selection of the primeng datatable grid? I have a checkbox and when selected the row changes to a bootstrap blue. I want to lighten the color for the row selection.
How do I do this?

I'm not sure if you found your answer anywhere, but the CSS you're looking for is this:
body .ui-datatable .ui-datatable-data tr.ui-datatable-even.ui-state-highlight {
/*background-color handles the color of the highlighted row*/
/*color sets the color of the text*/
background-color: #0275d8;
color: #ffffff;
border-color: #0267bf;}
body .ui-datatable .ui-datatable-data tr.ui-datatable-odd.ui-state-highlight {
background-color: #0275d8;
color: #ffffff;
border-color: #0267bf;}
Just paste that in your own CSS file and you can change the highlight color, border color and text color. I'm not sure if it's the best way of doing it, but I was doing it like this last week and that's how I got it working.


CKEditor remove all style and tags from combopanel (dropdown)

I use a custom CSS stylesheet for CKEditor and want to disable the preview of all styles and format tags on the dropdowns, and just display the name in a div for example. Right now CKEditor create the corresponding tag with the class to style a preview. (like on the screenshot) :
If in the dropdown there is a h2 tag it will display it under block elements in a h2 tag. It make the dropdown inherit the whole site style for h2 tags.
I can do this by adding rules for the specific dropdown but was wondering is there is a built in configuration to stop that in a more generic way. Maybe to force it to always use simple span or div. To have just a classic dropdown, no groups, no style added.
Thanks for your help.
This is a bit of a brute force approach but you can override the list item style .cke_panel_listItem with some relevant children selectors in the content.css file.
In this example I'm controlling the display style of h1, h2, h3 and div items in the list:
.cke_panel_listItem h1,
.cke_panel_listItem h2,
.cke_panel_listItem h3,
.cke_panel_listItem div {
font-size: 12px !important;
font-style: normal !important;
font-weight: normal !important;
color: #000000 !important;
background-color: #ffffff !important;
border: none !important;
The original style definitions (such as those defined in ckeditor's styles.js file) will still be applied to the selected text, but the dropdown menu itself will display the labels using simple 12px text.

How to change header background color and font color in Handsontable

Questions: I'm able to change background color of cells but not of the header. Can I change the background color as well as font color of the header in Handsontable?
Add style tag in head of document. This will affect all HOT grids on the page.
Still researching how to make different grids display with different styling.
.handsontable table thead th{
background-color: green;
You could use jquery or css for this. For example, apply a background color to all the span.colHeader:
.handsontable span.colHeader {
text-color: #B2B2FF; /* pink ish */
background-color: #FF7878; /* red */
Or even easier, handsontable allows HTML for col headers so as an option, you can supply an array of the headers with HTML:
hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: items,
startRows: 1,
colHeaders: ['<label id="header1" style="background-color: blue">I'm the first header"</label>', '<label id="header2" style="background-color: red">I'm the second header"</label>']
test this css to change handsontable header color
.handsontable th {color: #f5ffa5 !important; background: #78DEFF !important; }

jqGrid: change background Image in the header of grid

I have a jqGrid and it comes with default background image, I want to change the background image of it. I tried couple of ways as suggested in online
METHOD 1. I added below code in my CSS
.ui-jqgrid .ui-widget-header
background-image:url(images/my-header.png) repeat-x !important;
METHOD 2.Added below code to load complete event of jqGrid
loadComplete: function () {
$("#gview_jqgCUST .ui-jqgrid-titlebar").removeClass('ui-widget-header');
$("#gview_jqgCUST .ui-jqgrid-titlebar").addClass('jqgrid-header');
in CSS I added
background:red url(images/my-header.png) repeat-x scroll 50% 50%;
border:1px solid black;
and I am loading css files after jqGrid css file but could not achieve it
How can I do it ?? Any sample code please... I am new to jqGrid and jQuery..
First of all you can use ThemeRoller of jQuery UI to customize theme which you use on the page. You can reduce the applying of the theme only to a paer of your page by usage of "CSS Scope" (see the answer).
Alternatively you can specify background of .ui-jqgrid .ui-widget-header. The demo uses the background from "Dot Luv" theme. Additional to background I specified colors of the text and the border to make the look of header better. I used CSS
.ui-jqgrid .ui-widget-header {
border: 1px solid #0b3e6f;
background: #0b3e6f url( 50% 50% repeat-x;
color: #f6f6f6;
The resulting grid looks like on the picture below

How to set active icon colour in Sencha Touch 2.2 Tabpanel app

I've been having difficulty changing the active colour of an icon in my tabpanel item in Sencha Touch 2.2. I've tried lots of variations of CSS and SASS but have not managed to change it. The CSS I have tried:
.x-tabbar.x-docked-bottom .x-tab-active {
color: #000000;
background-color: #000000;
.x-tab-active {
background-color: #000000;
color: #000000;
I've also tried setting the active colour in SASS, but this doesn't seem to work either. The only bit of CSS that seems to have that blue in it is this bit:
.x-tabbar-light .x-tab-active .x-button-icon::before {
color: #1da2ff;
...but when I try setting that to black, nothing happens! Anyone have any ideas how I can change it??
EDIT: I tried the first suggestion changing the CSS to this:
.x-tabbar-light .x-tab-active .x-button-icon {
background-color: #000000;
...but this is what I see:
Applying color: #1da2ff; to the :before pseudo-element is the right thing.
The reason why it doesn't work for you is that the rule get overridden by another one with a more specific selector:
.x-tabbar-dark.x-docked-bottom .x-tab-active .x-button-icon:before {
color: #50b7ff;
This is the exact situation where using !important is appropriate and not shameful:
.x-button-icon:before {
color: #1da2ff !important;
You have the right idea by selecting the icon, which is a span, and not the wrap, which is a div.
The div wrap .x-tab-active has a background color that decides the background of the active box. The icon has an image mask so background color or background-image gradient will determine the color of the icon. There is an additional span that wraps the text, like "x-button-label, for which a color style will change its color.
For changing the color of the icon try:
.x-tabbar-light .x-tab-active .x-button-icon {
background-color: #1da2ff;
Thanks a lot, it was enough to add this in my CSS:
.x-tabbar-light.x-docked-bottom .x-tab-active .x-button-icon:before {
color : #000;
There was no need to add !important for me as I was using the new base theme for ST 2.2, but your solution worked great!

Kendo ui picker css issue

I am using kendo ui dropdown list and some other pickers. I want to style the selected item background color.
I had tried .k-dropdown .k-state-selected{ background-color: red} but the color of selected item is not changing. It is set to default orange only. But the same code is working for grid and list view.
How can i able to do that.
The following CSS should work for date(time)picker and the dropdownlist:
.k-widget .k-state-selected,
.k-list .k-state-selected
  background: red;
Here is a live demo:
KendoUI defines background not just as a background-color: XYZ; but using background-image: none, -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffc0cb 0px, #ffc0cb 100%); too
So, start overwriting this definition saying background-image: none;
