Installing Influx db on windows - windows

I have tried to install influx db on windows 10 using following steps from a blog.
However after "go get -u -f ./..." command I get following error message.
C:\>cd Go
C:\Go>mkdir projects
C:\Go>set "GOPATH=C:\Go\projects"
C:\Go>cd %gopath%
C:\Go\projects>go get
C:\Go\projects>cd src\\influxdata\influxdb
C:\Go\projects\src\\influxdata\influxdb>go get -u -f ./...
package code in directory C:\Go\projects\src\\uber-go\zap expects import ""

Looks like there is a current issue with the Zap library:
You can download a pre-compiled Windows binary from the Influxdata website:


go get fyne/io/driver/gl#v1.0.1 unrecognized import path

Trying to follow the installation guide here and most of the process is working. I'm having an issue with building it however.
When trying to build I'm getting this message:
C:...\>go build -o gbdotlive main.go
......\go\pkg\mod\\fyne#v1.0.1\driver\gl\gl.go:20:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package (imported by; to add:
go get
Running the suggested command however raises another prompt:
C:...\>go get
go get unrecognized import path "": reading 404 Not Found
I've tried going for the version 1.4.3 driver too which raises a different error:
C:...\>go get
go get: module found, but does not contain package
Anybody familiar with this issue? FYI I'm on Windows and have MinGw installed already.
Just run go mod tidy before exec go build -o gbdotlive main.go.Have a try.

file not found / unable to import package

I have been following a gRPC tutorial, this works perfectly fine. The problems start when I try to add to my project. I use the commands they give you:
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
and I import the package in my proto:
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
I am getting an error on the line above saying "file not found".
When I copy the files inside my project, they are found but when I run the command
protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
-I$GOPATH/src \
-I$GOPATH/src/ \
--go_out=plugins=grpc:. \
it will complain that it cannot find the files.
Could someone please tell me the correct way on how to be able to get this grpc-gateway working properly?
I am currently on windows with GoLand as IDE.
If I read this issue correct it's the same that you have. They say you have to put these files in your repository

Unable to Install Go-Ipfs from source

I'm trying to Build IPFS from Source on windows 10.
Previously i installed it from source.It was working fine. But i needed the latest source so i started again from the scratch. because i edited some parts in the source.
I followed instructions on
I received following error on executing following commands.
cd %GOPATH%\src\\ipfs\go-ipfs
make install
go version go1.12.6 windows/amd64
bin/check_go_version 1.12
go install -asmflags=all=-trimpath="D:\GO_WORKSPACE" -gcflags=all=-trimpath="D:\GO_WORKSPACE" -ldflags="-X "".CurrentCommit=810cb607e-dirty" ./cmd/ipfs
plugin\loader\preload.go:11:2: undefined: pluginipldgit
plugin\loader\preload.go:12:2: undefined: pluginbadgerds
plugin\loader\preload.go:13:2: undefined: pluginflatfs
plugin\loader\preload.go:14:2: undefined: pluginlevelds
make: *** [cmd/ipfs/ cmd/ipfs-install] Error 2
I tried Adding this plugins in to preload.go file under src\\ipfs\go-ipfs\plugin\loader directory.
exisiting code on preload.go.
import (
i added after the issue
import (
pluginipldgit ""
pluginbadgerds ""
pluginflatfs ""
pluginlevelds ""
so after i added this lines result is success.
Executed command
make install
go version go1.12.6 windows/amd64
bin/check_go_version 1.12
go install -asmflags=all=-trimpath="D:\GO_WORKSPACE" -gcflags=all=-trimpath="D:\GO_WORKSPACE" -ldflags="-X "".CurrentCommit=810cb607e-dirty" ./cmd/ipfs
Then i tried to start the ipfs using following command
ipfs daemon
Initializing daemon...
go-ipfs version: 0.4.22-dev-810cb607e-dirty
Repo version: 7
System version: amd64/windows
Golang version: go1.12.6
Error: unknown datastore type: flatfs
Can someone help me configure the IPFS from source.
Thanks in advance.
I solved this problem by following method. not sure this will be a good solution or not. any way i could solve the issue.
I'm posting this as a answer. so it will be useful to everyone who has the same issue.
1) Deleted go-ipfs folder inside the "%GO_WORKSPACE% / .... / ipfs" folder.
2) Git clone the go ipfs repo manually on the same location.
3) go inside go-ipfs folder.
4) execute install command.
make install
Done on Windows.
Save IPFS (kubo) to some folder inside %GOPATH% (I cloned to folder %GOPATH%\kubo
Important cd %GOPATH%\kubo\cmd\ipfs\
go install
ipfs.exe was placed in %GOPATH%\bin
I launched it as daemon - works.
BTW: GOROOT is defined and path to go is included in PATH

Cannot install gotk3, getting GdkMonitor error

I tried to use gotk3 for creating desktop application. I follow the instruction in gotk3 wiki and this installing-on-linux wiki to install it. But then I get this error while executing go get -v:
gcc errors for preamble:
In file included from ../../gotk3/gotk3/gdk/gdk_since_3_22.go:23:0:
./gdk_since_3_22.go.h:22:8: error: unknown type name 'GdkMonitor'
static GdkMonitor *
I've tried to delete the gotk3 directory, and then trying to go get -v again, but still, it didn't work.
I also checked the GTK version that installed in my Ubuntu 16.04 using apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 | grep Installed. And it shows this:
Installed: 2.24.30-1ubuntu1.16.04.2
Installed: 3.18.9-1ubuntu3.3
What did I do wrong? Thanks
GdkMonitor was introduced in GTK+ 3.22. Your version is 3.18.
go get -tags gtk_3_18 at the very beginning of building (see here NOTE section) should fix things

Error while running make command using Fabric 1.0.6 after all the 15 steps

I am installing fabric in a custom path $HOME//gopath/src/ using the make command but after installing all the 15 steps, I am getting the following error
Step 15/15 : LABEL org.hyperledger.fabric.version=1.0.2 org.hyperledger.fabric.base.version=0.3.2
---> Running in ed05a67810db
Removing intermediate container ed05a67810db
---> 99b4b0b28957
Successfully built 99b4b0b28957
Successfully tagged hyperledger/fabric-javaenv:latest
docker tag hyperledger/fabric-javaenv hyperledger/fabric-javaenv:x86_64-1.0.2
CGO_CFLAGS=" " GOBIN=/root/gopath/src/ go install -tags "" -ldflags "-X -X -X -X -X"
go build invalid flag in #cgo LDFLAGS: -Wl,--no-as-needed
Makefile:227: recipe for target 'build/bin/peer' failed
make: *** [build/bin/peer] Error 1
Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
docker-compose version 1.18.0, build 8dd22a9
go version go1.9.4 linux/amd64
OS : Ubuntu 16.04
I have set the following path also
$ mkdir $HOME/gopath
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
$ export GOROOT=$HOME/go
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Jira Link: which I have already done
It is a known issue in go 1.9.4:
While go people are fixing it, you can manually whitelist the flags before starting make:
$ export CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW='-Wl,--no-as-needed'
$ make
Alternatively you can just downgrade to go 1.9.3
as far as I know you don't need to build the fabric itself.
You just need to have sources in the gopath, as your chaincode will need this, when you are building your chaincode for the blockchain itself.
In addition you will probably also need to install the fabric-ca for your chaincode to build successfully, if you use the certificate-stuff.
This is sufficient to check if you installed fabric correctly:
cd $GOPATH/src/
make unit-test
Keep going if this works.
I found this confusing at first as well ;)
I'd assume you switch to golang 1.9.4 or greater hence I belive this actually related to following issue, to solve it you need to update vendor dependencies:
govendor fetch
Next continue to build binaries and run tests.
