FBX SDK Get Animation - animation

I am mainly using EvaluateGlobalTransform to get animation from fbx files. This method works with the humanoid.fbx in the samples\ViewScene directory and another ascii format fbx model that I made in Blender.
However, when I export the same Blender model in binary format and try to get the animation from it, the result is totally wrong. The matrices of every frames that I got by calling EvaluateGlobalTransform are mostly same. Here are some snippets of the results.(it is too much to print all of them so I wrote them in a file)
The wrong one:
The right one:
I am sure that all the fbx files that I use contain at least one animation stack and can be animated perfectly if you open them in FBX Review.
It is worth mentioning that the size(not storage size but spacial size) of the model I made in Blender is somehow larger in binary format than in ascii format.
Please Help Me! Thanks!

It's me again. I think I have an answer to my own question. The reason why all matrices are same in binary fbx file but not same in ascii fbx file is that the two animations, which contains all the matrices, are not the same one. In binary file the default take is Idle Animation, whereas in ascii file the default take is Walking Animation. When I extracted matrices from the fbx files, I actually extracted Idle Animation from binary fbx file contrast to Walking Animation from ascii fbx file.
Therefore, I only need to find a way to change the default take from which I extract animation. I think I have solved my problem. I hope this can solve your problem too.


Make Paraview animation by changing the data on a fixed geometry

I wish to construct an animation in Paraview starting from some files obtained in an optimization process. I have a mesh made of tetrahedrons and at each iteration I have a scalar field on this mesh.
I could create a VTK file for each iteration, but such a file is larger than 100Mb and it would take more than 15GB to store all the vtk files. Moreover, the geometry part in each vtk file is the same, so I guess there is a more efficient solution. Therefore my question:
Is it possible to make animations in Paraview by changing a scalar field on a fixed geometry?
(if this is not the right forum to ask this, please let me know where it could be more appropriate)

Autocad SHX: What format is it, and how to convert it?

I've tried to find out what format Autocad SHX is, but had no luck so far. What kind of format is it actually (I mean like image, vector, a mix of this, else)?
And how can I convert this to say a bitmap image?
A AutoCAD SHX file is a compiled shapefile. Is indicated here you might find it difficult to natively read. Quote:
An SHX file is the compiled machine code version of an SHP ASCII-based shape entities file, which means that programs can process SHX files much more quickly. All of the vector based fonts in AutoCAD, for example, are SHX files.
So, SHX files can be fonts or shape files. There are libraries out there that can work with shape files like the Teigha for .DWG library or ArcView. Interestingly, for ArcView, if you look here it states:
Shapefiles spatially describe geometries: points, polylines, and polygons. These, for example, could represent water wells, rivers, and lakes, respectively. Each item may also have attributes, that describe the items, such as the name or temperature.
I am sure there are other libraries (like FME) that you might possibly use.
Hope this helps.

Microsoft Word -> PDF image quality

Our line of business application uses a Word document as a template, fills in the pertinent information and converts it to PDF, which it returns to the user.
That all works fine except for one thing. We use an image of our company's logo on the lead page and in the footer. In one resolution (e.g. 100%), it looks fine. But at higher resolutions (e.g. 250%), it has several noticeable jaggies; the diagonals have noticeable ragged edges. Tweaking the image, we're able to make it look good at the higher zoom value, but then it looks terrible at lower zoom values.
Currently, we're using a PNG, but we've tried JPG and it doesn't improve the jaggy problem. In fact, it looks worse at higher resolution because of JPG compression. I think a vector image would solve the problem (and we have the logo in vector format), but I haven't found any vector formats that Word supports.
I don't really have any code to show, since we don't do anything with the image in the code: we just take the document and plug in our values, none of which touch the logo (the template already contains the image).
We are using Word 2013 (32-bit) on Windows 8.1 (though some of our developers use Windows 7). We use the .NET PdfDocument class to generate the PDF.
Any ideas on how to get Word to be better at retaining image quality? Or is this a PDF issue?
The suggestion by David van Driessche might still work, provided the right EMF is used. EMF files can contain both raster and vector data. With a raster EMF file, the same problem will present itself as it did with PNG or JPEG. Vector EMF embedded in Word files can scale very nicely, at least when zoomed in display, so it could also work with printing or converting to PDF.
Word supports both raster and vector objects within EMFs, so the secret is to use EMFs that only contain scalable objects like lines, curves and text when quality & scaling are both concerns.
I have posted sample files here to illustrate this for anyone wishing to see the difference.
Amin Dodin

What is the fastest way to rotate a jpg image file?

I am working on some batch routines to manage large libraries of jpg files. I have a nice routine that will quickly downsize 4mb+ files down to 40kb+. Using CCR.Exif, I can determine if an image needs to be rotated. My problem is that I can't find any code to rotate the image before I save it. I really need to be able to do this without incurring the overhead of bringing the image to screen.
I'm using the built-in jpeg.pas; I found another library by Gabriel Corneanu at CodeCentral, but it hasn't been updated for DXE2. All I need to do is a 90° rotation.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
JPGs are compressed and must be rendered before you can work with the image data. Even if it is a non-visible canvas, they still need to be loaded into a component that renders them. Then you can use Windows API calls to rotate the image by directly accessing the canvas. I haven't rotated the image before, but I have manipulated it in other ways by accessing the canvas.
GR32 and EFG are both good sites with several components and algorithms. Here is one example on EFG's site that rotates an image. The code is Delphi 3, but it should still work fine for image manipulation.
EFG Example with Source
TImage32 has a method to rotate the image 90 degrees as well. See TImage32.Bitmap.Rotate90. TImage32 is part of the GR32 library and has been updated for Delphi-XE2.
svn co https://graphics32.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/graphics32/trunk graphics32
Also see: GR32 Homepage
If you need to rotate JPEG in steps by 90 degree, then look for lossless transformations.
For example irfanview.com has a special plugin DLL for it, though it does not have public API, but maybe you can ask Irfan Author for it or reverse-engineer it with debugger and cff explorer.
a lot of discussion might by just googled, including discussion how it is implemented.
Component catalogues have that like
That will not work with rotation finer than 90 degree steps, but for orthogonal turns keep searchign for lossless jpeg transformations.
The fastest way to rotate a JPEG image would be to write a new / alternate pixel pump for the JPEG decoder that reads and decodes the JPEG pixels left to right (x,y), and writes them to bitmap memory as (y,x) - that is, writing one pixel per scanline at the same offset, instead of the normal mode of writing one pixel per column on the same scanline.
Anything else will be making multiple passes over the bitmap data.

Optimize the SVG output from Gnuplot

I've been trying to plot a dataset containing about 500,000 values using gnuplot. Although the plotting went well, the SVG file it produced was too large (about 25 MB) and takes ages to render. Is there some way I can improve the file size?
I have vague understanding of the SVG file format and I realize that this is because SVG is a vector format and thus have to store 500,000 points individually.
I also tried Scour and re-printing the SVG without any success.
The time it takes to render you SVG file is proportional to the amount of information in it. Thus, the only way to speed up rendering is to reduce the amount of data
I think it is a little tedious to fiddle with an already generated SVG file. I would suggest to reduce the amount of data for gnuplot to plot.
Maybe every or some other reduction of data can help like splitting the data into multiple plots...
I would recommend keeping it in vector graphic format and then choosing a resolution for the document that you put it in later.
Main reason for doing this is that you might one day use that image in a poster (for example) and print it at hundreds of times the current resolution.
I normally convert my final pdf into djvu format.
pdf2djvu --dpi=600 -o my_file_600.djvu my_file.pdf
This lets me specify the resolution of the document as a whole (including the text), rather than different resolutions scattered throughout.
On the downside it does mean having a large pdf for the original document. However, this can be mitigated against if you are latex to make your original pdf - for you can use the draft option until you have finished, so that images are not imported in your day-to-day editing of the text (where rendering large images would be annoying).
Did you try printing to PDF and then convert to SVG?
In Linux, you can do that with imagemagick, which you even be able to use to reduce the size of your original SVG file.
Or there are online converters, such as http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-svg
