How to get the config using gitpython ? - gitpython

I have a repo initialized as
r = git.Repo.init(dirPath)
How can I get the field for the git config for that repo using gitpython?

After looking into the source of gitpython this is one way I managed to do it.
r = git.Repo.init(dirPath)
reader = r.config_reader()
field = reader.get_value("user","email")


substrate forkless upgrade tutorial, pallet_scheduler has breaking changes

I am following and have added
pallet-scheduler = { default-features = false, git = "", branch = "polkadot-v0.9.19" } to my Cargo.toml.
It seems that this appears to be a newer version and requires me to specify NoPreimagePostponement and PreimageProvider in pallet_scheduler::Config.
Here is the exact error message:
error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: PreimageProvider, NoPreimagePostponement
What should I set those value to be? doesn't seem to also have those properties and I'm guessing that the crate hasn't been published yet.
The associated pull request mentions the changes necessary. In short, just set the following to imitate the desired behavior:
type PreimageProvider = ();
type NoPreimagePostponement = ();

How to clone heroku repository files

I am trying to clone an old repository on heroku using :
heroku git:clone -a myAppName
cd myAppName
After that i found that the repository is empty.
How I can obtain the old code files using git instructions ? .
My config file :
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
[remote "heroku"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
historySha = 7f8cf23d3570179d6f8dc02a552003b8634c1ca8
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/main
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master

Bintray VCS Tagging

So I have a Bintray repository, but I'm having difficulty uploading to it from gradle. Well, what I mean is version management is not working how I want it, currently for every single .jar I upload, I have to increment the version in my configuration, and dependencies. I know this is not how it's supposed to be done. My question is how do I automate/implement VCS tagging with Bintray. Right now my configuration for uploading looks like so (using the bintray plugin):
bintray {
user = "$bintrayUser"
key = "$bintrayKey"
publications = ['maven']
dryRun = false
publish = true
pkg {
repo = "$targetBintrayRepo"
name = "$targetBintrayPackage"
desc = ''
websiteUrl = "$programWebsiteUrl"
issueTrackerUrl = "$programIssueUrl"
vcsUrl = "$programVcsUrl"
licenses = ["$programLicense"]
labels = []
publicDownloadNumbers = true
version {
name = "$programVersion"
released = new java.util.Date()
vcsTag = "$programVcsTag"
And my variables are:
def programVersion = '0'
def programVcsTag = '0.0.0'
def programGroup = ''
def targetBintrayRepo = 'Main'
def targetBintrayPackage = 'java-api'
def programLicense = 'MIT'
def programWebsiteUrl = ''
def programIssueUrl = ''
def programVcsUrl = ''
Yet here no tags appear, and running publish again (even with a different vcs tag) results in a version already exists error. (Could not upload to '': HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict [message:Unable to upload files: An artifact with the path 'com/gmail/socraticphoenix/PlasmaAPI/0/PlasmaAPI-0.jar' already exists])
Sorry if I'm being noobish, but I don't understand why its not working, I filled out all the appropriate variables (I thought)
Bintray does not support multiple tags per version. Version is a unique string. If you want to release something from the same version with different tags, compose a Bintray version string with from your program version and tag, e.g. "$programVersion-$programVcsTag"

get all commit of a file/path with rugged

I would like to get the list of all the commits for a file/path but I don't know how to do it.
For example I want all the commit of the file "test", to get oid of each commit and thanks to this oid, I will get the blob of all revision for this file.
Is it possible ?
Thanks !
We can get all commits by this way :
tab = []
walker =
walker.each do |commit|
if commit.diff(paths: ["path_of_file"]).size > 0

Access git log data using ruby rugged gem?

For a given file in a git repo, I'd like to look up the SHA of the last commit in which the file was modified, along with the timestamp.
At the command line, this data is visible with git log for a particular file path, e.g.
git log -n 1 path/to/file
Using the "git" gem for ruby I can also do this:
require 'git'
g ="/path/to/repo")
modified = g.log(1).object(relative/path/to/file)
sha = g.log(1).object(relative/path/to/file).first.sha
Which is great, but is running too slowly for me when looping through lots of paths. As Rugged uses C libraries instead, I was hoping it would be faster but cannot see how to construct the right query in the rugged syntax. Any suggestions?
This should work:
repo ="/path/to/repo")
walker =
commit = walker.find do |commit|
commit.parents.size == 1 && commit.diff(paths: ["relative/path/to/file"]).size > 0
sha = commit.oid
Taken and adapted from
As an aside: Just because rugged is written in C does not mean that costly operations suddenly become cheap and quick. Obviously, you save a lot of string parsing and stuff like that, but this is not always the bottleneck.
As you're not interested in the actual textual diff here, the libgit2 GIT_DIFF_FORCE_BINARY might be something that could also help in increasing the performance of this lookup - unfortunately this is not yet available in Rugged (but will be, soon).
Testing this with the Rugged repo itself, it works correctly:
repo =".")
walker =
commit = walker.find do |commit|
commit.parents.size == 1 && commit.diff(paths: ["Gemfile"]).size > 0
sha = commit.oid # => "8f5c763377f5bf0fb88d196b7c45a7d715264ad4"
walker =
commit = walker.find do |commit|
commit.parents.size == 1 && commit.diff(paths: [".travis.yml"]).size > 0
sha = commit.oid # => "4e18e05944daa2ba8d63a2c6b149900e3b93a88f"
