Error: BC30201 IN ssrs - visual-studio-2010

I'm getting
The value expression for the text run
'PAYEE_NAME.Paragraphs[0].Textruns[0]' contains an error BC30201" for:
=iif(isnothing(First(Fields!PAYEE_NAME.Value, "AddressDetails")),"",(First(Fields!PAYEE_NAME.Value, "AddressDetails")+vbcrlf))+
iif(isnothing(First(Fields!ADDRESSLINE1.Value, "AddressDetails")),"",(First(Fields!ADDRESSLINE1.Value, "AddressDetails")))
But not for:
=replace(iif(isnothing(First(Fields!PAYEE_NAME.Value, "AddressDetails")),"",(First(Fields!PAYEE_NAME.Value, "AddressDetails")+vbcrlf))+
iif(isnothing(First(Fields!ADDRESSLINE1.Value, "AddressDetails")),"",(First(Fields!ADDRESSLINE1.Value, "AddressDetails")))
," ","")
why? How do I solve this? The second expression removes spaces between words and I don't need that. I want it as, if there is payee name for a payee then display it, If not go to 2nd line and do the same.


Substring in Calc script Essbase

I am trying to get the First 3 characters from Accounts dimension in Essbase (BSO cube). When i try to execute the below query. I am getting an error "Invalid Object type"
What are you trying to obtain?
In the FIX section you should only write the cross-members for the calc
FIX("Jan", "FY20", "Actual")
/*In this section you can include the code*/

Oracle SQL: Using Replace function while Inserting

I have a query like this:
(RequestOrigin, RequestKey, CommentText) VALUES ('Tracker', 'OPM03865_0', '[Orange.Security.OrangePrincipal]
it's friday!')
As expected it is throwing an error of missing comma, due to this it's friday! which has a single quote.
I want to remove this single quote while inserting using Replace function.
How can this be done?
Reason for error is because of the single Quote. In order to correct it, you shall not remove the single quote instead you need to add one more i.e. you need to make it's friday to it''s friday while inserting.
If you need to replace it for sure, then try the below code :
insert into Blagh values(REPLACE('it''s friday', '''', ''),12);
I would suggest using Oracle q quote.
INSERT INTO TAB_AUTOCRCMTREQUESTS (RequestOrigin, RequestKey, CommentText)
VALUES ('Tracker', 'OPM03865_0',
q'{[Orange.Security.OrangePrincipal] em[u02650791]okok it's friday!}')
You can read about q quote here.
To shorten this article you will follow this format: q'{your string here}' where "{" represents the starting delimiter, and "}" represents the ending delimiter. Oracle automatically recognizes "paired" delimiters, such as [], {}, (), and <>. If you want to use some other character as your start delimiter and it doesn't have a "natural" partner for termination, you must use the same character for start and end delimiters.
Obviously you can't user [] delimiters because you have this in your queries. I sugest using {} delimiters.
Of course you can use double qoute in it it''s with replace. You can omit last parameter in replace because it isn't mandatory and without it it automatically will remove ' character.
Single quotes are escaped by doubling them up
INSERT INTO Blagh VALUES(REPLACE('it''s friday', '''', ''),12);
You can try this, (sorry but I don't know why q'[ ] works)
(RequestOrigin, RequestKey, CommentText) VALUES ('Tracker', 'OPM03865_0', q'[[Orange.Security.OrangePrincipal] em[u02650791]okok it's friday!]')
I just got the q'[] from this link Oracle pl-sql escape character (for a " ' ") - this question could be a possible duplicate

How do I create an XPath query to extract a substring of text?

I am trying to create xpath so that it only returns order number instead of whole line.Please see attached screenshot
What you want is the substring-after() function -
Returns the remainder of string1 after string2 occurs in it
Example: substring-after('12/10','/')
Result: '10'
For your situation -
substring-after(string(//p[contains(text(), "Your order # is")]), ": ")
To test this, I modified the DOM on this page to include a "Order Number: ####" string.
See it in action:
You could also just use your normal Xpath selector to get the complete text, being "Your oder # is: 123456" and then perform a regex on the string like mentioned in Get numbers from string with regex

Regular Expression to match both first characters and last character in oracle

I have a table with a column with the structure:
Table name : re_result
I want to fetch the values starting with PSI and ending with 1. My expected output is PSIRRRRTY781.
I am using query
Select * from re_result
Where regexp_like(^PSI*1)
But I am not getting the output. I am getting both PSIRRRRTY781 and ABCD000001.
Plz help
You do not need regular expressions; a simpler LIKE may do the work:
select res_id
from re_result
where res_id like 'PSI%1'
The same thing can be done with regexp:
where regexp_like(res_id, '^PSI(.*)1$')
This matches 'PSI' in the beginning of the string and '1' as last character, just before the end of string ($).
Here you find something more on regexp in Oracle
Another way to handle your query.
SELECT res_id FROM re_result WHERE UPPER(res_id) like UPPER('PSI%1')

ruby regex not working to remove class name from sql

I have:
BEFORE Gsub sql ::::
SELECT record_type.* FROM record_type WHERE (name = 'Registrars')
sql = sql.gsub(/SELECT\s+[^\(][A-Z]+\./mi,"SELECT ")
SELECT record_type.* FROM record_type WHERE (name = 'Registrars')
The desired result is to remove the "record_type." from the statement:
So it should be :
SELECT * FROM record_type WHERE (name = 'Registrars')
After the regex is run.
I didn't write this, it's in the asf-soap-adaptor gem. Can someone tell me why it doesn't work, and how to fix?
I suppose it should be written like this...
sql = sql.gsub(/SELECT\s+[^\(][A-Z_]+\./mi,"SELECT ")
... as the code in the question won't match if the field name contains _ (underscore) symbol. I suppose that's why this code is in gem: it can work in some conditions (i.e., with underscoreless field names).
Still, I admit I don't understand why exactly this replacement should be done - and shouldn't it include 0-9 check as well (as, for example, 'record_id1' field still won't be matched - and replaced - by the character class in the regular expression; you may have to either expand it, like [0-9A-Z_], or just replace completely with \w).
so your before and after gsubs are the same? I can't tell you why it doesn't work if you dont tell me your expected result. Also for help with interpreting ruby regular expressions check out
