Laravel 5.3 backend and Vue 2.0 form to create user - laravel

I'm having trouble authenticating users via Vue 2.0.
In Vue I have a form in which the user enters all his data and submits it via POST to a Laravel (web route) endpoint.
Then the user is created in the UserController method with the supplied data and I'm stuck at this point as I don't manage to authenticate my user after creation and redirecting him to some route (other page).
User creation goes fine...
Can someone explain me rapidly how it should work? (as I understood that I can't redirect from the controller as the data is POSTed via an ajax call).
What's the "right" way to do this as I'm afraid I'm completely mistaken :)
Thanks in advance for your help.

You would have to perform the redirection at the front end script after receiving the response from the controller method.
This is my thought as a possible solution for you:-
The authentication can be done in the controller following the creation. The controller method then need to return a JSON response indicating success.
Note: Laravel 5.3 ships with pre-built authentication controllers. RegisterController handles user registration.
The Vue script need to process the response i.e. if success, redirect to somewhere or if failed, prompt a message.


How to login a user at backend without CSRF in Laravel?

I'm trying to make a user logged in at back-end who is already a user of another website of mine. For now I'm able to fetch the user's data from previous website's database using an API and make user registration during the login process. Same time I want this user to be logged in when data is just inserted because now user is existing. I tried to reuse same method $this->processLogin(); but this method takes request function processLogin(Request $request) I can't feel passing email & pass to utilize this same method. I have tried guzzle self request with 3 parms 'email, password, _token' using POST request which didn't work. I don't want to exclude this route as well because it is being used for normal login. How can i make this user logged in right after inserting the required data? Please advise. Thanks in advance.
// if $id is your user that you want to login, then:

How to register on Jetstream via Postman (API)

First step: I am posting data via Postman on the api/reg
Second step: I am getting perfectly all the sent data
Third step: nothing lol, I can't get to this 3rd step, what to do to send this data to database how Jetstream does?
Somehow I found this CreateNewUser.php and via dd() I found out that my regular blade register information is coming to this point, but from where is it coming, and where is it going after is a mystery, There is no any information on the internet, so I am getting the register data (name,email...) in my Laravel project, somewhere AGAIN in my Laravel project there is some mechanism that upgrades (adds tokens etc...) and sends my data to database, how to connect that two things to each other? Thanks in advance
Jetstream is not intended to be used in this manner, if you want to expose an API you should use something like Laravel Sanctum or Laravel Passport. Sanctum is more lgihtwieght and has simpler workflow, Passport is heavier and provides a full oauth workflow which might be overkill in some scenarios. Both of these solutions use token authentication with Jetstream does not provide out of the box.
That said, to answer you question of how this all works.
Jetstream uses Laravel Fortify as its web authentication provider. It comes with a bunch of routes predefined, all of which you can see using php artisan route:list --compact. The route you're interested in is the POST /register route which is mapped to Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\RegisteredUserController#store. When the registration form is submitted, the data is sent to that controller/method. The method expects two parameters, a Request object and a CreatesNewUsers object, both of which are injected by Laravels IoC service container.
The CreatesNewUsers object that is passed to the store method, is an instance of the CreateNewUser class you've found in App\Actions\Fortify which then performs the action of registering a new user. If you were to modify the structure of your User class, such as adding a phone number for example, you would need to edit CreateNewUser to include that new requirement if it was required when a user registers.
Here is a nice tutorial on how to Build a Restful API in PHP with Laravel Sanctum.

Laravel redirect to intended page after login/register

I am new to Laravel. I am using Laravel's auth controllers for login/register on my website. After login/register, it will redirect to a dashboard. This is fine.
The problem is when the user (not logged in) submits a particular form. The form submission will take the user to a protected page. The auth system will intercept this (if not logged in) and ask for the user to login and the user can sign in. But after the sign in it won't get redirected to the actual destination. Instead, it goes back to the previous page. I tried the redirectto->intended() way in the middleware. It still does not work.
Found the solution. Use HTTP session. I am not sure if this is the best method.
POST the form to a route which doesn't need authentication
Validate and store the form data in the session using the controller
Redirect to the protected route where the auth will intercept and ask the user to login
After successful login, redirect to the original destination page using return redirect()->intended('defaultPage');
Access the form data from session inside the blade view
I am not storing any sensitive data in session. I have no idea how secure this method is.
If you have any suggestions please post.

using authenticated session/user for REST API in eXist-db

I have a public website running from an eXist app. I am now developing an interface for logged in users to edit certain documents through HTML forms and AJAX. I've set up a module in eXist to receive AJAX POST requests through the eXist REST interface (ie. However this module does not seem to be aware of the fact that the user is already logged in!
How do I get the REST module to use the session/authentication of the logged in user?
Am I required to store the user/password in the browser to pass with each REST API request?
If this is not the preferred model for passing data from the browser under user/password, what is eXist's recommended solution?
Many thanks in advance.
(A variation on this question was asked two years ago but received no solutions.)
In order to use the REST-API from existdb you can only authenticate each request using HTTP Basic Authentication. Also mentioned in the question you referenced.
If you decide to handle AJAX request in your app's controller.xql you will need to:
Add routes for your AJAX requests to the controller
Make sure you call login:set-user for the user session to be picked up
Make sure the AJAX request sends the cookie:
For instance, the fetch function will send the authorisation cookie
only if send-authorization is true.
Look at the output-method and serialization settings, since you will likely want to respond in JSON-format. useful blog post about this

FosUserBundle Return json when on login action via Ajax Http Post

When I perform a login via FosUserBundle on my Symfony3 project I want to return an Ajax response instead of the html of the3 lgoin form.
As fas I searched I found that there is a fos_user_security_check that uses the FOSUserBundle:Security:check that checks if the user is loged in or not but I could not find either the source code of controller that performs the login or any sort of custom trigger in order to do that.
I also looked into: but I cannot find a clue.
The problem that you are facing is that Symfony's build-in authentication handler performs a redirect after a successful login or redirects back to the login form on failure. To handle AJAX logins you have to write your own authentication handler. This article explains it:
