Remove old files with date in the name - bash

I have files with name as
and so on
I am looking to remove files which are 5 days and older.
The date in the files is of the format %Y%m%d%H%M.

As the creation time corresponds to the names, just use find:
find /path/to/files -type f -ctime +5 -exec rm {} +
From man page:
-exec command {} +
This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on the selected files, but the command line is built by
appending each selected file name at the end; the total number of
invocations of the command will be much less than the number of
matched files. The command line is built in much the same way that
xargs builds its command lines. Only one instance of ‘{}’ is
allowed within the command. The command is executed in the starting

Not enough rep to comment.
Can you use the mtime of the files?
find /path/to/files -type f -mtime +5 -delete
Otherwise, you could calculate the dates to find with:
date -d "5 days ago" +%Y%m%d%H%M


Check from files in directory which is the most recent in Bash Shell Script

I am making a bash script to run in a directory with files generated everyday and copy the most recent file to another directory.
I am using this now
for [FILE in directory]
if [ls -Art | tail -n 1]
I know this is not alright. I would like to compare the date modified of the files with the current date and if it was equal, copy that file then.
How would that work or is there an easier method to do it?
We could use find:
find . -maxdepth 1 -daystart -type f -mtime -1 -exec cp -f {} dest \;
-maxdepth 1 limits the search to the current directory.
-daystart sets the reference time of -mtime to the beginning of today.
-type f limits the search to files.
-mtime -1 limits the search to files that have been modified less than 1 day from reference time.
-exec cp -f {} dest \; copies the found files to directory dest.
Note that -daystart -mtime -1 means anytime after today 00:00 (included), but also tomorrow or any time in the future. So if you have files with last modification time in year 2042 they will be copied too. Use -mtime 0 if you prefer coping files that have been modified between today at 00:00 (excluded) and tomorrow at 00:00 (included).
Note also that all this could be impacted by irregularities like daylight saving time or leap seconds (not tested).
The newest file is different from file(s) modified today.
Using ls is actually a pretty simple and portable approach. The stdout output format is defined by POSIX (if not printing to a terminal), and ls -A is also in newer POSIX standards.
It should look more like this though:
newest=$(ls -At | head -n 1)
You could add -1, but it AFAIK it shouldn’t be required, as it’s not printing to a terminal.
If you don’t want to use ls, you can use this on linux:
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec stat -c ‘%Y:%n’ {} + |
sort -n |
tail -n 1 |
cut -d : -f 2-
Note using 2- not 2 with cut, in case a filename contains :.
Also, the resulting file name will be a relative path (./file), or an empty string if no files exist.

Find files older than X days with name

I’m trying to use the find command in bash. Finding the file by matching part of the name of a file and the age of the file like so:
find . -name “*sample*” -type f -print -mtime +5
Which will print all the files in the current directory containing the name sample. What I want is however is to only print those older than 5 days and it doesn’t matter what number I set the -mtime parameter to it always prints out all the files containing sample regardless.
Any ideas?
find expects arguments grouped together - Tests (name, mtime, type etc) must come before Action (print, exec etc).
The following should work:
find . -name “*sample*” -type f -mtime +5 -print

bash remove files less than string value

A cron action saves database files on an hourly basis and assigns a file name based on year, month, day and hour
/$(date +\%m)/$(date +\%y\%m\%d\%H)_thedb.sql
This leads to archive bloat and the goal is to keep the last file of the day (i.e. delete all those lesser than 15050923* ) in a separate cron action.
What is an effective way of achieving this?
Before you start with complex bash string substitutions, I suggest you try to go after the file date. find can help you with that.
For example, to delete all files in a directory that are older than 5 days, you could try something like this:
find <DIR> -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
Now if there are subdirectories in <DIR>, you might also want to include the options -type f to limit the finding to files, and -maxdepth 1 to not search subdirectories.
If you have a file and want to delete everything older than that, you could slightly modify this:
find <DIR> -not -newer <FILE> -not -name <FILE> -exec rm {} \;
I simply don't know why there is no -older search term in find, it seems so obvious.
Warning: I strongly recommend to first leave out -exec and everything after it to check whether the files it finds can all be deleted.

How to Grep from files created in last 24 hours

Files are created at regular interval with the name which do not contain any timestamp.
How can I grep/filter any text from these files created in last 24 hours or with creation date of the files?
You can use find to get the files in /data/logs/ on the form file*log that were modified on the last 24 hours:
find /data/logs/ -mtime -1 -name file*log
Then, just grep through exec:
find /data/logs -mtime -1 -name file*log -exec grep "whatever" {} \;
If you also want to show the filename, use -H as suggested by Mark Setchell --> ... -exec grep -H "whatever" {} \;.
Credits to Scripts: find the files have been changed in last 24 hours.

Unix shell script to delete older log files

Could someone please give me the command to delete log files before today (except today and yesterday) date?
You can use find with the -mtime option to get a list of files modified more than N days ago.
For example:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.txt' -mtime +2
will give you all the *.txt files in the current directory older than 48 hours.
You can add -delete to actually get rid of them.
find /path/to/files* -mtime +2 -delete
