Algorithm to divide region such that sum of distance is minimized - algorithm

Suppose we have n points in a bounded region of the plane. The problem is to divide it in 4 regions (with a horizontal and a vertical line) such that the sum of a metric in each region is minimized.
The metric can be for example, the sum of the distances between the points in each region ; or any other measure about the spreadness of the points. See the figure below.
I don't know if any clustering algorithm might help me tackle this problem, or if for instance it can be formulated as a simple optimization problem. Where the decision variables are the "axes".

I believe this can be formulated as a MIP (Mixed Integer Programming) problem.
Lets introduce 4 quadrants A,B,C,D. A is right,upper, B is right,lower, etc. Then define a binary variable
delta(i,k) = 1 if point i is in quadrant k
0 otherwise
and continuous variables
Lx, Ly : coordinates of the lines
Obviously we have:
sum(k, delta(i,k)) = 1
xlo <= Lx <= xup
ylo <= Ly <= yup
where xlo,xup are the minimum and maximum x-coordinate. Next we need to implement implications like:
delta(i,'A') = 1 ==> x(i)>=Lx and y(i)>=Ly
delta(i,'B') = 1 ==> x(i)>=Lx and y(i)<=Ly
delta(i,'C') = 1 ==> x(i)<=Lx and y(i)<=Ly
delta(i,'D') = 1 ==> x(i)<=Lx and y(i)>=Ly
These can be handled by so-called indicator constraints or written as linear inequalities, e.g.
x(i) <= Lx + (delta(i,'A')+delta(i,'B'))*(xup-xlo)
Similar for the others. Finally the objective is
min sum((i,j,k), delta(i,k)*delta(j,k)*d(i,j))
where d(i,j) is the distance between points i and j. This objective can be linearized as well.
After applying a few tricks, I could prove global optimality for 100 random points in about 40 seconds using Cplex. This approach is not really suited for large datasets (the computation time quickly increases when the number of points becomes large).
I suspect this cannot be shoe-horned into a convex problem. Also I am not sure this objective is really what you want. It will try to make all clusters about the same size (adding a point to a large cluster introduces lots of distances to be added to the objective; adding a point to a small cluster is cheap). May be an average distance for each cluster is a better measure (but that makes the linearization more difficult).

Note - probably incorrect. I will try and add another answer
The one dimensional version of minimising sums of squares of differences is convex. If you start with the line at the far left and move it to the right, each point crossed by the line stops accumulating differences with the points to its right and starts accumulating differences to the points to its left. As you follow this the differences to the left increase and the differences to the right decrease, so you get a monotonic decrease, possibly a single point that can be on either side of the line, and then a monotonic increase.
I believe that the one dimensional problem of clustering points on a line is convex, but I no longer believe that the problem of drawing a single vertical line in the best position is convex. I worry about sets of points that vary in y co-ordinate so that the left hand points are mostly high up, the right hand points are mostly low down, and the intermediate points alternate between high up and low down. If this is not convex, the part of the answer that tries to extend to two dimensions fails.
So for the one dimensional version of the problem you can pick any point and work out in time O(n) whether that point should be to the left or right of the best dividing line. So by binary chop you can find the best line in time O(n log n).
I don't know whether the two dimensional version is convex or not but you can try all possible positions for the horizontal line and, for each position, solve for the position of the vertical line using a similar approach as for the one dimensional problem (now you have the sum of two convex functions to worry about, but this is still convex, so that's OK). Therefore you solve at most O(n) one-dimensional problems, giving cost O(n^2 log n).
If the points aren't very strangely distributed, I would expect that you could save a lot of time by using the solution of the one dimensional problem at the previous iteration as a first estimate of the position of solution for the next iteration. Given a starting point x, you find out if this is to the left or right of the solution. If it is to the left of the solution, go 1, 2, 4, 8... steps away to find a point to the right of the solution and then run binary chop. Hopefully this two-stage chop is faster than starting a binary chop of the whole array from scratch.

Here's another attempt. Lay out a grid so that, except in the case of ties, each point is the only point in its column and the only point in its row. Assuming no ties in any direction, this grid has N rows, N columns, and N^2 cells. If there are ties the grid is smaller, which makes life easier.
Separating the cells with a horizontal and vertical line is pretty much picking out a cell of the grid and saying that cell is the cell just above and just to the right of where the lines cross, so there are roughly O(N^2) possible such divisions, and we can calculate the metric for each such division. I claim that when the metric is the sum of the squares of distances between points in a cluster the cost of this is pretty much a constant factor in an O(N^2) problem, so the whole cost of checking every possibility is O(N^2).
The metric within a rectangle formed by the dividing lines is SUM_i,j[ (X_i - X_j)^2 + (Y_i-Y_j)^2]. We can calculate the X contributions and the Y contributions separately. If you do some algebra (which is easier if you first subtract a constant so that everything sums to zero) you will find that the metric contribution from a co-ordinate is linear in the variance of that co-ordinate. So we want to calculate the variances of the X and Y co-ordinates within the rectangles formed by each division. gives us an identity which tells us that we can work out the variance given SUM_i Xi and SUM_i Xi^2 for each rectangle (and the corresponding information for the y co-ordinate). This calculation can be inaccurate due to floating point rounding error, but I am going to ignore that here.
Given a value associated with each cell of a grid, we want to make it easy to work out the sum of those values within rectangles. We can create partial sums along each row, transforming 0 1 2 3 4 5 into 0 1 3 6 10 15, so that each cell in a row contains the sum of all the cells to its left and itself. If we take these values and do partial sums up each column, we have just worked out, for each cell, the sum of the rectangle whose top right corner lies in that cell and which extends to the bottom and left sides of the grid. These calculated values at the far right column give us the sum for all the cells on the same level as that cell and below it. If we subtract off the rectangles we know how to calculate we can find the value of a rectangle which lies at the right hand side of the grid and the bottom of the grid. Similar subtractions allow us to work out first the value of the rectangles to the left and right of any vertical line we choose, and then to complete our set of four rectangles formed by two lines crossing by any cell in the grid. The expensive part of this is working out the partial sums, but we only have to do that once, and it costs only O(N^2). The subtractions and lookups used to work out any particular metric have only a constant cost. We have to do one for each of O(N^2) cells, but that is still only O(N^2).
(So we can find the best clustering in O(N^2) time by working out the metrics associated with all possible clusterings in O(N^2) time and choosing the best).


Optimize bruteforce solution of searching nearest point

I have non empty Set of points scattered on plane, they are given by their coordinates.
Problem is to quickly reply such queries:
Give me the point from your set which is nearest to the point A(x, y)
My current solution pseudocode
query( given_point )
nearest_point = any point from Set
for each point in Set
if dist(point, query_point) < dist(nearest_point, given_point)
nearest_point = point
return nearest_point
But this algorithm is very slow with complexity is O(N).
The question is, is there any data structure or tricky algorithms with precalculations which will dramatically reduce time complexity? I need at least O(log N)
By distance I mean Euclidean distance
You can get O(log N) time using a kd-tree. This is like a binary search tree, except that it splits points first on the x-dimension, then the y-dimension, then the x-dimension again, and so on.
If your points are homogeneously distributed, you can achieve O(1) look-up by binning the points into evenly-sized boxes and then searching the box in which the query point falls and its eight neighbouring boxes.
It would be difficult to make an efficient solution from Voronoi diagrams since this requires that you solve the problem of figuring out which Voronoi cell the query point falls in. Much of the time this involves building an R*-tree to query the bounding boxes of the Voronoi cells (in O(log N) time) and then performing point-in-polygon checks (O(p) in the number of points in the polygon's perimeter).
You can divide your grid in subsections:
Depending on the number of points and grid size, you choose a useful division. Let's assume a screen of 1000x1000 pixels, filled with random points, evenly distributed over the surface.
You may divide the screen into 10x10 sections and make a map (roughX, roughY)->(List ((x, y), ...). For a certain point, you may lookup all points in the same cell and - since the point may be closer to points of the neighbor cell than to an extreme point in the same cell, the surrounding cells, maybe even 2 cells away. This would reduce the searching scope to 16 cells.
If you don't find a point in the same cell/layer, expand the search to next layer.
If you happen to find the next neighbor in one of the next layers, you have to expand the searching scope to an additional layer for each layer. If there are too many points, choose a finer grid. If there are to few points, choose a bigger grid. Note, that the two green circles, connected to the red with a line, have the same distance to the red one, but one is in layer 0 (same cell) but the other layer 2 (next of next cell).
Without preprocessing you definitely need to spend O(N), as you must look at every point before return the closest.
You can look here Nearest neighbor search for how to approach this problem.

Most efficient way to select point with the most surrounding points

N.B: there's a major edit at the bottom of the question - check it out
Say I have a set of points:
I want to find the point with the most points surrounding it, within radius (ie a circle) or within (ie a square) of the point for 2 dimensions. I'll refer to it as the densest point function.
For the diagrams in this question, I'll represent the surrounding region as circles. In the image above, the middle point's surrounding region is shown in green. This middle point has the most surrounding points of all the points within radius and would be returned by the densest point function.
What I've tried
A viable way to solve this problem would be to use a range searching solution; this answer explains further and that it has " worst-case time". Using this, I could get the number of points surrounding each point and choose the point with largest surrounding point count.
However, if the points were extremely densely packed (in the order of a million), as such:
then each of these million points () would need to have a range search performed. The worst-case time , where is the number of points returned in the range, is true for the following point tree types:
kd-trees of two dimensions (which are actually slightly worse, at ),
2d-range trees,
Quadtrees, which have a worst-case time of
So, for a group of points within radius of all points within the group, it gives complexity of for each point. This yields over a trillion operations!
Any ideas on a more efficient, precise way of achieving this, so that I could find the point with the most surrounding points for a group of points, and in a reasonable time (preferably or less)?
Turns out that the method above is correct! I just need help implementing it.
If I use a 2d-range tree:
A range reporting query costs , for returned points,
For a range tree with fractional cascading (also known as layered range trees) the complexity is ,
For 2 dimensions, that is ,
Furthermore, if I perform a range counting query (i.e., I do not report each point), then it costs .
I'd perform this on every point - yielding the complexity I desired!
However, I cannot figure out how to write the code for a counting query for a 2d layered range tree.
I've found a great resource (from page 113 onwards) about range trees, including 2d-range tree psuedocode. But I can't figure out how to introduce fractional cascading, nor how to correctly implement the counting query so that it is of O(log n) complexity.
I've also found two range tree implementations here and here in Java, and one in C++ here, although I'm not sure this uses fractional cascading as it states above the countInRange method that
It returns the number of such points in worst case
* O(log(n)^d) time. It can also return the points that are in the rectangle in worst case
* O(log(n)^d + k) time where k is the number of points that lie in the rectangle.
which suggests to me it does not apply fractional cascading.
Refined question
To answer the question above therefore, all I need to know is if there are any libraries with 2d-range trees with fractional cascading that have a range counting query of complexity so I don't go reinventing any wheels, or can you help me to write/modify the resources above to perform a query of that complexity?
Also not complaining if you can provide me with any other methods to achieve a range counting query of 2d points in in any other way!
I suggest using plane sweep algorithm. This allows one-dimensional range queries instead of 2-d queries. (Which is more efficient, simpler, and in case of square neighborhood does not require fractional cascading):
Sort points by Y-coordinate to array S.
Advance 3 pointers to array S: one (C) for currently inspected (center) point; other one, A (a little bit ahead) for nearest point at distance > R below C; and the last one, B (a little bit behind) for farthest point at distance < R above it.
Insert points pointed by A to Order statistic tree (ordered by coordinate X) and remove points pointed by B from this tree. Use this tree to find points at distance R to the left/right from C and use difference of these points' positions in the tree to get number of points in square area around C.
Use results of previous step to select "most surrounded" point.
This algorithm could be optimized if you rotate points (or just exchange X-Y coordinates) so that width of the occupied area is not larger than its height. Also you could cut points into vertical slices (with R-sized overlap) and process slices separately - if there are too many elements in the tree so that it does not fit in CPU cache (which is unlikely for only 1 million points). This algorithm (optimized or not) has time complexity O(n log n).
For circular neighborhood (if R is not too large and points are evenly distributed) you could approximate circle with several rectangles:
In this case step 2 of the algorithm should use more pointers to allow insertion/removal to/from several trees. And on step 3 you should do a linear search near points at proper distance (<=R) to distinguish points inside the circle from the points outside it.
Other way to deal with circular neighborhood is to approximate circle with rectangles of equal height (but here circle should be split into more pieces). This results in much simpler algorithm (where sorted arrays are used instead of order statistic trees):
Cut area occupied by points into horizontal slices, sort slices by Y, then sort points inside slices by X.
For each point in each slice, assume it to be a "center" point and do step 3.
For each nearby slice use binary search to find points with Euclidean distance close to R, then use linear search to tell "inside" points from "outside" ones. Stop linear search where the slice is completely inside the circle, and count remaining points by difference of positions in the array.
Use results of previous step to select "most surrounded" point.
This algorithm allows optimizations mentioned earlier as well as fractional cascading.
I would start by creating something like a, where you have a tree with points at the leaves and each node information about its descendants. At each node I would keep a count of the number of descendants, and a bounding box enclosing those descendants.
Now for each point I would recursively search the tree. At each node I visit, either all of the bounding box is within R of the current point, all of the bounding box is more than R away from the current point, or some of it is inside R and some outside R. In the first case I can use the count of the number of descendants of the current node to increase the count of points within R of the current point and return up one level of the recursion. In the second case I can simply return up one level of the recursion without incrementing anything. It is only in the intermediate case that I need to continue recursing down the tree.
So I can work out for each point the number of neighbours within R without checking every other point, and pick the point with the highest count.
If the points are spread out evenly then I think you will end up constructing a k-d tree where the lower levels are close to a regular grid, and I think if the grid is of size A x A then in the worst case R is large enough so that its boundary is a circle that intersects O(A) low level cells, so I think that if you have O(n) points you could expect this to cost about O(n * sqrt(n)).
You can speed up whatever algorithm you use by preprocessing your data in O(n) time to estimate the number of neighbouring points.
For a circle of radius R, create a grid whose cells have dimension R in both the x- and y-directions. For each point, determine to which cell it belongs. For a given cell c this test is easy:
c.x<=p.x && p.x<=c.x+R && c.y<=p.y && p.y<=c.y+R
(You may want to think deeply about whether a closed or half-open interval is correct.)
If you have relatively dense/homogeneous coverage, then you can use an array to store the values. If coverage is sparse/heterogeneous, you may wish to use a hashmap.
Now, consider a point on the grid. The extremal locations of a point within a cell are as indicated:
Points at the corners of the cell can only be neighbours with points in four cells. Points along an edge can be neighbours with points in six cells. Points not on an edge are neighbours with points in 7-9 cells. Since it's rare for a point to fall exactly on a corner or edge, we assume that any point in the focal cell is neighbours with the points in all 8 surrounding cells.
So, if a point p is in a cell (x,y), N[p] identifies the number of neighbours of p within radius R, and Np[y][x] denotes the number of points in cell (x,y), then N[p] is given by:
N[p] = Np[y][x]+
Once we have the number of neighbours estimated for each point, we can heapify that data structure into a maxheap in O(n) time (with, e.g. make_heap). The structure is now a priority-queue and we can pull points off in O(log n) time per query ordered by their estimated number of neighbours.
Do this for the first point and use a O(log n + k) circle search (or some more clever algorithm) to determine the actual number of neighbours the point has. Make a note of this point in a variable best_found and update its N[p] value.
Peek at the top of the heap. If the estimated number of neighbours is less than N[best_found] then we are done. Otherwise, repeat the above operation.
To improve estimates you could use a finer grid, like so:
along with some clever sliding window techniques to reduce the amount of processing required (see, for instance, this answer for rectangular cases - for circular windows you should probably use a collection of FIFO queues). To increase security you can randomize the origin of the grid.
Considering again the example you posed:
It's clear that this heuristic has the potential to save considerable time: with the above grid, only a single expensive check would need to be performed in order to prove that the middle point has the most neighbours. Again, a higher-resolution grid will improve the estimates and decrease the number of expensive checks which need to be made.
You could, and should, use a similar bounding technique in conjunction with mcdowella's answers; however, his answer does not provide a good place to start looking, so it is possible to spend a lot of time exploring low-value points.

Finding all points in certain radius of another point

I am making a simple game and stumbled upon this problem. Assume several points in 2D space. What I want is to make points close to each other interact in some way.
Let me throw a picture here for better understanding of the problem:
Now, the problem isn't about computing the distance. I know how to do that.
At first I had around 10 points and I could simply check every combination, but as you can already assume, this is extremely inefficient with increasing number of points. What if I had a million of points in total, but all of them would be very distant to each other?
I'm trying to find a suitable data structure or a way to look at this problem, so every point can only mind their surrounding and not whole space. Are there any known algorithms for this? I don't exactly know how to name this problem so I can google exactly what I want.
If you don't know of such known algorighm, all ideas are very welcome.
This is a range searching problem. More specifically - the 2-d circular range reporting problem.
Quoting from "Solving Query-Retrieval Problems by Compacting Voronoi Diagrams" [Aggarwal, Hansen, Leighton, 1990]:
Input: A set P of n points in the Euclidean plane E²
Query: Find all points of P contained in a disk in E² with radius r centered at q.
The best results were obtained in "Optimal Halfspace Range Reporting in Three Dimensions" [Afshani, Chan, 2009]. Their method requires O(n) space data structure that supports queries in O(log n + k) worst-case time. The structure can be preprocessed by a randomized algorithm that runs in O(n log n) expected time. (n is the number of input points, and k in the number of output points).
The CGAL library supports circular range search queries. See here.
You're still going to have to iterate through every point, but there are two optimizations you can perform:
1) You can eliminate obvious points by checking if x1 < radius and if y1 < radius (like Brent already mentioned in another answer).
2) Instead of calculating the distance, you can calculate the square of the distance and compare it to the square of the allowed radius. This saves you from performing expensive square root calculations.
This is probably the best performance you're gonna get.
This looks like a nearest neighbor problem. You should be using the kd tree for storing the points.
Space partitioning is what you want..
If you could get those points to be sorted by x and y values, then you could quickly pick out those points (binary search?) which are within a box of the central point: x +- r, y +- r. Once you have that subset of points, then you can use the distance formula to see if they are within the radius.
I assume you have a minimum and maximum X and Y coordinate? If so how about this.
Call our radius R, Xmax-Xmin X, and Ymax-Ymin Y.
Have a 2D matrix of [X/R, Y/R] of double-linked lists. Put each dot structure on the correct linked list.
To find dots you need to interact with, you only need check your cell plus your 8 neighbors.
Example: if X and Y are 100 each, and R is 1, then put a dot at 43.2, 77.1 in cell [43,77]. You'll check cells [42,76] [43,76] [44,76] [42,77] [43,77] [44,77] [42,78] [43,78] [44,78] for matches. Note that not all cells in your own box will match (for instance 43.9,77.9 is in the same list but more than 1 unit distant), and you'll always need to check all 8 neighbors.
As dots move (it sounds like they'd move?) you'd simply unlink them (fast and easy with a double-link list) and relink in their new location. Moving any dot is O(1). Moving them all is O(n).
If that array size gives too many cells, you can make bigger cells with the same algo and probably same code; just be prepared for fewer candidate dots to actually be close enough. For instance if R=1 and the map is a million times R by a million times R, you wouldn't be able to make a 2D array that big. Better perhaps to have each cell be 1000 units wide? As long as density was low, the same code as before would probably work: check each dot only against other dots in this cell plus the neighboring 8 cells. Just be prepared for more candidates failing to be within R.
If some cells will have a lot of dots, each cell having a linked list, perhaps the cell should have an red-black tree indexed by X coordinate? Even in the same cell the vast majority of other cell members will be too far away so just traverse the tree from X-R to X+R. Rather than loop over all dots, and go diving into each one's tree, perhaps you could instead iterate through the tree looking for X coords within R and if/when you find them calculate the distance. As you traverse one cell's tree from low to high X, you need only check the neighboring cell to the left's tree while in the first R entries.
You could also go to cells smaller than R. You'd have fewer candidates that fail to be close enough. For instance with R/2, you'd check 25 link lists instead of 9, but have on average (if randomly distributed) 25/36ths as many dots to check. That might be a minor gain.

Nearest neighbor search in 2D using a grid partitioning

I have a fairly large set of 2D points (~20000) in a set, and for each point in the x-y plane want to determine which point from the set is closest. (Actually, the points are of different types, and I just want to know which type is closest. And the x-y plane is a bitmap, say 640x480.)
From this answer to the question "All k nearest neighbors in 2D, C++" I got the idea to make a grid. I created n*m C++ vectors and put the points in the vector, depending on which bin it falls into. The idea is that you only have to check the distance of the points in the bin, instead of all points. If there is no point in the bin, you continue with the adjacent bins in a spiralling manner.
Unfortunately, I only read Oli Charlesworth's comment afterwards:
Not just adjacent, unfortunately (consider that points in the cell two
to the east may be closer than points in the cell directly north-east,
for instance; this problem gets much worse in higher dimensions).
Also, what if the neighbouring cells happen to have less than 10
points in them? In practice, you will need to "spiral out".
Fortunately, I already had the spiraling code figured out (a nice C++ version here, and there are other versions in the same question). But I'm still left with the problem:
If I find a hit in a cell, there could be a closer hit in an adjacent cell (yellow is my probe, red is the wrong choice, green the actual closest point):
If I find a hit in an adjacent cell, there could be a hit in a cell 2 steps away, as Oli Charlesworth remarked:
But even worse, if I find a hit in a cell two steps away, there could still be a closer hit in a hit three steps away! That means I'd have to consider all cells with dx,dy= -3...3, or 49 cells!
Now, in practice this won't happen often, because I can choose my bin size so the cells are filled enough. Still, I'd like to have a correct result, without iterating over all points.
So how do I find out when to stop "spiralling" or searching? I heard there is an approach with multiple overlapping grids, but I didn't quite understand it. Is it possible to salvage this grid technique?
Since the dimensions of your bitmap are not large and you want to calculate the closest point for every (x,y), you can use dynamic programming.
Let V[i][j] be the distance from (i,j) to the closest point in the set, but considering only the points in the set that are in the "rectangle" [(1, 1), (i, j)].
Then V[i][j] = 0 if there is a point in (i, j), or V[i][j] = min(V[i'][j'] + dist((i, j), (i', j'))) where (i', j') is one of the three neighbours of (i,j):
(i - 1, j)
(i, j - 1)
(i - 1, j - 1)
This gives you the minimum distance, but only for the "upper left" rectangle. We do the same for the "upper right", "lower left", and "lower right" orientations, and then take the minimum.
The complexity is O(size of the plane), which is optimal.
For you task usually a Point Quadtree is used, especially when the points are not evenly distributed.
To save main memory you als can use a PM or PMR-Quadtree which uses buckets.
You search in your cell and in worst case all quad cells surounding the cell.
You can also use a k-d tree.
A solution im trying
First make a grid such that you have an average of say 1 (more if you want larger scan) points per box.
Select the center box. Continue selecting neighbor boxes in a circular manner until you find at least one neighbor. At this point you can have 1 or 9 or so on boxes selected
Select one more layer of adjacent boxes
Now you have a fairly small list of points, usually not more than 10 which you can punch into the distance formula to find the nearest neighbor.
Since you have on average 1 points per box, you will mostly be selecting 9 boxes and comparing 9 distances. Can adjust grid size according to your dataset properties to achieve better results.
Also, if your data has a lot of variance, you can try 2 levels of grid (or even more) so if selection works and returns more than 50 points in a single query, start a next grid search with a grid 1/10th the size ...
One solution would be to construct multiple partitionings with different grid sizes.
Assume you create partitions at levels 1,2,4,8,..
Now, search for a point in grid size 1 (you are basically searching in 9 squares). If there is a point in the search area and if distance to that point is less than 1, stop. Otherwise move on to the next grid size.
The number of grids you need to construct is about twice as compared to creating just one level of partitioning.

Choose rectangles with maximal intersection area

In this problem r is a fixed positive integer. You are given N rectangles, all the same size, in the plane. The sides are either vertical or horizontal. We assume the area of the intersection of all N rectangles has non-zero area. The problem is how to find N-r of these rectangles, so as to maximize the area of the intersection. This problem arises in practical microscopy when one repeatedly images a given biological specimen, and alignment changes slightly during this process, due to physical reasons (e.g. differential expansion of parts of the microscope and camera). I have expressed the problem for dimension d=2. There is a similar problem for each d>0. For d=1, an O(N log(N)) solution is obtained by sorting the lefthand endpoints of the intervals. But let's stick with d=2. If r=1, one can again solve the problem in time O(N log(N)) by sorting coordinates of the corners.
So, is the original problem solved by solving first the case (N,1) obtaining N-1 rectangles, then solving the case (N-1,1), getting N-2 rectangles, and so on, until we reduce to N-r rectangles? I would be interested to see an explicit counter-example to this optimistic attempted procedure. It would be even more interesting if the procedure works (proof please!), but that seems over-optimistic.
If r is fixed at some value r>1, and N is large, is this problem in one of the NP classes?
Thanks for any thoughts about this.
Since the intersection of axis-aligned rectangles is an axis-aligned rectangle, there are O(N4) possible intersections (O(N) lefts, O(N) rights, O(N) tops, O(N) bottoms). The obvious O(N5) algorithm is to try all of these, checking for each whether it's contained in at least N - r rectangles.
An improvement to O(N3) is to try all O(N2) intervals in the X dimension and run the 1D algorithm in the Y dimension on those rectangles that contain the given X-interval. (The rectangles need to be sorted only once.)
How large is N? I expect that fancy data structures might lead to an O(N2 log N) algorithm, but it wouldn't be worth your time if a cubic algorithm suffices.
I think I have a counter-example. Let's say you have r := N-2. I.e. you want to find two rectangles with maximum overlapping. Let's say you have to rectangles covering the same area (=maximum overlapping). Those two will be the optimal result in the end.
Now we need to construct some more rectangles, such that at least one of those two get removed in a reduction step.
Let's say we have three rectangles which overlap a lot..but they are not optimal. They have a very small overlapping area with the other two rectangles.
Now if you want to optimize the area for four rectangles, you will remove one of the two optimal rectangles, right? Or maybe you don't HAVE to, but you're not sure which decision is optimal.
So, I think your reduction algorithm is not quite correct. Atm I'm not sure if there is a good algorithm for this or in which complexity class this belongs to, though. If I have time I think about it :)
Postscript. This is pretty defective, but may spark some ideas. It's especially defective where there are outliers in a quadrant that are near the X and Y axes - they will tend to reinforce each other, as if they were both at 45 degrees, pushing the solution away from that quadrant in a way that may not make sense.
If r is a lot smaller than N, and N is fairly large, consider this:
Find the average center.
Sort the rectangles into 2 sequences by (X - center.x) + (Y - center.y) and (X - center.x) - (Y - center.y), where X and Y are the center of each rectangle.
For any solution, all of the reject rectangles will be members of up to 4 subsequences, each of which is a head or tail of each of the 2 sequences. Assuming N is a lot bigger than r, most the time will be in sorting the sequences - O(n log n).
To find the solution, first find the intersection given by removing the r rectangles at the head and tail of each sequence. Use this base intersection to eliminate consideration of the "core" set of rectangles that you know will be in the solution. This will reduce the intersection computations to just working with up to 4*r + 1 rectangles.
Each of the 4 sequence heads and tails should be associated with an array of r rectangles, each entry representing the intersection given by intersecting the "core" with the i innermost rectangles from the head or tail. This precomputation reduces the complexity of finding the solution from O(r^4) to O(r^3).
This is not perfect, but it should be close.
Defects with a small r will come from should-be-rejects that are at off angles, with alternatives that are slightly better but on one of the 2 axes. The maximum error is probably computable. If this is a concern, use a real area-of-non-intersection computation instead of the simple "X+Y" difference formula I used.
Here is an explicit counter-example (with N=4 and r=2) to the greedy algorithm proposed by the asker.
The maximum intersection between three of these rectangles is between the black, blue, and green rectangles. But, it's clear that the maximum intersection between any two of these three is smaller than intersection between the black and the red rectangles.
I now have an algorithm, pretty similar to Ed Staub's above, with the same time estimates. It's a bit different from Ed's, since it is valid for all r
The counter-example by mhum to the greedy algorithm is neat. Take a look.
I'm still trying to get used to this site. Somehow an earlier answer by me was truncated to two sentences. Thanks to everyone for their contributions, particularly to mhum whose counter-example to the greedy algorithm is satisfying. I now have an answer to my own question. I believe it is as good as possible, but lower bounds on complexity are too difficult for me. My solution is similar to Ed Staub's above and gives the same complexity estimates, but works for any value of r>0.
One of my rectangles is determined by its lower left corner. Let S be the set of lower left corners. In time O(N log(N)) we sort S into Sx according to the sizes of the x-coordinates. We don't care about the order within Sx between two lower left corners with the same x-coord. Similarly the sorted sequence Sy is defined by using the sizes of the y-coords. Now let u1, u2, u3 and u4 be non-negative integers with u1+u2+u3+u4=r. We compute what happens to the area when we remove various rectangles that we now name explicitly. We first remove the u1-sized head of Sx and the u2-sized tail of Sx. Let Syx be the result of removing these u1+u2 entries from Sy. We remove the u3-sized head of Syx and the u4-sized tail of Syx. One can now prove that one of these possible choices of (u1,u2,u3,u4) gives the desired maximal area of intersection. (Email me if you want a pdf of the proof details.) The number of such choices is equal to the number of integer points in the regular tetrahedron in 4-d euclidean space with vertices at the 4 points whose coordinate sum is r and for which 3 of the 4 coordinates are equal to 0. This is bounded by the volume of the tetrahedron, giving a complexity estimate of O(r^3).
So my algorithm has time complexity O(N log(N)) + O(r^3).
I believe this produces a perfect solution.
David's solution is easier to implement, and should be faster in most cases.
This relies on the assumption that for any solution, at least one of the rejects must be a member of the complex hull. Applying this recursively leads to:
Compute a convex hull.
Gather the set of all candidate solutions produced by:
{Remove a hull member, repair the hull} r times
(The hull doesn't really need to be repaired the last time.)
If h is the number of initial hull members, then the complexity is less than
h^r, plus the cost of computing the initial hull. I am assuming that a hull algorithm is chosen such that the sorted data can be kept and reused in the hull repairs.
This is just a thought, but if N is very large, I would probably try a Monte-Carlo algorithm.
The idea would be to generate random points (say, uniformly in the convex hull of all rectangles), and score how each random point performs. If the random point is in N-r or more rectangles, then update the number of hits of each subset of N-r rectangles.
In the end, the N-r rectangle subset with the most random points in it is your answer.
This algorithm has many downsides, the most obvious one being that the result is random and thus not guaranteed to be correct. But as most Monte-Carlo algorithms it scales well, and you should be able to use it with higher dimensions as well.
