Solr spatial search using an indexed field for radius? - elasticsearch

So I have an index of cities, looks something like this:
"location": "41.388587, 2.175888",
"name": "BARCELONA",
"radius": 20
We have a few dozen of these. I need to be able to query this index with a single lat/lng combination and see if it falls inside one of our "cities".
The location property is the centre of the city, and the radius is the radius of the city in km (assuming all the cities are circles). We can also assume no cities overlap.
How can I return whether or not a lat/lng combination falls within a city?
For example, given the point 40.419691, -3.701254, how can I determine if this falls within BARCELONA?

you can do it easily, in either Lucene, Solr or ES.
In Solr for example:
declare a type of SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType. This allows you to index different shapes, not just points
by using lat/long and the radius, you create an specific circle for each city, and you index that shape, in a field called 'shape' for example:
"location": "41.388587, 2.175888",
"name": "BARCELONA",
"shape": "CIRCLE (2.175888 41.388587, 20)"
then you just query for any doc that intersects with your point (untested):
fq=shape:"Intersects(40.419691 -3.701254)"
Be sure to check the docs and javadocs for the specific version of Lucene/Solr/ES you are using, as APIs have been changing in this space


How do I use eland to upload a CSV containing dense vectors to Elasticsearch?

I want to use approximate KNN search in Elasticsearch. This requires some fields to have a dense vector mapping type with additional parameters. I would like to use eland to upload CSVs of my data, including the embeddings.
For example, I have the following data frame.
f = DataFrame({"text":["blue square", "red triangle"], "embedding":[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]})
text embedding
0 blue square [1.0, 2.0]
1 red triangle [3.0, 4.0]
I want to run pandas_to_eland(f, ...) to create a new index containing the data in the CSV. I want the "embedding" field to be a dense vector that can be used by KNN search, which requires that its mapping look like this:
"embedding": {
"type": "dense_vector",
"dims": 2,
"index": true,
"similarity": "cosine"
Obviously I could just manually create the mappings for the entire CSV before indexing the data, but that will get tedious for larger data frames. I'd like to have eland/Elasticsearch figure out all the mappings and customize my "embedding" column in code at the time the index is created.
pandas_to_eland(f, ...) does have an es_type_overrides parameter that allows you to specify a mapping data type, but it does not enable any further mapping customization.
Is there some way to get eland to do this without manually creating the entire mapping beforehand?

Kibana Visualization: creating a bar graph with fields in JSON document

New to Kibana visualizations here...
I'm planning on publishing a JSON (once a day) that has populations of list of cities. Following is a sample JSON:
"city":"New York",
"city":"Los Angeles",
I'd like to setup cities in the X axis and population count in Y axis.
I can setup my X axis property (with Field aggregations) however I just can't get the populations to reflect in the Y axis.
Using "count" in the Y axis always gives me 1 -- I guess this is because there's only one document for the given date range.
Is there a proper way to get the correct population count to display on the Y axis?
Finally managed to figure this out!
Folks are correct about Kibana not being able detecting inner fields, so you basically have to create a JSON for each city (going by my example in the question above). And then from visualizations, you need to select "sum" or "average" aggregation-type. That's all!

Elasticsearch 5 : sort by price of the closest wholesaler

I have a product nested document containing a list of prices associated to different wholesalers.
Here is a document example :
"sku": "065879",
"name": "My product",
"price": [
"wholesaler": "1",
"location": "drm3btev3",
"price": "12.34"
"wholesaler": "2",
"location": "gbsuv7ztq",
"price": "45.67"
Given a customer's geo point, what is the correct query to get a list of documents sorted by price, using only the closest price for each document ?
Thanks by advance !
It's not a real answer but the global approach is to use a nested sort. Nested sort will allow you to filter the nested document on which you want to apply your sorting.
Then you should in the nested sort filter add a script query that will determine the closest wholesaler. The problem is that you cant work with geohash in painless. But if you convert your geohash to geopoint data type in, you will be able to use script distance features ( example here )
Then you could compute the minimal distance by iterating on all nested document and only match the one with the minimal distance.
But I have no idea of the performance impact and detailed implementation.
Good luck !

Scoring documents by both textual match and distance to a point

I have an ElasticSearch index with a list of "shops".
I'd like to allow customers to search these shops by both geo_distance (so, search for a point and get shops near that location), and textual match, like matches on shop name / address.
I'd like to get results that match either of these two criteria, and I'd like the order of these results to be a combination of both. The stronger the textual match, and the closer to the point searched, the higher the result. (Obviously, there's going to be a formula to combine these two, that'll need tweaking, not too worried about that part yet).
My issue / what I've tried:
geo_distance is a filter, not a query, so I can't combine both on the query part of the request.
I can use a bool => should filter (rather than query) that matches on either name or location. This gives me the results I want, but not in order.
I can also have _geo_distance as part of a sort clause so that documents closer to the point rank higher.
What I haven't figured out is how I would take the "regular" _score that ElasticSearch gives to documents when doing textual matches, and combine that with the geo_distance score.
By having the textual match in the filter, it doesn't seem to affect the score of documents (which makes sense). And I don't see how I could combine the textual match in the query part and a geo_distance filter so it's an OR rather than an AND.
I guess my best bet would be the equivalent of this:
function_score: {
query: { ... },
functions: [
{ geo_distance function },
{ multi_match_result score },
score_mode: 'multiply'
but I'm not sure you can do geo_distance as a score function, and I don't know how to have multi_match_result score as a score function, or if it's even possible.
Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
I'm working with ElasticSearch v1.4, but I can upgrade if necessary.
but I'm not sure you can do geo_distance as a score function, and I don't know how to have multi_match_result score as a score function, or if it's even possible.
You can't really do it in the way that you're asking, but you can do what you want just as easily. For the simpler case, you get scoring just by using a normal query.
The problem with filters is that they're yes/no questions, so if you use them in a function_score, then it either boosts the score or it doesn't. What you probably want is degradation of the score as the distance from the origin grows. It's the yes/no nature that stops them from impacting the score at all. There's no improvement to relevancy implied by matching a filter -- it just means that it's part of the answer, but it doesn't make sense to say that it should be closer to the top/bottom as a result.
This is where the Decay function score helps. It works with numbers, dates, and -- most helpfully here -- geo_points. In addition to the types of data it accepts, it can decay using either gaussian, exponential, or linear decay functions. The one that you want to choose is honestly arbitrary and you should give the one that chooses the best "experience". I would suggest to start with gauss.
"function_score": {
"functions": [
"gauss": {
"my_geo_point_field": {
"origin": "0, 1",
"scale": "5km",
"offset": "500m",
"decay": 0.5
Note that origin is in x, y format (due to standard GeoJSON), which is longitude, latitude.
Each one of the values impacts how the score decays based on the graph (taken wholesale from the documentation). If you would use an offset of 0, then the score begins to drop once it's not exactly at the origin. With the offset, it allows it some buffer to be considered just as good.
The scale is directly associated with the decay in that the score will be chopped down by the decay value once it is scale-distance away from the origin (+/- the offset). In my above example, anything 5km from the origin would get half of the score as anything at the origin.
Again, just note that the different types of decay functions change the shape of scoring.
I'd like the order of these results to be a combination of both.
This is the purpose of the bool / should compound query. You get OR behavior with score improvement based on each match. Combining this with the above, you'd want something like:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"multi_match": { ... }
"function_score": {
"functions": [
"gauss": {
"my_geo_point_field": {
"origin": "0, 1",
"scale": "5km",
"offset": "500m",
"decay": 0.5
NOTE: If you add a must, then the should behavior changes from literal OR-like behavior (at least 1 must match) to completely optional behavior (none must match).
I'm working with ElasticSearch v1.4, but I can upgrade if necessary.
Starting with Elasticsearch 2.0, every filter is a query and every query is also a filter. The only difference is the context that it's used in. This doesn't change my answer here, but it's something that may help you in the future in addition to what I say next.
Geo-related performance increased dramatically in ES 2.2+. You should upgrade (and recreate your geo-related indices) to take advantage of those changes. ES 5.0 will have similar benefits!

Geospatial marker clustering with elasticsearch

I have several hundred thousand documents in an elasticsearch index with associated latitudes and longitudes (stored as geo_point types). I would like to be able to create a map visualization that looks something like this:
So, I think what I want is to run a query with a bounding box (i.e., the map boundaries that the user is looking at) and return a summary of the clusters within this bounding box. Is there a good way to accomplish this in elasticsearch? A new indexing strategy perhaps? Something like geohashes could work, but it would cluster things into a rectangular grid, rather than the arbitrary polygons based on point density as seen in the example above.
#kumetix - Good question. I'm responding to your comment here because the text was too long to put in another comment. The geohash_precision setting will dictate the maximum precision at which a geohash aggregation will be able to return. For example, if geohash_precision is set to 8, we can run a geohash aggregation on that field with at most precision 8. This would, according to the reference, return results grouped in geohash boxes of roughly 38.2m x 19m. A precision of 7 or 8 would probably be accurate enough for showing a web-based heatmap like the one I mentioned in the above example.
As far as how geohash_precision affects the cluster internals, I'm guessing the setting stores a geohash string of length <= geohash_precision inside the geo_point. Let's say we have a point at the Statue of Liberty: 40.6892,-74.0444. The geohash12 for this is: dr5r7p4xb2ts. Setting geohash_precision in the geo_point to 8 would internally store the strings:
and a geohash_precision of 12 would additionally internally store the strings:
resulting in a little more storage overhead for each geo_point. Setting the geohash_precision to a distance value (1km, 1m, etc) probably just stores it at the closest geohash string length precision value.
Note: How to calculate geohashes using python
$ pip install python-geohash
>>> import geohash
>>> geohash.encode(40.6892,-74.0444)
In Elasticsearch 1.0, you can use the new Geohash Grid aggregation.
Something like geohashes could work, but it would cluster things into a rectangular grid, rather than the arbitrary polygons based on point density as seen in the example above.
This is true, but the geohash grid aggregation handles sparse data well, so all you need is enough points on your grid and you can achieve something pretty similar to the example in that map.
Try this:
We have been using it to do server-side clustering and it's pretty good.
Example query:
GET /things/thing/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"geo_bounding_box": {
: {
"top_left": {
"lat": 45.274886437048941,
"lon": -34.453125
"bottom_right": {
"lat": -35.317366329237856,
"lon": 1.845703125
"facets": {
"places": {
"geohash": {
"field": "Location",
"factor": 0.85
