Generate simple html based on jasmine-allure-reporter - jasmine

I'm using jasmine-allure-reporter and the report is simply awesome. Only complaint over the reporter is that I miss option to enable only failed screenshots to be saved and possibility to send it via e-mail.
I know that is not possible:
How to send an email of allure report?
My question is whether I can somehow generate a simple html file with few data based on the allure reports, so that I'll be able to send it via e-mail to relevant people.

Hope you have added this in your conf file:
onPrepare: function () {
var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
allureReport: {
resultsDir: 'allure-results'
jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(function (done) {
browser.takeScreenshot().then(function (png) {
allure.createAttachment('Screenshot', function () {
return new Buffer(png, 'base64');
}, 'image/png')();
After running the files , go to allure-results where you can see the screenshots and xml reports.
Copy-Paste the folder i.e. allure-results to \node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter where you can see a pom.xml file.
Install Maven in your machine (This is mandatory)
Now from same path i.e. \node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter run the following command
mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results
After Successfull run of above command,
Go to
and open index.html
This is how it looks:

The following code works for me. It takes screenshots of only failed tests.
var originalAddExpectationResult = jasmine.Spec.prototype.addExpectationResult;
jasmine.Spec.prototype.addExpectationResult = function () {
if (!arguments[0]) {
browser.takeScreenshot().then(function (png) {
allure.createAttachment('Screenshot', function () {
return new Buffer(png, 'base64')
}, 'image/png')();
return originalAddExpectationResult.apply(this, arguments);
var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
resultsDir: 'allure-results'


How to run the single test with different data set in parallel by using cypress on single machine

I just have the below Test.json file in the fixture folder:
"searchKeyword":"QA automation"
The above file contains three different dataset.
I just have the below spec file and It contains one It (Test case) and It will run multiple times based on the above input.
Test.spec.js file:
describe("Run the test parallel based on the input data",() =>{
const baseUrl = "";
before("Login to consumer account", () => {
cy.fixture('Test').then(function (data) { = data;
it("Search the keyword", function () { =>{
cy.xpath("//input[#value='Google Search']").click();
The above code is working as expected. But I just want to run the above single test parallelly by using different dataset.
Example: Three browser instance open and it should pick three different data from the Test.json file and run the single test which is available in the Test.spec.js file.
I just need logic to implement for one of my project, But I'm not able to share the code which is more complex that's reason just create some dummy test data and test script to achieve my logic.
Can someone please share yours thoughts to achieve this.
One way to run multiple instances of Cypress in parallel is via the Module API, which is basically using a Node script to start up the multiple instances.
Node script
// run-parallel.js
const cypress = require('cypress')
const fixtures = require('./cypress/fixtures/Test.json')
fixture.forEach(fixture => {{
env: {
describe("Run the test for given env data",() =>{
const testData = Cypress.env('fixture')
it("Search the keyword", function () {
Awaiting results returns a promise, so you can collate the results as follows
Videos and screenshots are troublesome, since it tries to save all under the same name, but you can specify a folder for each fixture
const promises = => {
config: {
video: true,
videosFolder: `cypress/videos/${fixture.searchKeyword}`,
screenshotsFolder: `cypress/screenshots/${fixture.searchKeyword}`,
env: {
spec: './cypress/integration/dummy.spec.js',
Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {
console.log( => `${result.config.env.fixture.searchKeyword}: ${result.status}`));

Can I add cypress screenshot in mocha awesome html report

Im able to generate mocha awesome html report everything fine, but I want to add screenshots in html report im taking cypress screenshot but want to add in html report. Is there any way I can add them?
Consider mochawesome addContext. This will inject about any value into the report. I'm fairly sure that the html report that is generated will display the image given its path. This may require some further reading on addContext.
const { expect } = require('chai');
const addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext');
describe('Cypress tests.', function () {
before(function () {
// Perform Cypress things.
// Take screenshots.
after(function () {
const title = 'Screenshot of thing.';
const value = 'path/to/screenshot.png';
addContext(this, {
it('Foo should equal batz.', function () {
// Expect some things.
I use the following code to add screenshots automatically to any (and only) failed tests:
import addContext from 'mochawesome/addContext'
Cypress.on('test:after:run', (test, runnable) => {
if (test.state === 'failed') {
addContext({ test }, {title: 'Screenshot', value: `<path/to/screenshots/folder>/${}/${runnable.parent.title.replace(':', '')} -- ${test.title} (failed).png`})
addContext({ test }, {title: 'Video', value: `<path/to/videos/folder>/${}.mp4`})
Put it in support/index.js as this file is loaded before any test.
Make sure to update the <path/to/.../folder> above to wherever you save screenshots/videos. The path is relative to the generated html report.

How to send the success of a test to testingBot from a Protractor project?

Following the testingBot example for protractor-based projects I got this code
var TestingBot = require('testingbot-api');
describe('Protractor Demo App', function () {
var tb;
beforeEach(function () {
tb = new TestingBot({
api_key: "master_key",
api_secret: "secret_007"
afterEach(function () {
browser.getSession().then(function (session) {
'test[success]': true/*where do I get this 'test[success]' attribute? */
}, session.getId(), function () {
console.log("Hi! :D");
it('should have a title', function () {
expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual('Super Calculator');
I need to send the success of the test back through the tb.updateTest() but I don't know where I get the value of a passed or failed test. For now the value is a static true. I'd appreciate a jasmine approach too.
You can use a custom reporter with Jasmine.
There you can hook into specDone or suiteDone which has a result parameter, containing the test's success state.
You can then use this state to write a custom report or send it to somewhere else.

why is casper.on('click' ...) not triggering?

Following is a minimal casper script that does a Google query. I've added casper.on('click' ...) prior to running the script, but it doesn't appear to get triggered.
What am I missing?
// File: google_click_test.js
"use strict";
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.on('click', function(css) {
casper.echo('casper.on received click event ' + css);
// ================================================================
// agenda starts here
casper.start('', function g01() {
casper.echo('seeking main page');
casper.then(function a02() {
function() {
casper.echo("found search form");
function() {
casper.echo("failed to find search form");
casper.then(function a03() {
casper.fillSelectors('form[action="/search"]', {
'input[title="Google Search"]' : 'casperjs'
}, false);
casper.then(function a04() {'form[action="/search"] input[name="btnG"]')
casper.echo('clicked search button');
Here's the output. I would expect to see casper.on received click event somewhere, but it seems that it didn't get triggered:
$ casperjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true --web-security=no google_click_test.js
seeking main page
found search form
clicked search button
Although your example runs fine for me using casperjs 1.1.0-beta3 and phantomjs 1.9.8, I've been having similar issues in the last few months with casperjs. Sadly it seems that the author has stopped maintaining the project. More information here:
I would suggest moving to a different testing framework. In my case I chose a combination of mocha + chai + nightmarejs. This gist is a good starting point:

How do I focus on one spec in jasmine.js?

I have a bunch of failing specs from a rather large architectural change. I'd like to work on fixing them one by one by tagging each one with 'focus'.
Does jasmine.js have a feature like this? I swore I read at one point that it does but I don't see it in the docs.
When using Karma, you can enable only one test with fit or fdescribe (iit and ddescribe in Jasmine before 2.1).
This only runs Spec1:
// or "ddescribe" in Jasmine prior 2.1
fdescribe('Spec1', function () {
it('should do something', function () {
// ...
describe('Spec2', function () {
it('should do something', function () {
// ...
This only runs testA:
describe('Spec1', function () {
// or "iit" in Jasmine prior 2.1
fit('testA', function () {
// ...
it('testB', function () {
// ...
In core since 2.1 with fit and fdescribe.
You can run a single spec by using the url for the spec
describe("MySpec", function() {
it('function 1', function() {
it('function 2', function() {
Now you can run just the whole spec by this url http://localhost:8888?spec=MySpec and a the first test with http://localhost:8888?spec=MySpec+function+1
There are a few ways you can do it.
There is: Jasmine's feature Focused Specs (2.2):
Focusing specs will make it so that they are the only specs that run. Any spec declared with fit is focused.
describe("Focused specs", function() {
fit("is focused and will run", function() {
it('is not focused and will not run', function(){
However, I don't really like the idea of editing my tests (fit and fdescribe) to run them selectively. I prefer to use a test runner like karma which can filter out tests using a regular expression.
Here's an example using grunt.
$ grunt karma:dev watch --grep=mypattern
If you're using gulp (which is my favourite task runner), you can pass args into gulp-karma with yargs and match patterns by setting karma's config.
Kinda like this:
var Args = function(yargs) {
var _match = yargs.m || yargs.match;
var _file = yargs.f || yargs.file;
return {
match: function() { if (_match) { return {args: ['--grep', _match]} } }
var Tasks = function() {
var test = function() {
return gulp.src(Files.testFiles)
.pipe(karma({ configFile: 'karma.conf.js', client: Args.match()}))
.on('error', function(err) { throw err; });
return {
test: function() { return test() }
gulp.task('default', ['build'], Tasks.test);
See my gist:
So now, I can run a single spec using the description:
My local test run: (Executed 1 of 14 (skipped 13))
gulp -m 'triggers the event when the API returns success'
[20:59:14] Using gulpfile ~/gulpfile.js
[20:59:14] Starting 'clean'...
[20:59:14] Finished 'clean' after 2.25 ms
[20:59:14] Starting 'build'...
[20:59:14] Finished 'build' after 17 ms
[20:59:14] Starting 'default'...
[20:59:14] Starting Karma server...
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.31 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
WARN [watcher]: All files matched by "/spec/karma.conf.js" were excluded.
INFO [Chrome 42.0.2311 (Mac OS X 10.10.3)]: Connected on socket hivjQFvQbPdNT5Hje2x2 with id 44705181
Chrome 42.0.2311 (Mac OS X 10.10.3): Executed 1 of 14 (skipped 13) SUCCESS (0.012 secs / 0.009 secs)
[20:59:16] Finished 'default' after 2.08 s
Also see:
For anyone stumbling upon this, a better approach, which you can set up from the code itself, is to use this plugin:
It allows you set the spec exclusivity right on the code like this:
describe.only("MySpec", function() {
it('function 1', function() {
it.only('function 2', function() {
// This won't be run if there are specs using describe.only/ddescribe or it.only/iit
describe("Spec 2", function(){})
There has been a long discussion to get this added to Jasmine core, see:
If you happen to be using Jasmine via Karma/Testacular you should already have access to ddescribe() and iit()
You can create your all your specs up front but disable them with xdescribe and xit until you're ready to test them.
describe('BuckRogers', function () {
it('shoots aliens', function () {
// this will be tested
xit('rescues women', function () {
// this won't
// this whole function will be ignored
xdescribe('Alien', function () {
it('dies when shot', function () {
This is the most simplified answer with a practical example .Even in fdescribe you can run few it blocks using it. f means focus.
Also in a none fdescribe block which is just describe, you can select only specific it blocks by marking them as fit.
Please run the below code and observe the console log, also read the comments in the code.
Read this author's article it helps too .
//If you want to run few describe only add f so using focus those describe blocks and it's it block get run
fdescribe("focus description i get run with all my it blocks ", function() {
it("1 it in fdescribe get executed", function() {
console.log("1 it in fdescribe get executed unless no fit within describe");
it("2 it in fdescribe get executed", function() {
console.log("2 it in fdescribe get executed unless no fit within describe");
//but if you and fit in fdescribe block only the fit blocks get executed
fit("3 only fit blocks in fdescribe get executed", function() {
console.log("If there is a fit in fdescribe only fit blocks get executed");
describe("none description i get skipped with all my it blocks ", function() {
it("1 it in none describe get skipped", function() {
console.log("1 it in none describe get skipped");
it("2 it in none describe get skipped", function() {
console.log("2 it in none describe get skipped");
//What happen if we had fit in a none fdescribe block will it get run ? yes
fit("3 fit in none describe get executed too eventhough it;s just describe ", function() {
console.log("3 fit in none describe get executed too");
With stand-alone Jasmine(2.0.0), on the spec_runner.htlm, I could click a specific spec and focus on that one spec. I should have noticed this feature earlier.
Not exactly what you've asked for but adding iit will test only that particular spec and ignore all others in the file, ddescribe works in the same way. So you can focus on a particular spec using iit or ddescribe
