Why my springboot app with freemarker doesn't work - spring

I tried a springboot web application with freemarker.
In the bootstrap class there's a request-handling method:
String showAddPage(){
return "showAdd";
And i had my template, named "showAdd.ftl" ,lying in the directory of "resources/templates".
I also added freemarker's starter of springboot in pom.xml.
But when i request "localhost:8080/showAddPage", it retured a String, "showAdd", instead of the rendered content of the template "showAdd.ftl".
It doesn't render my showAdd.ftl.
Why could this happen?

I think you must add Servlet Mapping to your DispatcherServlet ;
There is one sample :
It would help you


Spring: How can I keep routes in sync with URLs on the page?

How can I keep links in my UI templates (e.g. Thymeleaf templates) in sync with the corresponding request mappings in my Spring application?
I've seen that e.g. the Play framework uses the #router-Object within its templates. How is it solved by Spring?
One example:
Spring Controller - simple
public class UserController {
public String getUser(#PathParam String username) {
// do some stuff....
return "user";
User details
Now I want to change "/users" to "/accounts". I'm pretty sure that I've got to update every html page by hand to update the link. Is there an easier solution for this?
As far as I know, there is no simple way to do this with built-in tools from Spring. However, I don't think that this would be too hard to build. You would need the following:
A YAML file with all of your URL templates defined
A Properties Spring bean that contains your URL mappings (read from the YAML file)
All of your #RequestMapping annotations would have to be prop values; i.e.
A custom tag that knows about the Properties bean and can create URLs from the templates that were defined in your YAML file.

What is exactly server.error.path property?

In Spring Boot, what is the purpose of server.error.path property in application.properties file?
The documentation just says:
Path of the error controller
But I want a clear description of this property with an example.
server.error.path - used as part of url for error pages.
site.getBaseUrl() + "/error"
For example some error happen on server side and you decide redirect user to error page like this:
Code example of error controller you can find here:
You can use this property in #RequestMapping("/error"). But instead of "/error" you can use "${server.error.path}"
Also, Spring Boot BasicErrorController use server.error.path property
Property server.error.path in spring boot application used to define an error path while dealing with custom error handler. In Spring we create custom error handler using functional interface ErrorController, ths interface has a String type method getErrorPath which helps us to return the error page path(our error page as view).
But from Spring 2.3.0 this getErrorPath() method has been deprecated and replaced with server.error.path to manage the error path.
e.g. server.error.path=/error
For more detail about interface ErrorController, please refer Spring doc for ErrorController

Url Binding in SpringBoot

i have been strugling since 4 days but did not found the solution for how to bind the url in Spring Boot with gradle.
I have a url as, http://loalhost:8080/blog/post.html?pid=2&ptitle=abc
I want this url to be shown as below with html and (?),
Is there any way to do that. I don't want to use tucky urlrewriter. All my html files are placed in webapp folder.
Thanks in Advance.
if your have a POST method in your #RestController to create a post blog:
public void create(#PathVariable("pid") String pid, #PathVariable("ptitle") String ptitle) {
// a repo save call
(I supposed that you use last spring boot version)

Spring Boot + Jersey + view controller not working together [duplicate]

I am getting a HTTP 404 error when trying to serve index.html ( located under main/resources/static) from a spring boot app. However if I remove the Jersey based JAX-RS class from the project, then http://localhost:8080/index.html works fine.
The following is main class
public class BootWebApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(BootWebApplication.class, args);
I am not sure if I am missing something here.
The problem is the default setting of the Jersey servlet path, which defaults to /*. This hogs up all the requests, including request to the default servlet for static content. So the request is going to Jersey looking for the static content, and when it can't find the resource within the Jersey application, it will send out a 404.
You have a couple options around this:
Configure Jerse runtime as a filter (instead of as a servlet by default). See this post for how you can do that. Also with this option, you need to configure one of the ServletProperties to forward the 404s to the servlet container. You can use the property that configures Jersey to forward all request which results in a Jersey resource not being found, or the property that allows you to configure a regex pattern for requests to foward.
You can simply change the Jersey servlet pattern to something else other than the default. The easiest way to do that is to annotate your ResourceConfig subclass with #ApplicationPath("/root-path"). Or you can configure it in your application.properties - spring.jersey.applicationPath.

Spring MVC 3.0 - restrict what gets routed through the dispatcher servlet

I want to use Spring MVC 3.0 to build interfaces for AJAX transactions. I want the results to be returned as JSON, but I don't necessarily want the web pages to be built with JSP. I only want requests to the controllers to be intercepted/routed through the DispatcherServlet and the rest of the project to continue to function like a regular Java webapp without Spring integration.
My thought was to define the servlet-mapping url pattern in web.xml as being something like "/controller/*", then have the class level #RequestMapping in my controller to be something like #RequestMapping("/controller/colors"), and finally at the method level, have #RequestMapping(value = "/controller/colors/{name}", method = RequestMethod.GET).
Only problem is, I'm not sure if I need to keep adding "/controller" in all of the RequestMappings and no matter what combo I try, I keep getting 404 requested resource not available errors.
The ultimate goal here is for me to be able to type in a web browser "http://localhost:8080/myproject/controller/colors/red" and get back the RGB value as a JSON string.
You are not correct about needing to add the entire path everywhere, the paths are cumulative-
If you have a servlet mapping of /controller/* for the Spring's DispatcherServlet, then any call to /controller/* will be handled now by the DispatcherServlet, you just have to take care of rest of the path info in your #RequestMapping, so your controller can be
public class MyController{
public String myMappedMethod(#PathVariable("name") String name, ..){
So now, this method will be handled by the call to /controller/colors/blue etc.
I don't necessarily want the web pages to be built with JSP
Spring MVC offers many view template integration options, from passthrough to raw html to rich templating engines like Velocity and Freemarker. Perhaps one of those options will fit what you're looking for.
