I am not able to drop or truncate my table. However, i am successfully able to delete the rows from the table.
Whenever i try to drop or truncate my session goes in hanged state and i have to kill the session manually.
FYI. There is also a trigger associated with my table on before delete. I am also not able to disable that trigger.
Hoping, my question is clear. Please also suggest if some more information i need to provide.
Thanks for your time.
I dont have complete info on whats going on but start by running this query in your session , if it give you result then there is a lock
SELECT a.SESSION_ID, B.Owner, B.Object_Name, A.Oracle_Username, A.OS_User_Name
FROM V$Locked_Object A, All_Objects B
WHERE A.Object_ID = B.Object_ID
try to release the lock and understand ow the lock happened maybe the trigger is executing something without commit ?
Note that you should run the above query when you are trying to truncate the table.
It is a well known fact that in an Oracle database it is not possible to make a transaction out of multiple DDL statements.
However, is there any way to lock a specific set of database objects within the current connection so that after a DDL query is executed, all locks are held until they are explicitly released?
An obvious solution of this kind doesn't work, because executing the DDL statement automatically commits the transaction, and with it, the locks are released:
LOCK TABLE x ....;
LOCK TABLE y ....;
ALTER TABLE x ....; -- Does not work properly since table locks are released here
The DBMS_LOCK option doesn't work either, because it is an advisory lock, and the concurrent thread must respect this lock and at least be aware of its existence.
Moreover, it is not controlled which statements can be executed by concurrent threads/sessions. It is possible to execute a query only in the current session, and it must be ensured that no intermediate queries on tables X and Y are executed from other sessions until the current session has ended.
Are there any ideas how this can be implemented?
PS: Please don't mention the high-level task or XY problem. There is no high-level task. The question is posed exactly as it is.
A bit of a joke (breaks all dependent PL/SQL), but... ;)
ALTER TABLE x RENAME TO x__my_precious;
ALTER TABLE y RENAME TO y__my_precious;
ALTER TABLE x__my_precious ...;
ALTER TABLE y__my_precious ...;
ALTER TABLE x__my_precious RENAME TO x;
ALTER TABLE y__my_precious RENAME TO y;
I'm pretty sure what you're trying to do isn't possible with Oracle's native transaction control. DDL will always end a transaction, so no lock on that object is going to survive it. Even if you immediately attempted to lock it after the DDL, another waiting session could slip in and obtain the lock before you do.
You can, however, serialize access to the table by utilizing another dummy table or row in a dummy table, assuming you control the code of any process wishing to access the table. If this is the case, then before accessing the table, attempt to lock the dummy table or a row in it first, and only if it succeeds continue with accessing the main table. Then the process that does DDL can take out that same lock (preventing other processes from proceeding), then do the DDL in a subroutine (named PL/SQL block) with PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION. That way the DDL ends the autonomous transaction rather than the main one, which still holds the lock on the dummy table.
You have to use a dummy table because if you tried to use the same table you want to modify you'll deadlock yourself. Of course, this only works if you can make all other processes do the lock-the-dummy-table safety check before they can proceed.
Lastly, albeit what I said above should work, it is likely that you're trying to do something you shouldn't do. DDL against hot objects isn't a good idea. Whatever you're trying to do, there is probably a better way than modifying objects on the fly like this. Even if you are able to keep other locked out, you are likely to cause object reference errors, package invalidations, SQL cursor invalidations, etc.. it can be a real mess.
I have a web application using a mariaDB10.4.10 INNO_DB table which is updated every 5 minutes from a script.
The script is working like:
Create a temp table from a table XY and writing data to the temp table from a received csv file. When the data is written, the script starts a transaction, drop the XY table and rename the temp table to the XY, and commits the transaction.
Nevertheless some times a user gets an "XY table does not exists" error working with the application.
I already tried to LOCK the XY table in the transaction but it doesn't change a thing.
How can I solve this? Is there any kind of locking (I thought locking is no longer possible with INNO_DB?)
Do this another way.
Create the temporary table (not as temporary table, as a real table). Fill it as needed. Nobody else knows it's there, you have all the time.
SET autocommit = 0; // OR: LOCK TABLE xy WRITE, tempxy READ;
DROP TABLE tempxy;
This way, other customers will see the old table until point 5, then they'll start seeing the new table.
If you use LOCK, customers will stall from point 2 to point 5, which, depending on time needed, might be bad.
At point #3, in some scenarios you might be able to optimize things by deleting only rows that are not in tempxy, and running an INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE at point 4.
Funnily enough, I answered recently another question that was somewhat like yours.
To prevent autoincrement column from overflowing, you can replace COMMIT WORK with ALTER TABLE xy AUTO_INCREMENT=. This is a dirty hack and relies on the fact that this DDL command in MySQL/MariaDB will execute an implicit COMMIT immediately followed by the DDL command itself. If nobody else inserts in that table, it is completely safe. If somebody else inserts in that table at the exact same time your script is running, it should be safe in MySQL 5.7 and derived releases; it might not be in other releases and flavours, e.g. MySQL 8.0 or Percona.
In practice, you fill up tempxy using a new autoincrement from 1 (since tempxy has been just created), then perform the DELETE/INSERT, and update the autoincrement counter to the count of rows you've just inserted.
To be completely sure, you can use a cooperative lock around the DDL command, on the one hand, and anyone else wanting to perform an INSERT, on the other:
script thread other thread
SELECT GET_LOCK('xy-ddl', 30);
SELECT GET_LOCK('xy-ddl', 30);
ALTER TABLE `xy` AUTO_INCREMENT=12345; # thread waits while
# script thread commits
# and runs DDL
SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('xy-ddl'); # thread can acquire lock
DROP TABLE tempxy; # Gets id = 12346
in my pl\sql process, there is an execution of "alter table exchange parition.."
on some table.
the problem is that during that operation - other users can try to access the target table.
one process that executed a select query on that table, got this error:
ORA-08103 object no longer exists.
i think that it is not the same like 'object or view doesn't exist'.
i think that 'object no longer exists' error, come when the process start ok,
and then the exchange (or other operation) come from the side and the process
can't bo done.
the chance is very low that it will happen, because the exchange is very very fast.
but for this case, there is any idea how to solve it? how to prevent this situation?
maybe a way to execute the exchange only if no-one touch the table?
This will happen when session #2 alters the table in the table after session #1 has opened its cursor but before it is finished fetching the rows from that cursor.
I don't think there is a foolproof way to prevent the exchange from happening unless you are willing to change the code that other users are using to access the target table.
LOCK TABLE mytable IN EXCLUSIVE MODE will not wait for SELECT statements to complete, nor will it prevent new SELECT statements from starting, so acquiring an exclusive lock before attempting the ALTER TABLE will not work.
If you want to prevent the ALTER TABLE from happening at the same time as SELECTs, you need both to depend on acquiring the same lock. A relatively robust way to do that would be to use the DBMS_LOCK package to allocate a lock for that table. Call that lock "mytablelock".
Then, using DBMS_LOCK, your SELECT sessions would need to acquire "shared" locks on "mytablelock" before progressing. Your alter table sessions would need to acquire an "exclusive" lock on "mytablelock" before progressing.
This scheme would allow multiple SELECT sessions to run without interfering with each other, but it would prevent the ALTER TABLE from running while any SELECT was running.
A (much) less robust, but simpler, way to do it would be to change the SELECT statements issued from the other query into SELECT FOR UPDATES. But that's a recipe for lots of unnecessary waits and deadlock errors.
I am using JdbcTemplate and Oracle stored procedure. In oracle store procedure I have a select query in which I have IN clause like 'IN (SELECT ID FROM GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE)'.
And the definition of temp table is ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS.
However, when I am calling stored procedure from java it give me more records than I expected, seems temp table is storing data from previous session. Need your help.
Without looking at any code, it is hard to tell.
Yet, the symptoms you describe might only be caused because you are still accessing your data from the same session.
From Oracle-Base: Global Temporary Tables (GTT):
The ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS clause indicates that the data should be deleted at the end of the transaction.
the ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS clause indicates that rows should be preserved until the end of the session.
That is, in your case, you need to close the session to clear the data.
You cannot access data from a previous or other session when you select rows from a global temporary table.
There are 2 options:
Your session is not new
It's not a temporary table
Keep in mind if you use ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS you have to delete the rows yourself. The data is kept until the session ends.
To find out if your session is still the same, query is:
select sid,serial,logon_time from v$session
and write it to a log file.
I currently have 2 schemas, A and B.
B has a table, and A executes selects inserts and updates on it.
In our sql scripts, we have granted permissions to A so it can complete its tasks.
grant select on B.thetable to A
Now, table 'thetable' is dropped and another table is renamed to B at least once a day.
rename someothertable to thetable
After doing this, we get an error when A executes a select on B.thetable.
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Is it possible that after executing the drop + rename operations, grants are lost as well?
Do we have to assign permissions once again ?
someothertable has no grants.
The daily process that inserts data into 'thetable' executes a commit every N insertions, so were not able to execute any rollback. That's why we use 2 tables.
Thanks in advance
Yes, once you drop the table, the grant is also dropped.
You could try to create a VIEW selecting from thetable and granting SELECT on that.
Your strategy of dropping a table regularly does not sound quite right to me though. Why do you have to do this?
There are better ways than dropping the table every day.
Add another column to thetable that states if the row is valid.
Put an index on that column (or extend your existing index that you use to select from that table).
Add another condition to your queries to only consider "valid" rows or create a view to handle that.
When importing data, set the new rows to "new". Once the import is done, you can delete all "valid" rows and set the "new" rows to "valid" in a single transaction.
If the import fails, you can just rollback your transaction.
Perhaps the process that renames the table should also execute a procedure that does your grants for you? You could even get fancy and query the dictionary for existing grants and apply those to the renamed table.
No :
"Oracle Database automatically transfers integrity constraints, indexes, and grants on the old object to the new object."
You must have another problem
Another approach would be to use a temporary table for the work you're doing. After all, it sounds like it is just the data is transitory, at least in that table, and you wouldn't keep having to reapply the grants each time you had a new set of data/create the new table