How to exclude dependency of wsdl4j in axis1.4 as it is affecting the application not to work by throwing InovcationTargetException - maven

Caused by:
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class does not implement the requested interface javax.wsdl.extensions.AttributeExtensible

The reason for axis-wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar getting downloaded when you try and build using axis:1.4 in your project is that it is defined within dependency for the artifact itself..
If you don't want to download axis-wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar, you can exclude it from your project by making following changes to your pom.xml -
<exclusion> <!-- declaring the exclusion here -->
<!--...other dependencies -->


how to use apache-maven-shade plugin to resovle multi dependency conflict

Maven shade plugin is very powerful for resolving dependency conclict, but a situation I have is as follows :
guava 31
I could relocate the guava 31 dependency and then the conflict will be resolved. And how about following situation :
Or how about if there are more than two dependencies conflicting as the same dependency but with different versions ?
If I use relocation, then thirdparty-1/guava31 will be relocated but the guava18 and guava4 still conflict.
I'm not sure how to handle this situation.
You need to de-conflict these across the whole project, not just for the shaded uber-jar.
Use Maven <exclusions> in the pom.xml declarationtion to achieve this.
For example:

RESOLVED - Spring Boot Starter Mail - failed to access class com.sun.activation.registries.LogSupport from class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap

I want to share the solution for above issue when using Spring Boot Starter Mail and attempt to create instance of MimeMessageHelper results in exception:
failed to access class com.sun.activation.registries.LogSupport from class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
The issue is behind the jaxb-core dependency in version 4.0.0 which brings angus-activation library dependency. The library if loaded first doesn't have a public class of LogSupport.
The correct source of LogSupport is from com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation library.
Solution is to exclude the following in jaxb-core dependency:
At the same time the following dependency should be available:

Maven issue verifying dependency : beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform

I need to integrate this dependency within my maven project:
<!-- -->
However, when I try to execute the command mvn verify within my project I get the error attached:
thanks for the help!
I have included my pubsub dependency like:
The functions offered by Beam are not suitable for my project unfortunately.
What you are describing is the Diamond Dependency problem.
If you can use the same version of pubsub as beam you should not have this conflict. Per Maven Central, beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform depends on grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 1.43.0.
I have figure it out the point is that I had on my pom.xml the dependency :
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId></groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>google-cloud-pubsub</artifactId>-->
<!-- <version>1.66.0</version>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
But then how should I do if I need to work with these two dependencies on the same project?

Spring Boot No Class found error though starter dependency has added classes in classpath

Despite having appropriate jars in classpath Spring Boot throws - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.camel.spring.spi.XmlCamelContextConfigurer
Any suggestions what is missing here.
I have added the respective starters in pom.xml as shown below:
<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>[![enter image description here][1]][1]
The project maven dependencies also shows the class availability, as in given image attachment.
the answer is here - It all depends how maven loads the class. There are 2 version of camel-spring.jars available in classpath (2.20.1 and 2.19.3. Ref: my original post image)
And org.apache.camel.spring.spi.XmlCamelContextConfigurer class is available only in 2.20.1 jars. And maven by default looks in earlier one and once package found matching but no class found throws error (?)
And the reason I believe 2.19.3 get loaded is Apache-cxf jars is of 2.19.3. Unfortunately our project repository does not have apache-cxf starter jars.
Solution: - I hope it may be helpful for future references
By adding options I could resolve the issue,by having exclusion clause added as given below. Thus I could load only required version jars.

How can I remove artifacts by Maven from the lib folder of the ear?

How can I remove artifacts from the lib folder of the ear? For exemple: activation.jar.
I was try follow the especification about Excluding a module (just change webModule for jarModule) but without success with this error: Artifact[jar:javax.activation:activation] is not a dependency of the project.
Use provided as scope wherever the dependency is defined.
Set the scope to provided. Maven will still add the dependency to the compile time classpath but not to the final WAR.
As others have said, you need to use provided as the scope. If the jars you need to remove are not dependencies of your project directly (ie are transient dependencies), then you need to exclude them from whatever is bringing them into your build . If you actually need those classes at compile-time, you'll have to re-include them as provided:
<!-- this dependency has javax.activation as a dependency -->
<!-- only necessary if this jar is needed at compile-time -->
