Color Coding a Vector Field - algorithm

I have a 2D vector field, and I would like to color code the vector field so that each vector direction shows up in a different color. Say my data are DataX and DataY. Currently, I am doing (in MATLAB):
R = DataX.^2 + DataY.^2;
theta1 = acos( DataX ./ R );
theta2 = asin( DataY ./ R );
surf(x,y,theta1); colormap jet; shading interp
figure; surf(x,y,theta2); colormap jet; shading interp
The issue I am having is that I cannot distinguish between vectors where either the x or y component is zero. For example, the color bar scale looks like (left, using arcsin, and right using arcos). When using arcsin, when DataY is zero (horizontal vector), arcsin(0) gives 0 regardless if the vector is pointing left or right.
Using the arctangent or arccotangent definitions of polar coordinates gives even worse results due to divide by zero errors. I am looking for an algorithm that would let me distinguish between the seemingly degenerate vectors. I have tried combining the arccos and arcsin results, but I have not been able to find a good way to do so.
I am also wondering how to extend this concept to 3D.

For 2D, you can use atan2(DataY, DataX) to get an angle, and then map the angle to your color. Use a cyclic colormap like 'hsv'
For 3D, you can normalize the vector to unit length and map the 3 components to red, green, and blue.


Calculate 3D distance based on change in intensity

I have three sections (top, mid, bot) of grayscale images (3D). In each section, I have a point with coordinates (x,y) and intensity values [0-255]. The distance between each section is 20 pixels.
I created an illustration to show how those images were generated using a microscope:
Illustration (side view): red line is the object of interest. Blue stars represents the dots which are visible in top, mid, bot section. The (x,y) coordinates of these dots are known. The length of the object remains the same but it can rotate in space - 'out of focus' (illustration shows a rotating line at time point 5). At time point 1, the red line is resting (in 2D image: 2 dots with a distance equal to the length of the object).
I want to estimate the x,y,z-coordinate of the end points (represents as stars) by using the changes in intensity, the knowledge about the length of the object and the information in the sections I have. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is an example of images:
Bot section
Mid section
Top section
My 3D PSF data:
Attempt so far:
enter image description here
I guess the correct approach would be to record three images with slightly different z-coordinates for your bot and your top frame, then do a 3D-deconvolution (using Richardson-Lucy or whatever algorithm).
However, a more simple approach would be as I have outlined in my comment. If you use the data for a publication, I strongly recommend to emphasize that this is just an estimation and to include the steps how you have done it.
I'd suggest the following procedure:
Since I do not have your PSF-data, I fake some by estimating the PSF as a 3D-Gaussiamn. Of course, this is a strong simplification, but you should be able to get the idea behind it.
First, fit a Gaussian to the PSF along z:
[xg, yg, zg] = meshgrid(-32:32, -32:32, -32:32);
rg = sqrt(xg.^2+yg.^2);
psf = exp(-(rg/8).^2) .* exp(-(zg/16).^2);
% add some noise to make it a bit more realistic
psf = psf + randn(size(psf)) * 0.05;
% view psf:
s = slice(xg,yg,zg, psf, 0,0,[]);
title('faked PSF');
for i=1:2
s(i).EdgeColor = 'none';
% data along z through PSF's center
z = reshape(psf(33,33,:),[65,1]);
plot(-32:32, z);
title('PSF along z');
% Fit the data
% Generate a function for a gaussian distibution plus some background
gauss_d = #(x0, sigma, bg, x)exp(-1*((x-x0)/(sigma)).^2)+bg;
ft = fit ((-32:32)', z, gauss_d, ...
'Start', [0 16 0] ... % You may find proper start points by looking at your data
plot(-32:32, z, '.');
hold on;
plot(-32:.1:32, feval(ft, -32:.1:32), 'r-');
title('fit to z-profile');
The function that relates the intensity I to the z-coordinate is
gauss_d = #(x0, sigma, bg, x)exp(-1*((x-x0)/(sigma)).^2)+bg;
You can re-arrange this formula for x. Due to the square root, there are two possibilities:
% now make a function that returns the z-coordinate from the intensity
% value:
zfromI = #(I)ft.sigma * sqrt(-1*log(;
zfromI2= #(I)ft.sigma * -sqrt(-1*log(;
Note that the PSF I have faked is normalized to have one as its maximum value. If your PSF data is not normalized, you can divide the data by its maximum.
Now, you can use zfromI or zfromI2 to get the z-coordinate for your intensity. Again, I should be normalized, that is the fraction of the intensity to the intensity of your reference spot:
ans =
>> zfromI2(.7)
ans =
Note that due to the random noise I have added, your results might look slightly different.

Fitting of a sphere using SVD/LMS

I would like to fit a MR binary data of 281*398*104 matrix which is not a perfect sphere, and find out the center and radius of sphere and error also. I know LMS or SVD is a good choice to fit for sphere.
I have tried sphereFit from matlab file exchange but got an error,
>> sphereFit(data)
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In sphereFit at 33
ans =
Would you let me know where is the problem, or any others solution?
If you want to use sphere fitting algorithm you should first extract the boundary points of the object you assume to be a sphere. The result should be represented by a N-by-3 array containing coordinates of the points. Then you can apply sphereFit function.
In order to obtain boundary point of a binary object, there are several methods. One method is to apply morphological erosion (you need the "imerode" function from the image processing toolbox) with small structuring element, then compute set difference between the two images, and finally use the "find" function to transform binary image into a coordinate array.
the idea is as follow:
dataIn = imerode(data, ones([3 3 3]));
bnd = data & ~data2;
inds = find(bnd);
[y, x, z] = ind2sub(size(data), inds); % be careful about x y order
points = [x y z];
sphere = sphereFitting(points);
By the way, the link you gave refers to circle fitting, I suppose you wanted to point to a sphere fitting submission?

Are there MATLAB scripts that will give me a quantitative/visual depiction of all the colors in an image?

I have tried the following:
hsv = rgb2hsv(b);
h = hsv(:,:,1);
However, it does not give me quite what I'm looking for. It would be great to see a counter of some sort for different hues, or maybe even a distribution of the colors.
This would be greatly appreciated.
I think this may be on the line of what you're looking for.
%Read the image
img = imread('/home2/s163720/lebron.jpg');
%convert to hsv and reshap to a N x 3 matrix
hsv = rgb2hsv(img);
hsv2 = squeeze(reshape(hsv, [], 1, 3));
%Extract hue (and convert to an angle) and saturation
Hue = 2*pi*hsv2(:,1);
Saturation = hsv2(:,2);
%The number of bins in the hue and saturation directions
RadialColorBins = 50;
AngularColorBins = 50;
%Where the edged of the bins are
edges = {linspace(0, 1, RadialColorBins), linspace(0, 2*pi, AngularColorBins) - 2*pi / AngularColorBins};
%bin the data
[heights,centers] = hist3([Saturation, Hue],'Edges',edges);
%Extract the centers
radius = centers{1};
angle = centers{2};
%Force periodicity
angle = [angle, angle(1)];
heights = [heights, heights(:, 1)]';
%Mesh the r and theta components
[Radius, Angle] = meshgrid(radius, angle);
%Make a color map for the polar plot
CMap = hsv2rgb(Angle/(2*pi), Radius, ones(size(Radius)));
%polar histogram in s-h space
surf(Radius.*cos(Angle), Radius.*sin(Angle), heights, CMap,'EdgeColor','none');
I know this is supposed to be where the answers should be, but I am quite sure that there is not a generic answer for your question. However there are a couple of possibilities, maybe you or anyone else can come up with more.
So the basic problem as you want a histogram, is that you have to choose some representation of the color as a single number. Which is quite a difficult problem.
The first solution could be to transform the rgb color to wavelength, and then ignore the intensity of the image. The problem by using this idea is that the rgb colors defines more colors than on wavelength alone. see:
A second solution could be to define a number as A = sum(rgb.*[1,10,100]); and then use this number as your representation of the color.
A third solution would be to transform the hexadecimal representation of the number to a decimal representation and then use this number.
Once you have a representation for every color of every pixel, you simply reshape the matrix into a vector and use the standard hist command to plot it. But as mentioned, mayby someone has a better idea for a representation of the color as a single number.

High Pass Butterworth Filter on images in MATLAB

I need to implement a high pass Butterworth filter in MATLAB for the purposes of image filtering. I have implemented one but it looks like it doesn't work. Here is the code I have written. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
[x y]=meshgrid(-floor(w/2):floor(w-1/2),-floor(h/2):floor(h-1/2));
For one thing, there is no such command called ifftshow. Secondly, you aren't filtering anything. All you're doing is visualizing the spectrum of the image.
In terms of visualizing the spectrum, how you're doing it right now is very dangerous. For one thing, you are visualizing the coefficients at each spatial frequency component which is complex-valued in nature. If you want to visualize the spectrum in a way that makes sense to most of us, it's better to take a look at either the magnitude or phase. However, because this is a Butterworth filter, it's best to apply it to the magnitude of the filter.
You can find the magnitude of the spectrum by using the abs function. Even when you do that, if you did imshow directly on the magnitude, you will get a visualization that is zero everywhere except for the middle. This is because the DC component is so large and the rest of the spectrum is small in comparison.
Let me show you an example. This is the cameraman image that is part of the image processing toolbox:
im = imread('cameraman.tif');
Now, let's visualize the spectrum and ensuring that the DC component is in the centre of the image - you already did this with fftshift. It's also a good idea to cast the image to double to ensure the best precision of data. In addition, make sure you apply abs to find the magnitude:
fftim = fftshift(fft2(double(im)));
mag = abs(fftim);
imshow(mag, []);
As you can see, it's not very useful due to the reason that I mentioned. A better way to visualize the spectrum of the image is usually to apply a log transformation to the spectrum. This is also useful if you want to de-mean or remove the mean so that the dynamic range fits better for display. In other words, you would add 1 to the magnitude, then apply a logarithm to the magnitude so that higher values can taper off. It doesn't matter which base you use, so I'll just use the natural logarithm which is encapsulated by the log command:
imshow(log(1 + mag), []);
Now that's much better. Now we'll get onto your filtering mechanism. Your Butterworth filter is slightly incorrect. The meshgrid of coordinates is slightly wrong. The -1 operation that's at the ending interval needs to go outside:
[x y]=meshgrid(-floor(w/2):floor(w/2)-1,-floor(h/2):floor(h/2)-1);
Remember, you are defining a symmetric interval about the centre of the image, and what you had originally wasn't correct. I'd also like to mention that this looks like a high-pass filter, so the output should look like an edge detection. In addition, the definition of the Butterworth high pass filter is incorrect. The correct definition of the filter in frequency domain is:
D(u,v) is the distance from the centre of the image in frequency domain, Do is the cutoff distance while B is a controlling scale factor controlling what the desired gain would be at the cutoff distance. n is the order of the filter. Do in your case is d = 50. In practice, B = sqrt(2) - 1 so that at the cutoff distance of Do, D(u,v) = 1 / sqrt(2) = 0.707, which is the 3 dB cutoff frequency mostly seen in electronics circuit filters. Sometimes you'll see B being set to 1 for simplicity, but it's common to set this to B = sqrt(2) - 1.
However, your current code isn't doing any filtering. To filter in the frequency domain, you simply multiply the spectrum of the image with the spectrum of the filter itself. This is equivalent to convolution in the spatial domain. Once you do that, you simply undo the fftshift that was performed on the image, take the inverse FFT and then eliminate any imaginary components that are due to numerical imprecision. Also, let's cast to uint8 to make sure that we respect the original image type.
That can be done like so:
%// Your code with meshgrid fix
fftim = fftshift(fft2(double(im)));
[x y]=meshgrid(-floor(w/2):floor(w/2)-1,-floor(h/2):floor(h/2)-1);
%%%%%%// New code
B = sqrt(2) - 1; %// Define B
D = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2); %// Define distance to centre
hhp = 1 ./ (1 + B * ((d ./ D).^(2 * n)));
out_spec_centre = fftim .* hhp;
%// Uncentre spectrum
out_spec = ifftshift(out_spec_centre);
%// Inverse FFT, get real components, and cast
out = uint8(real(ifft2(out_spec)));
%// Show image
If you want to see what the filtered spectrum looks like, just do this:
imshow(log(1 + abs(out_spec_centre)), []);
We get:
This makes sense. You see that in the middle of the spectrum, it's slightly darker in comparison to the outer edges of the spectrum. That's because with the high-pass Butterworth filter, you are amplifying the higher frequency terms and it gets visualized to be a higher intensity.
Now, out contains your filtered image, and we finally get this:
That looks like a fine result! However, naively casting the image to uint8 truncates any negative values to 0 and any positive values greater than 255 to 255. Because this is an edge detection, you want to detect both the negative and positive transitions... so a good idea would be to normalize the output so that it ranges from [0,1], and then cast with uint8 after you multiply by 255. This way, no changes in the image get visualized to gray, negative changes get visualized as dark and positive changes get visualized as white.... so you'd do something like this:
%// Your code with meshgrid fix
fftim = fftshift(fft2(double(im)));
[x y]=meshgrid(-floor(w/2):floor(w/2)-1,-floor(h/2):floor(h/2)-1);
%%%%%%// New code
B = sqrt(2) - 1; %// Define B
D = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2); %// Define distance to centre
hhp = 1 ./ (1 + B * ((d ./ D).^(2 * n)));
out_spec_centre = fftim .* hhp;
%// Uncentre spectrum
out_spec = ifftshift(out_spec_centre);
%// Inverse FFT, get real components
out = real(ifft2(out_spec));
%// Normalize and cast
out = (out - min(out(:))) / (max(out(:)) - min(out(:)));
out = uint8(255*out);
%// Show image
We get this:
I think that you should work a little bit diferent
D0=50; % change the name for d0, d is usuaally the (u²+v²)⁽1/2)
A=1.5; % normally the amplitude is 1
[M,N]=size(im); % is easy to get the h and w like this
% compute the 2d fourier transform in order to multiply
% compute your filter and do the meshgrid for your matrix but it is M*n, and get only the real part
H =A * (1./(1 + (D0./D).^(2*n)));
% multiply element by element
subplot(1,2,1); imshow(im); title('Input image');
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(g,[ ]); title('filtered image');

Vector decomposition in matlab

this is my situation: I have a 30x30 image and I want to calculate the radial and tangent component of the gradient of each point (pixel) along the straight line passing through the centre of the image (15,15) and the same (i,j) point.
[dx, dy] = gradient(img);
for i=1:30
for j=1:30
pt = [dx(i, j), dy(i,j)];
line = [i-15, j-15];
costh = dot(line, pt)/(norm(line)*norm(pt));
par(i,j) = norm(costh*line);
tang(i,j) = norm(sin(acos(costh))*line);
is this code correct?
I think there is a conceptual error in your code, I tried to get your results with a different approach, see how it compares to yours.
[dy, dx] = gradient(img);
I inverted x and y because the usual convention in matlab is to have the first dimension along the rows of a matrix while gradient does the opposite.
I created an array of the same size as img but with each pixel containing the angle of the vector from the center of the image to this point:
[I,J] = ind2sub(size(img), 1:numel(img));
theta=reshape(atan2d(I-ceil(size(img,1)/2), J-ceil(size(img,2)/2)), size(img))+180;
The function atan2d ensures that the 4 quadrants give distinct angle values.
Now the projection of the x and y components can be obtained with trigonometry:
Note the use of the .* to achieve point-by-point multiplication, this is a big advantage of Matlab's matrix computations which saves you a loop.
Here's an example with a well-defined input image (no gradient along the rows and a constant gradient along the columns):
img=repmat(1:30, [30 1]);
The results:
