Has anyone been able to establish a WinRM remote powershell session to a Windows Docker container? - windows

I have two non-domain VMs. Both running the same version of PowerShell. One of the VMs is hosting a transparent-networked Docker container of WindowsServerCore. The non-Docker VM has * for the trusted machines. The Docker container has Enable-PSRemoting run and is hosting a self-signed certificate. Both Docker VM ports 5985 and 5986 are accessible to the non-Docker VM as proven with a telnet session to the Docker IP on those ports. I've added new users to the Docker VM and set them up in the Administrators group. I've reset the WinRM service.
No matter what username/password combo I use, I always get access denied when trying to establish a remote PowerShell session on either HTTP or HTTPS from the non-Docker VM.
Has anyone been able to get this to work?


Obtain Docker host address WITHOUT 'Docker Desktop for Windows'

I have docker installed on Windows Server and need to access something running on the host machine. The containers are Windows containers.
All other answers I can find which state host.docker.internal, docker.for.win.localhost or docker.for.win.host.internal do not work as you cannot have 'Docker Desktop' installed on a Windows Server machine (these names do not resolve).
This is confirmed by the official Docker docs:
The host has a changing IP address (or none if you have no network
access). We recommend that you connect to the special DNS name
host.docker.internal which resolves to the internal IP address used by
the host. This is for development purpose and will not work in a
production environment outside of Docker Desktop for Windows.
So what's the alternative?

How to disable selinux/iptables in MacOS to visit docker server from Host computer?

I am running a docker container of python server in my computer (MacOS Catalina, the container can connect MySQL and Redis from host computer, the server is running normally, but I can't visit server on host computer), in Linux environment, we need to disable the selinux, firewall and iptables, for example, edit /etc/selinux/config
and type as below
How to disable selinux/iptables in MacOS or how to visit docker server from the Host computer, I already tried to use host.docker.internal instead of, but it doesn't work, if I use host.docker.internal in MySQL or Redis config, also failed, I only can use the really IP such as instead of host.docker.internal or

How to access a port on the host machine when running docker container on MacOS with --network=host?

I have set up a couple of containers that interact with each other. The main application container runs on --network = host because it queries several mySQL containers running on different ports exposed on the host network.
I am trying to hit the application on the host but get an error:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 36081: Connection refused
I am working on Docker installed on MacOS.
I have read several questions that indicate that docker on MacOS runs on a VM. But what is the workaround to access the application from the host? Any way to get the IP of the said VM?
You cannot use --network=host on Mac to connect via host ports but binding to host port using -p options works.
Port forwarding works
for localhost; --publish, -p, or -P all work. Ports exposed from Linux
are forwarded to the host.
Our current recommendation is to publish a port, or to connect from
another container. This is what you need to do even on Linux if the
container is on an overlay network, not a bridge network, as these are
not routed.
For your use case,
You need to create a docker network and attach both the DB and application containers to this network. Then the containers will be able to talk to each other by their name. You can also publish the application container port so that you can access it from your host.
Instead of creating the network, attaching the containers to the network etc manually, you can use docker-compose.

Not able to CHEF bootstrap a windows EC2 instance, Winrm error

I am using CHEF 12 and trying to bootstrap an EC2 instance (Win server 2012 R2) from my workstation. However, I am getting the below error.
> Waiting for remote response before
> bootstrap.....................ERROR: No response received from remote
> node after 2.08 minutes, giving up. ERROR: Network Error: No
> connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
> it. - connect(2) ( Check your knife
> configuration and network settings
I have two CHEF servers (Hosted as well as on-premises); I have tried bootstraping the EC2 instance using each of these, but get the same result.
Chef bootstrap command issued via power-shell:
PS ~\chef-repo> knife bootstrap windows winrm --winrm-user Administrator --winrm-password '******' --node-name node_145 --run-list 'recipe[ie::esc],recipe[install_iis]'
As far as I researched, it is because I am not able to establish a WINRM connection from my workstation to the Ec2 instance. I am however able to connect to another Win 2012 server within my office network and bootstrap successfully.
have already logged in remotely to the EC2 instance and run winrm quickconfig from powershell.
have set the Administrator password to a desired one.
Have opened inbound firewall rule for WIndows remote management on ports 5985 and 5986
Set up setcurity group and allowed inbound Custom TCP rule for ports 5985 and 5986 on AWS
you took all the necessary steps for this, would it be possible that you are getting filtered by a firewall (e.g company firewall)?
fyi, I managed to bootstrap a machine with the following steps:
# configure winrm for using knife winrm
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '#{Basic="true"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service '#{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'
set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\allowunencrypted $true
#turn off firewall
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled False
EDIT: to sum up below comments, the problem was the company firewall that was blocking the traffic
Windows 2012 R2 introcuced changes within WinRM security, which rendered some of old articles / readme examples explaining usage of knife-ec and knife-windows unusable.
This article http://blog.coderinserepeat.com/2015/07/15/chef-knife-ec2-and-knife-windows/ pretty much sums up how to deal with this in recent versions of knife plugins.

Access web server over https in a Docker container

I'm using Boot2Docker to manage Docker containers in Windows and I have a container running an IBM Liberty server (I guess is the same for any other server), I can access the server home screen in the host machine using only the ip (which I get using the command boot2docker ip), but if I try to access the server using the https port, like this xx.xx.xx.xx:9443 the connection fails.
I tried forwarding the port in VirtualBox like this:
And then access the server using the ports 1000 or 1001, but it fails too.
Am I missing something?
BTW, I'm using default NAT connection.
https uses port 443 (not 9443) by default.
Make both "Host Port" and "Guest Port" 443 and try again.
