Defining the order of webjars with Spring Boot and Spring MVC - spring

I would like to know if it is possible to define an explicit order of the webjars included in a Spring Boot application (with Spring MVC enabled, of course).
In other words, I have a spring boot project depending on two webjars (webjar1 and webjar2) which include the same resource (that is, example.html is present in both webjar1 and webjar2). When I ask to the server the resource example.html, how could I be sure of the example.html I'm receiving? Is there any way to define that webjar1 is preferred over webjar2?
Thanks in advance.


Is Spring Rest the implementation of JAX-RS or what implementation does Spring Rest use for REST support?

I know JAX-RS has many implementations like RESTEASY,Jersy,RestLet.But when i use Spring boot project i just need to add Spring-web dependency and i am ready to go for creating REST APIs.I want to know what is the implementation Spring Boot Rest uses to support REST ?
Difference between JAX-RS and Spring Rest
hope that solves your problem or makes it a little clearer.

thymeleaf vs thymeleaf-spring4 dependency

Question is simple, what is the difference between the above dependencies? Does the first one enough for a springboot app or the second contains something special?
Artifact thymeleaf is the Core library.
Artifact thymeleaf-spring4 allows to integrate Thymeleaf with the Spring Framework, especially (but not only) Spring MVC. Btw there are several Thymeleaf integration packages for different Spring versions are available at the moment:
thymeleaf-spring3, thymeleaf-spring4, thymeleaf-spring5.
Information from thymeleaf-spring official documentation:
Thymeleaf offers a set of Spring integrations that allow you to use it as a fully-featured substitute for JSP in Spring MVC applications.
These integrations will allow you to:
Make the mapped methods in your Spring MVC #Controller objects forward to templates managed by Thymeleaf, exactly like you do with JSPs.
Use Spring Expression Language (Spring EL) instead of OGNL in your templates.
Create forms in your templates that are completely integrated with your form-backing beans and result bindings, including the use of property editors, conversion services and validation error handling.
Display internationalization messages from message files managed by Spring (through the usual MessageSource objects).
Resolve your templates using Spring’s own resource resolution mechanisms.
If you use Spring Boot, you can just use the spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf dependency. It already contains the above two dependencies as well as some others.

How to use a Spring Boot enabled library inside a old-school spring server

tl/dr (How) Is it possible to use a jar library, that uses Spring Boot for configuration in a non Spring Boot (regular old-school Spring) server.
We have the problem, that we have a Spring server, that is from the pre-Boot times and we want to create a new library for it. We would like to use Spring Boot in the library (i.e. #EnableAutoConfiguration for configuration). To include the library we have put an spring.xml into the library that enables component-scan inside the library. The classes inside the library use #EnableAutoConfiguration and #EnableWebSecurity to enable configuration and security.
If we include now the library into our server and import the XML file from the library into the server's XML file, only parts of the configuration are working. The #RequestMappings in the library are working and the interfaces are available. However Spring security fails to register it's default filter chain, leading to ugly errors, where the regular Spring Boot config should already work with AnonymousAuthorizationFilter, etc.
We debugged, that the FilterRegistrationBean in spring security is never configured when running that way (and is, if we are running as a Spring Boot application).
So is there a common way how to deal with Spring Boot enabled libraries inside old-school Spring servers?
Is placing a single XML to enable component-scan in the library and importing this XML inside the main server's XML the correct way to include Spring Boot libraries (and how would be the best way, if the server would use Spring Boot itself)?
Does anyone know of the issue with a missing Spring Security filter chain?
PS: I know that we can add the required filters manually. However if we would do that, we would anyway get rid of Spring Boot completely in the library, so this question mainly aims for how to do it with Spring Boot. Of course if it is the wrong way to enable Spring Boot inside a library, please also mention that :-)

Questions integrating new Groovy template engine with Spring MVC and Spring Boot

As blogged on both Spring 4.1 and Sprig Boot will integrate the new Groovy template engine (,
I wonder the following:
Will Spring provide something like it does with the Spring Forms and Spring Security taglib?
If not what would be best to e.g. render form fields and more importantly form errors?
I think without it it will be a step back to develop a traditional Spring MVC webapp.
The template engine suports something like a BaseTemplate (see where it would be possible to provide custom methods to the template engine.
Related to this:
You can only provdide a single base template, so it will be difficult to include methods from multiple extension points. E.g. Spring Forms, Spring Security and multiple custom extensions like Fontawesome.
Is it possible to set the base template with Spring Boot?
A simple way to expose a lot of the spring specific attributes csrf etc... is to include spring.groovy.template.expose-request-attributes = true in your

Spring Security without spring core?

I have a really simple question, that I just can't find the answer.
If I want to use only Spring Security, do I need Spring core or any other dependency?
In this link, in the bottom I see only spring security jars as dependencies, but still I couldn't get it to work. I only got it to work when I used a lot more of spring jars (core, context, and more).
So, what are the minimal dependencies I need for using Spring Security? All I need is an authorization and authentication framework, and I want as little dependencies as possible.
Thank you!
For every spring extension you need to use Srping core, because every extension is build on top of spring core
