I want to compile and debug the code for PIC18F4455 device.
.lib file is missing in this project code.
Where can I get this PIC18F4455.lib file..? I have searched it in the
'C:Program/Microchip' folder.. But could'nt find it there..
Can anybody help with this..??
Add the definition below to tell the compiler to include the file.
#include <xc.h>
If you are using any other compiler than the Microchip XC compiler, it's suggested you download the latest IDE and latest official compiler.
When building the Windows C++ version of quantlib 1.9.1, I get this error of missing payoffs.hpp. When I browse to the directories, I see payoffs.cpp, but not payoffs.hpp:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'ql/instruments/payoffs.hpp': No such file or directory FittedBondCurve c:\users\administrator\google drive\quantlib-1.9.1\ql\cashflows\conundrumpricer.hpp 27
I also get this for #include <ql/instruments/swap.hpp> [and possibly others]. I am able to build the windows quantlib library ok. Just not the examples.
I just checked the QuantLib 1.9.1 release available from the project downloads (did you get your version from there?) and the files you're looking for are contained in the release zip and tarball. Also, it's pretty weird that you could compile the library without them, so I'd double check if they're there. If they really aren't—well, hard to know how they got displaced; anyway, you can download the release again and replace them. If that doesn't fix the problem (or if they're already there after all), it's possible that you have to fix the include path for the example you're trying to compile. Does it include the QuantLib directory?
I am trying to get some open source C++ code to compile in xcode. It uses the SDL library. I downloaded SDL 2.0 for OS X and installed it and things are working -- but the download didn't seem to include the file SDL_mixer.h -- which is referenced in the code, as shown below.
#include <SDL/SDL_mixer.h>
What happened to this file? Did it get dropped from SDL? What do I do to work around the missing file to get the code working?
SDL Mixer has always been a separate library you have to install next to your SDL.
To fix your problem, download and install the library in such a way that SDL_mixer.h is located in an SDL/ folder of your include paths.
Install the SDL Mixer framework and add a reference to it in your project.
Include the SDL_Mixer.h header like so:
#include <SDL2_Mixer/SDL_Mixer.h>
I have a project that compiles in linux and I am now trying to compile it under MinGw in Windows 7. The project includes the fltk library. When I try to compile, I get the message that the FL/Fl.h file is not found -
GUIWindow.h:5:18: fatal error: FL/Fl.H: No such file or directory
compilation terminated
I downloaded the fltk 1.1 files and extracted them to my desktop. I went into the directory, configured, and compiled the files successfully. So what am I missing here to get this to install? I thought that with #include<>, if the library is installed correctly that it will find the files no matter where they are at. So what else is necessary under MinGw? Any help is appreciated.
Okay well I just cut the FL folder from the fltk folder and put it in MinGw/include. This compiles. If anyone can explain why just having #include works in linux but not in MinGw, I would be grateful.
Neko is a virtual machine for the Haxe languge. I am having some problem with compiling it on win32. The version in question is neko-1.8.1.tar.gz, which can be downloaded from http://nekovm.org/download.
There is a project file \neko-1.8.1\vm\nekovm_dll.vcproj which references gc.lib:
Also, some files, like alloc.c tries to #include "gc/gc.h". Both gc.lib and gc.h are missing from the source package. So, where are these files?
Thanks for your help!
(Please don't tell me that there are precompiled binaries. I don't need them.)
Those files are the references to the garbage collector, which by now is Boehm GC. You can download it from this link. From there you most probably will need to compile it on windows to get gc.dll and gc.lib .
I have a Qt project which uses libqxt. How do I compile it for Windows?
Ok, I compiled it, and it's installed in "C:\Qxt\", but when I try to build my project it still fails with error
..\qlocate\mainwindow.cpp:13:29: error: QxtGlobalShortcut: No such file or directory
I assume I should change the include paths of Qt Creator, but how do I do that?
there's a problem with the headers. Read the complete guide to fixing it here:
just download it from
and run configure.bat