laravel 5 can't find mailjet class in the app folder - laravel-5

I've started learning laravel and try to add mailjet to the RegisterController.php . I have a folder named Mailjet in the app folder with a file named Mailjet.php . This file contains this namespace at the beginning
namespace App\Mailjet;
in the RegisterController
use App\Mailjet\Mailjet;
But I get this error
FatalErrorException in RegisterController.php line 24: Trait 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\App\Mailjet\Mailjet' not found
While it should point to the mailjet folder in the app folder not in the auth folder. So how to fix this to access mailjet from the login, register controllers?

The issue because i added
use App\Mailjet\Mailjet;
inside the class not before it. Sorry about this.


Error message comes when trying to view template using controller

I am new to laravel and use the laravel 9.37v version. I have the following error message.
I created a blade template. I could view that blade template using view but after I tried to view that template using the controller I got this error message.
Target class [PagerConntroller] does not exist
Please check the spelling, if it is correct try to import the controller class in the Route. Im assuming the controller name is PagerConntroller and the function that you need to call is index so your web.php or api.php should be like :
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Controllers\PagerConntroller;
Route::get('view',[PagerConntroller::class, 'index']);
Or else you can use the controllers without importing by simply uncommenting the namespace variable inside app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php line:29 the variable will look like protected $namespace = 'App\\Http\\Controllers'; then your route file should be like
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
If you tried both the ways and still the error persists kindly check your class name and the namespace as well

Laravel / Kakao Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Cache' not found

I try to set up kakao login to my Shopify store, but when I run the test I encountered this message error, what should I do? Thank you
The Cache facade doesn't live in the App\Http\Controllers namespace. If you do not include a use statement at the top of your PHP files for your classes, it is assumed the class does live in the same namespace.
The Laravel Cache facade lives in the Illuminate\Support\Facades namespace so at the top of your KakaoController with your other use statements, add the following:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
You must need to add "use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;" on top of controller, middleware, command, event or blade files.
for example
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
class KaKaoController extends Controller {
or "use \Cache;"

OctoberCMS and BotMan

I want to integrate a chatbot (BotMan version 2.0) into an existing OctoberCMS project , here is what I did till now :
1- I added BotMan to the projct using the following command :
composer require botman/botman
2- I created a routes.php file in the same directory as the plugin.php file
use BotMan\BotMan\BotMan;
use BotMan\BotMan\BotManFactory;
use BotMan\BotMan\Drivers\DriverManager;
//Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/botman', 'BotManController#handle');
//Route::get('/botman/tinker', 'October\Demo\BotManController#tinker');
// Create an instance
$botman = BotManFactory::create($config);
// Give the bot something to listen for.
$botman->hears('hello', function (BotMan $bot) {
$bot->reply('Hello yourself.');
// Start listening
My questions are :
1- Where I have to add the BotManController.php file
2- I tried to add BotManController.php in the same directory as the routes.php file but I get the following error :
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Controller' not found
( and thats because its an OctoberCMS project not Laravel project ... I dont have the App directory )
Can anyone please provide me a solution to that or another way to integrate Botman into OctoberCMS !
First off, read as well as
Secondly, you can put the BotManController file anywhere in your plugin you want as long as you understand PHP namespaces and how to properly reference it where you want to. I would probably recommend putting it in a /classes/ directory under your plugin folder, and then changing the App\Http\Controllers\Controller reference to instead reference the base Illuminate\Routing\Controller class. You could also put it in a /controllers/ directory, but in OctoberCMS that is typically reserved for your backend controllers so I wouldn't recommend mixing the two.

Routes for accessing controllers inside vendor folder of laravel

I have LfmController.php of tswaler laravel-filemanager package with folder structure such as project\vendor\tsawler\laravel-filemanager\src\controllers\LfmController.php.
I used route as Route::get('/laravel-filemanager', 'Tsawler\Laravelfilemanager\controllers\LfmController#show'); for accessing that controller's show() method.But it gives:
ReflectionException in Container.php line 737:
Class App\Http\Controllers\Tsawler\Laravelfilemanager\controllers\LfmController does not exist error.This worked in my previous project but it now doesn't work on current project.What should be route structure to access controller inside vendor folder,like above?How to debug this kind of issue?
You should add '\' in the beginning of the controller namespace:
Route::get('/laravel-filemanager', '\Tsawler\Laravelfilemanager\controllers\LfmController#show');
By default, routes.php assumes your controller is in 'App\Http\Controllers' namespace but adding '\' will cause it to look in the root namespace.
In my case I forgot to set 'use_package_routes' to false in the config/lfm.php to enable my custom routes.

Laravel 4 class not found error

I'm getting an error that a class (a controller) is not being found. Thing is, it is found in my local development environment. I created the controller with php artisan controller:make CssController --path=app/controllers/home.
I renamed the class (not the file) Home_CssController. I added the route:
Route::get('home/css-php', 'Home_CssController#index');
to my routes file. Everything works fine in my local environment. I did forget to run composer dump-autoload but there were no issues with viewing the controller/view in my local environment. I've uploaded everything to the live server, but I'm getting the error:
Class Home_CssController does not exist
I've uploaded the controller, the routes file and the view multiple times. But I still get the error. Is it because the controller wasn't registered with composer? I've since registered it, but am not sure what I need to upload to the server. I've uploaded both the config and bootstrap folders. What do I need to do to get the controller/view to be found? This is Laravel 4.
If the controller isn't in the app/controllers folder, then it will need to be namespaced (unless you want to continue using your autoload.php trick).
Namespace Home_CssController to Home.
<?php namespace Home;
class CssController extends \BaseController
Then, you can use it in your routes:
Route::get('home/css-php', 'Home\CssController#index');
