Chef recipe gives error as undefined method 'split' - ruby

I am using this code in my Chef recipe. It works fine with all the other existing servers, however it doesn't work well with my new server:
user_array = node
node['user']['user_array_node_attr'].split("/").each do |hash_key|
user_array = user_array.send(:[], hash_key)
It returns an error:
FATAL: NoMethodError: undefined method 'split' for nil:NilClass

You don't have any value in
node['user']['user_array_node_attr'] #=> nil
You can check for the presence
node['user']['user_array_node_attr'].present? && node['user']['user_array_node_attr'].split("/").each do |hash_key|
user_array = user_array.send(:[], hash_key)


undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass ruby

i am a newbie in ruby... I'm trying to convert media into a scorm package using what i found on github but i got an error while trying to run the script in the command prompt undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass. I guess it may be due to a defined method. any idea on how i can remove this error ?
dir = ARGV.shift.gsub(/\/+$/, '')
index = nil
media = []
Dir["#{dir}/media/*.json"].each do |file|
id = JSON.parse(
base = file.gsub(/\/media\/.*\.json$/, '')
index = "#{base}/index.html"
name = File.basename file
media.push [name,id]
puts "#{name}: #{id}"
As the error says, you are calling the method gsub on an object that is an instance of NilClass, in other words you are calling gsub on nil.
The error message tells you in which method and on which line this happens and how you got to that line of code. You will have to examine the error message to find the place in your code where you are calling gsub on an object that is nil, then you have to examine your code to find out why that object is nil instead of a String as you expect it to.

undefined method constantize in rake task

I'm trying to run this code"
FACTORY = %w(ProcessedTransaction Chargeback).freeze
FACTORY.constantize.each do |factory|
But I get this error: NoMethodError: undefined methodconstantize' for #`
Do you know how I can solve the issue?
In ruby uppercased variables are constants by default so you can't call constantize on it. In your case it's just an array so this should work:
FACTORY = %w(ProcessedTransaction Chargeback).freeze
FACTORY.each do |factory|
You can call String#constantize only on strings but you are calling it on array FACTORY.
Remove FACTORY.constantize and add factory.constantize.public_send(:delete_all)
Also make sure you have ActiveSupport::Inflector required

Ruby - Error: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

So, I'm new to Ruby and I'm trying to install this photo gallery to my Jekyll blog. However, when I'm trying to run
jekyll build
I get this error message:
Liquid Exception: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass in photography/index.html
jekyll 3.7.2 | Error: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
With --trace it points me to:
/Users/hal9000/Desktop/Plommonstop/_plugins/jekyll-exiftag-mod.rb:18:in `render': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
But now I don't understand how to proceed. jekyll-exiftag-mod looks like this:
require 'exifr/jpeg'
#Based on by Beni Buess (MIT License)
#Edited to work as a Liquid-Block instead of a Liquid-Tag, reads the filename from between the
#brackets. --T.Winter
module Jekyll
class ExifTag < Liquid::Block
def initialize(tag_name, params, token)
#args = self.split_params(params)
def render(context)
#abort context.registers[:site].config['source'].inspect
sources =[:site].config['exiftag']['sources'])
# first param is the exif tag
tag = #args[0]
# if a second parameter is passed, use it as a possible img source
if #args.count > 1
# the image can be passed as the third parameter
img = super
# first check if the given img is already the path
if File.exist?(img)
file_name = img
# then start testing with the sources from _config.yml
source = sources.shift
file_name = File.join(context.registers[:site].config['source'], source, img)
end until File.exist?(file_name) or sources.count == 0
# try it and return empty string on failure
exif = EXIFR::JPEG::new(file_name)
return tag.split('.').inject(exif){|o,m| o.send(m)}
def split_params(params)
Liquid::Template.register_tag('exiftag', Jekyll::ExifTag)
With row 18:
sources =[:site].config['exiftag']['sources'])
What does it mean with "Undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass?" And what exactly is making this problem occur?
The error could simply mean that you have not set ['exiftag']['sources'] in your config file.
Your config file should have something similar to below (entry1 and entry2 are just examples):
- entry1
- entry2
Do note, indentation is important in YAML as well..

Ruby 2.1 and mislav-will_paginate 2.3.10 shows ERROR: NoMethodError: undefined method `paginate'

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here, I installed Ruby 2.1, Sequel-4.26.0 gem and mislav-will_paginate-2.3.10 gem, but when i try to use the paginate function, i keep getting the following error:
#user = User.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 2)
Error message:
"ERROR: NoMethodError: undefined method `paginate' for #"
Most likely paginate is a dataset method, not a class method (this is true for Sequel's pagination extension, not sure about will_paginate). If you want User.paginate to work:
def User.paginate(*args)

NoMethodError in Rails app

I am new to Rails (using 3.2.9) and get a NoMethodError I don't know how to fix. Can anyone help, please?
A NoMethodError occurred in trade_plans#update:
undefined method `[]' for false:FalseClass
app/models/trade_plan.rb:96:in `symbol_is_valid'
And this is line 96 in trade_plan.rb:
if(data[:last_trade_price_only] == "N/A" || data[:last_trade_price_only].blank?)
Any ideas why this error occurs and how to fix it?
Thanks :)
That's probably because your local variable data has the value false instead of being an instance of Hash.
Since you are trying to call the method [] on the object false, it raises a NoMethodError because false does not respond to [].
