MEAN install not working - mean-stack

I am not sure why my MEAN install is not working. I am trying to get a test page on localhost:3000 for a class that I am taking. here is a screenshot of my terminal:
my terminal

Your must be install yeoman to install and create a MeanJS project.
The scaffolding tool (you may have already installed it as it is part of the Yeoman tool set). To globally install yo, you will need to use npm:
$ npm install -g yo
Install the generator, with:
$ npm install -g generator-meanjs
Finnaly, create a project
$ yo meanjs
I noticed you're trying to use mean-cli. Taking into account that you included the meanjs tag, I will respond based on this.
Well, you do not specify what mean framework you're using, I think Mean.IO is that.


Can I install Remix without using npx or npm?

I don't have permission to use npx on the shared server I'm using. Can I manually install react and remix?
If it's possible, where can I find instructions to do so?
You can just install create-remix manually, then execute the cli directly.
$ npm install create-remix
$ ./node_modules/.bin/create-remix my-remix-project

I need help for REACT in windows

Today i installed react in my pc with windows, i had to install chocolaley, i didnt like this, but no problem, i installed chocolaley. Now, when i want to create a app (in the powershell of windows) using the command meteor install my_app the Meteor is so slow, and the instalation dont finish, the message that show all the time is meteor loading package standard-minified css I need hellp, and now i cant use linux or OSX. I have to tried the solution but i cant now.
Try npm cache clean --force to clear your npm cache then install meteor again

How can I set up a mean stack app with which uses angular 1.4 and bower?

I want to code an app in angular 1.4 and for that I came across the best scaffolding tool presently.But when i downloaded it,i got webpack and tons of various unfamiliar stuff.Please tell me how i can download a app which uses angular 1.4 or if not then a nice scaffolding tool for angular 1.4 and steps to install it.That would be a great help !
Thanks in advance.
What you can do is head over to the Github page for the framekwork at this link Github version 0.7.0. From there take a look at the read me and scroll follow the instructions.
You'll need to install mongo database on your machine and make sure its running each time you want to run your application. Here is a good link, follow it step by step. MongoDB install - windows
Then you will have to have the latest version of node.js installed. It can be installed here. node js download
You will also need to install the latest version of Git to your machine. It can be installed here Git download
Once the above are done, you will need to navigate to a directory on your computer using the command prompt/terminal and type the following commands. I suggest you go to C:\Users\YourName
npm install -g npm
npm update -g
npm install -g mean-cli
npm install -g bower
They will take some time so be patient.
Then type this command to clone the boilerplate code to your machine
mean init <yourAppTitle>
When that is done change directories into the project folder you just made like this
cd yourAppTitle
Then inside this folder type the following commands to install to your project
npm install
bower install
You may see some warning signs/errors and you can ignore them for now and proceed.
Finally, type this command inside your project folder - this will start your app. Remember to have mongodb running simultaneously or this will not work
Head over to your browser and type in localhost:3000
You should see the boilerplate code.
If you cannot get working you can try installing a different angular scaffold here - angular scaffold. Read through the readme file and you will see steps to install the angular scaffold

When performing a global install of Gulp, should you install "gulp" or "gulp-cli"?

The Gulp github page says to run
npm install --global gulp-cli
but nearly every tutorial I've come across says to run
npm install -g gulp
Is there any substantial difference between the two options?
They are two different modules, gulp is intended to be installed locally for the project, and gulp-cli globally, this allows you to use different versions of gulp for different projects.
It's mostly a legacy thing, in the past there were no gulp-cli. The gulp team got more knowledge and decided to split it up.
It's recommended to use gulp-cli globally, and gulp locally.
And the Getting Started documentation also prompts you, to delete any globally installed gulp module.
There is no difference between --global and -g the latter is just a shorthand flag.

Grunt installed but not working - "Command not found" on Mavericks

I'm trying to use grunt with sass and have been following these guides:
Intsalled node.js
Installed the command-line version of grunt: sudo npm install -g grunt -cli
Added the path from the grunt installer to my bash profile: export PATH=/usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt/bin:$PATH
Made the profile an executable: source ~/.bash_profile
Setup package.json and Gruntfile.js files in my project root
Installed grunt into the project: cd /path/to/project/root/ and sudo npm install
But when I try to run grunt I see: command not found
It's the same if I run: grunt --version
I wasn't sure if the bash path needs /bin on the end as per the blog posted above but have tried it both ways:
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt/ and /usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt/bin/
I've also run the grunt installer several times but didn't see any errors so am positive it's installed - can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I'm running OSX mavericks incase this is the issue.
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
You have a typo in your command. The package is named grunt-cli without the space.
Update the command to:
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
And all should work as expected.
Hope this solution also might be helpful to someone. In my case it was a bit trickier.
In command line type the following command
npm install grunt-cli -g
This will show you the location where the grun client is installed:
Copy this location and paste it into a file browser. Was this in my case.
This will open you the location of a grunt file.
Click on the address line of the location and copy it as a text clicking on the right mouse button.
Now go to the Advanced properties of the system at control panel, and paste this address into a System variables and user variables without deleting the other variables.
I was having a very similar issue, hopefully this helps.
1) You want to check where node and npm are actually installed. If you used a package manager, such as Homebrew or MacPorts, there may be an issue with the location. Just use the downloadable installer from node.js website. Make sure to use the current version, not the long term support (LTS). The installer will install node and npm in /usr/local/bin, which should already be in your PATH. If you already have node/npm installed you can use which node and which npm to see where they are currently located. You should see /usr/local/bin/node and /usr/local/bin/npm, respectively. You will need to update npm after installing with npm update -g npm. This may require sudo.
2) Once node and npm are correctly installed/updated go to the project's root directory (where you have the Gruntfile.js and package.json) and install Grunt using npm install grunt --save-dev. Remember that Grunt After doing so you should see a new folder called node_modules.
3) Make sure to do the previous step before installing the CLI. You can use Grunt's getting started documentation to help guide you the rest of the way. Just be aware that the instructions for installing Grunt are further down the page than installing the CLI, which makes it somewhat confusing. When Grunt and Grunt-CLI are installed run npm install and run grunt in the command line to execute your Gruntfile.js.
You should now be able to see the versions installed. Note that if you are outside of a project's root directory you will not see a version of Grunt but you will see the Grunt-CLI version. This is because the CLI was installed globally (used from any directory/subdirectory) but Grunt is installed on a per-project basis.
Hopefully this helps!
I just ran into this scenario as well. The following worked for me:
Try deleting C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Roaming/npm and C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Roaming/npm-cache (if it exists) and reinstalling global npm modules.
I had to add this to the PATH (on a Mac after brew install node ):
export NPM_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/node/6.3.1/libexec/npm
The npm install was not effective, no matter what args I passed to it.
