maven profile based and non-profile based plugin execution - maven

I have pom.xml with the following contents.
... some exec-maven-plugin entries
... some exec-maven-plugin entries
... some more (but common for all) exec-maven-plugin entries
Only one of the profile P1 or P2 is activated from command line. But whatever the selected profile, it is expected that plugins in the common section (i.e., the build section outsides the profiles) should also execute. It is also expected that the plugins both in the profile and the common section get executed in the order of configured phase.
Now the build works with maven2 but fails with maven3. I have not been to able to debug this exactly.
With Maven3, would this work as expected?
In what order would the plugins get executed?
Or is it only the selected profile that alone builds?
UPDATE: The common build does get executed. There were conflicting execution IDs in common and in one of the profile. So it failed.

You need something like this:
.. executed for with -PP1
.. executed for with -PP2
.. executed with no profile
.. executed for in all cases.


Spring boot change pom configuration with active profile

I was trying to change configuration of the pom based on the active profile (dev, test, qa, prod). but every time it was calling the default one (prod)
I have given the profile info in VM arguments in intellij
arguments :
Decleration (in POM.xml)
<currentRegion>run build_dev</currentRegion>
<currentRegion>run build_test</currentRegion>
<currentRegion>run build_qa</currentRegion>
<currentRegion>run build_prod</currentRegion>
Usage(in POM.xml)
Every time, this is retuning run build_prod (the default one)
Actually i have combined the spring boot and angular for some testing purpose and i want to run the angular on environment with different environment.ts file , when i hardcode the arguments in pom like run build_dev/test it works file , i want to automate it arguments based on the active profile .
Any Suggestions/Solution is highly appreciated.

setting active profile defined in parent pom in project pom

We have a corporate wide Super Pom we use to define many of the defaults we use. For example, the Super Pom defines what version of the JDK to use, and other parameters. This is inherited by our projects as the parent pom.
Most of our projects use JDK 1.7, but one set of projects is still on version JDK 1.6. I've put the following profile definitions in my parent pom:
Now, I have a profile called jdk1.6 and I'd like to specify in the project's pom that it should use this one by default. How do I do this?
I've tried adding into the project's pom:
But that redefines my jdk1.6 profile.
I've tried putting in this:
But that only works in settings.xml.
How do I specify a profile in the parent pom, and then say that this is the active profile in the child pom?
More Attempts
I've tried using properties. In my parent pom.xml:
And the following in my local pom:
But, it doesn't pick up the profile. And, this does work:
$ mvn -Puse-jdk1.6 clean package site
So, I know that the parent profiles do work.
Could you add yours profile details exectuing goal help:all-profiles
[INFO] Listing Profiles for Project: xxxx
Profile Id: artifactory (Active: true , Source: settings.xml)
Profile Id: jdk1.6 (Active: false , Source: pom)
Profile Id: arse-version (Active: false , Source: pom)
Profile Id: urge (Active: false , Source: pom)
I can activate jdk1.6 from the command line. I just want to activate it as the default in my child poms.
That's me screaming.
I found the issue and why this wasn't working.
In my parent pom, I had the following:
<!-- This isn't doing what I think -->
In my child pom, I had this:
And, it appeared that setting the use-jdk1.6 property just wasn't working. However, that wasn't the case. I was setting the profile.
What happens is if I have the system property javac.source and set, it overrides the configuration of the maven-compiler-pluing (even though I had explicitly set <source> and <target> not to use version 1.7).
So, I spent six hours on this issue before I realized it was due to me setting a property named javac.source rather than something like java-version.

How to configure Clover license location in Maven and Jenkins

I know how to Clover in Maven (in local Eclipse or Jenkins), the problem is it's not a good idea to ask everyone put clover license in the same directory. Is there any suggestion for it?
I think use Maven parameter to pass the variable is possible, but I need to set it in every project in Jenkins. And if I change the file in Jenkins server, I need to modify every project.
See How to configure your clover.license for advice here. I recommend the suggestion to "Set up your .m2/settings.xml file", so you can define that property once:
<!-- You can define the path to a license file: -->
<!-- Or you can embed license key (remember to keep newline characters): -->

Calling profile of a child module from profile defined in parent POM

I have the following profile in parent POM :
Now in my child POM of module2 I have the following profile :
My requirement is that from the parent POM profile, instead of referring "module2", I want to refer to profile "module2profile".
I need this because in my module2 I am creating 2 different war files (one that is created normally while the other is created by "module2profile").

maven3 detect maven version for plugin - fails to activate other default profiles

I have a need to detect if a user is using mvn2 or mvn3 in my parent pom in order to load the proper plugin version. I followed the recommendation from here :
The detection mechanism works great - however, my other profiles that are activatedByDefaul do not get picked up anymore.
Super pom look like below:
<!-- This employs that the basedir expression is only recognized by Maven 3.x (see MNG-2363) -->
when I run mvn help:active-profiles with mvn3 --> only maven-3 profile get listed. If I use mvn2, profile-1 is rightfully listed.
*Edit * : as it turns out, its actually well documented here :
This profile will automatically be active for all builds unless another profile in the same POM is activated using one of the previously described methods. All profiles that are active by default are automatically deactivated when a profile in the POM is activated on the command line or through its activation config.
My question is now then : what work around would you recommend to have profile1 activated by default and profile 2 activated if -P profile2, while maven-3 profile activated if maven3 is used?
So far I haven't found anything better than just:
where dummy is some kind of stupid variable name that you won't use for sure.
