Google Cloud Build timing out - google-cloud-build

I have a Google Cloud Build build that times out after 10 min, 3 sec. Is there a way to extend that timeout?
The build status is set to "Build failed (timeout)" and I'm okay with it taking longer than 10 minutes.

In cloudbuild.yaml you have to add something like timeout: 660s.
- name: ''
args: [ 'build', '-t', '[PRODUCT_ID]/[CONTAINER_IMAGE]', '.' ]
timeout: 660s

If you defined your build using a cloudbuild.yaml, you can just set the timeout field; see the full definition of a Build Resource in the documentation.
If you are using the gcloud CLI, it takes a --timeout flag; try gcloud builds submit --help for details.
Example: gcloud builds submit --timeout=900s ...


Pass "What went wrong" Gradle error message to another Job in Azure Pipelines

Context: performing Android instrumentation (UI) tests with Azure Pipelines.
There are 2 jobs: one does the testing (launches an emulator and runs the tests), and the other job reports an error, if the previous job fails for some reason.
I have the following simple setup in my Azure Pipelines:
- job: SmokeTesting
displayName: Smoke testing
timeoutInMinutes: 60
vmImage: 'macOS-latest'
- script: meta/ launch_avd
displayName: Launch AVD
workingDirectory: ''
- task: Gradle#2
displayName: Run smoke tests
workingDirectory: ''
gradleWrapperFile: 'gradlew'
publishJUnitResults: true
tasks: ':app:connectedAndroidTest'
- job: ReportFailure
displayName: Report failure
- SmokeTesting
condition: or(failed(), canceled())
- script: meta/ report_smoke_tests_error
workingDirectory: ''
BUILD_ID: $(Build.BuildId)
It all works as expected: if there is an error, the second job is run. In this case, the log in Azure Pipelines Web contains very useful information, that I would like to have access to in the second job:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:stripDebugDebugSymbols'.
> No version of NDK matched the requested version 22.0.7026061. Versions available locally: 18.1.5063045, 21.3.6528147, 21.3.6528147
How do I get "What went wrong" message in my second job?
My idea is to use multi-stage variable to record the message in the first job, and then use it in the second one. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to get this message in the first place.
As a workaround, you can use the Build Timeline api to get detailed build information. The api response contains the property issues, you can check the results there if there is an errors.{org}/{pro}/_apis/build/builds/3838/timeline/?api-version=6.0
If the issues does not contain the error message you want, you can retrieve the content related to Gradle#2 task in the response body. Obtain the log url according to the property log.
By calling this log url, you can get the log of Gradle#2 task, and then parse the log to get the desired message.

Unable to deploy pre built image in app engine standard environment (GCP)

My spring boot application was working fine in cloud build & deployed without any issue till September.
Now my trigger fails in gcloud app deploy.
Step #4: ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: Deployment cannot use a pre-built image. Pre-built images are only allowed in the App Engine Flexible Environment.
runtime: java11
env: standard
service: service
- url: /.*
script: this field is required, but ignored
# backend deployment
# Step 1:
- name: maven:3-jdk-14
entrypoint: mvn
dir: 'service'
args: ["test"]
# Step 2:
- name: maven:3-jdk-14
entrypoint: mvn
dir: 'service'
args: ["clean", "install", "-Dmaven.test.skip=true"]
# Step 3:
- name: docker
dir: 'service'
args: ["build", "-t", "", "."]
# Step 4:
- name: ""
args: ["push", ""]
# Step 5:
- name: ''
dir: 'service/src/main/appengine'
args: ['app', 'deploy', ""]
timeout: "30m0s"
# Step 6:
# dispatch.yaml deployment
- name: ""
dir: 'service/src/main/appengine'
args: ["app", "deploy", "dispatch.yaml"]
timeout: "30m0s"
timeout: "100m0s"
images: [""]
Cloud build error
Thanks in advance. Im confused how my build was working fine before & what am i doing wrong now.
You can't deploy custom container on App Engine standard. You have to provide your code and the environment runtime. Then Buildpack is used to create a standard container on Google Side (for information, a new Cloud Build job is ran for this) and deployed on App Engine.
I recommend you to have a look to Cloud Run to use your custom container. It's very close to App Engine (and even better on many points!) and very customizable.
What your cloudbuild.yaml comment's refer to as Step 5 corresponds to the Step #4 in the error because system begins numbering steps from 0.
The error message is accurate; App Engine standard (!) differs from App Engine flexible in that the latter (flexible) permits container image deployments. App Engine standard deploys from sources.
See Google's example.
It's possible that something has changed Google's side that's causing the issue but, the env: standard in your app.yaml suggests the build file has changed.

Storing Artifacts From a Failed Build

I am running some screen diffing tests in one of my Cloud Build steps. The tests produce png files that I would like to view after the build, but it appears to upload artifacts on successful builds.
If my test fail, the process exits with a non-zero code, which results in this error:
ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
Which further results in another error
ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) build a22d1ab5-c996-49fe-a782-a74481ad5c2a completed with status "FAILURE"
And no artifacts get uploaded.
I added || true after my tests, so it exits successfully, and the artifacts get uploaded.
I want to:
A) Confirm that this behavior is expected
B) Know if there is a way to upload artifacts even if a step fails
Here is my cloudbuild.yaml
machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_32'
timeout: 3000s
- name: ''
entrypoint: bash
- -x # print commands as they are being executed
- -c # run the following command...
- build/test/smoke/
location: 'gs://cloudbuild-artifacts/$BUILD_ID'
paths: [
Google Cloud Build doesn't allow us to upload artifacts (or run some steps ) if a build step fails. This is the expected behavior.
There is an already feature request created in Public Issue Tracker to allow us to run some steps even though the build has finished or failed. Please feel free to star it to get all the related updates on this issue.
A workaround per now is as you mentioned using || true after the tests or use || exit 0 as mentioned in this Github issue.

Google Cloud Build - How to Cache Bazel?

I recently started using Cloud Build with Bazel.
So I have a basic cloudbuild.yaml
- id: 'run unit tests'
args: ['test', '//...']
which runs all tests of my Bazel project.
But as you can see from this screenshot, every build takes around 4 minutes, although I haven't touched any code which would affect my tests.
Locally running the tests for the first time takes about 1 minute. But running the tests a second time, with the help of Bazels cache, it takes only a few seconds.
So my goal is to use the Bazel cache with Google Cloud Build
As suggested by Thierry Falvo I'v looked into those recommendations. An thus I tried to the add the following to my cloudbuild.yaml:
- name:
args: ['cp', 'gs://cents-ideas-build-cache/bazel-bin', 'bazel-bin']
- id: 'run unit tests'
args: ['test', '//...']
- name:
args: ['cp', 'bazel-bin', 'gs://cents-ideas-build-cache/bazel-bin']
Although I created the bucket and folder, I get this error:
CommandException: No URLs matched
I think that rather than cache discrete results (artifacts), you want to use GCS (cloud storage) as a bazel remote cache.
- name:
args: ['test', '--remote_cache=<bucketname>', '--google_default_credentials', '--test_output=errors', '//...'] 0.5 slack no longer working

We had slack notification working in 0.4 just fine, but since we updated to 0.5 I can't get it working despite trying out the documentation.
Before, it was like this
build and deploy stuff...
webhook_url: $$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL
channel: continuous_integratio
username: drone
You can see here that I used the $$ to reference the special drone config file of old.
Now my latest attempt looks like this
build and deploy stuff...
image: plugins/slack
channel: continuous_integratio
username: drone
According to the documentation slack is now indented within the pipeline (previously build) level.
I tried changing slack out for notify like it was before, used the SLACK_WEBHOOK secret only via the drone cli and there where other things I attempted as well.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
This is an (almost exact) yaml I am using with slack notification enabled with the exception that I've masked the credentials
image: golang
- go build
- go test
image: plugins/slack
status: [ success, failure ]
There is unfortunately nothing in your example that jumps out, perhaps with the exception of the channel name having a typo (although I'm not sure if that represents your real yaml configuration or not)
If you are attempting to use secrets (via the cli) you need to make sure you sign your yaml file and commit the signature file to your repository. You can then reference your secret in the yaml similar to 0.4 but with a slightly different syntax:
image: golang
- go build
- go test
image: plugins/slack
webhook: ${SLACK_WEBHOOK}
status: [ success, failure ]
You can read more about secrets at
You can also invoke the plugin directly from the command line to help test different input values. This can help with debugging. See
The issue was that in 0.4 the notify plugin was located outside the scope of the pipeline (then build) and now since 0.5 its located inside the pipeline. This combined with the fact that when a pipeline fails it quits the scope immediately, which means the slack (then notify) step never get's reached at all anymore.
The solution to this is to just explicitly tell it to execute the step on failure with the when command:
status: [ success, failure ]
This is actually mentioned in the getting-started guide, though, but I didn't go through till the end as I was aiming to quickly get it up and running and didn't worry about what I considered to be edge cases.
