- Core Package is missing - mean-stack

I used to get started with a MEAN Stack app, but after the mean init, there is no core directory under the packages directory.
Under the packages, there is only the custom folder.


Import existing modules in the VS code plugin extension

We're developing a VS Code extensions web plugin using Typescript. We already have a company provided component, which is downloaded in the node_modules folder. But when I'm referring those modules, the application does not start:
How can I use those components in my plugin extension.
From the web view standpoint, there's no Node.js, no VS Code, node_modules or anything you have in the extension you are writing. The content of the web view must be fully self contained. You have to use a bundler (like webpack) to create JS bundles of your application you want to show in the web view, which includes all the source code of the referenced 3rd party libraries.

Using Angular libraries in Nativescript code sharing project

I'm trying to migrate an Angular app to a shared codebase with Nativescript using the new #nativescript/schematics, however, I'm having problems importing my Angular library when building the mobile version of the app. I used the angular-cli to create the library (ng generate library).
For the web version, all I had to do was build the library separately using ng build library-name which then allowed me to import it into the main application.
How can I build a mobile version of the library that can be imported into the main application when running tns run ios --bundle? I've already migrated the components and module of the library with appropriate *.tns files.
Any help is appreciated
I had the same problem. Nativescript cli do not have this feature where we can build an angular library into npm package and use it in other projects.
I tried a workaround and it worked for me. Write a script to copy all of your project files into another directory and replace all *.tns.ts, *tns.html and *.tns.scss. files with *.ts, *.html and *.scss respectively. Then build these files using regular ng command. You can add a build configuration for the same in angular.json file to build from the copied directory. I hope it helps.
I'm sorry this is just a hyperlink answer but the space required to answer this, in my opinion, is way too large. I just finished finalizing a repo I've been working on to do exactly this. I have a whole slew of angular web libraries that I now want to make available for use on mobile using NativeScript. I have put everything I have learned so far into this repo and I hope it helps you too.
Thanks for the final push/idea #Rohit, a script for doing what he suggests is in the test-lib/gulpfile.js of this repo.

XCode 8.2.1 error - No such module YouTubePlayer

I am using
First I've tried to import it manually from everywhere include dropping, copyng, embed framewordks, embedded binaries, linked frameworks, but it was unsuccessfully with error message No such module YouTubePlayer
Next I used cocoapods. Install it and run it from .xcworkspace. Then try to run it and again error message No such module YoutubePlayer
This is list tree directories after pod install
Maybe this is the solution, but I don't know where is repo and how to do the described action.
The reason why its failing with cocoapod is because the pod written is in old swift version. So, unless until we don't compile the pod successfully, we can't import that. You can change the old swift code to new using :
Xcode->Edit->Convert->To Current Swift Syntax
Also you can use the latest release and build the framework from the repo you mentioned:
I downloaded the latest release and created the youTubePlayer framework and linked it to a sample app and able to import it.
Please check this link for the sample app which is having YouTubePlayer framework as well which you can use in your own project.

Sitecore 8.1: Glass.Mapper & Razor

Running a new site on Sitecore 8.1 - installed and setup Glass.Mapper but I cannot use calls such as #RenderImage - it's complaining that i'm missing the reference to Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc, which I have already.
The following are the Nuget modules installed for Glass.Mapper:
Castle Windsor
I have it installed on another instance of Sitecore (7.5) - an older version of Glass.Mapper, but I've noticed that the Nuget packages do not exist anymore.
Any ideas?
BoC.Glass.Mapper is a fork of Glass Mapper, and I believe it has not been updated to V4. Remove it (and any configs that it added or deployed) and start again I say. Just add the Glass.Mapper.Sc nuget package will add in the correct dependencies and is compatible with Sitecore 8.1.
Just to be doubly sure, this is the correct version:
Make sure you have Sitecore.Kernel and System.Web.Mvc referenced in your project since there is a post-install step in the nuget package that adds the correct versions of Glass dlls to your project.
To make things simpler V4 uses a Powershell script to decided which
references to add to your project, it checks both the Sitecore.Kernel
version and the System.Web.Mvc version and then installs the
appropriate Glass.Mapper.Sc and Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc assembly.
With regards to #RenderImage, either inherit your view from GlassView<> or better to use the extension methods, e.g. #Html.Glass().RenderImage().
More info here:

Where is Laravel's core?

I understand this is Laravel's core, but when you want to create a Laravel application you need download this, create a project via composer, or whatever.
This question might be stupid, but, where is the actual core in a Laravel project? Meaning that I can't browse through the application's folder to find it, whereas I am pretty sure I could do it in other frameworks such as CodeIgniter, core folder maybe?.
So where is the kernel? How is all linked so that the application works?
When you composer install, it downloads it to this directory:
