How to detect some pattern with grep -f on a file in terminal, and extract those lines without the pattern - bash

I'm on mac terminal.
I have a txt file with one column with 9 IDs, allofthem.txt, where every ID starts with ¨rs¨:
Also, I have another txt file, useful.txt, with those IDs that were useful in an analysis I did. It looks the same, one column with several rows of IDs, but with less IDS, only 5.
Problem:I want to generate a new txt file with the non-useful ones (the ones that appear in allofthem.txt but not in useful.txt).
I want to do the inverse of:
grep -f useful.txt allofthem.txt
I want to use some systematic way of deleting all the IDs in useful and obtain a file with the remaining ones. Maybe with awk or sed, but I can´t see it. Can you help me, please? Thanks in advance!
Desired output:

-v option does the inverse for you:
grep -vxf useful.txt allofthem.txt > remaining.txt
-x option matches the whole line in allofthem.txt, not parts.
As #hek2mgl rightly pointed out, you need -F if you want to treat the content of useful.txt as strings and not patterns:
grep -vxFf useful.txt allofthem.txt > remaining.txt
Make sure your files have no leading or trailing white spaces - they could affect the results.

I recommend to use awk:
awk 'FNR==NR{patterns[$0];next} $0 in patterns' useful.txt allofthem.txt
FNR==NR is true as long as we are reading useful.txt. We create an index in patterns for every line of useful.txt. next stops further processing.
$0 in patterns runs, because of the previous next statement, on every line of allofthem.txt. It checks for every line of that file if it is a key in patterns. If that checks evaluates to true awk will print that line.


Remove multiple sequences from fasta file

I have a text file of character sequences that consist of two lines: a header, and the sequence itself in the following line. The structure of the file is as follow:
In an other file I have a list of headers of sequences that I would like to remove, like this:
The idea is to remove these sequences from the first file, so all these headers+the following line. I did it using sed like the following,
while read line; do sed -i "/$line/,+1d" first_file.txt; done < second_file.txt
It works but takes quite long since I am loading the whole file several times with sed, and it is quite big. Any idea on how I could speed up this process?
The question you have is easy to answer but will not help you when you handle generic fasta files. Fasta files have a sequence header followed by one or multiple lines which can be concatenated to represent the sequence. The Fasta file-format roughly obeys the following rules:
The description line (defline) or header/identifier line, which begins with <greater-then> character (>), gives a name and/or a unique identifier for the sequence, and may also contain additional information.
Following the description line is the actual sequence itself in a standard one-letter character string. Anything other than a valid character would be ignored (including spaces, tabulators, asterisks, etc...).
The sequence can span multiple lines.
A multiple sequence FASTA format would be obtained by concatenating several single sequence FASTA files in a common file, generally by leaving an empty line in between two subsequent sequences.
Most of the presented methods will fail on a multi-fasta with multi-line sequences
The following will work always:
awk '(NR==FNR) { toRemove[$1]; next }
/^>/ { p=1; for(h in toRemove) if ( h ~ $0) p=0 }
p' headers.txt file.fasta
This is very similar to the answers of EdMorton and Anubahuva but the difference here is that the file headers.txt could contain only a part of the header.
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} $0 in a{c=2} !(c&&c--)' list file
c is how many lines you want to skip starting at the one that just matched. See
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} /^>/{f=($0 in a ? 1 : 0)} !f' list file
f is whether or not the most recently read >... line was found in the target array a[]. f=($0 in a ? 1 : 0) could be abbreviated to just f=($0 in a) but I prefer the ternary expression for clarity.
The first script relies on you knowing how many lines each record is long while the 2nd one relies on every record starting with >. If you know both then which one you use is a style choice.
You may use this awk:
awk 'NR == FNR{seen[$0]; next} /^>/{p = !($0 in seen)} p' hdr.txt details.txt
Create a script with the delete commands from the second file:
sed 's#\(.*\)#/\1/,+1d#' secondFile.txt > commands.sed
Then apply that file to the first
sed -f commands.sed firstFile.txt
This awk might work for you:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]=1;next}a[$0]{getline;next}1' input2 input1
One option is to create a long sed expression:
while read line; do sedcmd+="/^$line\$/,+1d;"; done < second_file.txt
echo "sedcmd:$sedcmd"
sed $sedcmd first_file.txt
This will only read the file once. Note that I added the ^ and $ to the sed pattern (so >header1 doesn't match >header123...)
Using a file (as #daniu suggests) might be better if you have thousands of files, as you risk hitting the command-line maximum count with this method.
try gnu sed,
sed -E ':s $!N;s/\n/\|/;ts ;s~.*~/&/\{N;d\}~' second_file.txt| sed -E -f - first_file.txt
prepend time command to both scripts to compare the speed,
look time while read line;do... and time sed -.... result in my test this is done in less than half time of OP's
This can easily be done with bbtools. The seqs2remove.txt file should be one header per line exactly as they appear in the large.fasta file. in=large.fasta out=kept.fasta names=seqs2remove.txt

Remove a header from a file during parsing

My script gets every .csv file in a dir and writes them into a new file together. It also edits the files such that certain information is written into every row for a all of a file's entries. For instance this file called "trap10c_7C000000395C1641_160110.csv":
"Serial No.","7C000000395C1641"
"High temperature limit (�C)",20.04
"Low temperature limit (�C)",-0.02
"Date - Time","Temperature (�C)"
"8/10/2015 16:00",30.0
"8/10/2015 18:00",26.0
"8/10/2015 20:00",24.5
"8/10/2015 22:00",24.0
Is converted into this format
I use this script to do this:
dos2unix *.csv
gawk '{print FILENAME, $0}' *.csv>>all_master.erin
sed -i 's/Serial No./SerialNo./g' all_master.erin
sed -i 's/ /,/g' all_master.erin
gawk -F, '/"SerialNo."/ {sn = $3}
/"Location:"/ {loc = $3}
/"([0-9]{1,2}\/){2}[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}"/ {lin = $0}
{$0 =loc FS sn FS $0}1' all_master.erin > formatted_log.csv
sed -i 's/\"//g' formatted_log.csv
sed -i '/^,/ d' formatted_log.csv
rm all_master.erin
printf "\nDone\n"
I want to remove the messy header from the formatted_log.csv file. I've tried and failed to use a sed, as it seems to remove things that I don't want to remove. Is sed the best way to approach this problem? The current sed fixes some problems with the header, but I want the header gone entirely. Any lines that say "serial no." and "location" are important and require information. The other lines can be removed entirely.
I suppose you edited your script before posting; as it stands, it will not produce the posted output (all_master.erin should be $(<all_master.erin) except in the first occurrence).
You don’t specify many vital details of the format of your input files, so we must guess them. Here are my guesses:
You ignore the first two lines and the subsequent empty third line.
The 4th and 5th lines are useful, since they provide the serial number and location you want to use in all lines of that file
The 6th, 7th and 8th lines are useless.
For each file, you want to discard the first four lines of the posted output.
With these assumptions, this is how I would modify your script:
dos2unix *.csv
awk -vFS=, -vOFS=, \
FNR>8{gsub(" ",OFS);print l,s,FILENAME,$0}' \
*.csv > formatted_log.CSV
printf "\nDone\n"
Explanation of the awk script:
First we delete all double quotes with gsub("\"",""). Then, if the line number is 4, we set the variable s to the second field, which is the serial number. If the line number is 5, we set the variable l to the second field, which is the location. If the line number is greater than 8, we do two things. First, we execute gsub(" ",OFS) to replace all spaces with the value of the output field separator: this is needed because the intended output makes two separate fields of date and time, which were only one field in the input. Second, we print the line preceded by the values of l, s and FILENAME as requested.
Note that I’m using the (questionable) Unix trick of naming the output file with an all-caps extension .CSV to avoid it being wrongly matched by a subsequent *.csv. A better solution would be to put it in another directory, but I don’t know anything about your directory tree so I suggest you modify the output file name yourself.
You could use awk to remove anything
with less than 3 columns in your final file:
awk 'NF>=3' file

How to pull a value from between 2 strings which occur several times in a file

I am trying to pull the value from inbetween 2 strings and line break each result. I am then hoping to combine this with another value from the same document being pulled the same way. The problem is there are NO linebreaks in this file and it is quite large. Here is an example of the file.
My end result would ideally look something like this.
My closest attemps so far have been creating variables with grep, but I cant seem to format them into a table. Im also very new to scripting so forgive my ignorance.
If your grep supports -P (--Perl-regexp), then you're free to use the below regex.
$ grep -oP '<ID>\K[^<>]*(?=</ID>)|<DNS_NAME>\K[^<>]*(?=</DNS_NAME>)' file | sed 'N;s/\n/-----/g'
\K Discards the previously matched characters from printing.
(?=...) posiitve lookahead assertion which asserts where the match would occur. It won't consume any characters.
Here is an gnu awk (do to multiple characters in RS) to get your data:
awk -v RS="<ID>" -F"<|>" 'NR>1 {print $1"-----"$9}' file

sed delete lines from a logfile that respect numbers in another file

I have a logfile that is starting to grow in size, and I need to remove certain lines that match a given pattern from it. I used grep -nr for extracting the target lines and copied them in a temp file, but I can't figure how can I tell sed to delete those lines from the log file.
I have found something similar here: Delete line from text file with line numbers from another file but this doesn't actually delete the lines, it only prints the wanted output.
Can anyone give me a hint?
Thank you!
I think, what you really need is sed -i '/pattern/d' filename.
But to answer your question:
How to delete lines matching the line numbers from another file:
(Assuming that there are no special characters in the line_numbers file, just numbers one per line...)
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]=1; next}; !(FNR in a)' line_numbers input.log
If you already have a way of printing what you want to standard output, there's no reason why you can't just overwrite the original file. For example, to only print lines that don't match a pattern, you could use:
grep -v 'pattern' original > tmp && mv tmp original
This redirects the output of the grep command to a temporary file, then overwrites the original file. Any other solution that does this "in-place" is only pretending to do so, after all.
There are numerous other ways to do this, using sed as suggested in the comments, or awk:
awk '!/pattern/' original > tmp && mv tmp original
If you want to use sed and your file is growing continuously, then you will have to execute sed -i '/REGEX/d' FILENAME more frequently.
Instead, you can make use of syslog-ng. You just have to edit the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf, wherein you need to create/edit an appropriate filter (somewhat like: f_example { not match(REGEX); }; ), save file, restart the service and you're done.
The messages containing that particular pattern will not be dumped in the log file. In this way, your file would not only stop growing, but also you need not process it periodically using sed or grep.
To remove a line with sed, you can do:
sed "${line}d" <originalLogF >tmpF
If you want remove several lines, you can pass a sed script. Here I delete the first and the second lines:
sed '1d;2d' <originalLogF >tmpF
If your log file is big, you probably have two pass. The first one to generate the sed script in a file, and a second one to apply the sed script. But it will be more efficient to have only one pass if you be able to recognize the pattern directly (and do not use "${line}d" at all). See Tom Fenech or anishsane answers, I think it is what you really need.
By the way you have to preserve the inode (not only the file name) because most of logger keep the file opened. So the final command (if you don't use sed -i) should be:
cat tmpF >originalLogF
By the way, the "-i" option (sed) is NOT magic, sed will create a temporary buffer, so if we have concurrent append to the log file, you can loose some lines.

How can I get the SOA serial number from a file with sed?

I store my SOA data for multiple domains in a single file that gets $INCLUDEd by zone files. I've written a small sed script that is supposed to get the serial number, increment it, then re-save the SOA file. It all works properly as long as the SOA file is in the proper format, with the entire record on one line, but it fails as soon as the record gets split into multiple lines.
For example, this works as input data:
# IN SOA dnsserver. ( 2013112202 21600 900 691200 86400 )
But this does not:
# IN SOA dnsserver. (
2013112202 ; Serial number
21600 ; Refresh every day, 86400 is 1 day
900 ; Retry refresh every 15 min
691200 ; Expire every 8 days
86400 ) ; Minimum TTL 1 day
I like comments, and I would like to spread things out. But I need my script to be able to find the serial number so that I can increment it and rewrite the file.
The SED that works on the single line is this:
SOA=$(sed 's/.*#.*SOA[^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//' $SOAfile)
But for multi-line ... I'm a bit lost. I know I can join lines with N, but how do I know if I even need to? Do I need to write separate sed scripts based on some other analysis I do of the original file?
Please help! :-)
I wouldn't use sed for this. While you might be able to brute-force something, it would require a large amount of concentration to come up with it, and it would look like line noise, and so be almost unmaintainable afterwards.
What about this in awk?
The easiest way might be to split your records based on the # character, like so:
SOA=$(awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"} NR==2{print $6}' $SOAfile)
But that will break if you have comments containing # before the uncommented line, or if you have any comments between the # and the serial number. You could make a pipe to avoid these issues...
SOA=$(sed 's/;.*//;/^#/p;1,/^#/d' $SOAfile | awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"} NR==2{print $6}')
It may seem redundant to remove comments and strip the top of the file, but there could be other lines like #include which (however unlikely) could contain your record separator.
Or you could do something like this in pure awk:
SOA=$(awk -v field=6 '/^#/ { if($2=="IN"){field++} for(i=1;i<field;i++){if(i==NF){field=field-NF;getline;i=1}} print $field}' $SOAfile)
Or, broken out for easier reading:
awk -v field=6 '
/^#/ {
if ($2=="IN") {field++;}
for (i=1;i<field;i++) {
if(i==NF) {field=field-NF;getline;i=1;}
print $field; }' $SOAfile
This is flexible enough to handle any line splitting you might have, as it counts to field along multiple lines. It also adjusts the field number based on whether your zone segment contains the optional "IN" keyword.
A pure-sed solution would, instead of counting fields, use the first string of digits after an open bracket after your /^#/, like this:
SOA=$(sed -n '/^#/,/^[^;]*)/H;${;x;s/.*#[^(]*([^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//;p;}' $SOAfile)
Looks like line noise, right? :-) Broken out for easier reading, it looks like this:
/^#/,/^[^;]*)/H # "Hold" the meaningful part of the file...
${ # Once we reach the end...
x # Copy the hold space back to the main buffer
s/.*#[^(]*([^0-9]*// # Remove stuff ahead of the serial
s/[^0-9].*// # Remove stuff after the serial
p # And print.
The idea here is that starting from the first line that begins with #, we copy the file into sed's hold space, then at the end of the file, do some substitutions to strip out all the text up to the serial number, and then after the serial number, and print whatever remains.
All of these work on single line and multi line zone SOA records I've tested with.
You can try the following - it's your original sed program preceded by commands to first read all input lines, if applicable:
SOA=$(sed -e ':a' -e '$!{N;ba' -e '}' -e 's/.*#.*SOA[^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//' \
This form will work with both single- and multi-line input files.
Multi-line input files are first read as a whole before applying the substitutions.
Note: The awkward separate -e options are needed to keep FreeBSD happy with respect to labels and branching commands, which need a literal \n for termination - using separate -e options is a more readable alternative to splicing in literal newlines with $'\n'.
Alternative solution, using awk:
SOA=$(awk -v RS='#' '$1 == "IN" && $2 == "SOA" { print $6 }' "$SOAfile")
Again, this will work with both single- and multi-line record definitions.
The only constraint is that comments must not precede the serial number.
Additionally, if a file contained multiple records, the above would collect ALL serial numbers, separated by a newline each.
Why sed? grep is simplest in this case:
grep -A1 -e '#.*SOA' 1 | grep -oe '[0-9]*'
or: (maybe better):
grep -A1 -e '#.*SOA' 1 | grep 'Serial number' | grep -oe '[0-9]*'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -nr '/# IN SOA/{/[0-9]/!N;s/[^0-9]+([0-9]+).*/\1/p}' file
For lines that contain # IN SOA if the line contains no numbers append the next line. Then extract the first sequence of numbers from the line(s).
