Live Chat for my Xamarin.Forms App - xamarin

I'm developing a Xamarin.Forms app (for iOS and Android) and inside the app I need to introduce a live chat for users interaction. Will only be one-on-one chats, not groups. Just like Airbnb or so many social networks out there.
Is there any free option for what I need? I was thinking on an API based chat, but I don't know which service do I need to grab for my needs.
I would appreciate your suggestions since I don't have any information about this.
Thanks in advance,


3D Avatar Implementation on Botframework V4

I'm searching for knowledge sharing on how to connect a 3D avatar with a bot.
Something like done on Bot Libre .
The implementation can be on WPF, UWP or web.
I'm currently working with Botframework V4.7 and C#.
Thanks in advance,
This will likely require you to build a custom connector to pass your bot's incoming and outgoing activities thru to the Bot Libre system. There are examples out there of connectors/adapters that have been built by 3rd parties, such as this Twilio WhatsApp adapter, this Twitter adapter, or this Alexa adapter if you are planning on building in C#.
Any adapter you build won't need to be as full fledged as these are as you are only designing for what you know you need, and not for the masses.
You will also need to research Bot Libre to see which API endpoints might be relevant to you. You can see a listing of APIs here. Really, this holds true for any service like Bot Libre that you decide to land on.
Hope of help!
It depends on the Channel your bot is deployed on and what does the channel supports. For example if your bot is deployed in Facebook Messenger, you can achieve this by creating a web page that renders a 3D Avatar and using Bot Framework you can send a web_url button from which the user will press and the web page will open up inside of messenger with the rendered avatar.

Which bot framework to use (if any) for a Kik, Facebook, & Slack messaging bot using javascript?

I'm building a chatbot that will need to be launched on Kik, Facebook, and Slack. I'm unsure of where to start in terms of using a bot framework or whether I should create something custom myself.
I don't believe I will need any NLP. The user is going to be pushed down a very structured path, that will use buttons to guide the users to the next prompts and will also share with the user links and media.
Microsoft Bot Framework seems like the main framework I should look at, but its unclear to me how useful it will be if I end up wanting to deliver responses that are custom to each messaging platform. Meaning, on Facebook I may want to take advantage of a custom feature that they have like buttons or templates and on Kik I will want to take advantage of suggested keyboards.
Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.
BotFramework will do the translation for you. Write to the BotFramework schema and it will using buttons for Facebook and keyboards for Kik.

Sinch SDK android Sharing Videos, Audiosm Photos

Am using sinch sdk to create a chat application in my app. It is a group chat app without one to one messages. How do I intergrate sharing multimedia data like videos, audio or photos in my app using sinch?
The sinch SDK is really good at 1on1 messaging, to do broadcast messages one to many is not really what the SDK is designed for. I would look at other solutions like Parse and Layer
According to Sinch! the feature of sending media messages has not been released yet, therefore it only means that you are allowed to send text messages only.
Since, i am also working on a chat kinda thing using Sinch, you might wanna know that a group here can have a max. Of 10 people added to it, so keep that in mind while developing.☺

Windows phone 7 sharing API?

I noticed the other day that when I took a photo on Windows Phone 7.5 I got the option to share it to lots of places, including Evernote and Flickr.
As far as I know these are not standard sharing destinations and have probably been added as sharing options by their respective Apps after I downloaded them.
I have found the API to share a link to some of these services.
What I can't seem to find any info on is how I can share photos and other stuff to ALL of the services that seem to be available to the photo app.
I could do it by using the Evernote/Flickr/etc.. APIs myself, but this would require another OAuth signin for the user for each service, something that would not be required if I could leverage the system sharing options.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for how to do this?
You cannot, as far as I know.
Apps can share to the targets you know - SMS, Email, Social/Link.
The built in photo app, specifically, is extendible in such a way that you can register your app to allow photos to be shared to it.
So, in other words, the only options you have (w/o coding them yourself) are:
Your App -> Email, SMS, Social
Photo -> Your app

How can google analytics be integrated in a desktop application (MAC)..?

Could anyone help or refer how it can be done..I searched over the net and what i felt is that its only for mobile and websites.
It's for websites. Many of the concepts of web analytics (number of pages viewed for example) don't even make any sense on a desktop app, because they're not organized like a web page.
If you want to use Google analytics data from an analytics account Google provides a data export API.
If you want to track your native application then as Catfish_Man (great name btw!) said, it is not really possible. That isn't totally true, as you could fake it, but the paradigm is so different that you would be better off creating you own solution.
You might want to see this library for GA on desktops
Google Analytics doesn't provide a native Mac app integration, but you can use the Measurement Protocol Overview to send raw data to your GA property from your account.
Just create a mobile app property and then start sending raw GA events using HTTP. There are couple Obj-C wrappers available like or
